NPD Sales Results for April 2016 [Sony, MS, & Nintendo refuse to comment on hardware]

Damn, I hope Remedy isn't in trouble because of that. Don't think that QB's development was a cheap one.

It's a MS published game so I would imagine the development and marketing costs were either fully or partially covered by MS. In which case, its like the Remedy was already compensated in full for their contracted work.

I thought that we had all agreed that Ryse was MS's version of The Order!

We need to find another analogy for Quantum Break!

Ryse was a launch game, The Order was not. Killzone or inFamous is the better competitor to Ryse as both were launch or launch window games. And who is the collective we that agreed on this?


Official numbers are out.

Dark Souls 3 - 504,000
Quantum Break < 150,000 (including bundle)
Bravely Second < 100,000

Others sales from this month

MLB 16 the Show < 185,000
The Division - 175,000 (including bundle)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - 262,000 (including bundle)

Call of Duty: Black Ops III bundle sold 157,000 unit this month, 90% of total PS4 sales.

Quoted for the new page.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well I guess you could say this was still a remnant of a past era( since QB has been around for a while)

And everything else that they've announced has a multiplayer/ co-op component( Scalebound, Crackdown, Gears, Halo, Forza, Sea of thieves)

I guess the only odd man out is Recore.

What era? Like the Xbox 1 era? :D

Remedy were contracted by MS to make Quantum Break and paid accordingly, they are in no danger of anything untoward happening to them because of the performance of QB.

I mean, obviously not. Yes, they got paid, but they need to get paid again. The money they got paid was for salaries, administrative expenses, etc. It's not like they're sitting on it. They need a new project. And after two bombas (fight me alan wake fans), their next contract will not be the same size as the last two.


Official numbers are out.

Dark Souls 3 - 504,000
Quantum Break < 150,000 (including bundle)
Bravely Second < 100,000

Others sales from this month

MLB 16 the Show < 185,000
The Division - 175,000 (including bundle)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - 262,000 (including bundle)

Call of Duty: Black Ops III bundle sold 157,000 unit this month, 90% of total PS4 sales.
What about R&C?


Remedy were contracted by MS to make Quantum Break and paid accordingly, they are in no danger of anything untoward happening to them because of the performance of QB.

You're forgetting they need someone to fund their next game too, if MS bails out they need someone else and they may have a hard time with that


Jesus, 150k including bundles. Wow.

So remedy isn't going to get any more exclusive work from Microsoft, damn.

How the hell do you still 150k with no competition, huge budget and huge marketing.
Man, PS4 is killing the competition. It's actually good to see Ratchet at #2. Congrats Insomniac !!

As for the Xbox One, they're not doing good. QB looks like it failed and it seems with all the bundles and stuff, they couldn't make people forget about the PS4. This gen is clear as water, people's desired console is the PS4, easy.

I'm worried about the Xbox brand from now on. I love my Xbox One but man, it lacks variety, good will from consumers and hype. Nobody around my circle of friends wants to buy an XB1. I think a rebranding could do wonders for the brand.

I want MS to put the effort in making great games and trying to differentiate themselfs from the competition. As it is, the Xbox One is too much like the PS4 but weaker and not desired as a console.


Dark Souls 3 - 504,000
Quantum Break < 150,000 (including bundle)
Bravely Second < 100,000
wait? so Star Fox 0 sold something around 100,000? I say that because the statement released earlier said that SF0 was at like 5th place and Bravely Second at #9 in the individual SKU list.

I was expecting something around 40k to 50k, Eeek!

EDIT: And those numbers for Quantum Break... sigh. #Pray4Scalebound


Too bad about Quantum Break. It really was a great experience but a flawed game nonetheless. Still, it deserved a better audience.

I agree with everyone claiming bomba - as heavily hyped as QB was with marketing and advertising, and not having any competition from other new AAA Xbox titles, and it couldn't even move 1% of the hardware base at retail. Wii U, despite having sold less hardware, fares better with their first party titles in terms of attach rate.

Which makes me ask the question, who is the Xbox audience? It's still selling relatively close to the PS4 in the US, but what are the buying for it? Halo wasn't the massive hit everyone was expecting (has it hit 5 million in sales yet?). Is it just the Minecraft/CoD/GTA/Madden box? Selling only to "casual" console players?

Staying within the XBL ecosystem still has advantages; even if I wasn't a Halo player I'd probably have stuck with them this gen just for that, as the power difference isn't enough to push me. My guess is inertia and the resulting friends network still has a lot of heft. Problem is that's working against MS everywhere but here, seems like.

QB isn't totally bust, although a no. 7/<200K showing in a down hardware month isn't great... next month if it can hang on or it drops out of the top 10 will probably be the final word on it though. Shame, but them's the breaks. The live-action hybrid storytelling probably repelled more people than it attracted.
QB selling less than 150k with bundles is terrible. For as big a budget that thing was, for how long they pushed that with a price cut...just terrible

My god Scalebound is gonna bomb so hard how does platinum keep getting work


What era? Like the Xbox 1 era? :D

I mean, obviously not. Yes, they got paid, but they need to get paid again. The money they got paid was for salaries, administrative expenses, etc. It's not like they're sitting on it. They need a new project. And after two bombas (fight me alan wake fans), their next contract will not be the same size as the last two.
By era I guess I mean if I'm greenlighting a game in 2011-2012 I'd be more open to it being single player only. Where as come 2014 and beyond, I probably wouldn't do that at all unless your name is Fallout, Skyrim or a Naughty dog game


Official numbers are out.

Dark Souls 3 - 504,000
Quantum Break < 150,000 (including bundle)
Bravely Second < 100,000

Others sales from this month

MLB 16 the Show < 185,000
The Division - 175,000 (including bundle)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - 262,000 (including bundle)

Call of Duty: Black Ops III bundle sold 157,000 unit this month, 90% of total PS4 sales.

Wut? Where is Ratchet?


What about R&C?

Sorry, no numbers yet... just >207K.

wait? so Star Fox 0 sold something around 100,000? I say that because the statement released earlier said that SF0 was at like 5th place and Bravely Second at #9 in the individual SKU list.

I was expecting something around 40k to 50k, Eeek!

A game in TOP 10 COMBINED SKUs can't be so low. I mean, ok a slow month, but that could be horrible.

Late to the show but those are some paltry numbers for The Division. Impressed by R&C.

yeah... over 90% MOM drop... really didn't expect that low.
QB selling less than 150k with bundles is terrible. For as big a budget that thing was, for how long they pushed that with a price cut...just terrible

My god Scalebound is gonna bomb so hard how does platinum keep getting work


They are talented devs.


QB selling less than 150k with bundles is terrible. For as big a budget that thing was, for how long they pushed that with a price cut...just terrible

My god Scalebound is gonna bomb so hard how does platinum keep getting work

Platinum makes great niche games. With respect to Remedy, they have been very unlucky with their last two games. AW was a good game but it did not sell particularly well. I haven't played QB so I can't comment on it. However even their former IP, Max Payne 3, sold rather poorly.


QB selling less than 150k with bundles is terrible. For as big a budget that thing was, for how long they pushed that with a price cut...just terrible

My god Scalebound is gonna bomb so hard how does platinum keep getting work

Scalebound have multiplayer and it's a action RPG with dragons, I'm sure it resonate better with Xbox one owner.


Platinum makes great niche games. With respect to Remedy has been very unlucky with their last two games. AW was a good game but it did not sell particularly well. I haven't played QB so I can't comment on it. However even their former IP, Max Payne 3, sold rather poorly.

Didn't it sell 4.5 Million between Alan Wake and American Nightmare?


Anyone making an Xbox exclusive now must have a bit of dread that no matter what they do there is a huge possibility if a game coming out and just flopping around gasping for air.

Expectations for anything exclusive better be realistic and the money spent on it will be looked at with more scrutiny
damn ratchet and clank over 200k

never thought it would do so well, damn

qb did awful

a pretty third person shooter (albeit only single player) did worse on a platform that tends to favor shooters did worse than a reboot of a kid friendly game on a platform where kid friendly games tend to not do so well (at least comparatively, like most lego games do better on xbox)

good thing ratchet was also more price friendly


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
wait? so Star Fox 0 sold something around 100,000? I say that because the statement released earlier said that SF0 was at like 5th place and Bravely Second at #9 in the individual SKU list.

I was expecting something around 40k to 50k, Eeek!

EDIT: And those numbers for Quantum Break... sigh. #Pray4Scalebound

Yeah, it should be around 100,000 then (retail only). It had 9 days of availability. Still a bit lower than what I was hoping for, but it seems the debut wasn't as disastrous as many people feared. Bravely Second seems it wasn't significantly under 100,000 either, but it's around half what the original did (it was at around 160,000 at retail). Even if Bravely Default had 23 days of availability compared to Bravely Second's 16, it saw a consistent drop.

I'm actually wondering how both of them did digitally, even if for sheer curiosity. I'm sure BS's digital share > SF0, though.


y'all should be ashamed
Heh in the prediction thread some dude said MLB above QB, I thought he's a lunatic, sorry dude :-(

Glad to see Ratchet debut high.

Funny to see Aqua hanging on the chartzz. I remember when I was there, she was shitting on the site constantly in these NPD threads. Even started hiding the numbers behind email/quote tags so we didn't get them. How the times have changed.
What?? Ah man, she self banned herself here. I guess she really misses it here.
Jesus, 150k including bundles. Wow.

So remedy isn't going to get any more exclusive work from Microsoft, damn.

Hope the hell do you still 150k with no competition, huge budget and huge marketing.

I hope MS signed up Remedy to do Alan Wake 2 before QB's release. I am concerned MS will want no part of it after QB's sale numbers.


yeah... over 90% MOM drop... really didn't expect that low.

With all the glitches, bad WOM and the awful "incursion" update I'm not surprised in the least. Ubisoft's marketing department continues to pay dividends for them but eventually that honeymoon sheen wears off and people are left with a sub par formulaic experience tainted by game breaking exploits that destroy any semblance of balance in the game. Why on earth would that continue sell?

I can't see it improving in subsequent months either. All that launch sales raucous they drummed up will inevitably amount to a flash in the pan,
Anyone making an Xbox exclusive now must have a but of dread that no matter what they do there is a huge possibility if a game coming out and just flopping around gasping for air.

Expectations for anything exclusive better be realistic and the money spent on it will be looked at with more scrutiny

Scalebound is in so much trouble. To me it always looked like a game that would find a bigger audience with Sony or even Nintendo.


Bravely Second < 100,000
Oh, that's... good? I think that's good. Time to try and find BD's first months numbers.

Bravely Default, which launched for Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 7, improved on the launch of Fire Emblem Awakening by more than 10 percent, selling more than 200,000 combined units in just over three weeks.
Oh, never mind. Not that surprising when you consider how much sales dropped from Default -> 2 in Japan. It also isn't as bad as Japan's drop, so hopefully either the IP can continue or the developers can continue making some good JRPG's.


I wouldn't mind kicking arse as Barry in Alan Wake multiplayer and killing Alan Wake over and over is what he deserves. Co-op survival mode would be neat but something more than basic Horde mode, L4D a to b would be neat or State of Decay management in a town location.

Do Remedy have multiplayer in them or all new?

They did tease Alan Wake but Microsoft still need to put up the funding which is perhaps unlikely now. Maybe a lower budget American Nightmare would get green lit.

I think Microsoft are basically screwed with Xbox One, they need to move on, try worldwide appeal and support properly from release and hope people give them another shot. Will be interesting to see how their next bunch of exclusives do in the market, they are already hampered before release and would something special get people on board. That's why it's key they try new IP, find that must have and push with refreshed hardware, gain momentum.


Oh, that's... good? I think that's good. Time to try and find BD's first months numbers.

At least in my opinion, that's not good. Way less than Bravely Default first month which was 160,000 at retail and 200,000 including digital.
To be fair, Bravely Second had less days of track, and probabily digital sales are better, but still.

Not bad, but not good, imo.


Junior Member
Scalebound have multiplayer and it's a action RPG with dragons, I'm sure it resonate better with Xbox one owner.
Drew looks like the last character you'd want to role-play as in an RPG. P* better have redesigned him or made the game very light on cutscenes and story.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Oh, that's... good? I think that's good. Time to try and find BD's first months numbers.

It did a bit more than 200,000 copies in its first month. But that was retail + digital: retail only, it sold around 160,000 copies. Bravely Default had one more week tracked compared to Bravely Second, but that doesn't excuse the drop. I think it's still better than Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam's first month though :p
150k for Quantum Break? WTF man

QB was literally the showcase piece for the XB1. It was the game MS touted as one of their biggest new experiences of this generation. Those numbers are really awful.

I loved QB, so this sucks. I hope Remedy is able to get another AAA game funded.

Oh my god....Scalebound. Shit. :( At least I'll be there on day one.


Holy crap, man. I don't think #7 on the monthly NPD chart is a bomb. If it hadn't charted at all I could see the pessimism but really, it is not as if April is a huge month for game sales in the USA.

You are contradicting yourself. Charting at #7 in a slow month is terrible for Quantum Break. It might be okay in a packed month like November, but not in April. Especially considering the official explanation for the delay was to give it more breathing space. The other new games released in April - Dark Souls 3 & Ratchet and Clank - charted at top spots. MLB: The Show 16 and The Division, both released a month earlier, managed to hold their position above Quantum Break. Even Minecraft and GTA V, two games released years and years ago, managed to outsell QB in April. It's bad...
What era? Like the Xbox 1 era? :D

I mean, obviously not. Yes, they got paid, but they need to get paid again. The money they got paid was for salaries, administrative expenses, etc. It's not like they're sitting on it. They need a new project. And after two bombas (fight me alan wake fans), their next contract will not be the same size as the last two.

The relationship that Remedy and the MS execs have seem to be pretty favourable, ill be very surprised if MS havent already got the wheels in motion to get Wake Returns into developement after the release of QB.

And as for fighting Alan Wake fans, I can only say


Bring it!



Didn't it sell 4.5 Million between Alan Wake and American Nightmare?

Well now we are talking about two games and also including PC sales figures. AW & American Nightmare have been on sale on Steam many, many times and it was part of one of the early Humble bundles if my memory serves me right. I would love a sequel but I don't think it makes much financial sense.


Drew looks like the last character you'd want to role-play as in an RPG. P* better have redesigned him or made the game very light on cutscenes and story.
I'd be suprised if they didn't add a character creator in Scalebound. I don't even hate drew but I just feel like it would work better if it were my guy being transported to this world and experiencing this. Not just another character

Also you can customize the dragon so why not the Mc


Star Fox 0 is < 103k

Yeah, it should be around 100,000 then (retail only). It had 9 days of availability. Still a bit lower than what I was hoping for, but it seems the debut wasn't as disastrous as many people feared. Bravely Second seems it wasn't significantly under 100,000 either, but it's around half what the original did (it was at around 160,000 at retail). Even if Bravely Default had 23 days of availability compared to Bravely Second's 16, it saw a consistent drop.

I'm actually wondering how both of them did digitally, even if for sheer curiosity. I'm sure BS's digital share > SF0, though.
I actually expected Bravely Second to drop even more considering how vocal were the people that hated the middle of the game so those numbers please me a biT (not much considering that still sold less than Default) and make me kind of excited to see how the 3DS Dragon Quest games are going to perform.
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