The general responses here are very... Interesting. Looks like Overwatch is in fact getting a free pass by some people.
People say this as if there's no flack thrown to any game with microtrasactions, though it's the majority. It's just funny that we are finding ways attack the games trying to meet us in the middle.
Blizzard, Naughty Dog, 343, Capcom etc:
"No season pass or map packs...Play to unlock cosmetics...if you really want them buy coins or loot content updates forever years in advance..."
People like OP:
"NO MICROTRASACTIONS! THE VOICES are the lore!!! I'll pay $35-$40 for a season pass! And for the second season pass too!"
Funny though because I don't see any threads praising Battlefront for its season pass. Or Battlefield.
Why be mad about getting bigger, better content for no charge? They've never forced me to by a microtrasactions. It's a choice to participate in supporting them in that way. I understand what buying the base game entails and what I won't necessarily have right out of the gate. But hey at least the game is balanced, plays well, has a huge community supporting it, oh and is guaranteed to get more stuff....for free. Freeeeeeeeeee.