COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush


Supergirl: Being Super was really good and Jones's art is great. Wish the main Supergirl book looked that good

I definitely can't find it. That and the new GI Joe book

Dug the Supergirl story, but something seemed off on Joelle Jone's art. Maybe it's the inking or the coloring but the interior art seems messy at times. Nothing like her work on Lady Killers.


So hydra cap.

But what else! I am so curious.

Also guys marvels lineup for next week is probably my favorite in a while.

Something Thor, something Ultron, something X-men, something Inhumans and the monster thing. Edge of my seat looking at these 7 pages of what to look forward to in Marvel 2017.


Something Thor, something Ultron, something X-men, something Inhumans and the monster thing. Edge of my seat looking at these 7 pages of what to look forward to in Marvel 2017.
Dear lord ultron?

Thor is going to get his hammer for sure but I hope that doesn't become some masked event


Dear lord ultron?

Thor is going to get his hammer for sure but I hope that doesn't become some masked event

It's hard to say what a few of these things are going to be from just one page but I'd say the Thor stuff is the most likely to be confined to his books. The Ultron stuff could be a part of Waids Avengers book that's set in the past because there's some absent characters in it.


Yeah. Not a lot, but it's a bit of extra pocket money.

It's hard to say what a few of these things are going to be from just one page but I'd say the Thor stuff is the most likely to be confined to his books. The Ultron stuff could be a part of Waids Avengers book that's set in the past because there's some absent characters in it.
Oh yea true. Spider-Man is getting a event too with venom


Anyone know what's going on with Stjepan Sejic's Switch? Is it cancelled? #5 and #6 never came out.

He is working on #5 then it's trade will come out. From then on he is only doing graphic novels. If the trade sells switch will continue in graphic novel format. His focus is Sunstone and Death Vigil though.


Where do you get all that future Marvel stuff from?
Civil war #8 revealed the future of marvel

The venom cross over event was revealed in solicits I think. I just know that venom and the amazing spider man will cross over

Sorry durrek I quoted you by accident I think


Civil war #8 revealed the future of marvel

The venom cross over event was revealed in solicits I think. I just know that venom and the amazing spider man will cross over
About time. Do we still not know who the new host is?

Man, I want to see these pages :D


Oh yea true. Spider-Man is getting a event too with venom

Can't say I'm excited about that after reading the first issue of the new Venom. Maybe when I sit down and read Hydra Cap I'll be more interested in wherever that stuff is going. The Shi'ar arc of Thor should be a treat.


I am still curious how they are going to do the Shiar event especially when there is so much going on with Thor already.

I think bendis is a good writer. Fuck me rite? Lol

Venom is going to fight one of the spiders next issue so I am hyped


I think bendis is a good writer. Fuck me rite? Lol

"Bendis is a weak team book writer. After three issues, it becomes apparent that no one character truly has a voice that is distinct enough to give any of them additional layers depth or personality. He also---"

"I like him"



I am still curious how they are going to do the Shiar event especially when there is so much going on with Thor already.

I think bendis is a good writer. Fuck me rite? Lol

Venom is going to fight one of the spiders next issue so I am hyped

All I want to see is Gladiator getting his face wrecked.

Bendis is a good writer but he's wildly inconsistent. He's spread far too thin over the line and it's painfully apparent.


Why is there a batman book and an all star batman book?
So what were the events revealed in civil war #8
My guesses are:
Monsters Unleashed
Hydra Cap event
2017 Thor story
Civil war #8 revealed the future of marvel

The venom cross over event was revealed in solicits I think. I just know that venom and the amazing spider man will cross over

Sorry durrek I quoted you by accident I think

I'm still not sure if that's going to be an actual event or just contained to Venom 150.


Don't get me wrong bendis on events and such I am not a fan of but he has proven himself to me with these recent titles. Some writers struggle on 1 book.

Monsters unleashed should been the Halloween event instead.

Oh snap I think the venom thing is just a celebration type thing. 150 issues
GAF, what are you trying to tell me?


Red Hood and the Outlaws 5

Still really good. The art definitely slipped this issue, so I am not at all surprised that Soy is taking at least 2 month off.

So if the March solicitations are any indication, Lobdell actually intends to follow through and make this book a 'Dark Trinity' book.

I am actually pretty surprised.

Also, Rocafort is coming back for an issue. Fuck yeah.
It does look good imo and fit's Supergirl and the tone of the book.

JLA:Rebirth-Atom one-shot next week!
I don't think it's that bad or anything but i thought it was kinda all over the place from the stuff i read
Dug the Supergirl story, but something seemed off on Joelle Jone's art. Maybe it's the inking or the coloring but the interior art seems messy at times. Nothing like her work on Lady Killers.

yeah it's not quite as smooth as Lady Killer, especially in the last couple pages


I'm loving comic books but my goal for 2017 is to buy a lot less of them. I have a good 8 omnis, 20 OHCs and 15 trades (mostly Marvel) that are still unread. Being such a newcomer to it, there are untold amounts of comics I want throughout the decades and I just have to try and trim it down to what I especially want and get around to other stuff during slow months.
Got a new bookshelf, so I spent the day unpacking and organizing:

Now I need to get another for the rest.... Physical comics were a mistake.

Akira! Stormwatch! Hellboy! *tears up* some top tier comics there

You need Kabuki LEs on those shelves next. I think you'd really like it

Also I finally unpacked my ArtFx Batman TAS statue and I really like it. Multiple face, cowl, and hand combos come with it. I think I'll bring him to work

Oh and I got an app controlled BB-8 from the family. This is my dogs (Obi Wan & Vader)
You could put statues and figures in front of them.

Then buy small craft paints.

nice. need some statues
My figures and statues are all packed right now. Once I get another bookshelf I'll figure out how I want to arrange them.
Akira! Stormwatch! Hellboy! *tears up* some top tier comics there

You need Kabuki LEs on those shelves next. I think you'd really like it

I remember flipping through one of the trades years ago and thinking it looked pretty cool. Maybe down the line I'll pick up one of the library editions to try it out.


The Nighthawk trade and the first volume of the Waid Flash collection are out. Both of these books will be mine soon enough.
My figures and statues are all packed right now. Once I get another bookshelf I'll figure out how I want to arrange them.

I remember flipping through one of the trades years ago and thinking it looked pretty cool. Maybe down the line I'll pick up one of the library editions to try it out.
It's really great. Vol 1 is the most standard the series is (and the only one that is black and white) over time he starts to really expand his art styles, layouts and storytelling. Really compelling work
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