Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


So I raged stoned my way through mech zeus. That dungeon is no joke. 4 stones to get to the man and 6 more to finish him off. Rukia pulled it out though.

Burned my evo mats tamas and snow globes and he's only level 95. The team I'm running is mecha Zeus, Raph, L/B Apollo, sun Wukong, and Baal.

Any better subs? Also I need some mech Zeus friends.


So I raged stoned my way through mech zeus. That dungeon is no joke. 4 stones to get to the man and 6 more to finish him off. Rukia pulled it out though.

Burned my evo mats tamas and snow globes and he's only level 95. The team I'm running is mecha Zeus, Raph, L/B Apollo, sun Wukong, and Baal.

Any better subs? Also I need some mech Zeus friends.

I'm thinking about trying that one of these days, machine Zeus is worth ten stones too. I've seen what he can do in coop, farming the hardest dungeons easily.

Did you do it alone, or in coop?


I'm thinking about trying that one of these days, machine Zeus is worth ten stones too. I've seen what he can do in coop, farming the hardest dungeons easily.

Did you do it alone, or in coop?
Solo. Rukia's damage output is no joke at 10 combos. The trash floors aren't too bad the one shot preemptives were the worst. I used Orochi on floor 9 to get Scheat up. With water skyfall I was able to hit the combo barrier pretty consistently but every other attack one shotted me. The delays were mitigated by my friend lead.
Wheres Xiang Mei? I need a good healer lead to replace losertron. RIP friend leader for 2 years.


Solo. Rukia's damage output is no joke at 10 combos. The trash floors aren't too bad the one shot preemptives were the worst. I used Orochi on floor 9 to get Scheat up. With water skyfall I was able to hit the combo barrier pretty consistently but every other attack one shotted me. The delays were mitigated by my friend lead.

Yeah, I don't know what team to run. My strong teams are Shiva Dragon, Yomi Dragon, and a. Luci. Maybe I'll wait for You Yu, his damage can do it, and he is more of a combo lead.

Edit: Ran my tan dungeons, used one stone on each account so I have some to work with. I only got 3 darks on my alt and I need 4 to inherit sheen on Yomi Dragon. She's not fully leveled yet anyway and these dungeons are coming often enough. That should be a great burst for Yomi Dragon and Luci teams.


blew a few stones further expanding my box (1120 now o.0)

ran the free stone in the tan dungeon and picked up a ton - going to mess around with transferring skills - not sure what the best moves are - but should be able to waste a few tans playing around -

I really like this aspect - something new!

maybe something as simple as a bind wipe ame on shivadra - one of the biggest weaknesses of shivadra.

- hmm maybe not - irrelevant if not bind proof....


What to inherit on Lucifer :

Okuni's delay+boost, awoken hades's gravity + time extension (really useful for those combo shields because my lucifer team has like no time extends) or dupe Akechi?

This whole inheriting business makes for some tough decisions.

maybe something as simple as a bind wipe ame on shivadra - one of the biggest weaknesses of shivadra.

- hmm maybe not - irrelevant if not bind proof....

The same thought I had with Shiva. I wanted to put bind clear on him and then realized it'd practically be pointless.

On that note, what would happen if I transferred Brave blade Kopis' skill onto Shiva? His skill changes the card's attribute to fire and boosts attacker by 1.5x. But Shiva is already fire, so I guess that part doesn't do anything. It'd make Shiva into a 10-turn 1.5x booster, which sounds alright.


oooh - antares on shivad!

tradeoff 2 skill reduction for one skill reduction and changing poison,blockers and hearts to fire.

edit: done - worst case I just remove it - now to think about other leads.

edit 2 - wow - it works well - even without needing to remove poison or blockers if you run urd the heart change gives another 2/3 board option.
So I raged stoned my way through mech zeus. That dungeon is no joke. 4 stones to get to the man and 6 more to finish him off. Rukia pulled it out though.

Burned my evo mats tamas and snow globes and he's only level 95. The team I'm running is mecha Zeus, Raph, L/B Apollo, sun Wukong, and Baal.

Any better subs? Also I need some mech Zeus friends.

10 stones is not bad! I'd take that. Im not attempting it until my Sephiroth team is up and I find a strong co-op partner. I'm sure someone will jump at getting M. Zeus with my stones. Don't have to worry about SBR so it makes team building a little easier.


oooh - antares on shivad!

tradeoff 2 skill reduction for one skill reduction and changing poison,blockers and hearts to fire.

edit: done - worst case I just remove it - now to think about other leads.

I used Alrescha on You Yu, it's really nice to have something to clean up the trash for certain floors. If I had Antares I would think about putting him on Shiva Dragon. I have a dupe Urd, but I might save her for a You Yu sub. I have a zeta hydra, but I'll probably save that for an arena team. Hmm dunno yet, will have to think about it.


If anyone drew Rain in the FFCollab, he also seems like a good choice to throw a strong shield on someone.

For example, I could easily survive the Kali's 120k/133k damage with his active on one of my I&I/Ryune team, making her much easier.

(Of course, it'd be better to just use gravity or delay instead, but this is another option).

I really love this skill inheritance thing, my teams will finally feel unique.


Well the tan dungeon was pretty successful. Full stamina bar netted me enough to slap Ichigo on D. Kali and A. Ra on somebody. Still need one more blue for Orochi/Muse or two more dark for Sheen though.
A. Ra push button team worked like a charm for speed farming (if you want to kill your stamina bar ASAP).

Also this shouldn't come as a big surprise but Machine Zeus outside of multiplayer isn't all that amazing. Perfectly capable farm lead but not so much for actual content. Who else would M. Zeus work with besides himself? There's no chance in hell my Alt is getting one but I could still theoretically pair him with someone. Pretty much any light Row lead right?


Well the tan dungeon was pretty successful. Full stamina bar netted me enough to slap Ichigo on D. Kali and A. Ra on somebody. Still need one more blue for Orochi/Muse or two more dark for Sheen though.
A. Ra push button team worked like a charm for speed farming (if you want to kill your stamina bar ASAP).

Also this shouldn't come as a big surprise but Machine Zeus outside of multiplayer isn't all that amazing. Perfectly capable farm lead but not so much for actual content. Who else would M. Zeus work with besides himself? There's no chance in hell my Alt is getting one but I could still theoretically pair him with someone. Pretty much any light Row lead right?

You have much better leads for single player, machine Zeus is the co-op king. But I know you like experimenting heh.


You have much better leads for single player, machine Zeus is the co-op king. But I know you like experimenting heh.
Yeah but I'm talking about multi with an alt account. I should get the bonus but the question is does mech Zeus pair well with anyone besides himself in a multiplayer situation? Even just to farm up stones in the multiplayer alt technicals.


Yeah but I'm talking about multi with an alt account. I should get the bonus but the question is does mech Zeus pair well with anyone besides himself in a multiplayer situation? Even just to farm up stones in the multiplayer alt technicals.

Oh, I never even thought about that, he would get his bonus in co-op regardless of partner. In that case he has a great multiplier and great rcv. That leaves a lot of options. Saria probably good, lots of hp and mzeus makes up for thors rcv, plus higher multiplier. Actually, your right, any good light row leader should be good.

I am now curious how this works for you with your alt. I have a Saria on mine and now my mind is contemplating. Let me know if you find any good pairings.


I did some experimentation on some low level coop dungeons (costs basically no stamina)

Machine Zeus pairs best with other unconditional leaders (duh). He also pairs well with light row leads (also huge shocker).

Some of the more unusual but successful pairings for low level or alt technical farming (do pys invade coop?)

Xmas Ars Paulina with a blue/red team sans Mech Zeus. The team my alt used was Paulina, Scheat, Urd, Alrescha (I didn't have another B/R to test that wasn't a dupe and the SBR is huge), Mori

I used Machine Zeus, Xmas Paulina, Urd, Mori, Scheat.

This combination did a shitload of damage with a single blue TPA. Urd was mostly used as a heal. Binds are occasionally a problem if Zeus doesn't have hearts to work with but a little research and you can pop Urd before that happens.

The Machine gods 1 pantheon is also a solid pairing if you have the machines to run it.

Alt used Antares, Alrescha, Scheat, Urd, Mori
I used M. Zeus, Scheat, Australis, Spica, Urd, again urd is for healing since Scheat does 99% of the damage, Australis was there to be a machine but could be subbed for utility.

Pre-emptives are the worst and must be planned for accordingly. Subbing in an off type delay/shield/heal makes all the difference. Amaterasu, Raphael, Echidna, Orochi, are all excellent on either team.

Some pairings did not work out, Panda, AALuci, Urd was ok but Paulina was better (same team compositions), my alt's box isn't as deep as my main so I didn't have a lot of options to poke around with.



Challenge 9 solo. Friend is hyper, mine is +30. Everything max skilled. (edit: actually, Zuoh is one short)

Love Cecil. He just steamrolled through this dungeon. I stalled a couple turns on Valk and 1 on Scarlet, but ultimately everything was one-shot.

Only problem with this team is the lack of skill boosts. Only Valk is up turn 1. Not sure what I would swap out though.


Armor Bastet is apparently super legit. Kinda want to switch mine over from Awoken...

I've got an unused Bastet and Horus sitting in my JP account. Now that it's reversible, I'll definitely evolve them that direction for at least a bit. Glad to see another decent green lead.

Unless we get Pad X on Crunchyroll or something, I fully expect this collab never to hit in the west. I would like it, but GungHo doesn't even seem to use their own collabs unless they're advertising something they're selling here.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
TAN dungeon will be back tomorrow - i missed it the last time so i hope i can farm a couple copies this time.

Unless we get Pad X on Crunchyroll or something, I fully expect this collab never to hit in the west. I would like it, but GungHo doesn't even seem to use their own collabs unless they're advertising something they're selling here.

I dont think we need to get the Anime for the the Collab to come over - Nintendo/GungHo bringing the 3DS game over will likely be the reason to launch the collab here at the same time.

PaDX is a bigger investment then their usual collabs so i would be surprised if it stays Japan only - even if we get non of the other Cross related content.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay PaD, I get that you gave me two fenrirs.

But why in the name of hell have I gone 5/36 on ultimecia skillups and then had a stoned stamina bar result in LITERALLY NOTHING BUT GUNBLADES AND PINWHEELS. I want a heartbreaker, not this max skilled fucking kuja and gabranth!

The only upshot to this nightmare is that by the end of it I will assuredly have a max skilled 100% defense break in shadow lord.


For skill inherits do I need to have my card ult evoed?

I have 2 Urd, one I was going to throw on Valen but it isn't ulted. As far as I knew I thought I could use it as long as it is max levelled and awoken.


For skill inherits do I need to have my card ult evoed?

I have 2 Urd, one I was going to throw on Valen but it isn't ulted. As far as I knew I thought I could use it as long as it is max levelled and awoken.

from my deck I can almost answer this directly. I have an Urd ult evo'd (7 star), and a Urd evo'd (6 star) - both are available for skill transfer.

(both are max level, max awoken and max skilled).


For skill inherits do I need to have my card ult evoed?

I have 2 Urd, one I was going to throw on Valen but it isn't ulted. As far as I knew I thought I could use it as long as it is max levelled and awoken.

You don't. You just need a card that is

-5* or higher
-From a REM. No MP shop exclusives or farmables.
-Has some awoken skills and all of those active
-Max Level


Okay PaD, I get that you gave me two fenrirs.

But why in the name of hell have I gone 5/36 on ultimecia skillups and then had a stoned stamina bar result in LITERALLY NOTHING BUT GUNBLADES AND PINWHEELS. I want a heartbreaker, not this max skilled fucking kuja and gabranth!

The only upshot to this nightmare is that by the end of it I will assuredly have a max skilled 100% defense break in shadow lord.

I had the exact opposite problem. I needed gunblades for Squall, but only get getting Ultimecias and pinwheels. Took way too long running Int (I think 4 days running nothing but Int on 2x) to get 4 skill ups.


Challenge 9 solo. Friend is hyper, mine is +30. Everything max skilled. (edit: actually, Zuoh is one short)

Love Cecil. He just steamrolled through this dungeon. I stalled a couple turns on Valk and 1 on Scarlet, but ultimately everything was one-shot.

Only problem with this team is the lack of skill boosts. Only Valk is up turn 1. Not sure what I would swap out though.

Grats on the clear.

Really need to finish hypering my green team to be able to tackle C9s.

/eyeroll of the day: Slightly flubbing a perfect row board to leave Surtr with a pixel of life and requiring a stone for the golf "tap-in" to finish the stage. On the board reroll on continue, then generate a complete troll board that can't generate even minimal damage to finish the boss off. Really, GungHo? Really?


I went and looked up the evo mats for Miru and lol

Inception.gif, "We must go deeper", etc.

Seriously though, this is only going to get worse over time. Don't believe NA/EU has seen the evolve requirements for Shoten-Doji next week (first normal descend that requires the equivalent of Awoken evolution materials for a base evolve).

But hey... take comfort as that as a farmable, Miru will eventually an evo component of someone else.....

Random scary thought that makes sense just popped into my head from thinking about this:

-- Next numbered dragon would be eight, which represents infinity. So, new Voltron card.

Evo for eight dragon:

(8 dragon) + Gainaut, Volsung, Sevenzard, Nordis, Zaerog Infinity.

The full expanded spectrum of orbs are covered here, RGBLDJP. Left to eight is RBGLD, Gainaut covers Jammers and Sevenzard covers Poison from their actives.

That is either an incredible coincidence of convenience, or else....


Unconfirmed Member
I had the exact opposite problem. I needed gunblades for Squall, but only get getting Ultimecias and pinwheels. Took way too long running Int (I think 4 days running nothing but Int on 2x) to get 4 skill ups.

You have nothing but empathy from me on that one. I'm lucky that complaining seems to have raised my skill up success.

Poor Jecht though, after this whole time he's still at 4 skillups. Taking bad luck for the team like always.

Fighting Surt for the first time in c8 made me sad, because watching 50% of his health bar turn from purple to red meant Ammy couldn't just blow him up tout de suite.


Rolled 5 times. No 6*, but I got

Fenrir (New. Eh)
2x the green mech GFE (Seems good for skill inheritance maybe?)
Satsuki (Dupe, but just skill equipped my last one so cool).
Australis (Ok. Whatever)


Inception.gif, "We must go deeper", etc.

Seriously though, this is only going to get worse over time. Don't believe NA/EU has seen the evolve requirements for Shoten-Doji next week (first normal descend that requires the equivalent of Awoken evolution materials for a base evolve).

It's not the first. Even if you don't count the dragon kings, it's still in line with all the descend monsters which you can ultimate evo right away and have more than 3 awoken skills (Zeus and Hera, Sonia Gran, etc), and we just got Jörmungandr which is in the same class. They are clearly a bit more useful than the standard 3 awoken descends which are mostly just fodders.


It's not the first. Even if you don't count the dragon kings, it's still in line with all the descend monsters which you can ultimate evo right away and have more than 3 awoken skills (Zeus and Hera, Sonia Gran, etc), and we just got Jörmungandr which is in the same class. They are clearly a bit more useful than the standard 3 awoken descends which are mostly just fodders.

When I was typing this, I was thinking "Descends that are lower than L+ and not special cases". However, you are correct in that Z+H and the Two Sonia Grans are already like this. I was viewing Shutun as just another destined-to-be feeder for someone's awoken. That said, the same argument can be presented for Z+H and the Sonia Grans as well.


When I was typing this, I was thinking "Descends that are lower than L+ and not special cases". However, you are correct in that Z+H and the Two Sonia Grans are already like this. I was viewing Shutun as just another destined-to-be feeder for someone's awoken. That said, the same argument can be presented for Z+H and the Sonia Grans as well.

Oh, I'm sure it's gonna happen in the future. An even more worrying trend is the upcoming Agni descend where the best monster is a rare drop and the descend boss is merely a feeder for that.
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