Couple disappear; Man's facebook begins erratic posting; Later, woman found captive

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So sad. I remember reading the initial thread thinking they were dead or they took off from life.

I never would've thought this is what happened. I'm sad about what happened to her and her boyfriend. I want to help :(

The worse part is he had a history, this could've been prevented much like many killers

2016: let's just call it quits and and start 2017.


This whole story is the stuff of the most darkest, terrifying nightmares. For whatever reason, my mind started to imagine what she must have been going through from beginning to end and it literally broke me after a few seconds. It's just pure evil.

I feel so badly for the woman, and her husband's family, and just everyone. I hope so much that's she's surrounded by nothing but the best care for as long as she needs it. I couldn't begin to understand how someone would recover from this.
This reporter for the local news there has been updating his FB pretty steadily with info as it's coming out:

EDIT: Oh god, his Amazon page is fucking horrifying. He basically reveiwed all the items used to torture her and hide evidence, and has left super fucking creepy reviews for other items.



I know the study of abnormal psychology is pretty rough because most of studies can't be decisively proven and correlation based. However, i'm not sure about these types of dark "humour". There's no way one can conclude immediately that dark humour is linked with some type of psychosis; still it could be indicative of ones actual deep down subconscious thoughts. Sort of like how internet trolls are probably also messed up in real life. Sorry, amazon page had me thinking.

Horrible case, and I worry at the fact there are probably more people who could potentially be in a similar horrific situation like this. Fked up.


I know the study of abnormal psychology is pretty rough because most of studies can't be decisively proven and correlation based. However, i'm not sure about these types of dark "humour". There's no way one can conclude immediately that dark humour is linked with some type of psychosis; still it could be indicative of ones actual deep down subconscious thoughts. Sort of like how internet trolls are probably also messed up in real life. Sorry, amazon page had me thinking.

Horrible case, and I worry at the fact there are probably more people who could potentially be in a similar horrific situation like this. Fked up.

I mean if I was browsing on Amazon and I would read that review of a shovel, I would chuckle and think "Hah, funny troll review".

In this context though, it's chilling....
So you can kidnap someone at gun point, go to prison for 15 years, and you're still allowed to own guns when you get out? Brilliant.

How about getting a fucking real estate license? This sex offender had easy access to strangers homes. This guy raises other people's red flags by just conducting businesses with him but got his license because the State of South Carolina didn't follow up on his application. He claimed he merely got convicted for fighting with his girlfriend.

The system allowed him to abuse this poor woman and kill all those people.


I only just now clicked this thread and read the entirety of the OP. Holy FUCK that is scary. Glad she's okay, but her husband. Fuck. :(
I only just now clicked this thread and read the entirety of the OP. Holy FUCK that is scary. Glad she's okay, but her husband. Fuck. :(

I don't know if I could call someone who went through something like that "ok" but I get what you mean.

This story is going to bother me for years.


The scariest part of this is that it makes me assess my family and their safety. I'm super cautious but this goes to show how easy it would be for someone to break into my home, shoot me and possibly kidnap my wife and kids. I feel so vulnerable when it comes to protecting my family.
The guy's property is 95 acres. They will no doubt find awful things as they search...

Unfortunately I think this is likely. Hopefully not, but based on Karla apparently reporting there were four bodies, and some of the Amazon activity, I'd be surprised if there wasn't some more horrific stories to come from this. The entire thing is just horrifying.


People are naive and live in ivory towers. The recidivism rates for violent sex offenders are VERY VERY high. But people don't want to hear that. They want to believe in goodness, rehabilitation, remorse etc. This is someone who should not have been allowed out. The sex offender registry is a massive joke and law enforcement are rarely able to do the stringent checks that are necessary and many many often commit crimes.

Violent offenders, violent sex offenders, they rarely rehabilitate. Now a person is dead, another was chained like a dog and abused etc.


The guy's property is 95 acres. They will no doubt find awful things as they search...

He could actually own several different propeties of land, especially since he was a real estate agent. I know where I live the same person owns mutilple huge swathes of rural and farm land, miles and miles apart.

This guy could potentially have bodies scattered miles apart... It's scary to think about.


EDIT: Sorry, mixed up my stories.

On topic though: Really sucks that they've found Charlie's body. Why do we do these things to each other? I'm already sick of this.


Man what a bummer the guy was found dead. I hope he didn't torture him as well at least, but who am I kidding.


Wonder how many missing person cases the local police dropped the ball on. Holy fuck.

So glad this sick fuck was allowed to purchase firearms. So many failures.
Man what a bummer the guy was found dead. I hope he didn't torture him as well at least, but who am I kidding.

It sounded like he was shot right away when they showed up. The story is obviously still confusing and we know very little, but that's what I understood.

A big mystery for me is the thing about there being "at least four bodies" on the property. One of them is her boyfriend whom she saw get shot, so that makes sense, but what about the other three? Did the guy just brag about it, did she see them get killed, were they people that were in the same situation as her? etc. The "at least" is pretty worrying.
Huh, wonder if he confessed out of desperation or if he's just calmly realized it's over.

This is awful though. Truly awful.


Unconfirmed Member
Huh, wonder if he confessed out of desperation or if he's just calmly realized it's over.

This is awful though. Truly awful.

He probably gets satisfaction out of telling people. Serial Killers often crave attention even negative.

This is really sad stuff all around.


if they never found out about the other killings How long can you get for kidnapping and keeping someone hostage?


Fucking awful. Lurked in the thread after it was bumped (couldn't reply at the time) and I got the update about the boyfriend on my phone. Was really hoping they would find him.

What a nightmare. RIP


What a piece of shit this guy is. It's fucking crazy to me that he had his own realtor business and was able to own guns.


Just some further information: Police were with Kohlepp at the site where he led them to the graves of two more victims, making a total three victims found on the site. I'm not sure whether Carver was the victim found yesterday or one of them ones Kohlepp led police to today.

He also confessed to an unsolved quadruple murder at a motorbike shop. I believe it's this case from 2003:

I believe he served 14 of his 15 year sentence for kidnapping, which means he was released in 2001. Who knows what else he's been up to since those murders and now. Assuming all the victims found at this property were murdered after he purchased it in 2014 and immediately installed the perimeter fence, that leaves an 11 year gap from the quadruple murder.
when i first saw this news, before the update i really thought it could be something sinister. So devasted that it is actually something even worse than i thought. Thoughts and prayers to the victims, and i hope that the woman can, somehow, live a peaceful life from now on.

EDIT: don't read his amazon page, it's horrific

Permanently A

Junior Member
Only 15 years for kidnapping and raping a teenager? Why not life? Can't believe this sick fuck was allowed to walk free again and hurt so many more people.


He could actually own several different propeties of land, especially since he was a real estate agent. I know where I live the same person owns mutilple huge swathes of rural and farm land, miles and miles apart.

This guy could potentially have bodies scattered miles apart... It's scary to think about.

This is exactly season 4 of Dexter unless I'm remembering wrong.


Only 15 years for kidnapping and raping a teenager? Why not life? Can't believe this sick fuck was allowed to walk free again and hurt so many more people.

Personally I don't think you should get life in prison for a crime you committed when you were 15. He spent 15 years and then was able to sell real estate which makes it more crazy to me. I don't know the answer though and the privileges he was allowed once he got out of jail were certainly ridiculous.


WOODRUFF, S.C. (AP) — The man arrested after authorities found a woman chained on his property in rural South Carolina killed at least seven people, and his confessions have solved a 13-year-old case, Sheriff Chuck Wright said Saturday.

Todd Kohlhepp confessed he was the shooter who killed four people at a motorcycle shop in Spartanburg County in 2003, Wright said.
"God is good," he said. The community is no longer wondering who's responsible for the "four people who were brutally murdered."
Wright says Kohlhepp also showed law enforcement officers Saturday the gravesites of two of his other victims buried on his 95-acre property near Woodruff.
That's in addition to the body found Friday at the site. Wright and Coroner Rusty Clevenger identified that victim as 32-year-old Charles Carver, the boyfriend of the woman found in a locked metal container Thursday.
Wright says "God answered our prayers" in solving the 13-year-old cold case.
The sheriff says it's possible more bodies will be uncovered.

Thank God for solving this case.


These families are going to get closure. That's one of the positives and the fact this killer will be locked up for good.


just heard that he confessed to the superbike murders

god this is so fucked up. i'm thankful that he's finally off the street though
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