Buccaneer Q/A #1 up now:
Buccaneer Q/A #1 up now:
I'm ready for this inevitable future of Battlefleet Gothic warfare between mega ships.They just keep making the Idris bigger. It'll be a supercarrier-dreadnought hybrid by the end of that timeline.
I'm ready for this inevitable future of Battlefleet Gothic warfare between mega ships.
I'd like to think that it wont happen, and I certainly hope that's the case, but I'm cognizant of the possibility that it could for one reason or another. That said, delays (within reason) don't bother me either, but there's an limit to how far they can stall SQ42. Both from a financial standpoint and a mindshare / public perception perspective. It's a balancing act. Releasing an unpolished buggy mess of a game would be extremely damaging. Pushing SQ42 back to say... 2018 would be nearly as bad - albeit for different reasons.
This chart has been recently updated:
What's with the Call of Duty/Star Citizen comparisons? Great, the next Call of Duty is in space, it's still Call of Duty XD. I don't expect any of the space parts to be anything more than set pieces (and I doubt the actually fighter gameplay will be any more in depth than Halo 4's Broadsword gameplay).
I admit, I am looking forward to CoD: IW regardless.
Also, what's Starfield? I did a search but all I've seen is that Bethesda might be making a mobile game called Starfield in the same vein as Fallout Shelter.
I think the picture is partially satire, so that's where the weird comparisons come in.
I thought DS made it? Or at least he posted it and implied it was his.
Regardless, I've seen the comparisons made in a few places, so that's why I brought it up.
Around the Verse 2.34
One more MoCap shoot in July and they're 100% done with the SQ42 story. That's pretty cool.
I know AtV is a CIG show, so it's obviously gonna be coloured and biased, but the devs they have talking about the game and their work all seem genuinely excited about what they're attempting. They keep bringing in people with pretty impressive resumes, like this new character art director who worked at Naughty Dog and Marvel, to go alongside a healthy number of out-of-college hopefuls.
If a storm is brewing, like Derek and his followers keep saying, it sure as hell isn't showing on the radar yet.
Usually companies this size dont fail because the individuals aren't doing their jobs, its because of gross incompetence by its management. And that can be extremely hard to notice if you aren't part of that management yourself. Sure sometimes you get a whiff that something isn't quite right, but it doesn't really hit till you come in to cash your check and it bounces.
Those animations :O
Man what got me with the avenger exit animation was when the guy was like.. finding his footing on the ladder. Whew. So good.
Yeah was about to say the exact same thing.
How exactly have they implemented it? Are these canned for each ship, or is there some AI to drive the animation based on the ship's configuration? If it's the latter, it's mighty impressive. If it's the former, it seems like a ton of work, given the number of ships.
I thought DS made it? Or at least he posted it and implied it was his.
Regardless, I've seen the comparisons made in a few places, so that's why I brought it up.
This month the graphics team have finished off a number of features and fixes which we hope will be in the backers hands very soon.
The first of these is a major upgrade to the particle lighting system. Previously the particles were lit by a different system to the rest of the game, and while this was cheaper it had many visual problems such as lack of shadows and incorrect brightness or colour for some light types. Weve now changed it so that it uses the new tiled-lighting system and so matches the rest of the lighting much better, but weve also added fully volumetric shadowing. This means we get accurate shafts of light passing through particles which looks very impressive in our tests and we cant wait to see what the artists can do with this.
The tiled lighting system in general has also had a major upgrade, partly to allow the particle lighting, but primarily to achieve greater performance on modern GPUs. This has been deactivated in recent public builds but we expect it to be enabled in the next major release. While looking at the lighting weve also started to improve the quality of rectangular area lights. Real-time renderers need to make many compromises to achieve any form of area lighting in real time, but were hoping to improve the results of these because sci-fi environments so often use rectangular lights.
Our work on the various high-dynamic-ranges features continues with the completion of the light-linking feature to allow realistic levels of brightness and glow from our lights. Next well be focussing on the exposure control system to make it better approximate the complexities of the human eye and brains amazing ability to adapt to environments which high contrast or very low light levels.
Some other more minor changes include: uncapping the GPU texture budget so that GPUs with more memory can benefit from higher texture resolutions and less likelihood of seeing any popping from the texture streaming, completion of our internal render-profiler, continuation of our major UI refactor mentioned last month, and various bug fixes with culling.
I see. Well, I'd love for there to be a brand new big budget space MMO, but considering it took Zenimax 7 years to develop ESO, I think we have a few more years to go if they really did start development in 2013. Unless it's just a space game using the ESO engine? If that's the case I'm a bit less enthused.The chart belongs to a guy who goes under the name G0RF, Derek just tends to link his work alot. Here's his thing on Starfield and how it relates to Star Citizen: http://tinyurl.com/h64ewvr
Usually companies this size dont fail because the individuals aren't doing their jobs, its because of gross incompetence by its management. And that can be extremely hard to notice if you aren't part of that management yourself. Sure sometimes you get a whiff that something isn't quite right, but it doesn't really hit till you come in to cash your check and it bounces.
So I havent been keeping up with the developments since late last year, are we still expecting the SP to launch this year?
Any idea of how big it is, or the nature of the SP? Is it just a linear story, or open world? Like can we explore different planets and stuff like that.
I'd wait until Gamescom to see if they release the vertical slice. If they do, it's possible. If they don't, it's definitely delayed. Until we see what they show-off at conventions we really don't know because CIG is being so tight-lipped about SQ42.So I havent been keeping up with the developments since late last year, are we still expecting the SP to launch this year?
Any idea of how big it is, or the nature of the SP? Is it just a linear story, or open world? Like can we explore different planets and stuff like that.
Scope of Squadron 42:
- comparison to Far Cry 3 in space
- freedom to decide if you just go through the 20 chapters step by step or if you explore the surroundings a bit on your own and do side stuff until your superior has a new mission for you
- different options to complete a mission (going in with pure fire power or search for possible reinforcements of the enemy that fly patrols, then fly not to close to the station and go in stealthy with EVA using silencers on your guns using the active cover system)
- another way could also be to use the possibilities of electronic warfare to make it impossible for enemies to set a station in alarm of your presence (we even can hack turrets of the station to gun down arriving reinforcements for the enemy)
- besides of the kind of openly designed missions there will also be highly scripted ones, especially in some of the main missions
- 60 hours video material (they don't say for episode 1 or the whole thing)
- 80 to 90 missions that are offered to you also based on your relationships with certain characters or successes/failures in previous missions
- The Odin system is the only star system we visit in Squadron 42 (they probably mean episode 1)
- According to the article there won't be any planetary content in episode 1
The scope part I'm pretty sure is talking about all 3 episodes, not just the first.
I'd wait until Gamescom to see if they release the vertical slice.
I'm not saying it's likely, just possible. And it is possible, that quote and the monthly report in general just don't give enough context on exactly how much work is left.There is no way that they will release vertical slice on GC. I was thinking that they can show something, but release it only at the end of the year if they will delay the game.
From the monthly report it seems that they are finishing VS, so maybe they will showcase it on GC.
"We are still pushing forward on Final Art for our VS level, everything from lighting, materials, atmospherics, props, terrain, rocks, and buildings are being worked on.".
What this now. ?So did anyone of you learned which tags you had before they took down the CS page?
So did anyone of you learned which tags you had before they took down the CS page?
What this now. ?
Ahhhh.CIG started categorizing their customers in their CS system by using terms like "High Maintenance" "Snowflake" "Goon" "Grey Market Trader". Seemed pretty shady at first, thought it was just photoshops. Then CIG decided to turn off their webtool for CS and its now "Under rework".
I didnt even have an account since I've never sent a cs ticket. Would have still though it was people fucking around till CIG kneejerked.
Did anyone screenshot it. I'd like to see what they say about me.
CIG started categorizing their customers in their CS system by using terms like "High Maintenance" "Snowflake" "Goon" "Grey Market Trader". Seemed pretty shady at first, thought it was just photoshops. Then CIG decided to turn off their webtool for CS and its now "Under rework".
I didnt even have an account since I've never sent a cs ticket. Would have still though it was people fucking around till CIG kneejerked.
Ahh. That's a shame.Nah, you had to log into the ticketing system and try to make a new ticket, under organizations it'll show which ones you were added to. Since I've never sent a ticket I couldn't even log in.
Did anyone screenshot it. I'd like to see what they say about me.
That's shitty if true. That's why you should never use these kinds of things even if you think you're the only one using them, they'll leak out eventually. But are these some kind of programmed thing or just personal tags that only Customer Service created? Kind of like how you would tag your mail in your inbox. Because it's a difference between personal policy that might went unnoticed and company wide supported behavior.
What company have you worked on that condone this sort of behavior because I can tell you from my own experience working in education/military/corporate that if I did anything similar to that the least of my problems would be a letter of reprimand. Its CS101 not to label anyone in any way shape or form even if you think the person "deserves" it primarily because of the PR disaster that would happen if it leaked out or because the person you've labeled is way above your and your bosses pay level. The person thats going to be shat on is your boss first and then I assure you your boss is going to shit all over YOU afterwards.None of this stuff is new to CS in general.
I don't really think it is strange that they would have tags for problem people. If someone acts like a dipshit to customer service it wouldn't surprise me that they would tag it. None of this stuff is new to CS in general.
Probably nothing, just like most people that checked.
I don't really think it is strange that they would have tags for problem people. If someone acts like a dipshit to customer service it wouldn't surprise me that they would tag it. None of this stuff is new to CS in general.
As someone who has worked in the CS sector in the past, that is really unprofessional and not something I would expect - or tolerate - one bit.
Ahh. Gotcha.Probably nothing, just like most people that checked.
Jesus. LOL.Just be thankful they're not changing your name to random insults ala Comcast.![]()
The thing is none of these tags are actually harmful, or particularly insulting, they're more candid than I would choose though. For example if someone submits lots of support tickets, sometime unnecessarily do you a treat each ticket the same, at the cost of thousands of other tickets thus depriving other people of support or do you tag people so that you can prioritize tasks? Also the goons category, I can figure exists because some moron told that lot to waste a lot of people's time with nonsense support requests.
It should be noted those were the only categories that people found. As noted, they weren't outright insulting people.
I understand the tags like 'Goon' and 'Grey Market trader'; they make sense as categories. "High Maintenance" and "Snowflake" aren't categories, they're personal labels. That crosses the line into unprofessionalism in my view.
+1Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | High Maintenance Goon's on the Snowflake Grey Market