Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!

Ace Attorney - Apollo Justice

Apollo Justice is a game where everyone is really, really stupid unless they are Phoenix Wright or Kristoph Gavin. Case 3 is so bad that it almost single handedly killed my drive to continue playing this series by itself, and Case 4 while magnitudes better still had me shaking my head all too often. The only contribution this game has to the series is a beyond terrible minigame, making the awesome Case 5 in AA1 canon and giving me a phobia of live concerts.


Don't we all BGBW?

Don't we all?

Oh that reminds me, Narag, where is that Garo Crimson Moon review?
You weren't lying when you said you were going to watch and review it right?

I said I was going to watch it and was going to pair it up with Yamato then it turned out Yamato was good so I forgot about the other!


Konosuba 1-2

I think I'd enjoy this more I f I had more any experience with MMOs or those trapped in a vidya game animes.


Aikatsu Stars 11

So here's an episode dedicated to making us like Hime, who so far has been Mizuki, but not as cool, mysterious, or interesting to watch. And... it succeeds? She actually calls out Principal Evil for practically bullying Yume, which is a nice change of pace. Something else is apparently going on with Yume beyond being very good under pressure? Hime also personally does Yume a favor because of it. Nice girl. She was practically bred to be a top idol. She acts like a queen in front of her supporters. And she eats spicy curry like a boss. Her weakness? Not overworking surprisingly, but rain. It's good to see a bit of her flawed side already. Stars has been steadily improving these last few episodes. Maybe it can match up to the original series after all.


Kabaneri of the Berserk

If Ikoma doesn't put a cannon in his arm before going after Grif- I mean Biba I'm going to be disappointed.

The Lost Village

Everyone daijobu, my expectations were low and I was still disappointed.

Why do I even watch anime?
Catch up time
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou 4-10
On par with Luluco as the best short of the season (will give Luluco a slight edge).

Usakame 3-10
This ain't Teekyuu....way too fucking slow.
I said I was going to watch it and was going to pair it up with Yamato then it turned out Yamato was good so I forgot about the other!

That's....for the best.

Just keep doing that.

KIZNAIVER Episode 11

Hmmm, not feeling this as much as previous episodes.

The whole "We were friends all along" didn't really ring true to me.


I've started watching Ushio To Tora. My god Tora is the best, he cracks me up.

Anything else like it worth watching?
Cyborg 009 (2001) 1

Wow, this is one of the best first episodes I've seen. It drops you right into the action with the awakening of 009 and his escape from the lab, and doesn't let up. The direction is sharp - I particularly liked the slightly surreal transition into 009's flashback about his previous human life - and there's boatloads of good animation everywhere, especially effects animation. The overall style does a good job of realizing the 1960s art style of the original manga in a 21st century fashion, making it pleasingly cartoony while not being so cartoony as to undermine the serious nature of the crisis 009 and the rest of the cyborgs are going through. Hopefully this is at least somewhat indicative of the general quality the show will have.

It's a real shame the only available version of this show is an incomplete, obscure, slightly hacked up for the English dub DVD from Sony Pictures Australia. This seems like a show that deserves a better rerelease.


Big Order- END
Umm, so just by
unlocking his full power, he had enough power to reconstruct the world to make his imouto happy?
did they have to pan
to him banging his well underage imouto so many times?
I mean, I don't even remember that happening earlier in the series, but whatever, it's fucked up either way... But hey, they aren't blood siblings, right? Ugh, this show sucked and it was gross with that shit..


Big Order- END
Umm, so just by
unlocking his full power, he had enough power to reconstruct the world to make his imouto happy?
did they have to pan to him banging his well underage imouto so many times? I mean, I don't even remember that happening earlier in the series, but whatever, it's fucked up either way... But hey, they aren't blood siblings, right? Ugh, this show sucked and it was gross with that shit..

Worst excuse ever to cover their asses with
the whole "no relation" thing.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable - 11-12

I love how the most destructive of Stands are being controlled by the most wimpy of people. Had any of the bad guys in Part 3 had The Hand or RHCP, the gang would've been toast by episode 10.

That last scene with Joseph and Josuke was super sweet. It's really sad seeing how old and senile Joseph has become. All that energy from him in Parts 2 and 3 just isn't there anymore. :(
This binge thread is NOT JUSTICE!!
Shit, finally gonna watch kiznaiver, rezero, flying witch, shounen maid

Wall of Shame:

Cornbread78	1,100
Narag	914
hosannainexcelsis	882
MetroidPrimeRib	632
Line_HTX	587
Admiral Woofington	541
Dedication Through Light	536
nintendoman58	519
duckroll	492
Qurupeke	436
names2hard4you	405
Jintor	376
Ascheroth	359
blurr	358
pbayne	322
Jarmel	319
phaze	309
Hellwarden	301
TUSR	278
SliceSabre	261
MikeHattsu	256
Basileus777	236
BGBW	229
Shard	227
JulianImp	202
NaDannMaGoGo	202
Thoraxes	199
firehawk12	189
Clov	185
PdotMichael	183
Mailbox	182
Lalalandia	178
Russ T	165
Wanderer5	162
ibyea	160
Quasar	158
Aki-at	155
Just T	152
Theonik	150
AquaWateria	140
zulux21	135
kewlmyc	132
Sölf	129
Joe Molotov	128
peaceiscloser	124
Haly	122
DeadRockstar	122
striferser	121
Defuser	117
Puruzi	111
GoldCrusader	101
zswordsman	100

I barely made the wall of shame :'v


Corporate Apologist
I am so disappointed at the Ace Attorney anime. They couldn't even do the Von Karma break down properly, with it being one of the most iconic bits from the first game. All around a very mediocre adaptation, does not do the games justice at all.

BBC casually linking anime and autism together, amazing. Godspeed you brilliant dogs of journalistic objectivity.

"Manga is a type of Japanese comic" - uh, it is Japanese comics, Mr. Reporter.

"Pikachew" - lol

Anyway, I don't think the focus on autism in this store profile is off-base. The BBC reporter doesn't seem to be implying that all anime/manga fans are autistic, but that the nature of the subculture provides a safe environment for people who have difficulty belonging elsewhere. That rings true with my own observation of the subculture.


Catch up time

Usakame 3-10
This ain't Teekyuu....way too fucking slow.

Damn right it's not. I tried to watch this but when I noticed that I could actually tell when lines of dialogue ended and others began I bailed out immediately.

BTW I notice that the AnimeGAF IRC no longer shows up in the OP. Is that not a thing anymore?
Fafner 26 END

This is how you do a good bittersweet ending. The sacrifices aren't gratuitous, and neither is the happiness unearned. It's a bleak world filled with tragedy, but at the same time it's a beautiful world filled with hope. Cutting back and forth between Kazuki and company's quest to rescue Soshi and Tsubaki's assimilation into the island drove that home. Speaking of which, I liked how the climax here was kept intimate and character focused despite the large scale stakes involved. It was a good choice to have Kazuki pursue his own mission instead of actively joining in the final battle set up by the Neo UN.

Altogether, I come away with a positive impression of the show. The foundation at the beginning was certainly shaky, with very poor establishment of the setting, the characters, and the story, but around the midpoint things start to become properly developed and the back half does some good character and thematic work. A strong conclusion is even more important than a strong beginning, in the end. (Although of course ideally you'd have both.) While there was good direction here and there, the show was consistently ugly though. The design work and use of digital techniques was quite poor. The mecha drawings were particularly bad. I do like the manifestation of Hirai's designs here a little better than Infinite Ryvius, or at least I got used to them easier here. I'm looking forward to getting to Heaven and Earth and then Exodus for the improved production values.

BTW I notice that the AnimeGAF IRC no longer shows up in the OP. Is that not a thing anymore?

It still exists.


The Light of El Cantare
I was scrutinizing the OP for something to complain about, but Komugi-chan R as even the ironic best anime of last season is enough for me. Continue.
Fafner 26 END

This is how you do a good bittersweet ending. The sacrifices aren't gratuitous, and neither is the happiness unearned. It's a bleak world filled with tragedy, but at the same time it's a beautiful world filled with hope. Cutting back and forth between Kazuki and company's quest to rescue Soshi and Tsubaki's assimilation into the island drove that home. Speaking of which, I liked how the climax here was kept intimate and character focused despite the large scale stakes involved. It was a good choice to have Kazuki pursue his own mission instead of actively joining in the final battle set up by the Neo UN.

Altogether, I come away with a positive impression of the show. The foundation at the beginning was certainly shaky, with very poor establishment of the setting, the characters, and the story, but around the midpoint things start to become properly developed and the back half does some good character and thematic work. A strong conclusion is even more important than a strong beginning, in the end. (Although of course ideally you'd have both.) While there was good direction here and there, the show was consistently ugly though. The design work and use of digital techniques was quite poor. The mecha drawings were particularly bad. I do like the manifestation of Hirai's designs here a little better than Infinite Ryvius, or at least I got used to them easier here. I'm looking forward to getting to Heaven and Earth and then Exodus for the improved production values.

Be sure to check out the Right of Left prequel OVA as well. It gets referenced a bit in H&E, and is fairly relevant in Exodus.
Mushishi Zoku Sho 10


He's a sly one.

One thing I really enjoy about this series is its total commitment towards depicting whatever natural phenomena are the focus of the story, and nowhere was that more apparent than in this tale of a mountain where winter refuses to leave. This is actually my favorite episode of Zoku Sho so far, due to the unconventional nature of the story and the hauntingly mysterious atmosphere. There's no problem to solve; there aren't even any human characters except Ginko - there's just a strange situation in which he finds himself, and how it develops. Nagahama's penchant for meticulous observational detail and deliberate pacing shines with this material.

Be sure to check out the Right of Left prequel OVA as well. It gets referenced a bit in H&E, and is fairly relevant in Exodus.

I'm going to watch it, but I don't expect the production there to be much better than OG Fafner since it was made soon afterwards.
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