Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Well now that I going to get comfy on Crunchyroll I am looking forward to following:

Space Patrol Luluco
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (via Amazon)

Hope these will go well, even through I feeling iffy with AA and Kabaneri to a lesser extent.

I might also look at Mayoiga. That would be my limit then heh, unless I drop one of these series.
Hopefully it's a good dub but it's going to be tough topping Gons screams in the later arcs. That and old man netero
when he fights ant King
Has no one posted the Wall of Shame?

Cornbread continues to dominate.

I can already see my name on the top 20 again for this season, with the amount of stuff out and all. Put that together with the fact that I won't be having school, which means that after I'm off work at 4:30, it's fair game... It's gonna be a wonderful Spring/Summer.
Uchuu Patrol Luluco 1

This was so terribly unfunny, that same Inferno Cop SO RANDOM humor I am not interested in.

The only time I smiled is over how forced that fucking exposition breakfast was. Luckily the anime isn't going for the realistic dialogue because jesus she basically read the synopsis of their family life.

The ED was fantastic though. It sounded very similar to the #beatifulthings ED which was fantastic in song. Who's the singer? Love her style.

Just T

Uchuu Patrol Luluco 1

This was so terribly unfunny, that same Inferno Cop SO RANDOM humor I am not interested in.

The only time I smiled is over how forced that fucking exposition breakfast was. Luckily the anime isn't going for the realistic dialogue because jesus she basically read the synopsis of their family life.

The ED was fantastic though. It sounded very similar to the #beatifulthings ED which was fantastic in song. Who's the singer? Love her style.
The ED is sung by Bonjour Suzuki.
Uchuu Patrol Luluco 1

This was so terribly unfunny, that same Inferno Cop SO RANDOM humor I am not interested in.

The only time I smiled is over how forced that fucking exposition breakfast was. Luckily the anime isn't going for the realistic dialogue because jesus she basically read the synopsis of their family life.

The ED was fantastic though. It sounded very similar to the #beatifulthings ED which was fantastic in song. Who's the singer? Love her style.

The ED was sung by Bonjour Suzuki, who also sang the Yuri Kuma Arashi OP, and composed by Teddyloid of Panty and Stocking fame.


Black Jack OVA 3

Hazama's quite the hunk, quite the lady's man. Im starting to wonder what the hell does he do with all the money he extorts from people?

A bit squeamish with the surgery scenes they were excruciatingly detailed. All around the violence was very OTT, severed limbs, bullets caught in teeth etc like holy shit.


Terra Formars S2 E1

Wow, worse downgrade than the Witcher 3. I watched this show for two things: the gritty high quality art and the amusing narrator, this episode had none of that so I'll probably drop it :/


Space Patrol Luluco

Not perfect, but good. In its execution, it reminded me somewhat of Kill la Kill episode 4, my secret favorite episode. I'll definitely watch more.
2 Ushio 2 Tora ep 1


That OP was metal as fuck dawg, shit! More anime with rock/metal OPs plz. The ED was fantastic too.

Fantastic opening, didn't realize how much I missed this. And probably how everybody will ignore it besides a few of us in this thread (if at all). Looking forward to more, this opening arc/episode of memory loss is great. The soundtrack and art was on point. MM MMM finger licking good action animu.

Tora so tsun tsun~

The ED is sung by Bonjour Suzuki.

The ED was sung by Bonjour Suzuki, who also sang the Yuri Kuma Arashi OP, and composed by Teddyloid of Panty and Stocking fame.

Thanks guys


sealed with a kiss
Diamond is not Crash ep1

Josuke is a lot more likeable than i was expecting

otherwise this was jojo as usual

get hype
Daisuki posted a subbed version of the Concrete Revolutio: Last Song PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK_DigM11HY

get hype


Anyway, that final line from Jiro basically confirms that he thinks of himself as a superhuman/hero now. In the process, he also rejects his coworker's and exgirlfriend's claim that he's just a normal person.



Anyway, that final line from Jiro basically confirms that he thinks of himself as a superhuman/hero now. In the process, he also rejects his coworker's and exgirlfriend's claim that he's just a normal person.

He claims it more than anyone. In the first ep and the 11th ep,he's pretty emphatic about being just this normal dude without any real powers.


Elfen Lied ep.6
So childhood friend got her
finally from Khota, but what is this, Lucy is the one that
caused his accident in the past, maybe
also, what was up with that freaky temple? That place is coming back later..
Rakugo 13 (END)

Wonderful, fantastic show. You dont see stuff like this so often, so I'm ecstatic its getting another season. I cant express what I love about this show as eloquently as others but I just cant help but love the characters.

Man those revelations and that cliffhanger. I hope Konatsu has a happy ending.


Can't wait for season 2 of Rakugo Shinjuu! Definitely the AotS for Winter.

On a different note, having watched the new Jojo's, I really like the style it has. Josuke is so much more likable than Jotaro so far it's ridiculous. Still don't like him as much as Joesph, but the anime has only started out so he still has time.
Whats it about?

I'm fucking around btw, it's not Arrested Development level but it's a solid shonen action series that has been as enjoyable as it is over the great chemistry/relationship the two lead characters have.

Basically a student finds a legendary weapon and uses it to transform into adult Gon to fight demons alongside is tsundere demon cat sidekick.

The OP and ED is tight as fuck too

Just T

Rakugo: 13

What a place to leave off at, glad the second season already got confirmed. No reason to think so but
hope the father of Konatsu's child isn't Yotaro's friend.

To keep it short and sweet, this was an incredible anime that took me by surprise with it's nicely crafted storytelling and intricate characters that were so compelling to watch. With visuals that added a fitting flair for the standout moments.
Well I posted the list that's in the OP in the last thread for people to edit. Only DTL gave me a suggestion for a change (replacing Kuromukuro with Super Lovers).

This season is massive so I actually increased the slots to try and include more.

I haven't gotten round to watching it either, but quite often I found myself falling behind on shows last season so I thought best not to add more to the pile and just stick to what I had already started.

Well you should not care DTL's suggestion at all lol.


I mean uhm. It's promotional material for Final Fantasy XV I don't know what else to tell you. It follows Sasuke and his friends during shit that wouldn't fit the game entirely.

But I mean is it trash or worth watching?

I want to play FFXV
on PC
so this might be worth a watch?
I'm fucking around btw, it's not Arrested Development level but it's a solid shonen action series that has been as enjoyable as it is over the great chemistry/relationship the two lead characters have.

Basically a student finds a legendary weapon and uses it to transform into adult Gon to fight demons alongside is tsundere demon cat sidekick.

The OP and ED is tight as fuck too

Oh nice. Need a new shonen to watch in between random Naruto episodes. I'll give this a shot.


Mayoiga #1

That was quite a lot of intros heh. I honestly was starting to get tired by the end, but there was this nice kind of suspense feel to it. Creepy yet amusing so far, and well I expect a joyful series from the director of Blood-C and Again.XD Think I continue looking at this some more then.


I'm fucking around btw, it's not Arrested Development level but it's a solid shonen action series that has been as enjoyable as it is over the great chemistry/relationship the two lead characters have.

Basically a student finds a legendary weapon and uses it to transform into adult Gon to fight demons alongside is tsundere demon cat sidekick.

The OP and ED is tight as fuck too


Nah, I'm good, thanks.

Is that a threat?

TUSR has the means to do it. Watch out.


Wait, are they making a second cour for the show?

I feel bad for Saya because she would be the best ship, but as the childhood friend, she has already lost. Not that Coconuts constantly staring at Hotoru's tits wasn'ta dead giveaway..

Oh well, it doesn't matter, there's no shipping in the show anyhow; it's a straight SoL/ comedy about Japanese candy we've never heard of.

In the manga Kokonotsu also stares constantly at Saya's ass and legs. The chapter where he specifically addresses it is where the origin of the camera panning up Saya during the OP comes from.

Just T


All those introductions and only a couple stuck. There are some insufferable characters in this cast.


Mayoiga Episode 1:

So I am hoping the reason why they have presented us with about 30 characters ranging from bland to intolerable is that we end up cheering for their inevitable bloody demises. I hope they start with the little shithead they are trying to pass off as a sort of MC. Basically this show is already on thin fucking ice with me.
The Lost Village Episode 1

Well this was better than I had imagined it to be, I wonder if death will happen since Mistumune had that bomb basketball in his hand at one random point. Other wise kind of funny at times
though scary when bus driver was about to lose it and they were about to slam into the mountain

Mitsumune and Speedstar are the best characters. Toshiboy is nice too as well as Jack too.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Space Patrol Luluco 01
If there were supposed to be jokes none of them really hit in a way that was even amusing. When your premise is set up around the world being wacky and filled with aliens there's a pretty strong dissonance when a billion corners are cut to make it really flat and colorless. Maybe this will improve now that everything's set up, but the only thing in this episode that had any draw was the ED.


Mayoiga 1

Well, this definitely feels like another horror-comedy from Mizushima.

The premise makes a lot more sense after watching this episode. It's thirty people who signed up for a bus tour buried in the depths of the internet so they could start their lives over in a legendary ghost town. Why has this town remained undiscovered so long? Who knows. But the online connection that drew everyone onto this tour means that everybody is referring to themselves by their online handles. Thus, we are blessed with some incredible names.




Unfortunately, none of these people seem to be major characters.

The first five minutes or so are entirely self-introductions from everyone in the cast, with characters all across the spectrum from well-adjusted to deeply disturbed. It's a lot to take in, but as the episode goes along it's clear that only five or six characters really matter at this point. It's not exactly an eventful episode, but it does enough to establish that some of the seemingly-normal characters aren't exactly how they portray themselves, and that things are probably going to get violent one way or another eventually.

There's enough absurdity within the cast that you can't take it too seriously, but even so it still manages to build a pretty unsettling mood sometimes. As I said, if you've been on the Mizushima Express before, you know what you're getting into. And if you haven't, why not see what it's like?

Best characters: Rapper, Narna (the one who brought candy), the couple.
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