Somehow this got put on the list of things to rewatch after reading the light novel. When I watched this as it was being released I remember having an extremely vitriolic reaction to most of what was going on, and having a broader view of Monogatari it's sort of easy to see why. Kizumonogatari is not only the origin point for the series, but I feel that the important information inside of it is a necessary bridge between Bake and Nise, and with the movie MIA we're stuck trudging forward. There's not some kind of complex story here that becomes incomprehensible as a result, but the the sudden directional shift of characters like Shinobu just raise a string of question marks without additional context.
The impressive production work and fantastic character art don't really salvage the lacking aspects of how the anime adapted the source material either. The pace can feel wildly inconsistent, and at times there is this sense that bigger is always better, a possible side effect to Nisemonogatari being a follow up to one of the most commercially successful anime of the decade with a less experienced staff leading the project. Scene after scene feels like it's trying to push itself over the top but it doesn't really fit the almost flippant attitude the story takes with itself. There is definitely an aspect to watching this that earmarks an era of decay for Shaft as a studio here. The violent confrontation between Karen and Araragi in episode seven should be this intense peak of action, but instead it becomes this cloying and poorly constructed fight scene that feels like it misinterprets the body horror aspects of Araragi being beaten to a pulp. Being off the mark while exaggerating the scene to be grandiose makes it all that much more off-putting. There is a distinct lack of care to the spacial positioning of characters that shines blindingly in this episode, and this also reaches past the action scene to the ultimate confrontation with Kaiki. Shaft's penchant for oversized landscapes that it haphazardly tosses characters on to comes out especially strong here, lending to the radio play nature of Nisemonogatari as the voice actors are pushed to carry most of the material on their own. This standoff with Kaiki is written deliberately to be deflating (he is a fake after all), but his presence feels greatly diminished by these sweeping landscape shots that keep all parties involved distant from each other. The imposing nature prescribed to him fails to come out as a result.
Tsukihi Phoenix almost feels like a production causality afterwards. The light novel it adapts is slightly longer than Karen Bee, but Phoenix only gets four episodes of the run compared to the seven allotted to Bee. Generally speaking it seems pretty obvious that Nisemonogatari just feels lost when it isn't getting a back and forth between voice actors, and it is easy to feel the story here racing from one to the next. I like Karen and Tsukihi as characters more than I remember, but they feel sidelined in their own stories. There's not much else to say about this arc. The new characters are introduced halfheartedly, nothing feels very conclusive or revealing, and the climax here is pretty unemotional and lacking in physicality, although it is an improvement from what we got in Karen Bee. The dialogue between the characters is not as important here, so when that is all the production team is really willing to do things come up pretty short. Even the stronger qualities of the art just kind of dry up, and it kind of cements the legacy of Nisemonogatari as a particularly sour note for the series. Not that the art for Shaft's TV Monogatari work would ever recover to where it was early on in Nisemonogatari, but at least the story would be adapted with greater care.
Ah, I see we're finally getting to the edgy part of the manga. Took them long enough.
It's Nanachi time at last.
Just bought these:
Anyone else here collect stuff like this?
This is the warm up act. lolThis actually moved beyond edgy and right into legit gruesome body horror territory.
This is the warm up act. lol
I think I got a cell reproduction for a Dragon Ball Z episode years and years ago when I preordered the VHS release for the Ginyu Saga? Or something? I've always kinda been interested, but never been sure where to buy them, and I currently don't have the space to hang any as wall decorations.
I've got a handful of G Gundam celsAnyone else here collect stuff like this?
and a lot of AIC cels, though I haven't picked up any new ones in a long time.
Fall, huh?
Look sWAAAAAY too busy for my liking when Destiny will be taking up all my free time!
Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken
Imouto sae Ireba Ii. (we haven't had enough siscon $hit lately)
Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 Centi Datta. (Well, it says ”romance" so why not give it a shot. It surely won't crash and burn like everything else the past two years not about two awkward and absurdly cute middle school kids)
Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara
Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyokina, Mondaiji.
Sengoku Night Blood
Can I just join you.Made in Abyss Episode 10:
Well then, I think I can sum this up by just shouting out JESUS FUCKING CHRIST over and over again.
I've got a handful of G Gundam cels
and a lot of AIC cels, though I haven't picked up any new ones in a long time.
Since I'm told black lines can fade in sunlight, I keep them stored in a cool dark place for safe keeping.
Just bought these:
Anyone else here collect stuff like this?
I did look at the chart, but not much popped out to me as "Watch this one."
I've got a handful of G Gundam cels
and a lot of AIC cels, though I haven't picked up any new ones in a long time.
Since I'm told black lines can fade in sunlight, I keep them stored in a cool dark place for safe keeping.
This is the warm up act. lol
Lol is it good or bad edgy?
I got a You're Under Arrest cel, a Hajime no Ippo one and a bunch of others I don't know where they're from
Good.Lol is it good or bad edgy?
Those are pretty nice! Great, clear shots, you can sometimes be short changed with one that doesn't really fill in the whole celluloid but those are great. Some of those character designs look familiar, of course I recognise YUA in the middle there!That's Kumi in the bottom right from Ippo, the others look familiar, hmmm.
This is great, not so serious fun show that just make me feel happy. I need more show like this.
I feel so empty that now is ending :<
Random grab bag for 500 JPY for the lot! I saw the You're under arrest cel, in the front so that's why I got it ;P
Let me know if you want some when I go to Japan next month. Gotten tons of cels for madp, including Sailor Moon ones, and a few for theonik before.
Damn that's so cheap! Importing can be a little expensive so thanks for the offer, I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time you go, I never want to be an inconvenience but if you're heading that way then I might have to take up your offer!Random grab bag for 500 JPY for the lot! I saw the You're under arrest cel, in the front so that's why I got it ;P
Let me know if you want some when I go to Japan next month. Gotten tons of cels for madp, including Sailor Moon ones, and a few for theonik before.
Yeah it's a pretty good film, got the BD recently, might re-watch it!I remember Metropolis. That's a pretty cool film. Might need to watch it again.
it isThat narrator sounds like Jude Law
so much this, going straght to WuG zoo, without WuG is empty and without meaning. So watch WuG, its really good.Technically... to get the most out of WUG Zoo you need to watch the original.
I want some Belldandy cels.
Damn that's so cheap! Importing can be a little expensive so thanks for the offer, I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time you go, I never want to be an inconvenience but if you're heading that way then I might have to take up your offer!![]()
I post pics on Twitter when I'm at the cel store, so you should get a Twitter account ;P
Anyone else here collect stuff like this?
I have this from Eureka Seven. The below from Cowboy Bebop.
I have one! I just don't use it, but I'll add ya, hope you don't mind getting the occasional splatoon 2 doodle![]()
I have this from Eureka Seven. The below from Cowboy Bebop.
I have some really high end cels from Cowboy Bebop but I never actually took photos of them. lol
I have this from Eureka Seven. The below from Cowboy Bebop.
I have some really high end cels from Cowboy Bebop but I never actually took photos of them. lol
Those are expensive since there's only those OVAs and the movie. Saw one for like 50K JPY.
ara ara
That's sure an expensive souvenir but amazing that you will buy me one.
I was expecting more fluffy stuff and less nightmare fuel. Good god, I'm thankful I didn't eat yet.
Honestly that Bebop cel isn't particularly good. The characters are too far away from the frame. I might have taken some photos now that I think about it, but they probably got lost in the years gone by, due to all the image hosts that have crashed and burned. It's kind of frustrating.woah, I've seen quite a few bebop cels but they usually go for quite a bit and that's an amazing one to boot, nice get! You should take a picture of your others when you get a chance. I've seen some Eureka Seven genga from the OP but never really went for them, not familiar with the show, those look really nice however.
Ebay, Yahoo Japan, and private sellersWhere do you get all of those?
Can I just join you.
Appropriate reactions.Made in Abyss 10
That was disturbing. As in, I had to stop watching for a few minutes because I was starting to feel sick. Normally I can take this stuff okay, but that was beyond gruesome.