COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush

Edit: I have no idea if that image is a spoiler, tell me if it is and ill pull it.

It kind of is. In issue #2, there was just a single panel of
Batwoman catching sight of Mother Panic and wondering who wears white.
So you'll probably get what you want, but not exactly how you want it.


Finished Sheriff of Babylon tonight-very good. Are there any plans for a follow up? I loved the three main characters.


Any good starting point for the New Nova because regardless of my snark i am curious.

There'sr Gerry Duggan's run which begins partway through issue 10 of his first ongoing, which also happens to be the 100th Nova book. The issues that come before that are weak in comparison, but establish Sam's origin. Other than that I would just recommend the book that just started.




Look man sometimes you gotta take jobs to fund your dream creator owned original projects, like "what if there were werewolves during Prohibition"

what. how.
Delays and they added a ninth issue.
Did you know dark knight 3 is still going on


Look man sometimes you gotta take jobs to fund your dream creator owned original projects, like "what if there were werewolves during Prohibition"

what. how.

Yep, and there might be more on the way or a 4th book without much Azzarello.


I mean it is, but like, the agenda is "LGBT people don't deserve to be shot on sight", which, it's telling that you disagree with that.
Alonso did a CBR talk for the first time in months. Apart from shitting on returnability the only real thing about 2017 he said was this:
That is the corner of the Marvel Universe to keep your eye on. The street-level heroes — Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, the Punisher, Elektra, Misty Knight, Moon Knight, etc. — are going to be big players in the Marvel Universe in 2017, and their fates will become increasingly interconnected. We want to tell the stories that you see on the Netflix shows a few years from now.
Ordering some stuff for my partner's birthday. Anyone read both the recent Jill Thompson WW origin book and the legend of WW book able to give me a point towards one or the other? Currently thinking legend just because the book is longer hah


Ordering some stuff for my partner's birthday. Anyone read both the recent Jill Thompson WW origin book and the legend of WW book able to give me a point towards one or the other? Currently thinking legend just because the book is longer hah

Legend of Wonder Woman is amazing, Jill Thompsons book is trash. Easy choice.


Ordering some stuff for my partner's birthday. Anyone read both the recent Jill Thompson WW origin book and the legend of WW book able to give me a point towards one or the other? Currently thinking legend just because the book is longer hah
Both great, but Legend of WW would be the more recommended.
Legend of Wonder Woman is amazing, Jill Thompsons book is trash. Easy choice.

Hah! Nice. I thought they had both been received well but if thats the case then easy choice indeed, cheers for that. Also, I end up with it too, always a plus.

Both great, but Legend of WW would be the more recommended.

Awesome. Seems Legend is the loved one, regardless of the Thompson book's quality. Cheers!


I don't understand is #2 of mother panic bad.

Cave Carson is legit. The lack of waifuss is why yah don't like it

I think Mother Panic might be bad. I'm giving it a chance, but it is currently my least favorite pull. Worst Young Animal book right now. Maybe the next few issues will save it?


Lake of Fire

WOW! now that is how you do a mini series. man was it great.

I gotta read weavers before I decide which one is my favorite mini of the year.


haha thanks.

anyway guys I am trying to do a reading marathon so I can make my best of list for 2016.

I stumbled upon a gem called Weavers.

I am only on #4 but right now it is going to be my mini of the year. The book oozes style, bloody violence, and cool powers/characters.

The main gang are called the Weavers and they have spider based powers fighting russians. it is great shit.

Li Kao

Yeah, it's that time of the year (month ?) ! I read some comics ! Give it 1-2 days before I realize I have a fucking OCD and won't be able to make a pull list.
But the hell with that, I read some of the ANAD Marvel debut titles and it wasn't bad. At all. So yeah the second issues were generally underwhelming but I had a good evening.

Marvel Point One (2015) - One-Shot
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) - 1-2
Avengers (2015) - 0
Doctor Stange (2015) - 1
Extraordinary X-Men (2015) - 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) - 1
Invincible Iron Man (2015) - 1-2
New Avengers (2015) - 1-2
Uncanny Avengers (2015) - 1
Uncanny Inhumans (2015) - 0

The worst was maybe Robinson's writing in the Squadron segments that ties Avengers #0 together and, yeah, I didn't remember GotG #1 at first, not a good sign. Uncanny Avengers was pretty shitty too.
Quite a good time nonetheless.


haha thanks.

anyway guys I am trying to do a reading marathon so I can make my best of list for 2016.

I stumbled upon a gem called Weavers.

I am only on #4 but right now it is going to be my mini of the year. The book oozes style, bloody violence, and cool powers/characters.

The main gang are called the Weavers and they have spider based powers fighting russians. it is great shit.
Did they try getting along with the Russians, wouldn't that be nice?
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