STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Meh, it would have done better if it launched 6mo-1year later while talking about if, if and more if. Let's hope this trend of releasing on PC alongside consoles doesn't keep up, wouldn't want to see devs going under because of all those sales they end up missing on.

im very confused by this post lol
I'm guessing releasing alongside consoles panned out for Bamco:


Owners: 578,661 ± 18,174

That's what, at least 20 M$ in revenue day one?

That's totally impressive.
It's almost half the number of Fallout 4, and most other AAA games couldn't even reach that number. Dark Souls is not a niche franchise anymore.


That new Nier Trailer doesn't really show anything, but it is still getting me hyped AF. OH LORD I DONT WANT TO WAIT

I'm guessing releasing alongside consoles panned out for Bamco:


Owners: 578,661 ± 18,174

That's what, at least 20 M$ in revenue day one?

PC gaming is deader than dead. #RIP


Wasn't this supposed to be the last Dark Souls game?

thats the idea

from will prolly explore new ips with similar design sensibilities, like bloodborne, but bamco published

tho who knows, maybe they meant "last dark souls from us" and bamco will outsource the series out or something


I'm surprised Sunset Overdrive hasn't come to PC. The game actually meets many of the same criteria as the other third party games that were ported to PC earlier (Ryse, DR3, Tomb Raider,etc).

It's possible Microsoft locked them up for a sequel.

That new Nier Trailer doesn't really show anything, but it is still getting me hyped AF. OH LORD I DONT WANT TO WAIT

One of these days a Nier trailer will have a PC logo at the end, then we can get hyped.


I'm surprised Sunset Overdrive hasn't come to PC. The game actually meets many of the same criteria as the other third party games that were ported to PC earlier (Ryse, DR3, Tomb Raider,etc).

It's possible Microsoft locked them up for a sequel.

Isn't it just a case of Insomniac being anti-PC?
Alternatively, sales of Slow Down, Bull have not been as great as they hoped to be.


Randomly or only if you've pre-ordered it?

Completely random as long as you have applied for the beta in your account management. It doesn't matter if you applied day 1 or day 500, chances are really high you won't get into the beta. Well, until the open beta next month.


For Code Veronica I mean a simple port like RE4.
RE4 and CV were released pretty much at the same time on console, the PS3 version of CV is much better than DC one, Capcom should simply port that one.
How is it much better then the DC version? That's the only version I've played, are we talking more then just a resolution increase?

I'd likely get it if it came to PC regardless.


I'm surprised Sunset Overdrive hasn't come to PC. The game actually meets many of the same criteria as the other third party games that were ported to PC earlier (Ryse, DR3, Tomb Raider,etc).

Yeah I figured we would of seen Sunset Overdrive on Steam by now.


Ok after hundred hours I'm starting to feel like I might be done with Stardew Valley... I still want to play it but I'm surprised how much of an ending completing the community center felt. Will probably go back and finished some of the things in the game, try and get more achievements.

I know it's early but I have really hard time seeing any other game topping that one this year.

Started to try out Enter the Gungeon and seems great, feels like the game I wanted Nuclear Throne to be.

I know! yet steamgaf stubbornly refuses to play this year's goty, most of steamgaf anyway, I even stopped posting daily play Stardew Valley posts, because no effect that I can see.
It doesn't make sense, as usual

I'm guessing releasing alongside consoles panned out for Bamco:[/IMG
Owners: 578,661 ± 18,174

That's what, at least 20 M$ in revenue day one?[/QUOTE]

yet Trails...

[SPOILER]these are very nice numbers indeed[/SPOILER]

[quote="Atraveller, post: 201119110"]He will forever be the thumb up guy in my eyes.[/QUOTE]

are you implying he is not or something?


That NX rumor thread is pretty crazy. Insiders or wtvr are saying the NX is gonna sport an 14nm polaris chip. That is gonna be one powerful ass Nintendo console if true.


That NX rumor thread is pretty crazy. Insiders or wtvr are saying the NX is gonna sport an 14nm polaris chip. That is gonna be one powerful ass Nintendo console if true.

The Vulkan rumour seems accurate. Only a few months ago the latest Vulkan presentation added Nintendo to the Vulkan working group. Previously they had joined the Khronos group, but being part of the Vulkan working group is relatively new. So it either connects to their Android work, NX or both. Sony is also a part of that Vulkan group, and similarly it isn't clear what they will apply it to. It was mentioned coyly by a guy from Valve at the original Vulkan announcement, when asked about Vulkan coming to consoles, that he couldn't speak for them but "outlook good".


Someone bumped the Nekro kickstarter thread, and got me curious about the game. Looks like it's been abandoned. Been removed from Steam, looks like some sort of rift in the development team cratered development.
That NX rumor thread is pretty crazy. Insiders or wtvr are saying the NX is gonna sport an 14nm polaris chip. That is gonna be one powerful ass Nintendo console if true.

I find it difficult to believe that Nintendo (or any of the console manufacturers) would go with unproven, cutting edge tech. And out of all them, Nintendo is the least likely to push for more horsepower. It's an enticing rumor to be sure but I'll be surprised if it comes true.


M doesn't namco own the Dark Souls IP? It's probably the last game from FROM. But namco will probably get their own team to do new ganes.
I'm guessing releasing alongside consoles panned out for Bamco:


Owners: 578,661 ± 18,174

That's what, at least 20 M$ in revenue day one?

Same day and date release means success. I'm shocked. Someone call god damn Square-Enix :")

578k at full price in 3 days. I'm not really wrong when I see SE is missing out at least 500k to 1 million of sales on Steam at full price, by missing the console release.


Same day and date release means success. I'm shocked. Someone call god damn Square-Enix :")

578k at full price in 3 days. I'm not really wrong when I see SE is missing out at least 500k to 1 million of sales on Steam at full price, by missing the console release.

Can you blame them though? Porting XV to PC would cost money and they're already strapped as it is, making a movie and anime episodes.


Same day and date release means success. I'm shocked. Someone call god damn Square-Enix :")

578k at full price in 3 days. I'm not really wrong when I see SE is missing out at least 500k to 1 million of sales on Steam at full price, by missing the console release.

Well, they do need 15 million sales to make a profit, so that 500k is pretty much insignificant to them.


I know! yet steamgaf stubbornly refuses to play this year's goty, most of steamgaf anyway, I even stopped posting daily play Stardew Valley posts, because no effect that I can see.
It doesn't make sense, as usual

Ah yeah, hopefully people do give it a try when the first sale hits. While I do encourage everyone to pick it up right now, it's very cheap for what one gets!


I find it difficult to believe that Nintendo (or any of the console manufacturers) would go with unproven, cutting edge tech. And out of all them, Nintendo is the least likely to push for more horsepower. It's an enticing rumor to be sure but I'll be surprised if it comes true.

Nintendo needs to swing for the fences if they want to attract core gamers again. WIiU was like the worst selling console of all time. They can't have another misstep like that. If they do they will lose their last remaining fans.


More DLC data from Steamspy (no idea why some are showing up):

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening DLC Pack   -    192,437 ±10,487
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Metal Sonic DLC Pack     -       172,054 ±9,916
Crazy Machines 2: Invaders From Space, 2nd Wave DLC    -       24,878 ±3,771
Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO BattleMat Multi-Player DLC    -    12,139 ±2,634
Waste Walkers Digital Deluxe Edition DLC  -    1,049 ±774
The WTCC 2010 Pack     -   159,914 ±9,560
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse Pack  -   56,352 ±5,676
F-777 Song Pack    -     1,124 ±801
Crypt of the Necrodancer Soundtrack   -    59,199 ±5,818
Crypt of the NecroDancer Extended Soundtrack    -    59,050 ±5,810
Shelter 2 Soundtrack   -   13,638 ±2,792
Darkness Assault - Soundtrack   -    5,095 ±1,707
Albert and Otto - Original Soundtrack   -   5,395 ±1,756
Rainbow Six Siege - Ruby Weapon Skin  -   1,348 ±878
Microcosmum: survival of cells - Random levels    -     4,945 ±1,681
Microcosmum: survival of cells - Colors for organisms    -     3,297 ±1,373
Hero Siege - Wrath of Mevius   -    42,114 ±4,907
Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies - Dragon Set   -   1,049 ±774
ArcheBlade: All Access   -    15,287 ±2,956
GT Power Expansion   -    165,160 ±9,716
The Retro Expansion   -    163,961 ±9,680
X Rebirth: Home of Light   -    18,284 ±3,233
So, the other day I helped out people as a summon in Farron's Keep & Cathedral of Deep. Many of whom I guided all the way from the first bonfire up to beating the bosses. The hosts were thankful I could tell by their emotes.
The surprising thing is, right after helping a person, I got a friend-invite. Didn't look like a bot, so I accepted. he promptly wrote me that he was one of the hosts I helped. How is it possible for a person to find me like that through a game like Dark Souls where multiplayer interaction/information is so "masked"??
Any chance we'll get the new Nier on PC?
Maybe in the nier future...
I don't question these, just thank my lucky stars it aint me.
Same. *Knocks on wood

i was looking through my dks1 screenshots and found this one from anor londo

anyone remember what that place is supposed to be?

reminds me of some stuff from dks3, not really sure if it's in the game so i don't think this is a spoiler, just some speculation
Dude. Dude! That's the Duke's Archives!
I'm guessing releasing alongside consoles panned out for Bamco:


Owners: 578,661 ± 18,174

That's what, at least 20 M$ in revenue day one?
Despite the Souls series console-only beginning, nowadays when thinking about the franchise it's a "very PC" game series for me. Maybe it's the many mods and their screens I saw so much. not surprised by the success. It's a fabulous game!
I'm surprised Sunset Overdrive hasn't come to PC. The game actually meets many of the same criteria as the other third party games that were ported to PC earlier (Ryse, DR3, Tomb Raider,etc).

It's possible Microsoft locked them up for a sequel.
Yep. After Quantum Break, I'm surprised Sunset Overdrive is not coming. Maybe they need more time to port among all their other projects.


Nintendo needs to swing for the fences if they want to attract core gamers again. WIiU was like the worst selling console of all time. They can't have another misstep like that. If they do they will lose their last remaining fans.

Without getting too much into ancient history or obscurity, the Dreamcast and Sega Saturn both sold worse, not that that means Nintendo has nothing to worry about, considering how that story ended for Sega.
So, the other day I helped out people as a summon in Farron's Keep & Cathedral of Deep. Many of whom I guided all the way from the first bonfire up to beating the bosses. The hosts were thankful I could tell by their emotes.
The surprising thing is, right after helping a person, I got a friend-invite. Didn't look like a bot, so I accepted. he promptly wrote me that he was one of the hosts I helped. How is it possible for a person to find me like that through a game like Dark Souls where multiplayer interaction/information is so "masked"??.

Go to manage friends and then the "recently played with" tab?
I am pretty sure, probably read something wrong, but, back in the day someone at Insomniac, don't know if it was Ted or not said "We don't want to do PC releases." or something to that affect.

Makes sense, considering that they only release stuff that most people wouldn't buy, and withhold their more popular releases.
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