Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!


Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 1-9

SHAFT-y settings, a lovely soundtrack, a relaxing mood (just like its protagonist), extremely likeable characters (Ohta is perfect, Miyano and Echizen cute and Shiraishi... wonderful), and this:


Add some little touches (such as long pauses and great comedic moments) and the result is one of last season's best animes. Haven't finished yet but I seriously want a second season. Why haven't I picked this earlier...
Some people don't have time to read the manga afterwards.

And some people would rather have an OST while watching.

Reading manga is way faster than watching anime, so citing time is kind of a strange argument.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to read manga. But sometimes people really overstate "read the manga endings".

A series that just ends without adapting all of the story isn't a "read the manga ending". That should be reserved for the sort of endings that really rely heavily on hinting at all sorts of future developments that aren't going to be animated, rather than just "the story isn't over yet".


Everything is a "read the manga" ending to you.

Umm, well, they were obvious about this one, so of course. Same as a lot of shows in general, which is why I prefer "original" and/or Manga/ln stories that have been completed and are full adaptations, like Orange will be.
Reading manga is way faster than watching anime, so citing time is kind of a strange argument.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to read manga. But sometimes people really overstate "read the manga endings".

A series that just ends without adapting all of the story isn't a "read the manga ending". That should be reserved for the sort of endings that really rely heavily on hinting at all sorts of future developments that aren't going to be animated, rather than just "the story isn't over yet".

This was pretty much what I was getting at. There are some adaptations with blatant teases to read the source material, and then there are most adaptations that end with some sort of stopping point and aren't doing anything outrageous.
You do apparently.

You haven't seen Crimson Moon. I think it was firehawk who recently wrote up about Hundred, saying it was a profoundly cynical show.

Crimson Moon is just cynicism. The whole thing. No one tried with Crimson Moon. The people working on Hundred tried more than the people working on Crimson Moon.


Let's use the penultimate episode to talk about some side characters no one cared about #11




She... charged directly a bunch of dudes armed with Uzis and just just barely got hit once in the thigh?
Has anyone gotten the OST for vol 2 of Golden Time? I can't find it anywhere, the damn cd only comes with the dvd vol 7 apparently and it's $60 :'v. Anyone know where maybe I can find it cheaper than the CDjapan place or maybe used but standalone without the dvd. I just wanna make a flac rip of that OST.


Active Raid 6

Episode 6 is an oddly effective episode. It's campy, but it also tells a surprisingly bittersweet story about giant robots, following your dreams, and time passing people by. The whole episode feels like a lot of genuine effort went into it, to the point where it feels completely at odd with the rest of the series so far.

Looking at the external context, the results weren't too surprising given that this episode deals with one of the director's favorite themes (see GunXSword 3 for an even better example of it). In any case, that's certainly indicative of what the staff can do when they really want to make an effort. Which begs the question: why isn't the rest of Active Raid like that? The short answer is because the creators just weren't interested in making that kind of show this time around. That and you can't exactly expect them to push IMS too hard on a weekly basis (production wise, it was rather difficult to make episode 6 happen).

While Active Raid does have some obvious anime trappings like all the pretty boys and girls, it was largely made by -and ostensibly for- very laidback people with a certain set of Tokusatsu/Super Sentai sensibilities. If you look at the list of scriptwriters, there's folks like Toshiki Inoue, Kenichi Araki and Daisuke Ishibashi, plus Naruhisa Arakawa as the main writer. Going by their past work in different Japanese live-action hero series, these are people who can find entertainment even in shallow, formulaic material full of silly/stupid things, without necessarily expecting to compel or engage the viewer on a deeper level. There might be more "serious" or "emotional" episodes but they are the exception, not the rule. In short, enjoying the show in all of its cheesiness isn't even the "wrong" way of approaching it. You kind of need to have a taste for that and go along with a lot of the conventions of the genre it's based on. Presumably the second season will shift a couple of gears, in order to make the show less niche, but I don't expect anything close to a structural change.


Fullmetal Alchemist:B ep. 42-43

Oh man, that dreaded little douche
finally got fucking destroyed by Dr. Marcoh!
and after all of that his base form is
a lizard looking alien? WTF is up with that?
still a cocky little shit as well..

What I don't get is why they
slaughtered that army knowing damn well that they were just trying to complete the mass transmutation circle
That ending reaveal to Major Cornol Armstrong was pretty crazy stuff as well. Can't wait to see how she reacts!

Oh and who knew this meme was from back then:


I almost died laughing when he said this taunting Pride..


Just saw that one of the summer anime will be a Barakamon prequel, an anime that's on my to watch list for a while now. Thinking of binge watching this as soon as I'm done catching up with some spring anime... I'm finishing Asterisk probably tonight, then Flying Witch tomorrow.

There's a bunch of stuff I want to see in summer season and I'm still so late with the spring releases =(


I loved Barakamon but I haven't been super hyped about this prequel. The high school setting doesn't appeal to me nearly as much, and of course there's no Naru. I'll probably still give it a shot but I just want more Barakamon :(
Mawaru Penguindrum - 5


This is some Uncharted shit.

So as if the sentient hat business wasn't enough, Kanba resorted to taking money from a dude in a black trench coat to keep the three of them living under the same roof.

Because that always ends up going so well, doesn't it?


I loved Barakamon but I haven't been super hyped about this prequel. The high school setting doesn't appeal to me nearly as much, and of course there's no Naru. I'll probably still give it a shot but I just want more Barakamon :(

I didn't find the manga very entertaining, but I might still give it a try.
Concrete Revolutio - 4

It's interesting how this show even manages to put giant monsters in a morally grey light, by having them being used as tools to put superhumans in the light of them being the good guys while people who genuinely like them exist.
I am pretty hyped to hear the dub for Digmon Tri 1 in the future! Hoping they do it like the old movies with the music change and eveything but I'm probably asking for to much there hehe.

The dub really brings this series up for me.

And what would I do to hear Omnimon amazing english voice in another movie.


Katanagatari ep.10

An interesting way to both gather another sword, give some backstory on Togame as well as discovering the true nature of Kyotouryuu. Excellent way to tie tjose things together as well.

I guess the bigger battle really comes next week, because this week the antagonist was annoying, so a final showdown with the maniwani corps should be fun.


Macross Delta - 1


Headscarf + cleavage is a strange but... intriguing combination.

My only experience with the Macross series is Macross Plus but I always thought the series had more song and dance. From my understanding Plus was the more restrained release in that department (Admittedly it must have been close to a decade since I last saw it so maybe I'm remembering incorrectly)

For a first episode it did enough to get my attention, I think I'll keep watching to see how dancing mecha pilots and Miku(mo) combine to save the universe and fight off biological warfare, I always knew Project Diva held the keys to mankind's survival.


Joker Game

Probably the most enjoyable series of the season for me. It's largely carried by the overall atmosphere and character dialogue, but that was more that enough. The episodic style worked fine for me, even if we are left with minimal character development(for the most part). It was nice to just sit back and watch each week unfold, with all the dramatics, and smirking to go with it.


Macross Delta - 1

My only experience with the Macross series is Macross Plus but I always thought the series had more song and dance. From my understanding Plus was the more restrained release in that department (Admittedly it must have been close to a decade since I last saw it so maybe I'm remembering incorrectly)

For a first episode it did enough to get my attention, I think I'll keep watching to see how dancing mecha pilots and Miku(mo) combine to save the universe and fight off biological warfare, I always knew Project Diva held the keys to mankind's survival.


Mikumo-san is the one and only Goddess that'll lead with her singing.



Caught up on Aikatsu Stars. I think it's finally hitting its groove. Episode 10 was great.

Yeah, the last few episodes have been surprisingly solid. Yume and Laura are getting some nice development, and S4 are starting to diversify a little from 4 different flavors of mentor.
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