COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush

Dat ArtFx Batman.*.* I ended up obtaining Bishoujo Spider-Gwen this holiday, which reminds me that maybe I should catch up with her series sometime.XD Still, I really love her costume.

Nah, honestly her series is a bit on the boring side. The bishoujo is great. I also got bishoujo Thor in the mail today and she's gorgeous.


Birthright #7-20

the series started with all this crazy magic, epic beast, and wonder but that slowly dwindled.

The series is not as great as the first arc that I loved. will keep reading to see how it plays out, but yah lied about the series getting better with each issue.


So I've seen this
and there's been interesting responses.

5. Image proves that people don't like comics as much as they like familiar faces. Why else would someone's image book sell so much less
10. More creators use LGBT characters for the sole purpose of personally appearing progressive than you realize.
2. The idea that "mainstream" comics = superheroes/direct market is laughable. Mainstream is webcomics, graphic novels and manga.
11. Your fave is problematic. Yes, them. Trust nobody, believe me.
2. Image Comics is a joke. It exists solely for the financially stable creators, the opposite of what brought Image success two years ago.
8. Indie publishers could take the market if they realized there were more stores than Midtown.


Nah, honestly her series is a bit on the boring side. The bishoujo is great. I also got bishoujo Thor in the mail today and she's gorgeous.

Ah really? I only read the first volume tradeback regarding to the ongoing series, and it was fine. I probably look for the second tradeback at a local bookstore and read it there.

But yeah I really enjoy Bishoujo Gwen, a couple minor quirks aside and that her masked sculpt is annoying to attach (but her unmasked one is so great anyway). Thor and Loki looks really damn good, through I am looking forward more to the girl of squirrels next year.
But yeah I really enjoy Bishoujo Gwen, a couple minor quirks aside and that her masked sculpt is annoying to attach (but her unmasked one is so great anyway). Thor and Loki looks really damn good, through I am looking forward more to the girl of squirrels next year.

Can't wait for Squirrel Girl, I think she comes out in May. I like how her bishoujo started out as an April Fools joke a few years ago. Then she actually became really popular in the comics.


So that Marvel top 15 moments thread is full of fuckery.

Nobody is actually reading any of the good stuff marvel has to offer.

sam wilson
steve rogers
moon knight
black panther
spider-man miles morales

like damn GAF
So that Marvel top 15 moments thread is full of fuckery.

Nobody is actually reading any of the good stuff marvel has to offer.

sam wilson
steve rogers
moon knight
black panther
spider-man miles morales

like damn GAF

Either you forgot some books or you misspelled Gwenpool.


So that Marvel top 15 moments thread is full of fuckery.

Nobody is actually reading any of the good stuff marvel has to offer.

sam wilson
steve rogers
moon knight
black panther
spider-man miles morales

like damn GAF

I'm only reading two of those books.


Birthright #7-20

the series started with all this crazy magic, epic beast, and wonder but that slowly dwindled.

The series is not as great as the first arc that I loved. will keep reading to see how it plays out, but yah lied about the series getting better with each issue.



If you shine a flashlight on your statue you can find more flaws, just a tip for people here in case you were happy with something,


So that Marvel top 15 moments thread is full of fuckery.

Nobody is actually reading any of the good stuff marvel has to offer.

sam wilson
steve rogers
moon knight
black panther
spider-man miles morales

like damn GAF

Gwenpool too, only had one weak issue only because it was setting up the other one.
I like the idea that mainstream comic books is manga. I need to get on this bangwagon. I already put the kid on there with pokemon adventures right, why not?


Gwenpool too, only had one weak issue only because it was setting up the other one.

I haven't read gwenpool. based off of principles but that is another book people are not mentioning.

Like GAF only sees marvel comics as big events, carol, and x-men. like shit mane.


I am sorry

It's okay I don't really pull a lot at a time so I'll get round to them all eventually except Miles-man because he bores me to tears when written by Bendis.

as long as one of them is black widow and the other is squirrel girl, you're good

I'm fairly behind on Squirrel Girl but I'm going to pick up that OGN they did before the sale ends as I've only heard good things. Widow has been the only book I've looked forward to month after month.


It's okay I don't really pull a lot at a time so I'll get round to them all eventually except Miles-man because he bores me to tears when written by Bendis.

I'm fairly behind on Squirrel Girl but I'm going to pick up that OGN they did before the sale ends as I've only heard good things. Widow has been the only book I've looked forward to month after month.

Spider-man is slow for sure, but I like what Bendis is doing.


Spider-man is slow for sure, but I like what Bendis is doing.

Each to their own and all that. I never liked any of the Ultimate stuff with Miles either so it's no surprise to me I felt the same when he moved over to the main line. I was hoping I'd like RiRi unfortunately the first two issues have been a bit mediocre. I thought his Tony stuff declined fairly rapidly after Marquez left though so maybe this is just a continuation of that.


Seven to Eternity #3-4

the tone of the book changed some since the first issue but damn if this is not off to a great start. The art and story are worth the admission. Remender got a hit on his hands. Echo called this a cape book which got me scratching my head though. Nothing of the sort.

I highly recommend you guys pick up all 4 issues while you can for half off. good shit


Mighty Thor TPb #2

This book really shines when Aaron goes all-in with the Mythology of the realms and the non-earth story. While I enjoyed Thor dealing solving the problems of the humans, I was happy Mjolnir send her back, away from earth


Birthright #7-20

the series started with all this crazy magic, epic beast, and wonder but that slowly dwindled.

The series is not as great as the first arc that I loved. will keep reading to see how it plays out, but yah lied about the series getting better with each issue.




ok fam I get it chill!

Birthright gave us a crazy world with crazy creatures, then the writer pulled back the reins to focus on the 4 boring mages. I didn't care for the plot twist either.

I am not saying it is a bad book, but my interest has dwindled some. I am excited about the
baby and if they will leave earth to fight the lore king


Birthright #7-20

the series started with all this crazy magic, epic beast, and wonder but that slowly dwindled.

The series is not as great as the first arc that I loved. will keep reading to see how it plays out, but yah lied about the series getting better with each issue.

I am sorry that the pain is making you say things you don't mean. Find the light in your life.


Lois and Clark is some pretty fun Rebirth set-up but dayum are these single-page Oblivion Stone issue conclusions making me worried for a super uninteresting future arc.
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