NPD Sales Results for April 2016 [Sony, MS, & Nintendo refuse to comment on hardware]


Infamous did almost 500k in his first month. It's much better than 150k. But yeah it's not 5-6 milion seller , same for KZ ( which sold more than 2.1 ML as January 2014 ).

Right, I mean, I think it's actually been getting a lot *worse* for those kinds of games over time.

Guerrilla is now working on an open world RPG for example, which is a very big genre, but also has less established competitors than the FPS genre.

It's not entirely clear what Sucker Punch is doing at the moment, but they did resize the entire studio to work in pre-production for quite a while before hiring back up for whatever their new idea is. I don't think Sony actually made a bad decision on that front since they probably assessed that a straightforward Infamous 4 was unlikely to do anywhere near that.

That's part of why I predicted Quantum Break to do worse than The Order even though it seems to be a higher quality product with a better developer legacy, since it was releasing a year later.


Right, I mean, I think it's actually been getting a lot *worse* for those kinds of games over time.

Guerrilla is now working on an open world RPG for example, which is a very big genre, but also has less established competitors than the FPS genre.

It's not entirely clear what Sucker Punch is doing at the moment, but they did resize the entire studio to work in pre-production for quite a while before hiring back up for whatever their new idea is.

That's part of why I predicted Quantum Break to do worse than The Order even though it seems to be a higher quality product with a better developer legacy, since it was releasing a year later.

I agree with you. I think Sony understood that both SP and GG needed new ideas to be competitive in today market. That's why GG is working on an action open world.
Quoting myself from ages ago...

Definitely a vestige of last-gen "AAA" style. Remedy probably isn't long for this world if its next game doubles down on this transmedia bullshit.
The Order, Mighty No. 9, and now this are all monuments to the fallacy that a fun gimmick or a bunch of tie-ins will justify the existence of the game they're associated with rather than the other way around.

I know it's hard when all publishers care about nowadays are shared cross-media universes and long-tail franchise potential, but make a good game first and all that other stuff will follow.


shows you how marketing and hype works. Resistance is easily in the top 20 or 10 of worst FPS I have ever played (for various reasons)
While the first game is really good and I have still yet to play 3...
I really enjoyed R1 when it came out. It was a fun FPS with coop.

R2 was disappointing but it's been so long I couldn't tell you why. The first game was still good for its time though, even if it's old hat now. Even Halo is old hat now.


shows you how marketing and hype works. Resistance is easily in the top 20 or 10 of worst FPS I have ever played (for various reasons)
While the first game is really good and I have still yet to play 3...

Resistance first month is much lower because was a launch tittle and PS3 was very supply constrained at that time, but sold more than 1 million. The game became the flagship of early PS3 life.
I don't EVER get the doom and gloom. I apologize for my nonsensical thought pattern :p

EDIT: I'm exhausted and I can't tell if this is snark or not. Forgive me ;)

My point is that during NO month should it be all Doom and Gloom nor Everything is Great.

Console market right now is (always) just shades of gray.

It's the extremes that become so annoying.
I really enjoyed R1 when it came out. It was a fun FPS with coop.

R2 was disappointing but it's been so long I couldn't tell you why. The first game was still good for its time though, even if it's old hat now. Even Halo is old hat now.

Because level design gets super muddy and terrible. AI only shoots at you and your team mates are basically ghosts. It becomes super bad in level design and encounters though, down right crap.. I had to force myself through it. Feels like a different game/team or something.

resistance 1 is a lot of Halo honestly, similar vibe in some of it's levels and encounters (nades etc)

If GG or Insom ever does another FPS, I really hope its more Deus Ex or Half life like with emphasis put on levels and objectives
My point is that during NO month should it be all Doom and Gloom nor Everything is Great.

Console market right now is (always) just shades of gray.

It's the extremes that become so annoying.

Ah, I understand. Well, I like to think I'm not extreme, but at the same time, I'm certainly in the "Sky isn't falling, everything will be ok, stop panicking" camp.


Insomniac needs to try putting SO on ps4 to see how the audience there resonates, maybe xbox was not the right audience. I'm not port begging.
Depends on contracts and who owns the IP. If MS has it sealed then it's never gonna happen. If not then I'm sure they'd be tempted. Can't imagine it would be a hard port going to higher spec with simpler memory architecture. game would probably only need modest sales to recoup cost and maybe add some profit.
What's the end game? If you are the top dog in the console market you might sell 100-150 million units. How much money is that going to make you compared to the cost it takes to accomplish that feat? Now compare that number to other divisions within your company. I have owned every single Xbox console and will continue to support them as long as I am into gaming but I am not sure it has ever made sense for MS. The battle for the living room simply does not exist anymore.

Yeah good point.
Feel you are grasping and trying to make a point where there isn't one

360 did a lot more than ok, especially compared to "ps2, xbox" no one could say it was a wrong move unless you have some other idea behind it other than business.

xbox sold something like 20 something million in its life time and 360 is over 80. So, where did it not work? took out the huge difference between ps2 and xbox.

No, i'm not talking about what worked for the 360. The 360 is a tremendous success for the industry itself, especially with all of the system features it streamlined. However, after the initial attempts in the first 4-5 years of the 360's lifecycle in attempting to siphon away some of the niche marketshare the PS platform has built-up over the decades (we saw this whenever MS locked down or outright published/developed non-western titles, or when they worked with 3rd parties to ensure the Xbox was not skipped as a platform), we saw MS turn away from focusing on diversifying their platform's audience base and instead focused on the Kinect.

Had the PS3 launched both in the same quarter as the 360, and at a better price as the PS3 did, there is no doubt the 360's early success would've been mitigated to a large degree. Heck, even in terms of figures, when we launch align the two console's sales, we see how the WW audience kept the PS3 in the race & it kept the platform relevant in the eyes of 3rd party.

The end result of all this is a platform where, no matter how well it can manage to sell in the US & UK, the delta in WW sales, and the non-efforts in extending the niche audience for software genres in the markets they are successful in, have resulted in sub-par new IP launches as well as a 2:1 lead for its biggest competitor, even though they've been sold underpriced for a year & a half now.
I like how people can still say this in the face of a damn near confirmed console revision and possible new console.

Huh? What rumor are you talking about? Phil saying he wants to go big with a next console instead of the iterative approach despite the fact that there are also rumors of the iterative approach.

Point is you really think this dude would give any indication of them exiting the console business with a viable product out?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Maybe Remedy can jump ship to Sony? Nintendo too but I say Sony first because thats where I would more than likely play their games on if MS dont back them anymore.


Star Fox made it, that's unexpected with all the people I saw trashing it.

Good thing, I'm glad because I really liked it, hopefully this is not the end of the series.


So how does QB stack up to other new ip from MS? Does the "biggest selling new Microsoft Studios ip launch of the generation" quote hold water?

On the other end, Sony's best selling new ip would be Bloodborne right? It was at just above 700k in NA at the end of 2015 iirc. Nintendo probably has Splatoon at over 1mil right?

Edit: Oops mixing time periods. I assume MS meant launch numbers. In that case Bloodborne was <450k and I have no clue what Splatoon's launch numbers were.
Lol yup pretty funny now. Even i thought u were crazy until a week before R&C launched
lol it is all good. The purpose of those wild predictions is to call people crazy. :p

Its definitely a pleasant surprise. I bet no one thought it would be the best launch for the series.

I figured it was going to outperform QB but it wouldn't do notably good. Just a decent performance. Best in the series was nothing close to what I was thinking before.


So how does QB stack up to other new ip from MS? Does the "biggest selling new Microsoft Studios ip launch" of the generation quote hold water?

On the other end, Sony's best selling new ip would be Bloodborne right? It was at just above 700k in NA at the end of 2015 iirc. Nintendo probably has Splatoon at over 1mil right?
The Last of Us?
Official numbers are out.

Dark Souls 3 - 504,000
Quantum Break < 150,000 (including bundle)
Bravely Second < 100,000

Others sales from this month

MLB 16 the Show < 185,000
The Division - 175,000 (including bundle)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - 262,000 (including bundle)

Call of Duty: Black Ops III bundle sold 157,000 unit this month, 90% of total PS4 sales.

Damn, that doesn't look good for Remedy. And QB's probably Microsoft's biggest title this year.

Man, PS4 is killing the competition. It's actually good to see Ratchet at #2. Congrats Insomniac !!

As for the Xbox One, they're not doing good. QB looks like it failed and it seems with all the bundles and stuff, they couldn't make people forget about the PS4. This gen is clear as water, people's desired console is the PS4, easy.

I'm worried about the Xbox brand from now on. I love my Xbox One but man, it lacks variety, good will from consumers and hype. Nobody around my circle of friends wants to buy an XB1. I think a rebranding could do wonders for the brand.

I want MS to put the effort in making great games and trying to differentiate themselfs from the competition. As it is, the Xbox One is too much like the PS4 but weaker and not desired as a console.

I think that it's too late for the rebranding of the console. We're now 2 & a half years in & most of the market has already made their decision (especially outside of the US).
No wonder noone commented those are awful numbers every single one. PS4 Neo better come out this year or those rumours are going to bite it in the ass,

Well, it is April. This happens every April. The PS4 is flat, not down, at least, so it's not all terrible.

XBO is down YoY, but there were better trade-in deals last year.

So how does QB stack up to other new ip from MS? Does the "biggest selling new Microsoft Studios ip launch of the generation" quote hold water?

185K < Ryse < 200K
Sunset Overdrive: 110K

What was QB again? 150K? If so, Ryse... oh wait, that tricky wording. It says Microsoft Studios IP. Neither Ryse nor SO are MS IPs, QB is. So technically, yes they're "right."
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