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Danganronpa 3 Mafia |OT| Side: Scum


I'd rather see Kitty lynched. Blarg is solving a bit. His theories are outlandish, but there's something to them. He picked out your read of AB which I agree can look scummy tho I read it as slightly townie (short read).

What do you mean by twisting things to fit his narrative?
I mean stuff like this:

Look, I get it, Sorian; you're trying to save your secret teammate Flux, and I can understand why you'd feel the need to do something like that. But there comes a time when you have to let go, Sorian. I understand.

I also understand that in scum's case, being the Alignment of "scum" is as much of a role as their Role is.

Take another poke at absbro's Forbidden Action:

"Your forbidden action is Revealing or strongly hinting at the results of your investigation in the Scum Faction Chat."​

yeah. His FA prohibited him from playing both his scum-Investigative Role, AND his Alignment, effectively. I see what you're trying to do, Sorian, and I'm not gonna allow you to divide and conquer like that, bruv. Role AND Alignment effectively.

abs' FA countered his Alignment too, no matter what you say.

So how does Flux's alleged FA fit in to this?

Consider that his (""""was"""") "gotta have 1 vote against him by Day end or else I can't vote"; like I said, such an FA mollifies a Despair-aligned by forcing him to actively SEEK vote aggro towards himself, all so that he may participate in the most important feature of the Day in being able to vote (from which if he chooses to continue to refrain, could invite too much such aggro), but carefully so as to not get voted out, yeah? All this clearly affects his Alignment play, Sorian. It forces a scum to court death by having to pursue the antithesis of scum play in (mild) Jester mode, just so they can look like a regular player to the rest of us.

And with regards to how his FA affects his Role? His alleged FA affects Alignment play MORE than any possible... Roleplay. Which, is why I think that not only Flux is scum, he's some fuckin' powerful scumlord type of scummy scum, like a Godfather or something, a Role that's entirely predicated on Alignment play. It's a perfect scum-narrative Role match for his FA.

scumFlux is scummy scum, all signs point

Also, it occurred to me that why didn't scumFlux just get a scum teammate to activate him by voting against him once? Thought: there's probably a stipulation in scumFlux's FA that the vote has to be from a non-scum player, so there. (Im)Perfection.
He posts this elaborate theory then realizes "wait it doesn't quite add up, here let me just throw out an extra stipulation to make sure my theory makes sense".

Excuse you, but it makes a whole lot of damn sense as an Alignment fake-out scummy Role, with YOUR own stance as a good example.

An FA remover who can't target their own scum brethren can oh-so conveniently omit that particular caveat in their Role-claim, for the purposes of garnering Townie points like the ones you're throwing to the sidewalk for free. Thus by sheer virtue of surface-dwelling, they're free to be as nefarious as they please. Flip his alleged target, that's what you should be pushing.

Said Role remains an iceberg and gets a pass because the cold air gels with your head-balance? C'mon, Flu. Swim.

explain your Faddy thing to me
Here we again have him bending things to try and fit his narrative by adding on additional caveats to someone's FA. As far as I recall the ONLY person to have referenced having an FA with multiple factors was Blarg himself and he never clarified and even if he did who knows if he'd be telling the truth.

You know what?

absolutbro was a Despair FA Cop; his Power Role was to find out what other players' Forbidden Actions were...


Riddle me fuckin' this, why would scum [M a f i a] have the NEED to find out what other players' Forbidden fucking Actions are, hmm? If FAs are meant to be annoying hindrances and/or counteractive detriments to each player's play?

e y e

f u c k i n g

w o n d e r

Maybe, Inspector Abs Despairbro had to find out for a friend... a Despairfriend. WHICH, fits in PERFECTLY with his own Forbidden Action of jammed communication ability as per his Role PM (on pain of death, he couldn't divulge his FA Investigation results in the scummy Faction chat; HOWEVER, there is nothing there saying that he couldn't mention it here somehow, in public game-thread. Perhaps, naming names in reads list form; then, scummy team simply picks up on this via cipher a la my Pokemon strat)!

so Karkador.

Maybe our "FA-removing" "friend" Kark here, was the intended recipient of Inspector Abs Despairbro's FA inspections list--

--maybe, our "2-shot" "FA-removing" "friend" "Karkador" here is part of a scheme to UPGRADE one of the scummy team via his unblocking; maybe, Kark has to erase specific Forbidden Actions from specific players, and after doing so, unleashes some form of scummy full potential for himself or another scum--

--I'm saying that maybe, Kark and abs had to work together, in tandem, for some sort of scummy Power-play Despair mission, is what I'm saying. Because, their respective Roles seem to mesh REALLY WELL together as some kind of scumteam empowerment side-mish, see?

The FA-finder and the FA-eraser, working together, what a combo, see?



vote out Kark or else Flux, pee ell ee ayy ess ee
He essentially takes two players, twists their claims, then goes "got the scum team because I cracked their elaborate ruse with their multiple factor FAs". Unless we see an FA that has multiple conditions I find his claims dubious at best. Then we also have him caught in doubtful claims/outright lies as I pointed out here and here.


I'm not against overriding Flux. He hasn't made much of an impact, but his posts lack solving on closer inspection.

I still think Star should have votes on her forcing her to override today.
I feel town

I'd rather see Kitty lynched. Blarg is solving a bit. His theories are outlandish, but there's something to them. He picked out your read of AB which I agree can look scummy tho I read it as slightly townie (short read).

What do you mean by twisting things to fit his narrative?

Go look at the last 2 pages, him lying about his role not transferring FA's shows up twice.


Have you read a lot of games where Blarg was playing? I know to haven't played with him (I think), but I'm curious what you thought as an observer.

I think the only ones I can recall are Harry Potter and Vampire and i don't remember a ton from either. I believe in HP he was an investigator and while he was odd I don't recall any of it being as bad as his D1 here was. Vampire I believe he kept posting mini novellas, and eventually died because he claimed one thing then changed his story? I skimmed it mainly as I was still in Persona. I get that Blarg is a unique snowflake, but when presented with multiple lies and his theories being built upon this idea of people having FAs with multiple conditions it just doesn't seem believable to me. Once he claimed his copy role took an entire day phase with no votes on him to work his claims just stopped being believable. That he then went on to contradict himself over copying FAs was just the cherry on top.


Well Star I believe the general consensus is you should override on Blarg, kingkitty, or Flux. I'm fine with any of them though I think kingkitty would be my least preferred option since I don't think we gain as much info from it.


I guess you need to be in a game where an override unexpectedly saves you first.

What's stopping her FA from balancing it as a scum power?

It doesn't seem like it counter balanced enough. A scum override is really really strong. Using it at all is ridiculous. The stipulation that it has to be done in 3 days, especially in a game where death is so common anyway is silly.

You guys finally realized taking anything Blarg says as truth is a pointless endeavor? Better late than never.

VOTE: Blargonaut

Where did you suddenly come from on this topic? What, were you waiting for someone else to lead the charge before diving on?


I'm not convinced that lying always equals scum because surprise surprise, it doesn't. Blarg is full of shit but I'm not convinced that it's coming from a scum place and not a disillusioned town place.

I vote between nin and Bronx today. nin continues to do much of nothing while struggling to look engaged and Bronx seems to be fine skirting the side lines and just throwing shade when someone else fucks up while making sure to never take charge.
Nin's FA seems plausible. If he's telling the truth then I find it unlikely that he's scum. It also fits with some FAs being easier to deal with than others such as Ty's. I can't say with 100% certainty but at this point we know a fairly good chunk of the FAs and you two are the only ones that have ones centered around votes on yourself. It seems like there must be some connection there, at least logically it makes the most sense to me.

Well those are all of the claimed FAs. We don't know your, Kingkitty, Stan, Royal or Bronx's FAs iirc.We also don't know how many of the claimed ones are even true (remember that AB had no reason to ever say his own FA). And most of the one's that we do are related to their PRs. So if you want lynch by that metric wouldn't it be best to compare everybody else's FA instead of going on incomplete info?


Flux is fine as well, that feels more info though, I don't see him as scum this time. He's not living his usual power fantasy, he revels in pulling the wool over people's eyes and he isn't engaged enough here for me to think he's scum going for a master plan.


I'll be here until the end of the day. Blarg has probably gaslighted a step too far, and I'm fine with either him or Bronx (my current vote) to taste the sweet sword of override (although it seems like Sketch is gonna pick Blarg regardless?).


I find it hard to believe that you haven't seen an override role in any of the games you've been in?

Basically, if Star is telling the truth then she has a day command that allows her to say fuck the vote one time during the game and whoever she wants lynched is lynched. It's a town role 99% of the time (or neutral, nothing really stopping that) and the one time we had a scum overrider, the only appropriate balance was the person got mod confirmed as scum after they used the role.

I'm pretty sure I haven't, actually. I tried Googling it yesterday, but the only thing I found was "an override is an override." But now I remember some previous game here that I read where that role was in play. I think it might have been Ace Attorney.

If StarSketch has to use it either now or today, and if she's likely town because of the role, it might as well be today.


get in line

Already have been. I'm not taking my vote off of you for the remainder of this day phase.

I'm not against overriding Flux. He hasn't made much of an impact, but his posts lack solving on closer inspection.

I still think Star should have votes on her forcing her to override today.

Yeah, because I'm the one who's posts have made the least amount of impact in Danganronpa 3 Mafia.

I think we should have Star use the override on either Blarg or Flux/OA. Blarg has been continuing to lie, ignores criticism, and further twists things to fit his narrative so clearly there is something amiss there. Flux/OA have the connection of their FAs and have each felt off at times. Flipping one will give us insight on the other and help clear up some questions.

You won't learn anything about OceanicAir if you flip me, unless you're talking about me being scum and then making some connection that OA is. I would flip town, and that is no reason to then believe OA is town as well. Connecting both of us based on our Forbidden Actions doesn't make sense.
I mean stuff like this:


He posts this elaborate theory then realizes "wait it doesn't quite add up, here let me just throw out an extra stipulation to make sure my theory makes sense".

Because gods forbid I make a connection between points after a little time has passed. Forbade by Natiko, everybody. Make sure your scumhunting's comprised of 100% one-and-done gotcha's, folks.


Here we again have him bending things to try and fit his narrative by adding on additional caveats to someone's FA. As far as I recall the ONLY person to have referenced having an FA with multiple factors was Blarg himself and he never clarified and even if he did who knows if he'd be telling the truth.

You're funny. I like you.

I'm twisting and turning all over the place! Wibbly-wobbly! Wobbly, wibble! Yeah, I am. Thanks for repeating the obvious, friend. Are you going to address my salient points with some actual counters or not? NEWS FLASH: Attacking my character doesn't earn you Townie points. Read between the lines, k?

How about let's see YOU compile these "multiple factors" into a case against me, that I can actually address, huh? You and I both know these other players are lazy as shit, so you know you can get away with just saying that, and knowing it'll stick on me.

Just because you quote my case posts block by block, doesn't mean you've addressed them, hotshot. I have standards. I expect you to surgically pick them apart.

Not this chunk-quote-slander shit you're pulling on me. Try harder to justify this.

He essentially takes two players, twists their claims, then goes "got the scum team because I cracked their elaborate ruse with their multiple factor FAs". Unless we see an FA that has multiple conditions I find his claims dubious at best. Then we also have him caught in doubtful claims/outright lies as I pointed out here and here.

"bending" "twists" "narrative" "elaborate" "dubious" "ruse" "doubtful"

You're really breaking out the sidewinders for me, aren't you. It's almost as if you're trying REALLY hard to make sure you emphasize how wishy-washy I've been playing. I do this shit on purpose.

Natiko, I don't need your thesaurus skills to help me look slimy. I do that just fine on my own, under my own impetus, thanks. Why are you trying to amplify my inherent sliminess?

Because I've clearly hit a nerve with you, and placed you on the defensive, that's why.

In fact, you're reacting to my reads list call-out of you, quite similarly to how OceanicAir reacted to me when I dropped a vote on him D1 out of the blue. Instantly and aggressively defensive.

...much like I'm being right now to you, you'll say? And to that I'd say, you Natiko, and OA, have never been on the vote precipice, yet you act this way. I'm always on that vote edge here, that's the situational difference.


AA didn't have an override but plenty of games have. Neither here nor there though. With the humongous sample size of 1. We have found that similar FAs (Terra and AB) were opposing factions but trying to solve the game like that is lazy. That worked out because each faction usually only gets one investigator, sometimes town gets two if the mod wants to balance crazy. The similarity in vote FA doesn't really mean much to me.


I vote between nin and Bronx today. nin continues to do much of nothing while struggling to look engaged and Bronx seems to be fine skirting the side lines and just throwing shade when someone else fucks up while making sure to never take charge.
I disagree but then again it's you sorian who would never ever change his mind about something. I will have to live with it. Fair and simple. Thank god not everyone will follow your lead and just take the good parts .


Starsketch what's the game plan here? Are you going to use the override now? 90 mins, an hour, 30 mins before deadline? Will it be the vote leader, who you prefer, etc?


Well those are all of the claimed FAs. We don't know your, Kingkitty, Stan, Royal or Bronx's FAs iirc.We also don't know how many of the claimed ones are even true (remember that AB had no reason to ever say his own FA). And most of the one's that we do are related to their PRs. So if you want lynch by that metric wouldn't it be best to compare everybody else's FA instead of going on incomplete info?
The only verified FAs we have are from deaths, so yes I'm working with claimed FAs. I'm not saying people can't lie, but in the case of you and Flux we have two people that claimed their FA fairly early as they are mechanical ones related to votes for you. It seems more likely than not to me that you two wouldn't have made these claims up out of thin air.

You won't learn anything about OceanicAir if you flip me, unless you're talking about me being scum and then making some connection that OA is. I would flip town, and that is no reason to then believe OA is town as well. Connecting both of us based on our Forbidden Actions doesn't make sense.
You two have FAs that center around votes being on you. No one else does that has claimed at least. I find it unlikely that there isn't some point of commonality between you two unless someone else can verify they have an FA centered around votes on themselves. Flipping you or OA would give some insight into what that point of commonality might be.
You come up to me at this time of the Day, Natiko, push against me like your back's to the wall, when it's not and never has been?

Rather than for the sake of desperate self-preservation, you're pushing this as the hammer to the nail. It's so transparent to me.


You two have FAs that center around votes being on you. No one else does that has claimed at least. I find it unlikely that there isn't some point of commonality between you two unless someone else can verify they have an FA centered around votes on themselves. Flipping you or OA would give some insight into what that point of commonality might be.

There doesn't have to be a point of commonality for something so honestly mundane. His could be construed as vanilla scum, punishing one from gaining too much attention. Or it could be construed as some kind of power role, punishing him from... getting too much attention.

Mine could be seen as vanilla scum needing to get enough attention. Or it could be seen as vanilla town, also needing to get enough attention. Mine was such a basic FA, I'm saying again that it makes no sense to associate it with OA. Flipping him would prove absolutely nothing regarding me, and vice-versa.


Because gods forbid I make a connection between points after a little time has passed. Forbade by Natiko, everybody. Make sure your scumhunting's comprised of 100% one-and-done gotcha's, folks.

You're funny. I like you.

I'm twisting and turning all over the place! Wibbly-wobbly! Wobbly, wibble! Yeah, I am. Thanks for repeating the obvious, friend. Are you going to address my salient points with some actual counters or not? NEWS FLASH: Attacking my character doesn't earn you Townie points. Read between the lines, k?

How about let's see YOU compile these "multiple factors" into a case against me, that I can actually address, huh? You and I both know these other players are lazy as shit, so you know you can get away with just saying that, and knowing it'll stick on me.

Just because you quote my case posts block by block, doesn't mean you've addressed them, hotshot. I have standards. I expect you to surgically pick them apart.

Not this chunk-quote-slander shit you're pulling on me. Try harder to justify this.

"bending" "twists" "narrative" "elaborate" "dubious" "ruse" "doubtful"

You're really breaking out the sidewinders for me, aren't you. It's almost as if you're trying REALLY hard to make sure you emphasize how wishy-washy I've been playing. I do this shit on purpose.

Natiko, I don't need your thesaurus skills to help me look slimy. I do that just fine on my own, under my own impetus, thanks. Why are you trying to amplify my inherent sliminess?

Because I've clearly hit a nerve with you, and placed you on the defensive, that's why.

In fact, you're reacting to my reads list call-out of you, quite similarly to how OceanicAir reacted to me when I dropped a vote on him D1 out of the blue. Instantly and aggressively defensive.

...much like I'm being right now to you, you'll say? And to that I'd say, you Natiko, and OA, have never been on the vote precipice, yet you act this way. I'm always on that vote edge here, that's the situational difference.

Sorry Blarg but I pointed out my concerns with your claims prior to you calling me out. In post 1513 and 1598 I pointed out your inconsistencies and showed why I believe you to be lying. In post 1531 I scum read you and listed your morphing arguments as a reason. You did not call me out until 1628. You responded to post 1513 by just saying "yup that's how it is" and never responded to the contradiction I pointed out in 1598. I'm not the one scrambling here.


Starsketch what's the game plan here? Are you going to use the override now? 90 mins, an hour, 30 mins before deadline? Will it be the vote leader, who you prefer, etc?

I second this. Already asked you several hours ago to lay down your plan but somehow you avoided it .
You come up to me at this time of the Day, Natiko, push against me like your back's to the wall, when it's not and never has been?

Rather than for the sake of desperate self-preservation, you're pushing this as the hammer to the nail. It's so transparent to me.

And last I checked, only scummy Despairfriends have the motive for that. Townies don't kick someone with unsubstantiated vocabulary while they're down, even if said downed put themselves there.

If you'll excuse me, I have a reads list to finish


You come up to me at this time of the Day, Natiko, push against me like your back's to the wall, when it's not and never has been?

Rather than for the sake of desperate self-preservation, you're pushing this as the hammer to the nail. It's so transparent to me.

Again, you're making this narrative up in your head. My response to your post about me was as follows:

Or you could look at the context at that time. AB had posted nothing of value at that point. He had contributed the least of everyone and I just saw him as scum in Zelda in which he did that exact thing. I know you're annoyed I keep pointing out your contradicting claims but you're just further proving my point that you're throwing out accusations in every direction hoping some stick.

You ignored that and instead chose to get aggressive over a post I made in response to Ty asking for clarification about where I thought you twisted the narrative.


There doesn't have to be a point of commonality for something so honestly mundane. His could be construed as vanilla scum, punishing one from gaining too much attention. Or it could be construed as some kind of power role, punishing him from... getting too much attention.

Mine could be seen as vanilla scum needing to get enough attention. Or it could be seen as vanilla town, also needing to get enough attention. Mine was such a basic FA, I'm saying again that it makes no sense to associate it with OA. Flipping him would prove absolutely nothing regarding me, and vice-versa.

Why did you quote Natiko and put my name on it?
I second this. Already asked you several hours ago to lay down your plan but somehow you avoided it .

Sorry. There's a discussion going on right now and I didn't want to cut into it by slamming down the hammer.

Im gonna give it until an hour before day end.

I'm agreeing with natiko on Blarg's behavior, but I'm also reminded of a game where Blarg was being super hardassed and got killed for it, but he was town.

But I also don't think he made shit up.
Because I've clearly hit a nerve with you, and placed you on the defensive, that's why.

In fact, you're reacting to my reads list call-out of you, quite similarly to how OceanicAir reacted to me when I dropped a vote on him D1 out of the blue. Instantly and aggressively defensive.

...much like I'm being right now to you, you'll say? And to that I'd say, you Natiko, and OA, have never been on the vote precipice, yet you act this way. I'm always on that vote edge here, that's the situational difference.
Please cite said instant and aggressive action
The only verified FAs we have are from deaths, so yes I'm working with claimed FAs. I'm not saying people can't lie, but in the case of you and Flux we have two people that claimed their FA fairly early as they are mechanical ones related to votes for you. It seems more likely than not to me that you two wouldn't have made these claims up out of thin air.

You two have FAs that center around votes being on you. No one else does that has claimed at least. I find it unlikely that there isn't some point of commonality between you two unless someone else can verify they have an FA centered around votes on themselves. Flipping you or OA would give some insight into what that point of commonality might be.
I still think any lynch based on FAs without everybody claiming is kinda worthless. And you are making a connection between me and Flux based on very little. Especially since people with PRs seem to have FAs related to them and for me and Flux to be scum would mean that there would be one scum PR left which I doubt.


There doesn't have to be a point of commonality for something so honestly mundane. His could be construed as vanilla scum, punishing one from gaining too much attention. Or it could be construed as some kind of power role, punishing him from... getting too much attention.

Mine could be seen as vanilla scum needing to get enough attention. Or it could be seen as vanilla town, also needing to get enough attention. Mine was such a basic FA, I'm saying again that it makes no sense to associate it with OA. Flipping him would prove absolutely nothing regarding me, and vice-versa.

Yes, you are right that it could be construed just by looking at it as either a town or scum FA. Once one of you flips though we'll know what one of those answers is which may help us resolve the other. It's not that difficult of a concept.


Yes, you are right that it could be construed just by looking at it as either a town or scum FA. Once one of you flips though we'll know what one of those answers is which may help us resolve the other. It's not that difficult of a concept.

Meh, we'll have to disagree until we get to that point, then. It'll tell us more info about the individual in question, obviously, but then connecting it to the other? I'd be able to do that with OA's flip, but it'd be no reason for any of you to then believe that "Flux claims he's X and corroborates it with OA's FA/PR."


I still think any lynch based on FAs without everybody claiming is kinda worthless. And you are making a connection between me and Flux based on very little. Especially since people with PRs seem to have FAs related to them and for me and Flux to be scum would mean that there would be one scum PR left which I doubt.

It's not based purely on FAs, that's just the point you and Flux seem to be grasping onto. I have questions about your FAs - but I'm not advocating for a lynch purely based on this. There has been discussion throughout this game about your alignment and Flux's alignment. Not just by me either. I just think we get the additional benefit of learning some extra information surrounding either of your FAs if one of you flips.
If by some miracle Blarg flips town, I want to check Natiko out.

Heck even if he doesn't. We haven't really had much discussion on Natiko I think and I kinda think that if Blarg does flip town I feel like he's been pushing the hardest for the override on him.


If by some miracle Blarg flips town, I want to check Natiko out.

Heck even if he doesn't. We haven't really had much discussion on Natiko I think and I kinda think that if Blarg does flip town I feel like he's been pushing the hardest for the override on him.

Isn't Natiko pushing for OA or Flux pretty hard though?


If by some miracle Blarg flips town, I want to check Natiko out.

Heck even if he doesn't. We haven't really had much discussion on Natiko I think and I kinda think that if Blarg does flip town I feel like he's been pushing the hardest for the override on him.
That's fine, no one should get a free pass.

Isn't Natiko pushing for OA or Flux pretty hard though?

I'm fine with either at this point. Blarg, Flux, and king kitty seem to be the preferred choices of everyone. I would rather we do Blarg or Flux as I think we're more likely to hit scum there.


Ty4on hasn't yet made a proper read list so that's a burnt donut. Looking forward to Blarg last minute 10 page read list.

Anyway, things are slowing down now. should I just do the override now or do it when i said I would?

you said 3pm us eastern as the deadline, so I think we should stick to that for now.

just so be sure, your decision is based on who is vote leader, or will it be Starsketch's choice?


It doesn't seem like it counter balanced enough. A scum override is really really strong. Using it at all is ridiculous. The stipulation that it has to be done in 3 days, especially in a game where death is so common anyway is silly.

I'm not convinced that lying always equals scum because surprise surprise, it doesn't. Blarg is full of shit but I'm not convinced that it's coming from a scum place and not a disillusioned town place.

I vote between nin and Bronx today. nin continues to do much of nothing while struggling to look engaged and Bronx seems to be fine skirting the side lines and just throwing shade when someone else fucks up while making sure to never take charge.
Probably not. FAs also seem to be pretty big hindrances, forcing a town overrider to use it early prevents it from saving town at lylo. Not so much for scum.

Lying scum.

Could you provide some examples? I'm not seeing either playing very differently to their town play. Bronx is tunneling more than in Zelda and Nin is less fluffy iirc (both were neutral there).
Sorry, I lost track of time while playing Hitman (great game btw).

I'm okay with lynching / overriding Blarg. Though I'm a bit curious how Sorian thinks it's a good idea since we now also won't have a record of people jumping on and off the lynch...


VOTE: Bronx-Man

Probably all symbolic but even I have to admit that I'm on nin for what amounts to shit activity. Not exactly a sterling read. At least Bronx has had enough sketchy behavior that I think something could be there. As I've already made clear, I'm not sold on Blarg.


I'm pretty sure I haven't, actually. I tried Googling it yesterday, but the only thing I found was "an override is an override." But now I remember some previous game here that I read where that role was in play. I think it might have been Ace Attorney.

If StarSketch has to use it either now or today, and if she's likely town because of the role, it might as well be today.
I don't remember if I posted this, but Camjo saved you in Batman with an override.


Probably not. FAs also seem to be pretty big hindrances, forcing a town overrider to use it early prevents it from saving town at lylo. Not so much for scum.

Lying scum.

Could you provide some examples? I'm not seeing either playing very differently to their town play. Bronx is tunneling more than in Zelda and Nin is less fluffy iirc (both were neutral there).

Bronx isn't tunneling though. He's sitting on the side lines watching the game. He only jumped in once someone else voted Blarg and it reeked of sheepibg. Can't really say nin is less fluffy at all either. He is trying I guess but it's so weak that it reminds me of him in Cthulhu when he had no pressure and was just trying to stay loooking good.
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