The Nazi warcries have started at Trump rallies

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This fucking persecution complex they whole heartily abide to is beyond unreal. It's all out there now, and they're legion.


That title.

Watched the video, he's stood on his own at the back of the crowd with the reporters chanting something idiotic.

Probably a plant.


Aren't CNN polls more unreliable than others?

Or their spin on data anyway.

The Problem is when they talk about oh its a close race they generally reference how it could turn out in the popular vote. Trump has basically never had a chance in the electoral college.

The Kree

So he's pointing at the press yelling Jew-S-A because the Jews supposedly control the media or something? It's hard to comprehend certain levels of stupid sometimes.
That title.

Watched the video, he's stood on his own at the back of the crowd with the reporters chanting something idiotic.

Probably a plant.

Yeah I'm sure a person who isn't actually anti-semitic would want to be seen on the six o'clock news chanting anti-semitic words.

edit: I just remembered GAF likes to troll with sarcasm. Should have just left that one alone since it's impossible to tell the difference anymore.


Alt-Right is just soft PR for White Supremacist.

I wish I could remember the documentary I watched years back where they went into white supremisits groups in the early 2000's, and they talked about how they were going softer on messaging and trying to build bridges with traditional main-line conservatives because they saw the writing on the wall for their hard ideology that was dying. Skinhead-ism was dying, so some groups decided they had to push through legitimate political channels to have any chance of staying alive.

Looks like they've been more successful than they could ever have imagined.
That title.

Watched the video, he's stood on his own at the back of the crowd with the reporters chanting something idiotic.

Probably a plant.

We've seen people get kicked out for disagreeing with the crowd at other trump rallies. Why didn't the same happen here?


Wait till election is over and Clinton wins. All the craziness of the crooked hillary, build the wall, lock her up, rigged will be out of control. These people are not going to just sit idly by. Think about. We went from what the tea party was to the alt right. Now imagine what the alt right will be when Trump loses. Think of what he had said, his message at rallies.

People keep saying the GOP will get its act together and reform. But reform into what. Their base is moving rapidly to ultranationalism. If you deny this you are being disengenuous. Marco Rubio saying you know what we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants, we need to accept LGBT voters, this might sway some centrist left voters to vote them, but it will not bring these voters to support him.


CNN is in the market of keeping the race "exciting" because they feed off of reader/viewership. They put that Clinton e-mail FBI nothingness on full blast the other day because they wanted her lead to narrow down so it doesn't look like a blow out victory. Now they moved on to this so that Trump doesn't pick up too much momentum.

It's horse shit, and it's why CNN is hot garbage.


That title.

Watched the video, he's stood on his own at the back of the crowd with the reporters chanting something idiotic.

Probably a plant.
Is it hard for you to believe that theirs anti-Semitic Trump supporters or something? Or that racist bigots would expose their stupidity on camera?


Wait till election is over and Clinton wins. All the craziness of the crooked hillary, build the wall, lock her up, rigged will be out of control. These people are not going to just sit idly by. Think about. We went from what the tea party was to the alt right. Now imagine what the alt right will be when Trump loses. Think of what he had said, his message at rallies.

People keep saying the GOP will get its act together and reform. But reform into what. Their base is moving rapidly to ultranationalism. If you deny this you are being disengenuous. Marco Rubio saying you know what we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants, we need to accept LGBT voters, this might sway some centrist left voters to vote them, but it will not bring these voters to support him.

Most people agree with that, we're just aren't sure how such craziness will externalize itself.
People keep saying the GOP will get its act together and reform. But reform into what. Their base is moving rapidly to ultranationalism. If you deny this you are being disengenuous. Marco Rubio saying you know what we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants, we need to accept LGBT voters, this might sway some centrist left voters to vote them, but it will not bring these voters to support him.

The fact is, the majority like the cut of Trump's jib. They've had a taste, and now they're raging for it.
It's one guy! Except for the guy who screamed "go back to Auschwitz" during the primary, the woman with the Nazi tattoos who was volunteering for the campaign. The people screaming Nazi era slogans like "Lugenpresse" at the press.

And that's only the Nazi specific examples of white supremacist Trump supporters I could recall off the top of my head.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
That title.

Watched the video, he's stood on his own at the back of the crowd with the reporters chanting something idiotic.

Probably a plant.

It's not like this stuff is even remotely unusual dude. The campaign thrives on it.
I am at the Venetian trump rally in Las Vegas. The diversity of people is just wow.
By wow I assume you mean mostly white. Unless you're trying to claim Trump really does bring together a more diverse voter base than Hillary which to that I tell you: bull-fucking-shit.
I haz pics. But not good clarity. Consisted of Asian Americans and Hispanics from what I could tell. Randy Orton himself showed up.

By wow I assume you mean mostly white. Unless you're trying to claim Trump really does bring together a more diverse voter base than Hillary which to that I tell you: bull-fucking-shit.
Yes mostly white of course. Wow at the diverse voter base. Many women supporters as well.


Sooo... Are you British? If so, which side of Brexit were you on....

I didn't actually go out and vote, but I was happy enough that Leave won because it put the shits right up the government and London.

That doesn't have anything to do with this thread though, I just don't think anyone could be that stupid to do something like this on camera without being paid to do so. If this is real, and the guy is really this stupid, then America is in a worse position right now than I thought it was.
I didn't actually go out and vote, but I was happy enough that Leave won because it put the shits right up the government and London.

That doesn't have anything to do with this thread though, I just don't think anyone could be that stupid to do something like this on camera without being paid to do so. If this is real, and the guy is really this stupid, then America is in a worse position right now than I thought it was.

I mean, you are posting in support of a racist anti-immigrant campaign (Leave) on an internet message board so people do wild things all the time.

It's one guy.

Here's some more one guys:

Globe propaganda uses an image of a coal power plant demolished ten years ago. (Usually they show one from China!) #lugenpresse



"This behavior is seen at rallies for both candidates." - Any CNN Trump surrogate
That is the argument I always hear when I bring shit like this up in conversation. And when I ask for examples of course the discussion goes nowhere.


never left the stone age
I didn't actually go out and vote, but I was happy enough that Leave won because it put the shits right up the government and London.

That doesn't have anything to do with this thread though, I just don't think anyone could be that stupid to do something like this on camera without being paid to do so. If this is real, and the guy is really this stupid, then America is in a worse position right now than I thought it was.
Why not, you're stupid enough to admit you didn't vote.

The Kree

Most people agree with that, we're just aren't sure how such craziness will externalize itself.

They'll occupy federal buildings and shoot brown people and commit sexual assault. And they'll get away with it.

It'll basically be the same as if Trump won or Obama was still president.
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