Spring Anime 2016 |OT2| Justice is Over!


At this point i dont understand why jump dont just get him to do story boards and get another artist to draw up.

Its because anytime they manage to release a volume it breaks 1mill.

really he has laid the ground work for the next big arc.

just get permission to make an anime original version of it and put some talent on it and go crazy making it last for 2-3 years or until ratings dip :p

it will at least give fans something to care about until he gets back to writing the manga.



Hayashi da gawd

2:00 onwards is just

Macross Delta - 1

My only experience with the Macross series is Macross Plus but I always thought the series had more song and dance. From my understanding Plus was the more restrained release in that department (Admittedly it must have been close to a decade since I last saw it so maybe I'm remembering incorrectly)

For a first episode it did enough to get my attention, I think I'll keep watching to see how dancing mecha pilots and Miku(mo) combine to save the universe and fight off biological warfare, I always knew Project Diva held the keys to mankind's survival.

You need to watch Macross Froniter, so you can experience Sherly da gawdess.

Just T

My Hero Academia: 13

Great finale. I saw a lot of different opinions about this one but I thought it had a pretty good season. The pacing is one of things I've seen brought into question a lot, saying it was a bit too slow, however it's one of the things I appreciated most about this adaptation. More than enough times I've seen adaptations rush through material and end up ruining it in the long run but since the first few episodes I had a good idea where this season would finish and glad it kept a nice pace until it got to that point. It wasn't perfect though, they tended to use a bit more flashbacks than necessary at points so didn't like that.

It was great to see this animated and hear the characters voiced, except Bakugou, he was already too much with no voice but everyone else was cool. Also of course the fitting soundtrack. I'm looking forward to the second season, some really great moments are coming up besides that silhouette tease.


Maturity, bitches.
So when are we getting Kiniro Mosaic Series 3 where everything just falls to shit because Alice votes Leave.


Saint Titanfall
Macross Delta 1

"Sir the enemy is attacking us what do we do?"

"What else soldier? What you were trained to do!"


It does get better but the first few episodes are some cringe ass shit, the cringe never really goes but when you have stuf like ships pulling Adama manuevers you stop caring and enjoy the ride.

I still need a gif of that
I could be finishing off my anime backlog during this between season lull, but instead I'm buying more games and adding to my games backlog.

But how could I resist? Tales of Hearts R is $5.99 on PSN!
It does get better but the first few episodes are some cringe ass shit, the cringe never really goes but when you have stuf like ships pulling Adama manuevers you stop caring and enjoy the ride.

I still need a gif of that
To be fair it's the Macross I've enjoyed the most because I find it hilarious the singers make a million dancing creatures that work as a shield and the main character is making his robots do fucking ballet pirouettes mixed with break dancing. The previous one was so boring, plus the military girl in this one da best


Maturity, bitches.
They haven't announced the movie for UK release. The special editions for the UK releases look rather simple compared to the US ones, but I prefer that both discs are in one case.


They haven't announced the movie for UK release. The special editions for the UK releases look rather simple compared to the US ones, but I prefer that both discs are in one case.

There was a standard edition version of the movie announced just yesterday for US release that's just the disc in a normal case for like $10 less. The NISA Premium editions come with some nice goodies. My only shame with their stuff is missing out on the Arakawa PEs.

That being said, the Premium Editions from them have been going out of print very fast these days. Love Live Season 2 PE is already gone forever it seems.


Maturity, bitches.
There was a standard edition version of the movie announced just yesterday for US release that's just the disc in a normal case for like $10 less. The NISA Premium editions come with some nice goodies. My only shame with their stuff is missing out on the Arakawa PEs.

That being said, the Premium Editions from them have been going out of print very fast these days. Love Live Season 2 PE is already gone forever it seems.

The UK special editions (or only editions at the moment) are just the show plus that little art book that came with the US editions. We don't even get card codes for the mobile game. ;__;


Kiznaiver #11-12 (End)

...Now that was awkward. So Nori was able to redirect all the pain to herself by wishing it so? And there was that weird forced kizna system installation and the kidnapping of the mayor that were somehow all but forgotten after a couple scenes with absolutely no consequences? And the power of love and friendship was all it took to outright remove the kizna system from Nori, and thus returning the pain to Katsuhira and the other children? And that whole "the pain you felt wasn't due to the kizna system, but due to the actual bond you had with Kacchon"?... Ooookay.

I've got to agree with the sentiment that the last few episodes have seriously hurt the show, since abusing the kizna system so much to bring about the finale felt really weak and not all that interesting in the end. The middle of the show was great, but as a whole it wasn't nowhere near as good as Kokoro Connect due to how Nori basically eclipsed the whole world after a while.


It does get better but the first few episodes are some cringe ass shit, the cringe never really goes but when you have stuf like ships pulling Adama manuevers you stop caring and enjoy the ride.

I still need a gif of that

What you call cringe is what I call its best features :p

When I saw a flying idol military squad fighting with singing and a dancing mech, I knew I would be in for a special ride.

Russ T

man i wish i hadn't noticed the shading penumbras in pv 2 cause now they stand out even more

how can one thing look bad enough to bring down everything else that looks good
Sailor Moon Crystal III 5

The new OP/ED suck, but that's compensated for by the latter half of the episode having particularly strong direction and animation. I just love how lavish all the effects animation in this show is, from the stock transformation and attacks to the non-stock action. A real treat.


I need God Eater Blu Ray details tomorrow Aniplex!

You need God Eater, I need Mushishi S2, and Thoarxes needs Samurai Flamenco. Together, we form the trinity of neglected Aniplex of America licenses! Perhaps tomorrow will bring some good news, or at the very least more people pestering them during the Q&A.
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