Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Ugh, tempted to spend my last 5 tickets, abd/or the only 10+1 I can afford... But looking at other pulls here there's no way I'd get him haha. Think I'll stick to dailies for awhile :(


So has anyone tried 2-HD with Noctis (or 2 Noctis)? Does it make it easier at all?
Tho I don't know in what turn one could use skills & spells without fear of party wipe. But that LB sounds great. Slap Lightning to farm LB crystals to party.

For the record, 2HD has already been hotfixed back to what I assume was its original state. I sleepwalked... sleptwalked... breezed through it with CoD, Refia, Cecil and a 530 attack Luneth friend unit.



its 5*cecil...

man fuck this game so hard

literally spent all my lapis and only got a fucking 5* cecil to show
I'd be mad too but don't take it out on Cecil! Dude's great for TMR farming and you can build up his limit break better than a 6-Star one.


Well I'm headed to the allergy doctor to get poked by about 50 needles to test my allergies so I get get shots again. The to eye doctor to see if my left eye is healed up enough to wear contacts. Depending on that I'll have to see if I need to change my scheduled vacation. Maybe if I get some good news I'll do more pulls later.

I think I need to refine my arena team again later. It's been getting the job done since the reset, but something is off about it. Thankfully my DW DKC w/ death scythe and sleep sword just uses reap blood and puts everyone to sleep lol.


Professional Schmuck
Redoing the story to get some lapis built up again. Need it to TM farm. I went from being rich to having nothing, and if we get good bundles I'm going to regret it.

I think I might do this. Kinda happy just TM farming for now though.

Holy shit that's a big screenshot

It's not big unless you can see it from across the street.

Aww man I'm so sorry.

The Charlotte rates on this banner are kinda insane. Seeing 2-3+ on almost every 11 pull in here. So maybe assume you're getting +10% toward your equip H shield TM with your 5K lapis at this point.


I'd be mad too but don't take it out on Cecil! Dude's great for TMR farming and you can build up his limit break better than a 6-Star one.

I already have 4 cecils and my 6* one is lb lvl 11...

Do you want my 5* gilbert instead?

lets throw both of these shits in the trash together

I will say that I did manage to get 4 zidanes for some reason tho.... So at least thats that

what a disappointment


Thank god, will do it today just in case.

Seems like the wise call. They may still buff it, but presumably not to the level that it was at prior. Get in while the gettin's good.

As an aside, shout outs to all the lucky ducks pulling Noctis. I burned my ticket stock out of a combination of boredom with my current roster and some hope regarding the normalized 3* base rates. Daily + 15 tickets got me only Terra as a new unit and only 6 Charlottes as a banner unit. Think I'll cut my losses here and continue stocking Lapis for Ye Olde Cidolfus.


Well they doubled my reroll time.

Used to have 10 summon tickets and 850 lapis after claiming everything in my stocking. Now its still just the 5 tickets given and only have 350 lapis after claiming.


Yeah, I'm done with 10+1 pulls until the new rules are implemented. Seen so many troll golds it defies description. Haven't seen a rainbow TO turn into a troll...

I'm good for awhile now. It sucks that I will have nothing to pull for Majin Fina, but at least I have the makings of a solid team for awhile. And after I finish the current group of TM's for Light going to have to start knocking out some of these dupes.

4 X Terra so Ultima should be quick
5 X Charlotte each at 10% so really quick
4 x Amarant so quick HP+30%
12 x Shantotto so a quick 3 MAG+30% - four for each
5 x Arc so quick Omnirod

I'll do the two five's first, then put DW into the queue with the 4 sets...

Going to knock those all out after I finish Light's current enhancements next week. ExDeath and Refia will be happy in a month or so...


I couldn't stay away love the game and the community too much lol. No on the Noctis thing though I already have enough top tier units to waste Lapis on pulling poop at the moment.

Welcome back then! You're here at a good time, this enchanted maze is so legit, drops sacred crystals and limit pots like candy.


Professional Schmuck
Yeah, I'm done with 10+1 pulls until the new rules are implemented. Seen so many troll golds it defies description. Haven't seen a rainbow TO turn into a troll...

See I'm going to pull 11 on the first chance I get. Come what may!

I couldn't stay away love the game and the community too much lol. No on the Noctis thing though I already have enough top tier units to waste Lapis on pulling poop at the moment.

Missed ya bud.
Wow, these rates are terrible. I had a lot of tickets banked. Halfway through, I've got absolutely nothing to show for it besides another Hayate and a couple extra Arcs -- and I only wanted Chorizo for the BM TM.

Oh, and Troll Gold Russell.

This isn't a banner to spend lapis on, that's for sure. I'm sure the pull rates were set ungodly low.

Honestly, hearing the horror stories in this thread has kind of opened my eyes a little.


Oh man, I haven't wanted a unit so bad as Noctis since WoL. I'm getting frightening similarities here. That was also the last banner I whaled hard for, and got 0 to show for it.


Still haven't gotten my lapis from last Friday or any new messages from Gumi, and I'm 1k away from affording a 10+1 pull....might burn some NRG to get to do the pull.
Oh hey!
Just saw this over on the Reddit page and it was news to me.

When you run the maze, make sure to look at all three doors instead of just running through it. Sometimes you will see a moogle standing to the side, behind, or even hanging out on top of the arch. This moogle is by the "right" door to move forward in the maze.

Don't know why I never noticed this, but I just ran the maze and sure enough... on the third screen there was a moogle poking his head up behind one of the arches and that was the correct door.

Sorry if this is commonly known, but I hadn't heard it before.


Wow, these rates are terrible. I had a lot of tickets banked. Halfway through, I've got absolutely nothing to show for it besides another Hayate and a couple extra Arcs -- and I only wanted Chorizo for the BM TM.

Oh, and Troll Gold Russell.

This isn't a banner to spend lapis on, that's for sure. I'm sure the pull rates were set ungodly low.

Honestly, hearing the horror stories in this thread has kind of opened my eyes a little.

Yeah. I think they jacked the rates up during the Lightening banner as a sneaky we're sorry. It's back to reality now.

I am going to do dailies but thats it. I'll wait for an anniversary banner or new years players choice banner for the prince

Guys 60 tickets and Noctis is mine :')

My first 5* base.

Grats! Out of curiosity, how many Chiz did you nab?


Yeah. I think they jacked the rates up during the Lightening banner as a sneaky we're sorry. It's back to reality now.

I am going to do dailies but thats it. I'll wait for an anniversary banner or new years players choice banner for the prince

Grats! Out of curiosity, how many Chiz did you nab?

Amazingly only one Chiz and one Mercedes in those 60 pulls, and probably about 7 or 8 Charlotte
Oh hey!
Just saw this over on the Reddit page and it was news to me.

When you run the maze, make sure to look at all three doors instead of just running through it. Sometimes you will see a moogle standing to the side, behind, or even hanging out on top of the arch. This moogle is by the "right" door to move forward in the maze.

Don't know why I never noticed this, but I just ran the maze and sure enough... on the third screen there was a moogle and that was the correct door.

Sorry if this is commonly known, but I hadn't heard it before.

Thanks, I didn't know that at all!!


Oh my God, I somehow have four Miuki as well, which can turn into two Katanas so Chorizo will not suck down the road. I drew three Mercedes, and I can't get to her TM any time in the next two months at the earliest...


So TM farming priority?

First finish Cecil, Gaf, and Max to get Light into the high 600's
Then the 5 Charlottes
Then maybe DW, BM, 2xMiuki, and finish Snow#1

Not enough time, and now not enough lapis either...
Miyuki drop rate seems really high, who touched those rates again?

After failing to get Greg, if I spend more money on this game it's for :
- Good bundles (New Year pls)
- After the summoning rule change

I'm not even mad to get sh*t anymore too, guess it's a side effect.

I've yet to see Myuki once. Playing since launch.

troll rainbow fang is absolutely the worst thing i've seen on this banner in here. i am so sorry everyone!

It really is disgusting and disappointing. Really hope we get the crystal change soon. Like now!

Finally broke 700 atk. Noctis is at 711 with the following:

Chirijiraden (No Myuki, EVER!)
Black Cowl
Black Belt Gi
Genji Glove
3 atk 10% materia
Blade Mastery.

I still have 2 Seals of Destruction and Power of Creation cooking in the oven as well as 2 Brave Suits. 800 atk in sight! I've put no pots into this guy at all.

I freed up another 10 slots for GAF. Post your ID!
Oh my God, I somehow have four Miuki as well, which can turn into two Katanas so Chorizo will not suck down the road. I drew three Mercedes, and I can't get to her TM any time in the next two months at the earliest...


So TM farming priority?

First finish Cecil, Gaf, and Max to get Light into the high 600's
Then the 5 Charlottes
Then maybe DW, BM, 2xMiuki, and finish Snow#1

Not enough time, and now not enough lapis either...

Charlottes go last, you need all the atk increases you can get ASAP to turn your Lighting into a monster CCIE. BM and Sakufubuki need to be priority with Cecil, Gaf, and Maxwell.


im so salty I feel like blowing all of my momey until I get noctis

but his banner ends on the 29th and there will most likely be better lapis packages...

ugh, I will need to wait at least a week... after this gumi is never getting my money ever again


Wondering if someone can let me know if a site that has story info. I am curious how far back I am. Im on dinardo at dilung mines. Haven't really played story cause of the events.
Wondering if someone can let me know if a site that has story info. I am curious how far back I am. Im on dinardo at dilung mines. Haven't really played story cause of the events.

Yea I am curious too, I just started the 3rd island here. Been having to farm events way too much so haven't been able to do any story in forever.

EDIT: Thanks Kourio!


Cleaned my friend list a bit, so if you don't have me now it's the time : 464,761,570

Added you.

If anyone would like to add me, i'd like as many GAF players as possible!

ID is 874.578.971 , Sharing Noctis, only 603 atk for now, i'm farming TMs for more.


I freed up another 10 slots for GAF. Post your ID!


Also cleared a few spots for any Gaffers - I think I've wormed my way onto most of your lists but anyone else is welcome to toss a request. 713 attack CoD right now and for the near future until I can pull a big boy carry unit :p


Zera - Cecil is at 85%, Max is at 75%, and Gaff is at 72%. Snow is only at 25%, and Chorizo replaces Garnet this morning.

No idea what to do after that, but I could probably knock out Charlotte in less than two days, as 4 of them are already at 10% TM - maybe even one day if RNG is with me. That is why I was thinking them first.


Professional Schmuck
I've never, ever seen a moogle standing anywhere inside the maze. Calling bullshit. It might be new, but it's definitely super random and would be exceedingly obvious if any of the thousands of us had ever seen it before. That's not exactly something that would pass us by.
Used my last tickets...

3* Leo
3* Terra
3* Shadow
4* Leo

Yea, just gonna stick with dailies. RIP the dream :(

EDIT: Not sure if I am missing anyone else here, I added Vashetti and across. Have 3 friend slots left, add me if you havent! 426,196,253
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