Chuck the Bean
Man... this planet is going bonkers... I'm loosing all hope for humanity.
Don't feed the pigeon, he makes a living defending Turkey.
You sound really confused about the whole situation. The YPG and the PKK are not at all the same organisation, especially from an american point of view. The YPG is the US's main ally against the islamic state in Syria, to the point where they provide them with aerial support and have been arming them more or less secretely, and have considered open support (
On the other hand, the US considers the PKK a terrorist organisation like you said.
The YPG and the PKK are both kurds, and they almost certainly have contacts at different levels, but you simply can't equate the two, that's like saying using a Fatah symbol means support for Hamas and jihadist terrorism.
Too bad Golden_Pigeon couldn't be there to explain to them why they were being beaten up. Maybe the protesters wouldn't have exercised their freedom of speech if they had known how much it would hurt the feelings of the Erdogoons.
I think they know very well why they were beating up. The same happens everywhere in the world between both communities. In Paris, band of young turks and kurds fights in the street on a regular basis. Demonstration like that are always very tense.
The novelty here is the incredible passivity of the cops and the fact that they seems to be diplomatic delegation acting as thugs.
the reaction of the police is fucking pathetic. They literally did nothing but watch people getting kicked in the face.
Thank God I live in Canada, seeing people normalize violence like this makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm not normalizing it. I was beaten up several time by bands of violent zionists affiliated with the JDL for showing up in pro-palestinian rally when i was teenager. I knew why i was getting beaten up, i don't need anybody to explain it to me. I don't see how saying that is normalizing or justifying anything.
When two group which consider themselves as part of an antagonist community live in the same soil and you got into a period of armed conflict, you'll get violence. It's the same in Germany apparently.
I'm not normalizing it. I was beaten up several time by bands of violent zionists affiliated with the JDL for showing up in pro-palestinian rally when i was teenager. I knew why i was getting beaten up, i don't need anybody to explain it to me. I don't see how saying that is normalizing or justifying anything.
When two group which consider themselves as part of an antagonist community live in the same soil and you got into a period of armed conflict, you'll get violence. It's the same in Germany apparently.
Trust me, I'm no fan of extreme Zionism and I'm sorry it happened to you, but this anecdote is feeding into the false equivalency bingo you derailed with. Regular as clockwork.
And America is not "antagonist soil" - they should respect our norms and further, not hire actual mustachioed thugs as "diplomats"
Saying peaceful protestors should expect to be violently beaten up mean you have already integrated this violence as a normal fact of life.
the reaction of the police is fucking pathetic. They literally did nothing but watch people getting kicked in the face.
What is this kind of stupidity ? I am now anti semitic because i was beaten up unconscious by zionist extremist group who happen to be jews ?
It's the accusation of antisemitism that is regular as clockwork.
Are you islamophobic because you're denouncing the violence of Erdogan's thugs ?
Or are you saying that there is no equivalency between both ? Zionist extreme group have the right to beat people up because they wear a palestinian scarf but Erdogan's supporter cannot beat PKK-YPG supporters ?
It's not falsely equivalent, it's exactly the same. And if you want more element to your equivalency, the JDL had direct support of the french police and the israeli embassy.
I didn't say that america is an antagonist soil, you should read again carefully.
Where do i say they should expect it ?
The attribution of words is great in this thread.
Explaining something is not like justifying it, nor normalizing it. You can explain any event in history by it's causes, it dosen't make you an apologist of theses events.
This is my impression as well.What are you talking about? They tried to control the situation, and force separation.
It's not awesome that it happened, but the police are doing their job... they're not in riot gear, and they are drastically outnumbered.
So they hit a few people with billyclubs to force separation and disengagement.
I was reusing a light-hearted gaf trope, and explained to you that I am affronted by hardcore Zionism, including your beating, but you dragged that into this thread, not me.
the term in the oath was "Turk" and "Turkish being/existence", there was no "glorious" and there was no "race". Also sorry but this "Ataturk was the biggest inspiration of Hitler" stuff is over-exaggerated tangential bs based on only and only on handful of quotes.I have been in Kurdish neighbourhood in Istanbul when they weren't allowed to speak kurdish in school and had to salute Ataturk statue claiming to be proud of being of the "glorious turkish race". Every religious and ethnics minorites were crushed by the big ataturk nationalist revolution. Ataturk was the biggest inspiration of Hitler, but yet you'll find a lot of people here praising him since he westernized Turkey.
Metropolitan Chief of Police Peter Newsham called Tuesday's attacks on protesters at the Turkish Embassy in Washington brutal.
Yesterday afternoon we witnessed what appeared to be a brutal attack on peaceful protesters at the Turkish ambassadors residence in the 1600 block of 23rd St. NW, he said Wednesday at Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) headquarters.
Thats something we will not tolerate here in Washington, D.C. This is a city where people should be allowed to come and peacefully protest.
Newsham acknowledged that there may be a diplomatic immunity issue before promising accountability for those responsible for Tuesdays incident. NBC News reported earlier Wednesday that the men who attacked the protesters are bodyguards of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
We are going to pursue anything that is within our legal powers to hold the folks that were responsible for their actions, Newsham added.
Please explain in what sense it's a false equivalency to compare the beating of pro-palestinian by zionist groups and the beating of pro-YPG/PKK group by turkish groups.
Woohoo, generalisations!*American Police in Two Acts*
Allows thugs employed by a dictator to attack other citizens and even hit other cops with zero response.
Shoots fleeing 12 yr old black kid because they were scared for their life.
I'm noticing that Trump has already met with people from Turkey, Israel, Russia, invited Philipines president and stated he'd be honored to meet Kim Jong-Un and yet he hasn't so much as played with the idea of inviting Mexico's President. Because he'd rather get together with Dictators and demagogues than sit down with their ally neighbor in the south.
*American Police in Two Acts*
Allows thugs employed by a dictator to attack other citizens and even hit other cops with zero response.
Shoots fleeing 12 yr old black kid because they were scared for their life.
A Yazidi woman being strangled by one of Erdogan's goons.
We might need another dozen incoherent wallposts from Golden_Pigeon to explain why it's actually the K*rds who are to blame.
Diplomatic immunity can't mean you are allowed to walk up to and assault citizens with no reaction...
How has nothing been done about this yet?
Diplomatic immunity can't mean you are allowed to walk up to and assault citizens with no reaction...
How has nothing been done about this yet?
It pretty much means exactly that.
Golden_Pigeon, PKK and Ataturk nuances aside, I'm failing to follow what you're trying to do in this thread, so please help me out. Is it that your experience with extreme Zionists in your youth gives you higher ground for explaining why the events we witnessed are all logical, natural and generally par for the course?
Because you were not beaten up by be-suited Israeli diplomats in a foreign capital?
What happened to you sucks, but it is not a valid comparison to yesterday's events.
I soo don't wanna derail the thread as anti-Tayyip Turk but can't help myself here we go.Do you think it's "enlightened" to force kurds to says everyday "How great is it to be Turk"?
not westernization but I see the ideals of enlightenment to be universal ones so in a way yes. And I didn't call him mahatma, I called him a "despot" and for a reason.It's the case if you are only seeing westernization as the necessary path for all mankind.
His "enlightenment" crushed all religious minorities and ethnicity. It was based on a cult of personality and all kind of opposition was destroyed.
No shop has ever had to have his poster so please stop with your exaggerations and about the insults maybe you remember Turkey of 10-20 years ago but now hurling insults at him and slandering his name has become the favorite pastime of every Islamist in the country.Until today, every shop must have a poster of the man, you find will finds many statues of him in all part of Turkey. If you insult him even today, you can be judged for it.
So he & his party ruled from 1923-1938 but he is directly responsible for massacres of 1915, okay dude.His party and ideals of a unified turk nation-state is directly responsible for the armenian genocide as well.
He is the guy who said My people are going to learn the principles of democracy the dictates of truth and the teachings of science" but he had nothing democratic in his political thought, okay. He worked his whole life to turn Turkey in to an unitary nation-state based on the principles of secular democracy but he had nothing democratic in praxis, rolleyey.gifThere was nothing in his political thought and praxis that was democratic.
so why not just show me the quote of Hitler saying "My biggest inspiration for my political ideology is Ataturk" This way I can tell my neo-nazi friends that the biggest inspiration for their ideology was an oriental muslim man named Mustapha Qamal. Again the paper you linked & Ihrig's book which the paper quotes only has 4 tangential quotes him praising Ataturk as a nationalist & secularist yet somehow he is his biggest inspiration for Hitler my final rolleyes ookaaay. and I'm done with you.And yes, it was the biggest inspiration of Hitler political ideology, as Hitler himself stated.
Edit: From the Sun article:
So acts of violence are likely to have been committed by american citizen as well.
I'm more interested in this guy:![]()
A Yazidi woman being strangled by one of Erdogan's goons.
We might need another dozen incoherent wallposts from Golden_Pigeon to explain why it's actually the K*rds who are to blame.