I'm trying to get Mario Kart 8 to run in 1080p and 4K and it doesn't seem to work.
I go in Graphic Packs and check one or the other and it changes nothing to the resolution.
EDIT: Tried Mario 3D World, same results.
In my case, no, looks like this.
Oh the day i'll be able to experience The Wonderful 101 ending in 4K @ 60fps .
Since BOTW on Wii U has an unstable/unlocked framerate, I wonder what are the chances of the game actually running smoother on Cemu. It's not usual, but it does happen sometimes on emulators.
Wind Waker HD with reduced bloom?
I NEED to see this :O
Wind Waker HD with reduced bloom?
I NEED to see this :O
It will be so shiny, but run like shit. That's the modern gamers dream I guess.
Does fatal frame run on this?
Does Xenoblade X render in 4k for you (beyond the menu)? Can you share the settings in your rules.txt if that's the case? Maybe also how the ini file looks like?
I have the stock XCX graphic pack, not sure why it isn't working for some people
I suspect I may not be the only one who didn't press home after ripping a game.
I'll never understand how they got Mario Kart 8 to look so good on Wii U.
Since BOTW on Wii U has an unstable/unlocked framerate, I wonder what are the chances of the game actually running smoother on Cemu. It's not usual, but it does happen sometimes on emulators.
NoooooEmulators by default are trying to emulate the original processors, so unless some type of overclocking is included in CEMU, I really, really doubt you'll be getting better performance than console.
If the game has the exact same slowdown as console, thats the emulators dusting off its hands and saying "perfect, job well done. "
The texture work in Ribbon Road is blowing me away. Who cares about power when it comes to Nintendo achieving stuff like this on Wii U, those guys are wizards!
? That's a perfect example for the exact opposite! Power finally allows us to see some of those great assets to light, that wouldn't otherwise be as noticeable in lower resolutions!The texture work in Ribbon Road is blowing me away. Who cares about power when it comes to Nintendo achieving stuff like this on Wii U, those guys are wizards!
No, I have the Meta folder, CEMU is recognising the game and the graphic pack is active. But it's not rendering in 4k.
Emulators by default are trying to emulate the original processors, so unless some type of overclocking is included in CEMU, I really, really doubt you'll be getting better performance than console.
If the game has the exact same slowdown as console, thats the emulators dusting off its hands and saying "perfect, job well done. "
these screenshots are mindblowingThe texture work in Ribbon Road is blowing me away. Who cares about power when it comes to Nintendo achieving stuff like this on Wii U, those guys are wizards!
? That's a perfect example for the exact opposite! Power finally allows us to see some of those great assets to light, that wouldn't otherwise be as noticeable in lower resolutions!
I was playing Super Mario 3D World at 5120x2880 and reflections + DoF at 2560x1440 and the game is so monumentally better looking its obscene.
What's the legality on sharing pre-compiled shader packages? Thats the one unmistakable boon on playing games in CEMU, first run stutter. When running through a new game it means stutter is very consistent throughout the entire experience.
these screenshots are mindblowing
I think with a modern high-level emulator it's not that simple.Emulators by default are trying to emulate the original processors, so unless some type of overclocking is included in CEMU, I really, really doubt you'll be getting better performance than console.
If the game has the exact same slowdown as console, thats the emulators dusting off its hands and saying "perfect, job well done. "
I think with a modern high-level emulator it's not that simple.
I.e. if a game drops frames on Wii U due to GPU reasons then it will certainly not have the same drops on an emulator. And even if it's due to CPU or memory reasons I doubt CEMU strives to be sufficiently cycle-accurate to actually reproduce those drops.
these screenshots are mindblowing
How do people know what resolution it's actually running at? I'm on a TV so it's harder for me to eyeball it.
So you can get the additional dowloadable tracks running on the emulator too?
A way you can check for sure is to hit shift+printscreen. It captures a full resolution image onto your clipboard.
It's more of a mod, the way to get them working is replacing existing tracks to be able to select them.
I really need to figure out some shader overrides and turn off the rim lighting on models in 3D World. I don't like the look at all.
It felt like I was getting some ocassional framedrops without slowdown at 5120x2880, so if thats the case that would make sense. My bad then.
Typically buffers for effects like that are rendered at 1/2 res, so I added another texture override for 640x360 to 2560x1440 and voila, it was correct. The DoF they use isn't terribly effective when using such a high res, but its better than the really low res reflections/DoF it had before.
I'll try and get screenshots next time I can mess around with it, or just set it up and see for yourself in person!
I added another section that looks like this:
width = 640
height = 360
overwriteWidth = 2560
overwriteHeight = 1440
However, I don't seem to be getting an improvement in DoF resolution. Did I do something, or is there another effect resulting in distant object having a pixelated look?
titleIds = 0005000010145d00,0005000010145c00,0005000010106100
name = "Super Mario 3D World - 2880p"
width = 1280
height = 720
overwriteWidth = 5120
overwriteHeight = 2880
width = 640
height = 360
overwriteWidth = 2560
overwriteHeight = 1440
Does anyone who has recently tried Cemu know if it still flips the screen with the Steam overlay/Steam Streaming (e.g. Steam Link)?
The texture work in Ribbon Road is blowing me away. Who cares about power when it comes to Nintendo achieving stuff like this on Wii U, those guys are wizards!
Excellent, just had a look and there it is. Cheers!They added an option in the Debug menu 'Render upside-down' that addresses this
No online, yet anyway.
My Wii U bit the dust. Is Splatoon playable?
Online, that is.
Got GeForce working, think the screens came out right. 4k downsampled to 1440p
Should run Mario Kart 8 and super Mario at 60fps when the shaders have cached.What's the specs required for this beast? I'm not too worried about ripping and playing my games until the emulator develops a bit more, but I'm highly curious. I have a custom built ddr4 PC with an i5 6750 or whatever came out a year or so ago running at 4.2ghz with a GTX 770 (the oldest part in the PC).