Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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So my daily pull was Sabin and I though to myself that my ticket pull is going to be just as bad. Well...
After waiting so long I finally get my dues. Only thing is that this game still proves that it would still rather give me support or mages than heavy hitters a majority of the time lol


I didn't call. But in my language we dont have he or she. So when one speaks about person there is always a chance that you dont know what gender "it" is :p.


So my daily pull was Sabin and I though to myself that my ticket pull is going to be just as bad. Well...

After waiting so long I finally get my dues. Only thing is that this game still proves that it would still rather give me support or mages than heavy hitters a majority of the time lol



So they will rerun Memories from Aqupolis event in near future. Also we will get some compensation due to those chrashes.
Ability now has text that says if its not stackalble (Killer abilities, BM, DH).

So Counter and Evade are indeed stackable.

you can make a santa roselia with 4 evades and two 20 sized dice, can get 80% evade, and still countering with curaja.
So my daily pull was Sabin and I though to myself that my ticket pull is going to be just as bad. Well...

After waiting so long I finally get my dues. Only thing is that this game still proves that it would still rather give me support or mages than heavy hitters a majority of the time lol

Congrats, that's awesome! Yea the game seems to like to hand mages out to me as well. She will be a great addition to your team I imagine :D.

You convinced me to do two pulls... Gold Fran and a shadow lol


He doesn't look like a she from those awful sprites, I cant blame them.

Yeah, I wish they would have toned down the sprite a bit so that you can actually see her better. I've seen pics of the character and I think she looks cool, but the sprite in this game is...not the best.
So my daily pull was Sabin and I though to myself that my ticket pull is going to be just as bad. Well...

After waiting so long I finally get my dues. Only thing is that this game still proves that it would still rather give me support or mages than heavy hitters a majority of the time lol

Luka a couple days ago, Refia today.

Swimming in healers, but dunno which to use.

I think the general consensus is that Luka is arguably better until you can get the dualcast materia from the Ludmille unit as a TMR. A dualcast Refia is pretty much the best you'll ever get in terms of a healer, but without dualcast, Luka might have a slight edge in certain situations.


Feels nice finally having a dual wield. Just shoved it on my 650attk Chiz.

Starting on my katana now. At like 9%. I think that is where I am going to throw all upcoming moogles because all other TMs I am working on are for future units, i.e. Firion and Garland. There are stat things like Black Cowl and PoC (and a 2nd Blade Mastery) but I feel like getting the katana now will make my Chiz stronger until I can move it over to my Firion.

That rambling makes sense, right?


Luka a couple days ago, Refia today.

Swimming in healers, but dunno which to use.

Grats! Are you F2P/how many pulls are you doing, just your dailies?

I've been gun shy with pulls since I started.. sitting on pretty much all of my Lapis and tickets. The daily pull is a nice rate, but will add up quick if I start doing it every day. Kinda planning on blowing it all on the next great banner, but the plan is fluid.



Np. Glad I was able to help you for once haha. You know what I love about these videos? The fact that you clear these events with your strongest team, but you spend nrg going back and doing it again with weaker teams. Meanwhile a lot people with weaker teams complain how it's not possible as opposed to working out a way to do it with the units they have.

Curious what you guys are doing with trust moogles. Saving them up for a future unit to 100% instantly? Or just making progress on your current units faster? I have 35% in moogles right now. Could finish off PoC right now, BM soonish, or hoard for who-knows-what.

I've used 6 in the past (3 on dual wield, 3 on blade mastery). Since then I've been saving for my hopeful Eileen as both her and Tidus need their TMs to be able to fully utilise their skills. It means if I summon her I can get her TM straight away.

Currently I'm sitting at 90% worth of moogles which means I'll probably have a few extra before her release. I wish I had used some on dual cast tbh because I really needed that. I'm going to save any extras for that guy with the Cowboy Knife TM.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I wonder when we are getting the next bigger challenge feels like we have been just farming stuff for months now. I mean i know thats what the game is essentially about but...well...would love to get more interesting challenges like Maxwell more often.
I wonder when we are getting the next bigger challenge feels like we have been just farming stuff for months now. I mean i know thats what the game is essentially about but...well...would love to get more interesting challenges like Maxwell more often.

Gilgamesh trial is probably soon. Within a month maybe?


Everyone be talking about Cloud and I'm just here like "Where's my Sephiroth sprite?" lol.

I didn't call. But in my language we dont have he or she. So when one speaks about person there is always a chance that you dont know what gender "it" is :p.

What's your native tongue?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Gilgamesh trial is probably soon. Within a month maybe?

As soon as i read your post my initial reaction was " Damn, thats too soon im not ready yet" lol

But yeah that would be cool if we get it - this would be a standard trial or a time limited like Maxwell ?
It does kind of suck there isn't really a 'peak' in this game from a challenge perspective. At least at the moment.

Even trials....I mean they release a new one and you clear it within a few days, then back to farming.

I know the game is still pretty 'new' from a release perspective, but I hope they can expand to things like actual raids similar to what brave frontier or granblue fantasy have.
As soon as i read your post my initial reaction was " Damn, thats too soon im not ready yet" lol

But yeah that would be cool if we get it - this would be a standard trial or a time limited like Maxwell ?

Standard thankfully because from what I hear it's pretty difficult at least to get all the rewards.


Everyone be talking about Cloud and I'm just here like "Where's my Sephiroth sprite?" lol.
I can pass on FFVII, but Squall and some other VIII people...
I've used 6 in the past (3 on dual wield, 3 on blade mastery). Since then I've been saving for my hopeful Eileen as both her and Tidus need their TMs to be able to fully utilise their skills. It means if I summon her I can get her TM straight away.

Currently I'm sitting at 90% worth of moogles which means I'll probably have a few extra before her release. I wish I had used some on dual cast tbh because I really needed that. I'm going to save any extras for that guy with the Cowboy Knife TM.
Isn't the Cowboy Knife dude a 3*? Just pull 5 of him on the banner, I wouldn't use moogles on that.
I didn't call. But in my language we dont have he or she. So when one speaks about person there is always a chance that you dont know what gender "it" is :p.
Nice, that sounds awesome! It's such a stupid thing here in the US, wish we could all be like that...


Gilgamesh will not be a challenge to most of you guys here, even if he is buffed he won't last more than a minute against a TM stacked team. Orlandu will be a must for this though.
Gilgamesh will not be a challenge to most of you guys here, even if he is buffed he won't last more than a minute against a TM stacked team. Orlandu will be a must for this though.

God I hope not...I want a challenge. Maybe I will try it without using TM's if that is the case.


Isn't the Cowboy Knife dude a 3*? Just pull 5 of him on the banner, I wouldn't use moogles on that.

See at first that was my logic, but then I remembered I have pulled a grand total of 2 Zidanes lol. I only need 1 Cowboy Knife but I'll need to see how the banner is first I guess.

I think I'll still keep the extras for any potential must have TMs. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a Noctis on his second banner with his enhanced TM.


Darkness - found an older version of Andy in my trash files ;) . send me a PM with an email and I will send to you. I don't like the newer versions, which seem full of advertisements and crap.

I think I might try the non-beta version of Nox as well, to see how it compares


It does kind of suck there isn't really a 'peak' in this game from a challenge perspective. At least at the moment.

God I hope not...I want a challenge. Maybe I will try it without using TM's if that is the case.

O that reminds me, I'm working on the GAF Challenge List for the guide Panther and Val are putting together. If anyone has any challenges they would like to see on the list let me know (either reply here or PM is fine). I actually have clear the trials without any TMs on there haha.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Standard thankfully because from what I hear it's pretty difficult at least to get all the rewards.

I need to look up the Rewards but all i really want is the Katana.

Gilgamesh will not be a challenge to most of you guys here, even if he is buffed he won't last more than a minute against a TM stacked team. Orlandu will be a must for this though. mean one stacked up friend Orlandu...or that we need our own in addition to a friend Orlandu ? At least i will have Excalibur by the time he is here. Now i just need to pull Firion as a Finisher.


I need to look up the Rewards but all i really want is the Katana. mean one stacked up friend Orlandu...or that we need our own in addition to a friend Orlandu ? At least i will have Excalibur by the time he is here. Now i just need to pull Firion as a Finisher.
Two fully TMed Orlandus are a must to make the fight a joke.

At least five people here will be able to pull something like this here, otherwise it will take a while. But I just don't see the fight being that hard, even without Orlandu, considering how many people here are grinding like crazy for TMs.
Well if what someone said the other day where elemental weapons will cancel his elemental attacks and not needing to use elemental honestly shouldn't be that bad anyway.
My game crashed while I was reading the issue notice about crashes in the dungeon

Its poetic really

The irony.

Unrelated to the above but I need opinions on something. Whom should I be building up as my second power house now that I'm approaching the 900 mark with Noctis. My Waifu for Lifu Lightning? Everyone's favorite henchman and side kick Greg? Or the Global Exclusive powerhouse breaker Elza? I should be able to push either Light or Greg to 730+ with Excal/DB & Sakurufubuki, Brave Suit & Black Cowl (don't think Greg can wear either), 2 Bracer or Bracer and a hero ring. Elza has her TM scythe and Gungnir and can use all gear Greg cannot. Her break is no freaking joke.



Is anyones FREP not working right?

Mine acted up the other day for a while (kicked back to the home screen inexplicably, dropped me on the map screen for another continent) but seems to be better since then.

I assumed it had something to do with how I typically use it (kick off script, put in pocket, forget for half an hour, perfect opportunity for a random click). What are you seeing?
Will add later if it's still open!

Since you mentioned dual wield: based on Exvius wiki, Gilgamesh's TM reward (Genji Glove) is the only way to dual wield? I need
dual Axes on my Mercedes!

3 ways. Genii Glove, Zidane's Dual Wield TM, and -- eventually -- Abel's dagger lets you DW a weapon in the other hand.

Or some characters have DW natively, like Lightning and Luneth.


Mac users - Nox for Mac is out of Beta, and rock solid! So, you can use Automator with it as well to run macro for FFBE, and maybe eventually we will get the rest of the features. I'm working to see if I can figure out a method to macro that will allow me to use laptop while running

Stay tuned...
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