Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!


Hmm... It looks like Rewrite's first episode will be an hour long, and the rest will be just regular length in a half-hour slot.

Okada Gundam 03

Excellent payback at the cowards who tried to leave the 3rd group to die. At least Orga and Co. were fair to those that wanted to leave by giving them their severance pay.

Blushing Kudelia though...


My Hero Academia #12

Oh shit, this delivered on all fronts.
All Mights entrance was really powerful and the fight at the end was just awesome. So this is where most of the action animation budget went, haha.
Soundtrack was on-point as well.



My Neighbours the Yamadas

A friend had be insisting on watching this for quite a while and I myself was keen on watching more of Takahata's works. This was a fun series of shorts with good messages and downright hilarious moments on family and relationships. When it is not funny or moving, it has these silent moments of almost nothing going on which captivated an aspect of families we notice/see little of. It started off with messages on what it means to get married and have kids where everything was visualised by surreal situations as a metaphor but the most memorable piece of advice was "to be weary when the sea remains calm because that's when you let loose of your family" - they say a "sea" since they visualized tough times as a storm on the sea.

The star of the show was the character animation and art style - reminiscent of Tale of Princess Kaguya showcasing multiple instances of great animation. I like how every frame represents something like a memory with only details and presence of things that have relevance to the situation. The hazy nature further adds to this impression. I'm really making it unfair by saying so little but it's something one has to watch to appreciate and perhaps if you are more capable than me in describing it, that would be great.

Do suggest more of Takahata's works, I'm interesting watching everything.

Now if you'll excuse me, the latest episode of My Hero Academia is waiting for my viewing.
my hero academia 12

Holy shit! This was the best thing ever! They made this fight so perfeeeect! It was so good that it got me emotinal.

With this single moment MHA is truly AOTS! Why you ask? Because All Might was there!


Maturity, bitches.
BGBW wrote that article, eh?

There was a Tokyo Toys in London (now closed). I did go in there and it was pretty much what I expected, expensive merchandise of the big shows only, so importing direct from Japan is still a far better proposition and thus the only reason to go there is to feel a sense of smug superiority. Luckily the staff there were subdued and "normal" (probably because that's the London nature) compared to the ones shown in that video (though they were likely also acting up for the camera).

BTW I notice that the AnimeGAF IRC no longer shows up in the OP. Is that not a thing anymore?
I did notice that too, but when I asked some people about it I was told they preferred it that way.

I was scrutinizing the OP for something to complain about, but Komugi-chan R as even the ironic best anime of last season is enough for me. Continue.
In regard to the edit message, sorry to hear that. :(


My Hero Academia 12

I̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶

I̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶


A symbol of peace - not just 4 words the show kept saying, All Might put them in practice and went above and beyond the call of duty. It was tempting as a viewer to have Bakugo, Deku, Kirishima and Todoroki fight along side All Might but no, that was unaccpetable, there was more than their survival at stake here and it was worth more than All Might's well being. All Might had reached a point where he was battling his fears and weaknesses, not for himself but for everyone else. It wasn't an act of self-glorification, rather setting an example, a standard, the show has been resonating with the themes of inspiration and overcoming the toughest moments and this is yet another glorious example of it. Even after defeating Nomu, he goes on to say he was more than capable of what they saw, instilling hope for going even further than he did. That there's more to it. All Might you glorious bastard [wipes tears].


MHA 12

If OPM hadn't come out last year that would've been punch of the while. It was kind of a stock-standard flurry of blows exchange but the quality of the animation along with the various reaction shots really sold the sheer brute impact of those two powerhouses just going at it.




Star Driver 05

Losing a duel because your inner fujoshi got the better of you is so stupid it transcends that and becomes brilliant instead.

The second half of the OP song got me addicted.

MHA 12

Yeah this was good. Not only the flashy fight sequence but just generally things finally coming to head. All Might's presence and limitations placed upon him brought some urgency into this [manga spoilers]
even if I knew more or less nothing can happen here
[manga spoilers] That said I still cannot find myself giving a rat's ass about the villains and what I saw here of Mr hand fetish only reinforces that.


Iron Blooded Orphans - 1

Neither the male or female protagonist (I guess the rich girl is?) did much to sell me on the show, the animation is nice as with all first episodes but I don't think I'll be picking this up.

My Hero Acadamia - 12

I only jumped back in for the fight, it was good.

Flying Witch - 8

I'd watch a whole series dedicated to a witch cafe run by Polar Bear.

The fox bit melted my heart in the cuteness overload.


Hero Academia 12
God, I need that Hero Academia OST. And god, these cliffhangers are totally killing me. I am so going to switch to the manga after the final episode. I can't take this anymore. D:


Air Gear 01

This really is a Jet Set Radio anime, music and all. And Chiaki Konaka wrote it. What could go wrong?

I like the dub, but Hulu doesn't allow the the subs to be turned on, so all the text is untranslated. :/


It's just an adaptation of the manga isn't it though ?

Judging from what I've seen said about the source material, everything. (outside of the art in manga)

Hideki Naganuma didn't do the music for the manga. :p 'skankfunk' is his pseudonym.


I definitly need to post more often in here. But I rarely post more than 2 or 3 sentences for an episode and then I often don't have any interest to post at all.

And the fact, that I can't keep up with my shows. Heck, not enough time.


IIRC I've been posting on a lot of things, weekly airing shows, Idolm@ster, some movies I watched and of course dipping into the thread's debates/discussions on one's behavior. I am a bit bitter that I could've done the same and updated my blog.


Boku no Hero Academia Episode 12:

At last we have reached our climax and yea this was damn good in spite of falling into some annoying shonen and superhero tropes along the way. STOP STANDING AROUND AND DO SOMETHING!
IIRC I've been posting on a lot of things, weekly airing shows, Idolm@ster, some movies I watched and of course dipping into the thread's debates/discussions on one's behavior. I am a bit bitter that I could've done the same and updated my blog.

The problem with keeping a blog is that you have to work hard at self-promotion and be lucky (or be connected to a larger site) to get anyone to read it, let alone comment on it.


The problem with keeping a blog is that you have to work hard at self-promotion and be lucky (or be connected to a larger site) to get anyone to read it, let alone comment on it.

Haha, I know, I had no plans for such prospects but I only intended it to be consolidated location for my thoughts on shows as opposed to having posts here. Writing for me is a form self help/improvement and I don't exactly see myself going for something on a professional level any time now (you never know about tomorrow).
talking less. this community used to go over 2/3 OTs easily when I first joined, but people have gotten banned/left on their own.

Feels like there was no "it" show that engendered discussion this season past the MHA slapfighting.

I feel like there was very little anime discussion this season amongst ourselves, there were individual posts with impressions but that was it. There was some MHA and Kiznaiver discussion but that was it really. I feel like I haven't seen everyone as engaged as we were when SNAFU2 was airing. I feel like that was the last show that pretty much everyone on here was watching, and everyone was having interesting and fun discussions.
I feel like there was very little anime discussion this season amongst ourselves, there were individual posts with impressions but that was it. There was some MHA and Kiznaiver discussion but that was it really. I feel like I haven't seen everyone as engaged as we were when SNAFU2 was airing. I feel like that was the last show that pretty much everyone on here was watching, and everyone was having interesting and fun discussions.

well blame it on the season not really having something to discuss. Seems like everyone was super excited for kiznaiver but it fizzled out.


I feel like there was very little anime discussion this season amongst ourselves, there were individual posts with impressions but that was it. There was some MHA and Kiznaiver discussion but that was it really. I feel like I haven't seen everyone as engaged as we were when SNAFU2 was airing. I feel like that was the last show that pretty much everyone on here was watching, and everyone was having interesting and fun discussions.

people actually talked about snafu?
Snafu even spawned great discussion here not too long ago when someone said they couldn't stand the show because they couldn't get behind such an antisocial self harming main character or something. It spawned decent discussion.

Much better than "hnng this girl Mai waifu"


I feel like there was very little anime discussion this season amongst ourselves, there were individual posts with impressions but that was it. There was some MHA and Kiznaiver discussion but that was it really. I feel like I haven't seen everyone as engaged as we were when SNAFU2 was airing. I feel like that was the last show that pretty much everyone on here was watching, and everyone was having interesting and fun discussions.

We've probably had more comfy SOL than anything else and no show that breaks the barrier between just anime viewers to casual anime viewers like Erased and One Punch Man did recently.

At least that's what I feel like, no show was really had that one big episode that just sucked people in.
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