Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Mac users - Nox for Mac is out of Beta, and rock solid! So, you can use Automator with it as well to run macro for FFBE, and maybe eventually we will get the rest of the features. I'm working to see if I can figure out a method to macro that will allow me to use laptop while running

Stay tuned...

Okay. I'll give this a shot.


Darkness - if you need a link to v1.0 let me know. Sent you the Andy file as well... I'll see if macro support is to be added to Nox and get back with you

I'm "working" right now


TM farming + OCD robbed some serious sleep from me last night. Woke up because I had to use the bathroom and checked on Memu. Saw that I was 22 runs away from getting a rank up but I only had 17 energy. Didn't want to refresh and wast 80 energy so I looked up some areas and checked how much rank exp they give to maximize my rank up... Needless to say by the time I ranked up and resumed the TM script I was wide awake. Went back to bed, couldn't fall asleef for quite a while and once I fell asleep my alarm woke me up...

This fucking game...

And this is why I stopped chasing top 3k every week/month in the arena. The mental and behavioral changes needed to chase this is not worth it, ever.

Can we expect Doublehand to stack in GL - a day - like it does in JP or it'll never happen? Because I never understood why even consider DH when you have DW before (didnt knew bout the GL nerf).

Also, thanks for answering, if we get his banner if think a lot of enthousiast players are going to pull hard on this one.

Doubtful. Global seems be a bit better balanced towards magic and not allowing physical attackers to get too far out of hand. For every 700+ ATK physical attacker I have on my friends list, I also have a 700+ MAG Exdeath or D.Fina. That said, there are still far more physical attackers in the game than there are mages, at least on Global.

Finally got Snow and Lightning today. Our Lightning Returns for 360 came in mail today.

Lol, I fell for that for just a few seconds. Thankfully, I can edit my writing before hitting the post button :)

Ariana going TM is going to be 30% Spr/Def! calling it!

I would be okay with this honestly, as that would go fairly close to the top of the TM pile.

You guys also convinced me to do a daily...


Credits to ShedoKun on reddit! He did a great job with this sprite:

Impressive sprite, I have to admit. That day may be coming a **lot** sooner that everyone tends to believe.

It does kind of suck there isn't really a 'peak' in this game from a challenge perspective. At least at the moment.

Even trials....I mean they release a new one and you clear it within a few days, then back to farming.

I know the game is still pretty 'new' from a release perspective, but I hope they can expand to things like actual raids similar to what brave frontier or granblue fantasy have.

Well... it's like be at the end of an expansion in an MMO. Yes, minor updates routinely come to provide morsels of things to do. But, the player is at the current endgame, especially if there is nothing left to do except farm TMs. Yes, it sucks that there isn't anything new to do at the moment. Keep in mind though that the game is not (yet) balanced for everyone to be tricked out in TMs (be very, very fearful of that day). Until then, take it easy and enjoy the ride until power creep catches up.

And one big note, for the love of powdered moogles, competitive guild raiding better not ever be a thing in this game. THAT mode is the destroyer of worlds and communities.


Mine acted up the other day for a while (kicked back to the home screen inexplicably, dropped me on the map screen for another continent) but seems to be better since then.

I assumed it had something to do with how I typically use it (kick off script, put in pocket, forget for half an hour, perfect opportunity for a random click). What are you seeing?

I have to edit a trace , party 4 wasny being recognized anymore and now its randomly failing.

Same script ive ran thousands of times.


Darkness - if you need a link to v1.0 let me know. Sent you the Andy file as well... I'll see if macro support is to be added to Nox and get back with you

I'm "working" right now

No problem. Anyone know where I can download a version of FFBE for Android?
I've made changes to my team based on unit ranking, I went from Exdeath,COD,DKC,Santa Roselia, Firius to substituting Santa Roselia with Luka and Firius with Charlotte. Is it worth?
So the last couple days the game has crashed in Nox every time early on in the farming process. I remembered rebooting my computer helping previously as I keep it on 24\7 and in this case I had windows patches to install anyway. I think that did indeed address the issue although it's hard to truly say since we had maintenance last night but I ran the script for a handful of hours or so before maintenance and it held up. Here's hoping the morning run is still going when I get home tonight... Cecil is finally in the nineties so it's sure tempting to just finish it with a single moogle but I shall be patient and let it finish naturally. Then if I can get the moogle from the zero event plus the 28th log-in, I'll have three of these guys to give BM a massive jump. At least I'm assuming I should prioritize BM over Sakurafabuki.

Arena looks like it's going to be brutal to stay in the top 30k for the monthly, I started late last week so despite being in the top 10k for the week, my average had me at 23 or 24k for the monthly last I checked... Hopefully keeping up on it the remaining weeks will ensure I stay below 30k when the month ends. With my schedule it's tough to be competitive but this three day weekend should be nice for the start of next week! In fact, I'm hoping it will allow me to get to 100 wins in a row in time if I can just avoid the game crashing.

Magicite farming is going well, I FINALLY maxed out Ifrit! Wooo! I think I'm going to max out Carbuncle next and then maybe Golem before Ramuh since Golem still has a "killer" ability for me to learn. I want to get these guys knocked out so I can start building up for Odin.

I've made changes to my team based on unit ranking, I went from Exdeath,COD,DKC,Santa Roselia, Firius to substituting Santa Roselia with Luka and Firius with Charlotte. Is it worth?

Yeah that should be better for now. Firius doesn't shine until 6* and a tank makes it a more balanced team though you only especially need them for the particularly challenging trials.
Alright 2nd Blade Mastery done. So I now have my 855ish Luneth and a 700 Noctis on my team and 600 Lightning. I think I am done spending Lapis on refills for awhile probably until next month. Should have an almost 10k hp 450ish defense Cecil with 25 LB when I finish this next set of TM's though. After that will probably get the last few things I need for Dark Fina. I need a damn Gilgamesh for a Genji Glove though.


So my daily pull was Sabin and I though to myself that my ticket pull is going to be just as bad. Well...

After waiting so long I finally get my dues. Only thing is that this game still proves that it would still rather give me support or mages than heavy hitters a majority of the time lol

Congrats Spy!

See? I told you probability was going to be on your side one day.


Magicite farming is going well, I FINALLY maxed out Ifrit! Wooo! I think I'm going to max out Carbuncle next and then maybe Golem before Ramuh since Golem still has a "killer" ability for me to learn. I want to get these guys knocked out so I can start building up for Odin.

You using Phantom Forest to farm? About how long did it take to max out a 2* esper?


You using Phantom Forest to farm? About how long did it take to max out a 2* esper?

As someone who back in the day maxed out all his espers via Phantom Forest, I can say it takes an awful long time. The first 30 levels are fairly straightforward, but the last 10 levels at 2* are brutal, even with the crazy drops from Phantom Forest.

It's one of those things that takes time throwing everything at an esper until it is eventually maxed out.
As someone who back in the day maxed out all his espers via Phantom Forest, I can say it takes an awful long time. The first 30 levels are fairly straightforward, but the last 10 levels at 2* are brutal, even with the crazy drops from Phantom Forest.

It's one of those things that takes time throwing everything at an esper until it is eventually maxed out.

There are apparently Phantom Forest scripts. But now I sincerely wish I'd done much more of the FFT event. It dropped magicite and rank like crazy. I still don't have a maxed esper, and Carb is still 1*.


Professional Schmuck
-- Ok, I was way wrong about Ariana. Not only is she free but even at 6* we know she won't be OP. The only real question is what her TM is. Probably a microphone.

-- Y'all talkin' trials and I'm still on that dumb plant. I gave it a quick shot while trying to burn NRG before a nearby ranking last week and got embarrassed. Will definitely need an actual effort here, Noctis or no.

-- The ExviusGAF Playbook is in progress! Here are the things we're working on:

[ ] NeoGAF Friend List -- we'll have to make this open source for this tab. Maybe just copy over what we have on the other list. (who owns that?)
[ ] Getting Started Guide -- It's a n00b guide that should guide players through their first couple months.
[ ] Build a Team Guide -- A version of this is already in the thread but will be here for reference
[ ] Units you can safely trash -- YESSSSS (will need help with this one)
[ ] Trust Master Guide -- Asking Valentus to own this. I'm thinking it's both an intro to farming and a short ranking of important TMs to focus on.
[ ] Meta Game checklist -- this is super short so far. May need help.
[ ] ExviusGaf Challenges -- As Alkez mentioned he's starting a short list of GAF-specific challenges (think 'beat X using a team of only women', 'beat X with one unit', 'most damage in a single hit', 'longest arena streak'. I'm not sure if it will be a list of challenges or a ranking board or what. Maybe both.

-- Here's what that looks like so far:



[ ] NeoGAF Friend List -- we'll have to make this open source for this tab. Maybe just copy over what we have on the other list. (who owns that?)

I'm pretty sure I made the most recent iteration of the GAF friends list. I thought I made it fully editable by anyone but if you need me to mess with settings let me know.

This all looks great by the way! All of those tabs are going to be super useful for people.


Hey guys, I'm trying to connect my Facebook account to my game, but when I put my information in, it flashes, then asks me to enter it again. Is there something I need to do in order to connect the two accounts?
You using Phantom Forest to farm? About how long did it take to max out a 2* esper?

Yessir. I've also received a little extra via the Arena Grid rewards but mostly from PF. I had Ifrit around the mid 30's already I think and I want to say draining all more NRG once, plus the extra NRG provided by the dailies allowed me to rank up and then I burned all that NRG again and it was enough to get him there plus get Carbuncle up a number of levels. As Lyrian said, it's easy to level them up to 30 and then it slows to a crawl in comparison. Ultimately it depends on how lucky you are with getting Mega's of course but if you fully dedicate your NRG to this cause it's not 'too' bad. It's more the issue that you normally wouldn't want to blow so much NRG just for megacites but as there's bleep all to do right now besides TM farm and dailies, perfect time!

Awesome, Panther! I look forward to seeing the final results. Also, I think somehow we are not friends in the game which really surprised me. If you want, PM me your number and when I can access my phone later.

Also, congrats to everyone getting Dark Fina!!!


There are apparently Phantom Forest scripts. But now I sincerely wish I'd done much more of the FFT event. It dropped magicite and rank like crazy. I still don't have a maxed esper, and Carb is still 1*.

I've long been in the camp (and Gumi has yet to prove me wrong on this) that everything "good" that is offered to players, occurs **exactly** once ever intentionally. In response to experiencing such generous outcomes, players expect such good outcomes (rank/magicites from FFT, generous event currency from the Halloween event, and so on), and never occur ever again.

That said, megacites are becoming much common. They are dropping commonly from Mog King events now and are fairly common drops from exploration nodes in Zoldaad (can part 2 get here already ?). So, over time, it should become easier to max out espers because of power creep.


Lol, I fell for that for just a few seconds. Thankfully, I can edit my writing before hitting the post button :)

Bwa haha. If only. I want Lightning and Noctis, but I will save my luck if it means I can get Orlandu.

-- Y'all talkin' trials and I'm still on that dumb plant. I gave it a quick shot while trying to burn NRG before a nearby ranking last week and got embarrassed. Will definitely need an actual effort here, Noctis or no.

Damn Panther. What you running that you can't get it done? I think biggest thing for me was CoD not having DW. Right after I got her DW I ran it again and got it done. Took a little, but was patient and it didn't end up being as bad as I thought. Pew pew pew.

Hey guys, I'm trying to connect my Facebook account to my game, but when I put my information in, it flashes, then asks me to enter it again. Is there something I need to do in order to connect the two accounts?

Way we're doing it is supposed to be right. - Wait is log in with FB having issues within game right now? Did maint last night fuck it up?


EDarkness -

I know you said you don't like to use HiroMacro to do the TM farming, but I followed the instructions on Reddit, and now I can run Nox during the day, freeing up my phone, and my laptop!

I'm going to experiment with the various TM scripts


EDarkness -

I know you said you don't like to use HiroMacro to do the TM farming, but I followed the instructions on Reddit, and now I can run Nox during the day, freeing up my phone, and my laptop!

I'm going to experiment with the various TM scripts

Is Nox better than Andy? I'll look up HiroMacro, too.


EDarkness -

I know you said you don't like to use HiroMacro to do the TM farming, but I followed the instructions on Reddit, and now I can run Nox during the day, freeing up my phone, and my laptop!

I'm going to experiment with the various TM scripts

LOL i think you mean me. ;D

I am just going to let ED handle all the macro shit for me. ??? Profit. Bwa haha.


EDarkness and Muku -

Yes, it works stable as a rock... I've had it running for about an hour now. A few notes to make it less frustrating

Nox v1.0 can be found here

-When you install Nox, which is really easy, a few things to note. I downloaded the legit version of FFBE through Google Play, but had to use the APK for HiroMacro - couldn't download through Google Play store due to authentication issues that made me want to tear my hair out

-If you use the speed macro for Hiro, its too long... you have to cut and paste in pieces

It was an interesting learning experience, but invaluable. If you need the reddit thread


Obviously her role will be singer ;)
"Boost xx while singing".

Good that she is free, now I don't need to fear to pull her accidentally. She can collect dust in my inventory :p.

Nazta datamined global exclusives

On paper those exclusives seem to be really nice. Too bad, units are max 5*, I don't get the idea to make such a "powerful" exclusive materials for units that top 5*. Maybe in the future they get 6* but still waste of time to get those exclus.

5 stars at the time of type-zero were pretty strong and were good units to use if you didn't have 6 stars for those spots. The exclusive new materia should help them do that and keep up with power creep some. Jack's TM is really good too


-- The ExviusGAF Playbook is in progress! Here are the things we're working on:

[ ] NeoGAF Friend List -- we'll have to make this open source for this tab. Maybe just copy over what we have on the other list. (who owns that?)
[ ] Getting Started Guide -- It's a n00b guide that should guide players through their first couple months.
[ ] Build a Team Guide -- A version of this is already in the thread but will be here for reference
[ ] Units you can safely trash -- YESSSSS (will need help with this one)
[ ] Trust Master Guide -- Asking Valentus to own this. I'm thinking it's both an intro to farming and a short ranking of important TMs to focus on.
[ ] Meta Game checklist -- this is super short so far. May need help.
[ ] ExviusGaf Challenges -- As Alkez mentioned he's starting a short list of GAF-specific challenges (think 'beat X using a team of only women', 'beat X with one unit', 'most damage in a single hit', 'longest arena streak'. I'm not sure if it will be a list of challenges or a ranking board or what. Maybe both.

-- Here's what that looks like so far:


Nice headers, there.

I tend to suck at creating original content, but I excel at revision and finding holes in things. I look forward to taking a crack at the playbook once it comes out.

/twirls digital red pen between his fingers
/grins slyly


-- Ok, I was way wrong about Ariana. Not only is she free but even at 6* we know she won't be OP. The only real question is what her TM is. Probably a microphone.
-- The ExviusGAF Playbook is in progress! Here are the things we're working on:

Lol @Microphone :D. Nice work \o/


Is it also possible and she might not have a TM like Rain, Laswell, Fina, etc.?

Idk what it is, but today after the update I can't connect to FFBE via nox on my laptop at work. It gets hung up at the connecting screen where it needs to dl the in game update and just spams the connection error. I have no idea how to fix it.
Is it also possible and she might not have a TM like Rain, Laswell, Fina, etc.?

Idk what it is, but today after the update I can't connect to FFBE via nox on my laptop at work. It gets hung up at the connecting screen where it needs to dl the in game update and just spams the connection error. I have no idea how to fix it.

I doubt this is the case because it sounds like she will be a trial like Maxwell. She will undoubtedly have a good of one is the question I think.


I think they just give us Ariana. Putting her behind a trial, even an easy one, is still going to alienate the new people she is meant to bring in who will have only just started playing.

Damn, Gaffgarion is at 90% but the new event is starting tomorrow. I might hold off grinding currency for a few days to see what the consensus is on the event and to finally get that shiny new bracer.


FF-Zero banner tomorrow, right?

Edit: Type-0. Same thing. Meh guess I get to save more lapis. Please Gumi. Give a decent banner. I'm dying of bordem here.


I'm really torn. I can't decide if I want to TM farm to make Dark Fina awesome or Luneth awesome.

DF I already have some nice gear for thanks to Halloween event and a second DW plus an Omnirod to give her once finished, but by the same token she obviously isn't going to be approaching the god-levels of damage a physical DPS can do.

Luneth, meanwhile, needs a LOT of TM gear to hit the higher levels, but in the end will be an obvious monster comparatively. And most of those TMs I don't have multiples of (PoC obviously, Seal of Destruction, Excalibur, Bracer, etc, etc...)

Is this just new unit fever? Do I just really want to make DF good because she's brand new and shiny?
Thanks y'all for the congrats. Feels great getting a good base 5* after being trolled with Faris and then getting Delita. Tried her out on Arena and the fights seem so much easier.
We'll end up with an ungodly amount at the rate we're going though before we get one to spend any on.

But when we get both Tidus and Rikku because we have a million lapis saved up, it will be glorious!

I'm assuming the next banner will be Type-0 pt.2 since Grande Burrito is free. Might as well get these units all out of the way with how late they've come. They simply can't hang with the units we already have. After we get scrub 0 out of the way it should be interesting to see what they do. Will it be the first Orlandu banner? or FF II?
But when we get both Tidus and Rikku because we have a million lapis saved up, it will be glorious!

I'm assuming the next banner will be Type-0 pt.2 since Grande Burrito is free. Might as well get these units all out of the way with how late they've come. They simply can't hang with the units we already have. After we get scrub 0 out of the way it should be interesting to see what they do. Will it be the first Orlandu banner? or FF II?

While neither of the FF0 banners are great unit wise...Cinque who will be on the 2nd will be the only current permanent unit that has a 20% ATK materia so people that missed out on Fencer and Karl (Fuck Karl) will have a chance. She is a 3* base also so worth the pull imo.
While neither of the FF0 banners are great unit wise...Cinque who will be on the 2nd will be the only current permanent unit that has a 20% ATK materia so people that missed out on Fencer and Karl (Fuck Karl) will have a chance. She is a 3* base also so worth the pull imo.

I did remember some of the next batch was supposed to have nice TMs though I feel like my TM backlog is too big as is :| I must admit that I'm partially bagging on them because I thought Type-0 sucked. One of very few FF games I outright disliked. Rem is the only one I even remember kind of liking in that game so I guess it's good that she's the best of their units in this game ;p


Thanks for the tips on the summons. Still pretty confused by it all, but I'm just gonna play it by ear and have some fun. Dokkan Battle is my main mobile game, just looking for something to fill time when I run out of stamina there.

Pretty much is there something I can do early on to royally fuck myself long term?
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