Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Sölf;199886172 said:
Have you watched Green Green yet? :'D

Long time ago. I have a really fucked up sense of humor so I died laughing.

Hey where's the MMO Girl Is A Real Girl anime in the OP? You know that's gonna be prime for greatness.
Rakugo ACT 1 END

Rakugo in many ways feels like a passion project, like I can feel the care and expertise put into it. As I remarked before, it is an adaptation of a Josei manga set in the Showa era about a dying artform, animated when the obvious choice would be live action. This mixture of oddities it what leaves me to believe that this show was made to satisfy a creative spark and not to pay the bills. I am glad this show is getting a second season because it tells me the staff desire to see this through.

I feel for Kiku. His survivor's guilt over the deaths of Sukeroku and Miyokichi and the slow death of Rakugo as an artform is powerful, as is his anger on the other side of the coin as he feels they abandoned him. He and Sukeroku were supposed to both continue on the legacy of Rakugo in their own ways, but with his sudden death he feels alone. I can also feel for Konatsu, as Kiku is rather cold and distant and even he himself believes he has not been the father figure for her he should have been, seeing his own failures and the failures of Sukeroku/Miyokichi in her which only reinforces her grudge. The conversation between them about "Where did you learn to talk like that?" "From my father "From my mother" was excellent.

Rakugo is a truly special show. There is nothing cynical about it and I am glad I was able to overcome the hump I encountered in the first few episodes because this is one of my favorite shows in years. Even if you do not watch the show, I hope you can at least respect it. It is the kind of show we only get once every few years and the last one was Ping Pong, this is equal to that. I have a lot more to say about Rakugo but I'm having trouble putting it into coherent wording so I'll wait for the rest of it.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable 01

I don't blame you for being hung up on it but don't let one iffy scene ruin your expectations.


Long time ago. I have a really fucked up sense of humor so I died laughing.

Haha, great. xD
Hm, no idea if this season has Harem trash. It probably has. Asterisk Season 2?

That aside, someone had "fun" with Love, Love? in the last thread. That's also quite old by now. And bad. Oh god.


Hundred, Asterix S2 and Netoge no Yome.

Meet you there.


Let's roll.


OMG, I'm reading the summary of Hundred in the chart, and I'm laughing.

Chindogg, you're covered for this season with Netoge and Hundred.


So Kabaneri is Amazon exclusive, or what? I'm not keen on spending more Trump Bucks for yet another streaming service. :-\
TERRAFORMARS REVENGE Episode 1 – The Special Two

My favorite three are back and animated again. I love it and I like the brighter and more colurful look of things. It felt more like a comedy than a serious dark thing in space though, like when one of the girls had a comical scream and such while the roach was on the vehicle. And the joking, great!

KENN voice too!
Rakugo - 13 [Finale]

Kiku, you've grown old :/

The shift back towards modern times made me feel sorry for the rakugo profession. Originally, in the first episode I hardly cared about the state its in. Now of course, after getting invested into rakugo itself but also the legacy of the people associated with it, it was sad to see few occupied seats as well as the rowdiness of the audience. I'd really want to yell at that man. "That's not how you should behave in this place!!"

I didn't expect to not only return but also skip a bunch of years ahead again, where Yotarou became a shin'uchi and Kiku has gotten white hair. Can hardly believe that Matsuda is alive still, but I figure he wasn't quite as old back then as I thought. Well, and then we get an additional time skip ahead with the final shot of the ED.

Can't wait to see more, especially if Yotarou, Konatsu and co. turn out to be equally well written characters in the long run. I'm so happy we get a second season \o/

Easily 9/10. Might be my first anime series to get a 10/10 but I'll have to do a rewatch of it and I'd rather judge this show as a whole when the story is entirely complete.
Rakugo sounds like a good show.

I'l add it to my list of "Things I won't watch unless someone watchbets me for it." alongside From the New World and Shirobako.


I feel I was pretty stubborn for not watching Rakugo while it was airing, the impressions during the season are like the first time I see everyone, even the people with the most eclectic taste(and they are numerous here), constantly praising it. And the ending impressions confirm that, once again. Glad that something like this exist, even if I haven't watched it yet.


Maturity, bitches.
Wait, where Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress?:eek:

Well I posted the list that's in the OP in the last thread for people to edit. Only DTL gave me a suggestion for a change (replacing Kuromukuro with Super Lovers).

This season is massive so I actually increased the slots to try and include more.

I feel I was pretty stubborn for not watching Rakugo while it was airing, the impressions during the season are like the first time I see everyone, even the people with the most eclectic taste(and they are numerous here), constantly praising it. And the ending impressions confirm that, once again. Glad that something like this exist, even if I haven't watched it yet.

I haven't gotten round to watching it either, but quite often I found myself falling behind on shows last season so I thought best not to add more to the pile and just stick to what I had already started.


Dunno how you guys juggle all these shows. Admittedly my memory is awful, but if I watch more than 3 or 4 shows I just completely lose track of what's going on.
Dunno how you guys juggle all these shows. Admittedly my memory is awful, but if I watch more than 3 or 4 shows I just completely lose track of what's going on.

We don't. We drop everything but 2 or 3 at the first sign of something not absolutely perfect about a show.


Oh god, what should I watch?

Ace Attorney is definitely one.

Mayoiga I am contemplating. If it is crazy Okada, I am going to have fun, if it is restrained Okada I am going to get something good, either way I win.

I think I will take Joker Game too due to the premise.

Finally I am definitely continuing with Concrete Revolutio since I liked the first season.


Don't feel pressured and just go at your own pace.
The only one I'll probably check out while it airs is Kabaneri, beyond that I'm just going to do what I usually do which is wait and see which ones get blasted on here and which ones get praised so I don't end up watching something really bad.

We don't. We drop everything but 2 or 3 at the first sign of something not absolutely perfect about a show.
Heh :D


Let's roll.

Oh, don't Sleep on the below short either:

Wagamama High Spec

Even though he's just a student, the protagonist in Wagamama High Spec also happens to be the author of a manga published in a weekly magazine. Since it's mainly an ecchi and romcom type of story, he is actually hiding this fact from most people around him. The only people that know are his younger sister and his best friend.

But then on one day, the student council president happens to find out his secret, just as she was actually looking for a male member to include in the student council. Afraid of having his secret exposed, our protagonist joins the student council under the promise of his secret staying safe.
(episodes will be 5 min “shorts” / based of an VN)

Not sure if anyone picked it up though...
All I'm saying is: I'll watch your modern-day masterpiece in exchange for any of you folks watching say, a masterpiece from a long time ago.

Or perhaps a great show from two years ago that unfortunately is ignored by many, many people.

Granted, the latter is 52 episodes and I would need to watch 1 or 2 other shows to make up for it in addition to Rakugo, but that's just one example.


All I'm saying is: I'll watch your modern-day masterpiece in exchange for any of you folks watching say, a masterpiece from a long time ago.

Or perhaps a great show from two years ago that unfortunately is ignored by many, many people.

Granted, the latter is 52 episodes and I would need to watch 1 or 2 other shows to make up for it in addition to Rakugo, but that's just one example.

What do I need do to watch to make you go through Shigurui ?


Dunno how you guys juggle all these shows. Admittedly my memory is awful, but if I watch more than 3 or 4 shows I just completely lose track of what's going on.

I tend to drop shows at a rapid pace as they disinterest me to the point of a manageable amount.


What are you talking about phaze?

This new Fukuda guy clearly captured the art of the original season well.

It's not like characters look completely differ-oh....oh...nevermind.

That was in all likelyhood the point so I can't be mad really. + He storyboarded Shigurui, I'm sure he could have kept the aesthetic if he wanted too. Weren't most people complaining about it ? I'd guess that's where shift in art comes from. Judging from the few pages of manga i've seen the current look might be the more appropriate one for the series. Still the transition from grey, despair filled S1 to the super colourful, present state is pretty funny.
Rakugo - 13

Jeez, that was a good episode to say goodbye (for now). Very good direction and craftsmanship in this episode, lots of heartfelt moments, with some good scenes visually speaking. The only moment where it was a bit jarring was the jump to the present time, I could have been done with another scene of 5-6 seconds showing the pass of time, but it's a small detail.

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