The general responses here are very... Interesting. Looks like Overwatch is in fact getting a free pass by some people.
I'm just gonna leave this here. Says all that needs saying about the topic.
I'm just gonna leave this here. Says all that needs saying about the topic.
If you would like to pay real-world-money, this is how its broken down:
2 Loot Boxes ($1.99)
5 Loot Boxes ($4.99)
11 Loot Boxes ($9.99)
24 Loot Boxes ($19.99)
50 Loot Boxes ($39.99)
This is, surprisingly, a fairly fair payment model. Each loot box drops a total of four different items, all of them cosmetic. There are alternate skins, emotes, and lines of dialogue among other things. There are no characters, weapons, maps, or other valuable content hidden behind a paywall. All of that content comes as part of the $60 package.
Now, lets see how this payment model stacks up to another Activision Blizzard game; Call of Duty: Black Ops III:
200 CoD Points ($1.99) 1 Rare Supply Drop
1,100 CoD Points ($9.99) 5 Rare Supply Drops
2,400 CoD Points ($19.99) 12 Rare Supply Drops
5,000 CoD Points ($39.99) 25 Rare Supply Drops
13,000 CoD Points ($99.99) 65 Rare Supply Drops
We also have to remember that Rare Supply Drops in Call of Duty: Black Ops III cant be earned by leveling up (you need to play multiple games to earn 30 Cryptokeys), only contain three items, and do lock weapons behind a paywall. As you can see, Overwatchs microtransactions are relatively harmless compared to other AAA games out there.
This does beg the question, why are there even microtransactions in the first place? Thats a good question with a simple answer; microtransactions are paying for free DLC.
What can you unlock in the game by just playing?
Bruh he watched 5 minutes on YouTube maybe. Hasn't even played the game.5 minutes into Overwatch OP was like "I'm gonna make a GAF thread and..."
You gotta say Blizzard "fanbois" for ultimate smug and troll factor.
I hope Bernie takes issue with Blizzard out in California.
"Only the top 1% of loot boxes are legit and the 99% get screwed."
What can you unlock in the game by just playing?
A lot of fans, of anything not just videogames, seem to find it hard, often subconsciously, to both enjoy something and critique its short comings.
is this game a retail one or it is free to play?
if it's f2p,don't complain,developers have to eat too
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
is this game a retail one or it is free to play?
if it's f2p,don't complain,developers have to eat too
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
is this game a retail one or it is free to play?
if it's f2p,don't complain,developers have to eat too
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
Would you rather pay for maps and characters ?
is this game a retail one or it is free to play?
if it's f2p,don't complain,developers have to eat too
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
cosmetic microtransactions or paid maps/characters. pick this game a retail one or it is free to play?
if it's f2p,don't complain,developers have to eat too
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
A mandatory 40$ season pass would apparently be better than optional cosmetics idk
Let's make it $60 to beat out CoD.A mandatory 40$ season pass would apparently be better than optional cosmetics idk
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
I certainly think there are issues with the microtransaction system and they could have used a more consumer friendly model (I also think its at best tacky to have MT's in a full price game). But I think it's pretty hyperbolic to describe it as a new low. It's equally hyperbolic praising the microtransaction system, blind buy random distribution is one of the worst ways to do it (from the consumers POV, its great for the publisher, which would be why its so prevalent).
As an aside, "It's just cosmetics!" often feels either naive or disingenuous. They don't impact gameplay, which is good, no pay to win. However they clearly matter to the player base, companies dont monetise their games around things that dont matter to their consumers. The success of games monetised purely on cosmetics, and the lengths people will go to to get cosmetics in games makes it evident that yes cosmetics do matter. Just generally not to the actual mechanics of gameplay. Which doesnt mean cosmetics dont affect gameplay in a more complete or holistic sense e.g. by increasing your enjoyment of the game. Though thats probably too much of a tangent.
A lot of fans, of anything not just videogames, seem to find it hard, often subconsciously, to both enjoy something and critique its short comings.
Nice! What is there to unlock? I'm not terribly informed about the game and UC4 MP is starting to bore me with it's pretty barebone content and I have no idea when the first big DLC pack is even coming (aside from vague summer 2016 mention) and I'm on the prowl for something to that manages to hold my attention better.
is this game a retail one or it is free to play?
if it's f2p,don't complain,developers have to eat too
if it's retail,it's a shame that it even has microtransactions to begin with,doesn't matter to what extent
Nice! What is there to unlock? I'm not terribly informed about the game and UC4 MP is starting to bore me with it's pretty barebone content and I have no idea when the first big DLC pack is even coming (aside from vague summer 2016 mention) and I'm on the prowl for something to that manages to hold my attention better.
Because it bums me out? Because it might result in more games locking away speech? Because if were to play Overwatch i would be displeased with speech being locked?
You don't need to lock speech to make money. Blizzard will be making money of skins and other stuff to finance continued development of the game. Stop making it an all or nothing situation. Blizzard could have 'spared' speech from the unlocking treadmill.
And like i said, i know how paradoxical i sound. Gameplay unlocks are garbage but you could see it coming or how some devs would chose it. Who the heck saw speech unlocks coming? Who thought these characterization and 'personalitization' voice lines as something too add to the unlocking process. Blizzard went there. They went somewhere no one thought existed.
It's great there's speech that's freely available but it's also bad there's speech that is locked away. The quality of locked lines or how you like them are not the issue.
I just bought some loot boxes just to spite OP
Kinda lame that they lock stuff like that, but hey atleast you can unlock it by just playing the game.
Gotta work for that funny banter
A mandatory 40$ season pass would apparently be better than optional cosmetics idk
Would you rather pay for maps and characters ?
There are more than two ways of doing things. Hell Rainbow six siege has a better microtransaction system than OT in my opinion, it's a lot more clunky but at least in that you can save up money to buy what you want instead of praying for the rng gods. Sure the game has a Season pass too but the season pass only gives you the new characters week in advance and you get basically nothing else. Currently you can buy almost every weapon skin for in-game currency and all of the hats except one. Oh and all of the maps and characters are available for everybody in that game too.
It's not really banter, it's a one liner, the actual banter between allies/enemies is done by the characters automatically, you don't unlock those or have any influence on when they are used.
There are more than two ways of doing things. Hell Rainbow six siege has a better microtransaction system than OT in my opinion, it's a lot more clunky but at least in that you can save up money to buy what you want instead of praying for the rng gods. Sure the game has a Season pass too but the season pass only gives you the new characters week in advance and you get basically nothing else. Currently you can buy almost every weapon skin for in-game currency and all of the hats except one. Oh and all of the maps and characters are available for everybody in that game too.
People aren't plying Overwatch to grind for voice lines.
Blizzard made one of the best games ever if someone has to complain about voice line unlockables, like that's how far you have to reach to criticize the game
There are more than two ways of doing things. Hell Rainbow six siege has a better microtransaction system than OT in my opinion, it's a lot more clunky but at least in that you can save up money to buy what you want instead of praying for the rng gods. Sure the game has a Season pass too but the season pass only gives you the new characters week in advance and you get basically nothing else. Currently you can buy almost every weapon skin for in-game currency and all of the hats except one. Oh and all of the maps and characters are available for everybody in that game too.
Hell Rainbow six siege has a better microtransaction system than OT in my opinion, it's a lot more clunky but at least in that you can save up money to buy what you want instead of praying for the rng gods.
Psst. You can save up money to buy what you want in Overwatch too. You don't have to ever touch the microtransactions in the game.