Some will just say that you or I simply do not understand game development...
Looking forward to it! Delusions are always fascinating
Some will just say that you or I simply do not understand game development...
Let me make this simple
SQ42 demo was scheduled for CitizenCon
Chris cancels demo and asks us to "look forward to upcoming streams"
I look forward to upcoming streams, because I'm excited for Sq42 and believe in the vision.
CIG decides that it makes no sense to continue working on the demo (for valid reasons). They had 2 months to inform us but they sit on it and talk about everything else. Ok may be they decided somewhere down the line. 1 month ago? 2 weeks ago? 1 week ago?
But Chris sends a note literally on the day of the stream
Is it unreasonable to expect them to let us know whenever they decided to pull the plug on the demo? Because if they did, I wouldn't have bothered spending any time looking forward to it, following this thread for updates or watching the last two streams. As an otherwise optimistic and enthusiastic backer, why should I not demand better communication and transparency where it matters?
You seem to be more inclined to call me unreasonable than calling them unreasonable for wasting my time (and others who feel mislead about the demo). As i said before, I don't mind delays and I certainly don't think this is a scam like many naysayers do. But I hate it when I'm not informed in advance and am strung along for a ride.
When something stinks, it deserves to be called out.
Let me make this simple
SQ42 demo was scheduled for CitizenCon
Chris cancels demo and asks us to "look forward to upcoming streams"
I look forward to upcoming streams, because I'm excited for Sq42 and believe in the vision.
CIG decides that it makes no sense to continue working on the demo (for valid reasons). They had 2 months to inform us but they sit on it and talk about everything else. Ok may be they decided somewhere down the line. 1 month ago? 2 weeks ago? 1 week ago?
But Chris sends a note literally on the day of the stream
Is it unreasonable to expect them to let us know whenever they decided to pull the plug on the demo? Because if they did, I wouldn't have bothered spending any time looking forward to it, following this thread for updates or watching the last two streams. As an otherwise optimistic and enthusiastic backer, why should I not demand better communication and transparency where it matters?
You seem to be more inclined to call me unreasonable than calling them unreasonable for wasting my time (and others who feel mislead about the demo). As i said before, I don't mind delays and I certainly don't think this is a scam like many naysayers do. But I hate it when I'm not informed in advance and am strung along for a ride.
When something stinks, it deserves to be called out.
As you know we’ve not been keen to give hard dates on the project after the initial set of dates which we had estimated when the project was a lot smaller in scope. When I’ve talked about releases, I’ve always qualified any discussion of timing with “we’re hoping to” or “the goal is” to give a rough timeline for people, but unfortunately some people often tend to forget the qualifiers and treated my comments nonetheless as a promise.
Because of this we have been reticent to share our internal timelines, even with caveats, as it always seems to cause trouble; one section of the community gets annoyed because things are perceived as late while another gets annoyed wondering why we shared dates at all if they aren’t solid. Of course even when we don’t give dates we have yet another part of the community getting annoyed because they feel left in the dark and have no idea when the next build will drop.
Basically it is a Kobayashi Maru.
That Driller tho.
If nothing else, S42's cutscenes should be space porn in its purest form.
Yes, they probably could have said something before hand, instead of going after radio silence per usual. But given the flak they get on a constant basis I am not sure if I can say when the best time for that statement was or how the reaction would have been. Personally, I didn't expect a slice after they abandoned showing it at citizencon. But everyone has their own expectations
Let's be clear that these aren't expectations that everyone just made up on their own. I gave you specific evidence of Chris explicitly setting them himself. And that makes him accountable. That's the only criticism I've made here and it needs to be said regardless of all the other noise around the topic.
The rest of your post seems to be directed at others, so I'll leave it unchallenged. I agree with most of it anyway.
That Driller tho.
If nothing else, S42's cutscenes should be space porn in its purest form.
some more 4K shots.
It's this shit that turns new people off really:
Of course they don't have to buy it, but they're new, the site isn't exactly easy to use. They see thousands of dollars in ship packages and turn the other way.
To call something a discount at $2,500 for a digital ship is just flat out insane imho. This game makes me so bi-polar.
edit: I just looked and there's a $15,000 dollar package that is just ships. Un-fucking-real. I know people always say "people can spend what they want", but to me this reeks of taking advantage of the hardcore fanbase with massive disposable income based on a promise they will never be able to keep.
It's this shit that turns new people off really:
Of course they don't have to buy it, but they're new, the site isn't exactly easy to use. They see thousands of dollars in ship packages and turn the other way.
To call something a discount at $2,500 for a digital ship is just flat out insane imho. This game makes me so bi-polar.
Man, I've never seen the backers unilaterally close their wallets during a sale like this. That Livestream could not have gone worse.
Man, I've never seen the backers unilaterally close their wallets during a sale like this. That Livestream could not have gone worse.
they are impressive numbers no doubt, but sales have actually slowed down considerably this year.
Total in January - May 2015: 14,881,464$
Total January - May 2016: 10,391,221$
Change: -30%
Total in May 2015: 2,815,387$
Total in May 2016: 1,432,159$
Change: -49%
They can probably compensate for this later in the year presuming SQ42 hits its release target, though.
Right now it is for subscribers only.Is 2.6 available to all? Might install it tonight.
People sound pretty divided on the flight model...
Is the trailer dead? I can't find on the Star Citizen YouTube
But of course that has nothing to do with warbond Idris ($1300 each) and Javelin Sales ($2700) during anniversary sale at all. Or the fact that "Every" single limited ship was on sale as a stand alone. The fact there were 26 additional limited sale ships people possibly wanted then and are not on sale now.
Nope.... can't be that at all. The holiday sale has SOOO MUCH more on offer than the anniversary sale. It is only down hill from here. They might as well pack it up.
Edit: ignoring post history just want to ask you this... since here
How much less has CIG made to date, 12/17/2016, yoy? Especially given lack of S42?
Is there a video out there that best encapsulates what this game is currently and what it will be in the future? Do you have to buy ships or can you pay one fee and still have fun and not feel like a second class citizen?
I'm getting a 1070 in the next couple of weeks and fancy getting a game to push the card a bit. Thanks.
PU still doesn't feel good to play, been out for a while.
I'm curious what the overhaul will be like though. 3.0 is a game-changer.
The problem that I am having is that we are so concerned with release dates and modules, that whether CIG can produce a decent game is almost a non-thought.
From what I have played and seen, the FPS looks second rate, and the space sim does handles like a FPS...
So you are saying that what backers can play right now is poor?
If you are so concerned about gameplay in alpha just refund it and wait for final release.
Ps. Newsflash, not everyone will be liking the mechanics of the game, its never true for any game.
When I saw the "Game Packages" Tab on the website my face went pale and I closed the tab just out of fear I might acidentally misclick, buy a $2,000+ package and ruin my entire lifelihood as student.It's this shit that turns new people off really:
Of course they don't have to buy it, but they're new, the site isn't exactly easy to use. They see thousands of dollars in ship packages and turn the other way.
To call something a discount at $2,500 for a digital ship is just flat out insane imho. This game makes me so bi-polar.
And telling them to go away because they aren't completely enamored by the game isn't helping.
Who knows, maybe they might even find actual problems and form constructive criticism that helps improve the game.
There is a difference between constructive criticism and being negative with every post, you should know something about that.
You might find that being negative is not mutually exclusive with being constructive. Rather in the contrary - the already peachy things hardly need criticism to improve. Negative feedback is at least as valuable, if not more than positive, if you actually want to improve something. There's also a difference between asking what exactly somebody finds poor and telling them that everything is peachy or to go away.
The latter being a fan favourite among some of Star Citizen backers.
Berny it's different when every post you have is extremely negative, critical, calling things out as a scam because of missing deadlines, feature creep etc. You have nothing new to contribute, so there's really no reason for you to be here. You've said your piece every way til Sunday. I drop criticism on games fairly frequently, Destiny or The Division for instance initially. The difference is I noticed when people were done with the conversation and left it there.
I only drop in here semi frequently, but I see you in here every time posting a negative message without fail.
Berny it's different when every post you have is extremely negative, critical, calling things out as a scam because of missing deadlines, feature creep etc. You have nothing new to contribute, so there's really no reason for you to be here. You've said your piece every way til Sunday. I drop criticism on games fairly frequently, Destiny or The Division for instance initially. The difference is I noticed when people were done with the conversation and left it there.
I only drop in here semi frequently, but I see you in here every time posting a negative message without fail.
criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions
[...] It also raises doubts how long the grind will be to even unlock a fighter or bomber in the final version of the game, especially if they plan to keep selling them concurrently on their website for cash.
Then I must question whether you actually read or just skim them, because negativity, when seem to be under the impression I liken a missed deadline to a scam.
I've noticed there's been a clear trend of discussion moving from here to the Discord channel lately. There are at least ten times as many chat posts as forum posts in the same period of time. People are speaking with their feet. It's not a healthy thing for the forum.A lot of people can speak for themselves.
It also raises doubts how long the grind will be to even unlock a fighter or bomber in the final version of the game, especially if they plan to keep selling them concurrently on their website for cash.
People don't like taking a long and critical look at the promised business model, so don't overthink it. It is not finalized, it is not viable. It needs more than a standard MMO in the post-launch support, yet they promised a boxed-copy approach where players aren't shafted by the fact that others are going to have massive ships from Day 1. Also a lot of people have already purchased or pledged for this game, so there is that.
Arguments go all over the place:
Paid ships are mainly for supporting the game, so plebs are going to be able to build them too.
You really don't need large ships, because these ships are for multi-crew operations so you should just join other organizations.
You will be able to top-up your in-game currency with cash injections.
Game progression design starts with intended goals: For average player to spend X amount of time doing simple quests/missions to earn Y amount of credits to build a Z ship. Until I see CIG telling the intended amount of time for different ships, none of progression model talks can continue.
I am not asking for the capital ship in a week, I am asking to give me an idea what kind of manhours are we talking about for ships so I can judge whether it is a fair or not model.
You only see the negative of those post, but even in your examples there is constructive things to be said from it.And that is very telling of alot of posters that post here.
Constructive criticism as defined
Now how many negative comments show up in this thread, with only the sole purpose to be negative, sow fear, or just be rather disingenuous? Which cross posts from members and links to Something awful and Smart supporters, it is kinda telling when certain posters appear only to post something negative or illogical and then repeatedly beat the drum in that tone.
Perception is a major thing, and most games of this scale a publisher would have not announced anything until "years" into development. Because this project was kickstarted and grown in scope we have people with offset expectations and despite being given information of crew size, technical information about what they are doing and relative difficulty. That tends to just make it easier for mud throwing it seems. And the persistent presence has grown in this thread.
In itself, yeah it's can be used as a tool to say that they need would need like 400 year to get SC ready and will never be done.