Melty Blood: Current Code |OT| So that's where those Saltybet characters came from!


New patch

ArcSystemWorks said:
The following issues have been addressed and fixed as of the current update:

- Added countermeasures to prevent the game from freezing/crashing during Network play.
- Added countermeasures to ease up the matchmaking.
- Fixed issue where the game crashes when the user has a profile name containing certain special characters.
- Fixed issue where rankings after the 30th place do not display properly.
- Fixed issue where the Player Match room names do not scroll properly.

Also, we have taken heed of the following issues and are working our best to fix them in the fastest time possible. We seek for your kind patience.
- Disconnections in Network play.
- Constant "up" input issue for certain controller setups
- Certain computer AI do not perform as expected

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Alright Melty players I got a lot of ground to cover. So far I've played Ciel and her triple sword chucking fun and Nero and his unspellable name loving deer tossing greatness.

Who should I play as next?


Alright Melty players I got a lot of ground to cover. So far I've played Ciel and her triple sword chucking fun and Nero and his unspellable name loving deer tossing greatness.

Who should I play as next?

Shiki Ryougi, of course. Then the Maids, 'cause that shit is hilariously OP.


That's wonderful! Guess I need to work on my Miyako.

On a side note I always felt it was a missed opportunity that we never got SHIKI.

That's great to hear.

edit: Should this support a 360 TE fightstick? I can't get it to work.

I don't think so. I had to switch Xinput off on my TE2 to get my stick to work.


There was a bit of a controversy with some random changes found between the original PC release and the Steam release... and it turns out that the Steam release may actually be correct??? I'm now kind of ashamed that I never picked up on that (but, in my defense, no one else did either).

MadScientist tweeted that Melty steam is getting rollback integration :eek:

I never would have predicted ArcSys to actually agree to doing that in a million years. What the crap.

That's great to hear.

edit: Should this support a 360 TE fightstick? I can't get it to work.
The Steam version has native XInput support. I actually have to put my PS360+ stick in X360 mode for it to work properly, as the game handles the board really weirdly in DInput mode (it somehow ended up double-binding my E and Pause buttons... not fun).
The Steam version has native XInput support. I actually have to put my PS360+ stick in X360 mode for it to work properly, as the game handles the board really weirdly in DInput mode (it somehow ended up double-binding my E and Pause buttons... not fun).

strange, it wasnt working with my 360 stick at all. switched to my PS3 VSHG and it works fine.

i'm sure everything will correct itself on reboot lol


I never would have predicted ArcSys to actually agree to doing that in a million years. What the crap.

I didn't really expect anything of substance to come out of this but I am so glad to be proven wrong.

The ArcSys team responsible for their recent Steam efforts has done really commendable work so far though. Shini is very active in the game's forums and replies to a lot of questions and the games get supported through patches for a long time after release. They even patched up the former mess that was the DotEmu Battle Fantasia port so that the steam version of that game is now a good version of that game.
Super excited for rollback. And apparently the differences were corrections? lol, glad to hear that after a patch or two that this will be the definitive version. It's a fantastic game.


Oh wow, Melty's getting rollback netplay? That's amazing. I can't wait.

The current netplay implementation is... well, pretty bad, for a game like Melty anyway. It might work better on a slower paced game. But when you try to tk Ribbons into a BnB and you find yourself whiffing because of the delay buffer, all that's left is suffering.


What about the translation?

It's not perfect - actually there are a bunch of typos and the translations are somewhat blunt and ignore lines sometimes (Like, you'll hear a character monologue for like 10~20 seconds and there's only "It's fine." in the dialogue box). Akiha, Warachia and Sion's names sometimes aren't consistent with the script either.

But it's not entirely inaccurate or anything. It could be much worse. Hopefully they'll patch it or something in the future.


I caught another mistake in Len arcade mode.

It had words being repeated in a sentence. Some occasional weird sentences or grammar. Otherwise it's readable

Was more wondering if they're aware and have any intention of patching it. (lol fighting game story, I know)

Huh, that article seems pretty favorable in regards to the localization...


Nice font, too.
Is there a chance that Boss Rush mode from PS2 could be officially re-implemented? (Using those leftover assets everyone says is still in the game)

Everyone needs to fight Giant Akiha once.


Is there a chance that Boss Rush mode from PS2 could be officially re-implemented? (Using those leftover assets everyone says is still in the game)

Everyone needs to fight Giant Akiha once.

I'm pretty sure G-Akiha was NOT in Actress Again to begin with in any version. You're probably thinking of Re-Act.

Edit: Oh. Nevermind. She did make a comeback in the PS2 release.


It's interesting. G-Akiha's redrawn artwork is significantly more detailed then the standard character sprites. Shame they never updated them.
C-Satsuki is so damn tough to use lol. Just gonna stick with half-moon for now. I can actually pull off the combos and I like her anti-air super to air-combo a lot, even if I really like the command grabs from crescent more.


C-Satsuki is so damn tough to use lol. Just gonna stick with half-moon for now. I can actually pull off the combos and I like her anti-air super to air-combo a lot, even if I really like the command grabs from crescent more.

You don't wanna play basketball? Dunk on your enemies?


Unconfirmed Member
Thinking on maining C-­PCiel, thoughts?
Imo she's not new player friendly at all but all of her combos do 5k+ and her pressure is super good in the corner. No one else moves like her in neutral (garbage back dashes, air movement, and dash startup) so you also won't necessarily be able to transfer what you learn to other characters if you want to play someone else later.
So, how tough is this to get in to for someone who's really only played Smash? Figure I could use a real-er fighting game for once, and I suppose I could use an entry into Type-Moon stuff.

Also how's the XInput support? I'd rather not use my keyboard.
So, how tough is this to get in to for someone who's really only played Smash? Figure I could use a real-er fighting game for once, and I suppose I could use an entry into Type-Moon stuff.

Also how's the XInput support? I'd rather not use my keyboard.

Well, Melty has smash style dodges so you'll be right at home!

For real though, I don't play enough smash to know what it's execution barrier is, but Melty's barrier of execution is much smaller than I thought it'd be. Combos are still tough to hit consistently, but I find it easier to hit then something like SF4 due to the easier motions and looser links. Just watch some guides and high level play and hit the training room and you'll be able to get the general idea of it fairly quickly.

As for XInput support, can't really say since I use a PS3/4 TE2 and just switch it to PS3 while I play, but I hear it works for others.


Well this is BEAUTIFUL
my home net connection has been dead for a week and my ISP is slow as fuck to send a techy over to fix it.
I just want to Melty, people

Young Magus

Junior Member
* Why is Nanaya Shiki so based?
* Is there a moon BEST for Rushdown and any Rekka characters?
* Why the OST so good?
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