Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!


Was looking forward to possibly check out this shirt from Good Smile Company at AX.


But apparently it is $50..... Screw that lol. I just see if Crunchyroll will still have this on Sunday:

ReLife Episode 3

Inu is continuing to provide many laughs. Though also the PE class was some of the funniest moments in the anime.
I kind of at least wish some relationships were left open or not clearly defined, though it is their third year so maybe that explains some but still.

I though the glasses girl would be the other relifer but red hair may be her???


Shin Sekai Yori 1
An intriguing premise. Pretty good world building and there are already many questions that need an answer. It surprised me that the atmosphere seems pretty heavy. All the important scenes had something unsettling about them, like the story about the ogre, the cat or the ceremony. The direction and the quick cuts, the alternating soft and vibrant colours, the visuals and the music, all of them were amazing and supported the atmosphere. And I love the character designs so much.
Uh? Did I miss something? Earlier I only saw one episode of ReLIFE, how come DTL has impressions for 3? Did they post 2 more after?

OHH they are doing this Netflix style uh.

Andrew J.

I feel like I'm being taunted here by the industry. Almost every single new 2D Super Robot show made in the last few years have been nothing but disappointments. Captain Earth, GBF TRY, etc.

I'm approaching this with more cautious optimism than I was with Comet Lucifer, but the PVs keep showing me the kind of mecha stuff I want to see, which fills this sliver of hope in me that maybe, just maybe, this can be good.

Just do what I do when a mecha show is disappointing: Lie to everyone (including yourself) that it was actually good!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mushishi Zoku Shou: Suzu no Shizuku
This is the final piece of Mushishi, and its almost unassuming nature as a send off serves as an exceptionally appropriate book end to the series. People familiar with the Hihamukage special should know that attempts to round up the larger cast and throw them into a high stakes game can feel out of touch with the themes and tones that truly define and separate Mushishi from its contemporaries. Suzu no Shizuku carefully lays out a tale with an inevitable fate defined by the laws of nature. Even while focusing on the harmony that exists between the landscape, its frondescence, and the living creatures that inhabit that space, there are strong themes here of inherited duty and the divide that can create between what the human heart yearns for. Strong familial bonds root themselves into this story of nature pulling away a young girl to ensure the continued flow of life atop a mountain. Every aspect of this story feels intuitive, with character motivations tied to a base instinct as this beautiful but haunting scenario overtakes their lives.
Amusingly, the person most disruptive to the natural order is Ginko, whose interference complicates the situation while also offering a greater level of understanding to all parties involved. With little control over the situation, the scale and impact of natural order feel like they get the standing they deserve. This is the best possible note to leave Mushishi on.
ReLife Episode 6

Wow my predictions were both wrong, well sorta, I did get that glasses girl was a relifer but part of the support agency like Yoake. Though now I wonder if the first subject they keep referring too is even in the class. Unless its one of the guys but that wouldnt make sense.

Episode 5 ed was my favorite thus far.Because they finally got to bond.


to once think i was actually optimistic about this show

not only do they cut lost children they actually cut the beginning of the black swordsman arc?
Yup went there and saw all of the other episodes up. Not sure whether I wanna binge this or watch this weekly... This is no Daredevil, I don't feel the need to rush it.

I said this right? But here I am looking at my anime calendar again and seeing how cramped it all is. This being a long weekend (Canada baby) and all I may just get this show over with starting tonight until Sunday or so... I'll see how I feel after a little bit more of ZTD.


Two questions:

Is ReLIFE any good?

Is all episodes released at once?

I enjoy the manga, I've watched the first 2 episodes so far and its better than I expected. Art is a bit too simple for my liking, but otherwise it does a good job. Premise is kinda dumb, but its executed pretty well, but don't expect too much outside of some expected cliche arcs. The backstory stuff is more interesting, however.

All episode are available now on Crunchyroll.


Even after decades season changes never stop feeling overwhelming, at least there's some godly series this season.
ReLIFE and Momokuri seemed alright, Berserk I had no expectations for and was still disappointed, oh well at least
we got glimpse of Schierke.
ReLife Episode 7

Come on why cant you tell us.

I do like how the anime is kind of also about Yoake growing and developing too. Really good episode on his background.Also he looked so young just a year ago.


Arslan Senki - OVA 1
Arslan and Elam are gay and they love each other and are gonna get married and have lots of babies and that makes me very happy.
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