*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


Can i get some details on the scope of the spoilers?

Spoilers for this week's episode?
Spoilers for the rest of the season's episodes?

This week's episode leaked (the video).
The whole season leaked a long time ago (plot points)

Considering how quiet people have been about the major leak, I'm shocked people are spreading the episode far and wide. I guess it's easier to be a jerk with screencaps? But people sure underlined passages from the Harry Potter books to spoil so who knows.

In conclusion, people ruin everything.
I do wonder what's going to go on with Dorne, to be honest. I assume it's simply not going to ever be addressed again, no matter which side whomever fills the place of the Sand Snakes is going to take. Which seems strange considering that the entire country conspired to kill Doran in order to get revenge on the Lannisters for Oberyn. The Dornish people and their soldiers should still be available to Dany. And a Lannister plant wouldn't survive long if he took over Dorne, either.


I do wonder what's going to go on with Dorne, to be honest. I assume it's simply not going to ever be addressed again, no matter which side whomever fills the place of the Sand Snakes is going to take. Which seems strange considering that the entire country conspired to kill Doran in order to get revenge on the Lannisters for Oberyn. The Dornish people and their soldiers should still be available to Dany. And a Lannister plant wouldn't survive long if he took over Dorne, either.

The Dornish army can still show up to save the day, or serve as the straw that breaks King Landing's back. Writing that in would be hairy, I imagine, considering there's no Dornish characters left who aren't dead, dying, or imprisoned.


I do wonder what's going to go on with Dorne, to be honest. I assume it's simply not going to ever be addressed again, no matter which side whomever fills the place of the Sand Snakes is going to take. Which seems strange considering that the entire country conspired to kill Doran in order to get revenge on the Lannisters for Oberyn. The Dornish people and their soldiers should still be available to Dany. And a Lannister plant wouldn't survive long if he took over Dorne, either.

I would like to believe that Doran is secretly alive and this is his master plan that keeps Dorne out of the war once again and completely untouched except for the sand snakes.

But yeah, I assume the show would pretend Dorne spontaneously sank into the sea.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Wow, it's like they don't pay attention to Cornballer's numerous (I assume considering how many we've had on this side not to mention other TV shows) warnings about posting leaked spoilers.
In the past Cornballer's words have been wind. Many, many warnings with very few consequences. Were there any bans in the other thread or just deleted posts?
The Dornish army can still show up to save the day, or serve as the straw that breaks King Landing's back. Writing that in would be hairy, I imagine, considering there's no Dornish characters left who aren't dead, dying, or imprisoned.

Well they did say that Oberyn had 8 daughters. And given Lyanna Mormont's popularity with the viewers, another tough younger lady wouldn't be entirely out of the question - especially if they are going from the angle of wanting to liberate Ellaria Sand.
I doubt Dorne will ever come up again, though. A lot of the story progression felt like D&D wanted to wash themselves of the bad pussy and the failed plot arc of the Dornish so much so, they scrubbed off the entire country.
Yeah since the battle of the bastards and hardhome it's pretty obvious at this point the show is more interested in delivering a live action total war game.

And between that to just shit out as much tacky dialogue and story contrivance to get to the next live action total war scene.

You can see it as soon as action starts out, there's still an amount of directorial care there. Unlike the conversations which are Elder Scrolls level tacky.
I have been thinking about this: if Daenerys decided to show restraint, instead of Fire & Blood all the way to King's Landing, then her hands are tied. Whence came the problem of her forces being OP if she couldn't use them? If nerfing her was necessary, wouldn't the white walkers be a better foe? It would reaffirm the WW threat level and make for a better dramatic moment.

And now she will be forced into a gentler approach instead of choosing so.
I have been thinking about this: if Daenerys decided to show restraint, instead of Fire & Blood all the way to King's Landing, then her hands are tied. Whence came the problem of her forces being OP if she couldn't use them? If nerfing her was necessary, wouldn't the white walkers be a better foe? It would reaffirm the WW threat level and make for a better dramatic moment.

And now she will be forced into a gentler approach instead of choosing so.
She had no knowledge of White Walkers, so no reason the land in the north. Would be strange for her to get the ships finally and then go: let's land my forces in the coldest place around and go for a walk.
She had no knowledge of White Walkers, so no reason the land in the north. Would be strange for her to get the ships finally and then go: let's land my forces in the coldest place around and go for a walk.
There's no point to nerf her right away? Why couldn't the show save her forces for later? For the north.
There's no point to nerf her right away? Why couldn't the show save her forces for later? For the north.
Because then the fight against Cersei would be very boring.

They basically screwed up by having Dany cross with so many forces and having two powerful houses align with her straight away.

Maybe a better way would have been to not give her enough ships to make the crossing in one go, then Euron drops by, destroys the fleet and her forces are split.


Glad I gave up on trying to talk in the other thread. Thank you obnoxious Dany fans that thinks she does no wrong!

I wouldn't have avoided spoilers without you!

Mr Git

Did someone say rowing?

I was thinking about Gendry the other day. With how the show manages travel speeds and the sheer incredible speed of Euron's fleet, Gendry must have rowed to Essos and back 5 times by now. That or Euron is actually using the same kinda of masking magic that Mel is. Everyone sees a fleet of ships but really he's got a concorde.


Rodent Whores
Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?


Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?

I imagine some Baratheon relative if there are any known.


Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?

Going by the laws they use? Actually yes her, because she is still technically a Baratheon, and there are no Baratheon's left besides her. Woman are a last resort, but they ae not strictly banned from the throne.

Even in the books after the Targ civil war, the rules were males always first before any girls. Not no girls ever specifically
Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?

Well, Joff/Tommen were definitely not legitimate but that's neither here nor there at this point.

There really isn't a rightful Monarch at this point. Dany has as good a claim as any, given that Robert Baratheon used his connection to House Targaryen to secure the throne rather than just take it for House Baratheon outright with force.


Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?

but we know Joffrey and Tommen were not legitimate.
Stannis was the legitimate king, and after him I guess it would be Gendry.
Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?

One of the points of the series is that in Westerosi society, might makes right. Robert had no right to rule, but he was sufficiently powerful and popular and Aerys widely disliked (even though the realm largely prospered under his rule) that everyone accepted him taking the crown. If you see him as a usurper, Dany is the rightful queen. If you see him as a legitimate ruler, Stannis is the heir. Neither is wrong or right, and it doesn't really matter. All that matters is who can take and keep the throne.


One of the points of the series is that in Westerosi society, might makes right. Robert had no right to rule, but he was sufficiently powerful and popular and Aerys widely disliked (even though the realm largely prospered under his rule) that everyone accepted him taking the crown. If you see him as a usurper, Dany is the rightful queen. If you see him as a legitimate ruler, Stannis is the heir. Neither is wrong or right, and it doesn't really matter. All that matters is who can take and keep the throne.

Robert had a slight claim through some old Targaryen blood in the Baratheon line, which they got as a reward for being the first House to side with Aegon (to overthrow the old Storm Kings and take the Stormlands for their own). If he kills all the Targaryens, and the throne belongs to the Targaryens, he's the most Targaryen person left in Westeros.


The Targaryen claim was vaporized after Robert's Rebellion, he achieved legitimacy through conquest. All the Targaryens after him would have to do the same, which Dany is doing.
If we follow succession laws, Gendry would be the last Baratheon we know of, at least in the show. He is only a bastard, but there is a reason Cersei had them all killed.


Robert had a slight claim through some old Targaryen blood in the Baratheon line, which they got as a reward for being the first House to side with Aegon (to overthrow the old Storm Kings and take the Stormlands for their own). If he kills all the Targaryens, and the throne belongs to the Targaryens, he's the most Targaryen person left in Westeros.

I thought it was thought that orys baratheon was aegons bastard brother?
Robert had a slight claim through some old Targaryen blood in the Baratheon line, which they got as a reward for being the first House to side with Aegon (to overthrow the old Storm Kings and take the Stormlands for their own). If he kills all the Targaryens, and the throne belongs to the Targaryens, he's the most Targaryen person left in Westeros.

Yeah but like... He didn't have more hereditary "right" than the king, whom he overthrew, lol, that's kind of the entire point. He had zero "right" to overthrow Aerys. He was nothing but a rebel. Robert's rule is not legitimate from a Targ point of view. It never was. It doesn't even enter into it is the point I'm trying to make, and that the series makes. It's convenient that Robert had some drop of Targ blood, sure, but the only right he had to rule was everyone agreed that he should be king.
Plot and story aside, who IS the rightful person who should be King/Queen by rights and according to inheritance laws, if we are to assume that Joffery/Tommen were legitimate kids? Is it actually Cersei, since there's no one left?

Gendry, because the Baratheon house. Same way Robert had claim. Not only as the usurper, but that he was the only bloodline with Targaryan blood that could seem as more acceptable by the people and houses loyal to Targaryans.
The Targaryen claim was vaporized after Robert's Rebellion, he achieved legitimacy through conquest. All the Targaryens after him would have to do the same, which Dany is doing.
If we follow succession laws, Gendry would be the last Baratheon we know of, at least in the show. He is only a bastard, but there is a reason Cersei had them all killed.

Wait.... in the show, wasn't it Goffrey? Can't remember who did it in the books.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Gendry, because the Baratheon house. Same way Robert had claim. Not only as the usurper, but that he was the only bloodline with Targaryan blood that could seem as legitimate.

if we go with that logic, it might as well be jon snow. but nobody in the world knows about either of them, so i don't think they count as the correct answer to who is the next in line.


Modesty becomes a woman
The question you're asking is who is Robert Baratheons Heir, not the iron throne specifically right now.

But as far as that goes...it has to be Cersei right? Unless Gendry were legitimized, there is no other Baratheon left.


if we go with that logic, it might as well be jon snow. but nobody in the world knows about either of them, so i don't think they count as the correct answer to who is the next in line.

Unless Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, which I doubt, Dany has a better claim than Jon for the Targaryen throne. Just like Stannis had a better one than Gendry.

The question you're asking is who is Robert Baratheons Heir, not the iron throne specifically right now.

But as far as that goes...it has to be Cersei right? Unless Gendry were legitimized, there is no other Baratheon left.

Cersei never was a Baratheon. In westeros you cannot marry into royal names like this, I am not 100% sure about the claim, though. But I'd say she has literally 0 claim to the Baratheon inheritance. She was the queen regent because of her "Baratheon" children, but after they were gone I'd say so was her claim.
if we go with that logic, it would be jon snow. but nobody in the world knows about either of them, so i don't think they count as the correct answer to who is the next in line.

Yes, Jon snow is the legitimate heir if we go by Targaryan bloodline. In fact, if Rhaegar somehow married Lyanna secretly, then Jon is no longer a bastard! He is the legitimate dragon prince of house Targaryan.
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