Why are people so fake? There are good people out there, but it seems majority just put up a fake persona, and face. My one friend I used to talk to all the time moved overseas. Now, I messaged him on a social app to catch up, and see how he’s doing, and he blocked me. What the fuck?
So, I made a new account and re-messaged him, and asked why he blocked me, and would greatly appreciate it if he replied back, to give me a proper answer. If he blocks me again, what should I do? It really bugs me when friends do this. I had a similar experience in grade 8, while going through cancer, and it’s not a good feeling to go through again. It fucking hurts.
Same sorta bullshit happened to me a while back. Used to hang with this Vietnamese dude and his girlfriend, we'd hang out often and stuff. They always showed concern for me anytime I was depressed. They seemed so genuine. One day, I noticed on Facebook that it was his birthday. I left him a nice comment on his wall, something personal and humorous. Nothing over the top. Just wished him well on his birthday. He fucking blocked me a couple minutes later. I was so confused. So I said fuck it and blocked him AND his girl. Nearly a year later, I texted both of them to ask about the situation, see what happened...because I heard through another friend that they were apparently trying to contact me. I texted them both and got back a "Who is this?" and when I explained everything, I got nothing but radio silence. I know they have the same phone number because I checked with a buddy who is still friends with the two of them. So after that, I just said screw it, called them a couple of fake cunts, and blocked their numbers. People that I considered good friends just randomly, outta the blue, wanna play fuck fuck games and I don't have time for all that.
I'm 32 and I live in fucking Mississippi. I've been away from home (Chicago) for literally 10 years as of this month. I'm homesick. I have no friends here. It's just me and my daughter and my goddamn cat. Anyway...sometimes people just do shit like that, they just ghost you or they are sorta indifferent towards your friendship with 'em. People like that aren't worth your time. I had a best friend down here a few years back. We used to chill every single weekend. We were basically brothers from another mother, we even shared birthdays. Crazy. We had deep conversations often and just generally had a great, trusting friendship. Welp...he ended up become a famous furry on YouTube and his girlfriend moved in with him (another famous furry) and after that, he always had excuses as to why we couldn't hang. "Oh, I'm sick" or "Oh, I'm editing videos like crazy this week" or "Oh, I'm visiting my girlfriend's family." or "Oh, I'm at a furry convention this weekend".
It was always something. He totally changed and let YouTube consume him, not to mention the understandable fact that he was preoccupied with his girlfriend who moved in with him. I helped this fucker get a job prior to his YouTube fame. He is autistic (you can't really tell though) and I supported him with his furry lifestyle and never judged him or made fun of him. I stuck up for him and gave him tons of shit for free (he was a huge Sonic fan, go figure). I worked on and repaired his DDR machine for free, just because he was my friend. I even spent my own money to build him a platform and a bar for his old DDR pad he used to have prior to him buying a full-blown DDR machine. Dude just said fuck it and chose YouTube and his girl over me lol. Which is fine, I'd choose my career and my love life too. But the difference is that I wouldn't cut off my best goddamn friend. He didn't even attempt to find a balance and include me. If we could've hung out once a month, I would've been happy. Ended up just blocking his number.
I really hate not having a friend. I love my solitude and I'm an introvert but I'm not fucking anti-social, I still crave adult interactions. Sorry to vent in your thread