TB alluded to this being GOTY. If you're a Deus Ex fan, that's all you need to know
apparently he didnt have review code when he said that
The 90+ dream is dead?
TB alluded to this being GOTY. If you're a Deus Ex fan, that's all you need to know
The 90+ dream is dead?
apparently he didnt have review code when he said that
Eidos have crafted a truly emergent experience in a varied and intriguing universe that is always eager to reward your efforts either with XP, collectibles or Easter eggs. Besides a few fairly minor issues and some cracks in the paintwork, Mankind Divided is a hugely playable adventure in a world that will stick with you every time you log off. Beautifully grim, relentless captivating, and humanly flawed, this dystopian vision is a compelling, tightly-crafted experience.
The 90+ dream is dead?
Why does this not surprise me lolapparently he didnt have review code when he said that
TB alluded to this being GOTY. If you're a Deus Ex fan, that's all you need to know
I'm not saying Jensen has been incorrectly characterised himself, but that his situation in the game wasn't the best lens to hold up to oppression, and, more than that, the game wants every player choice to feel valid, so never actually draws any conclusions either way. The augmentation metaphor does not end up a searing, incisive one.
Don't think it was ever hyped that high. Mid 80s is what I expect.
Giant Bomb's review is in.
The use of real-world history to give context to the segregation and prejudice in this world is heavy-handedfrom Augmented Lives Matter slogans on posters to drinking fountains marked augs and naturals. Its like the writers are constantly poking you in the arm and saying Get it?
PC Invasion will be running a stand-alone article looking at the specific PC options and performance in more detail on release day (certain irritating embargo rules prohibit me from doing this earlier). However, the short version is that Nixxes are on porting duties for this one and have a justifiably solid reputation for this kind of work. There are an extensive list of graphics options to alter and customise, support for borderless and exclusive fullscreen, MSAA, the ability, thank christ, to turn off the hideous sharpening and chromatic aberration effects that you see on all the canned promotional images I’m NDA-limited to using in this review, an FOV slider that takes the game’s field of view from the default (awful) to a much more acceptable level, and the list goes on.
You can substantially customise the HUD too, switching off things like waypoint markers, the mini-map, fading out your health when not in use, tweaking the scale of the HUD so that it’s 20% or 50% (or really any percent) smaller. Keys can be redefined. Mouse sensitivity altered. It’s a really strong transition to PC, where Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will without question look and run its best (quality of your PC permitting, of course). Performance-wise the game is said to still be undergoing optimisation, but I don’t expect radical changes between now and release.
On a system housing an i5-6600 / 16GB DDR4 RAM / 4GB 380X, Mankind Divided defaulted to High (out of Low/Medium/High/V. High/Ultra). That proved to be a little over-taxing for a consistent 60fps/1080p, but lowering Shadows to Medium and just putting up with a few fluctuations seemed to work out fine. With V-Sync off, tighter indoor areas were comfortably in the 50-70fps range. Most outdoor areas hovered closer to 45-60, with a few particularly geometry-heavy areas of Prague dipping briefly into the high 30s.
Definitely not many, I'm infinitely more hyped for Mankind Divided than I was for Uncharted 4, but there's no way it would've gotten 93+. I'm hoping for 87/88. Would be a nice score.Oh it was, many thought this was going to be similar to Uncharted 4 review scores
That's ok, they'll fix it by the time it releases on the NX!
Mankind Divided is a thoroughly satisfying Action RPG that understands how to make stealth play enjoyable, flexible and challenging. The design of its near-future world is remarkable, and the stories held within it are compelling. The only sour taste here is an ending at odds, and the slightest whiff of over-familiarity.
OP why did you use I instead of | in the title
pls god no
Looks like it will end up in the 78-82 range.Definitely not many, I'm infinitely more hyped for Mankind Divided than I was for Uncharted 4, but there's no way it would've gotten 93+. I'm hoping for 87/88. Would be a nice score.
TB alluded to this being GOTY. If you're a Deus Ex fan, that's all you need to know
Definitely not many, I'm infinitely more hyped for Mankind Divided than I was for Uncharted 4, but there's no way it would've gotten 93+. I'm hoping for 87/88. Would be a nice score.
the guy only plays pc games so yeah...missing a lot of great games
I cant buy games that get 7/10s, sorry fam
The use of real-world history to give context to the segregation and prejudice in this world is heavy-handedfrom Augmented Lives Matter slogans on posters to drinking fountains marked augs and naturals. Its like the writers are constantly poking you in the arm and saying Get it?
Not that many I'd saythe guy only plays pc games so yeah...missing a lot of great games