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N7 Day: Bioware as a new Mass Effect in production, and want to hear what you like about the series (for real)


Tag, you're it.

Make your voice heard !

I don't know, maybe good characters and a good story would be a good start?

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Make mass effect 4. I don’t give a fuck about what stupid bullshit you have to pull out of your arse for the plot to “work”. Yes, I beat 3, and I know you can’t just make 4... Christ make it space fungus made the whole game a dream, make inter dimensional poppy seeds turn back time.., I don’t care.

But I would give my left nut for a game with Shepard commander, joker and the gang...

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Bring back RPG gameplay.
Expand on the ideas of the first game, including the Mako, with the exploration mechanics of Andromeda (the only good thing about that god awful game).
Give us back the energy weapons. The "thermal clip" BS you've been selling us since Mass Effect 2 is just ammo with a different name. You're not fooling anyone.
The original Mass Effect remains the best game in the series and the last time Bioware made a proper RPG.
"N7 Day: Bioware as a new Mass Effect in production, and whant to hear what you like about the series (for real)"

Not Andromeda. Not any of it...


Gold Member
Ignore Andromeda and let it be set in the Milky Way again. I don't care whether it's about the First Contact War or if it plays after one of the colored endings of ME3.


"We’ve been thinking a lot about" is pretty thin.

BioWare might not even be around by the time a new Mass Effect could be begun and shipped.


Fire Mac Walters, he's a talentless hack and is the main reason writing in every game post 1 was complete shit outside of isolated character narratives.

Oh wait, he's still the face of the series that's shit because of him, lol. As long as he's there, a new game will fucking suck, just on the writing front.

I'm not saying bringing back Drew Karpyshyn will make it good, I have no idea how much he deteriorated in the last 10 years, but Mac has to go for a new ME to even have a chance at being good and they need someone was like Drew back then at the helm, someone who can make a basic story that doesn't fall apart in retarded bullshit like a JJ Abrams movie. I don't care what the immediate scenario will be, it can be whatever, just don't be made in that hack writing bullshit style that was the last 3 games.

Gameplay wise? Andromeda but made like ME1 instead of DAI will suffice. I'm not asking for the impossible here.

Oh, and don't get bogged down in the Citadel/MEA "muh party with flanderised digibros"/"lolwacky Joss Whedon" autistic tumblrite bullshit. It's embarrassing and terrible.


I remember looking forward to Andromeda and then the first gameplay trailer came out and this type of awfulness presented itself....


As soon as saw that shit, i knew the game was doomed.

I really hope they take care of any new ME came that comes because they royally fucked up Andromeda


When a developer asks me what I like I just, eh, just can't help that feeling that its going to be bad.

I know, sounds bad, but I know what Ilike to play as a package, not bits and pieces of things.

Not feeling it with bioware anymore.

Ivory Blood

When a developer asks me what I like I just, eh, just can't help that feeling that its going to be bad.

I know, sounds bad, but I know what Ilike to play as a package, not bits and pieces of things.

Not feeling it with bioware anymore.
Yeah, they had their chance, and now they are all - "Anthem! Anthem! Anthem! Ooops it's shit, I mean MASS EFFECT DON'T YOU LOVE IT!". Bioware was left in the dust and buried by everyone a long time ago.
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Mac Walters just killed the indoctrination theory.

lol, everyone with a brain knew it was dead,

people gave Mac a chance to save face, and he went full pissbaby and stuck to his shitty ending he wrote on a napkin in 5 minutes

oh my god, just listen to this part:
Mac said:
Why did Saren look different compared to other Turians? They wanted to make him cool.
this fucker doesn't even know that the villain of the first game was basically turned into a robo monster by the reapers, that's why he looks the way he does
it's the final boss of the game

this is the man in charge of Mass Effect, he doesn't have a clue
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Mass Effect 1 like game, with better combat and more in deep Mako/on foot exploration.

Bonus points if it is a proper RPG combat, with stats, skills and lots of tactics.

If the character menu seems like an Excel sheet it is on the right track! Probably won't sell many copies but would be cool as hell. I approve.


I always worry with questions like this becasue dont they know whats good?. Then again they did make Anthem.
I still have a little bit of faith in Bioware. Just bring back Shepeard and the old gang, have a new threat, and a new trilogy.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Hire character designers and animators that aren’t obsessed with making fugly characters, for a start.

It’s a game. It’s a fantastical escape. I don’t want to stare at hideous character models for 40 hours.

ME: Andromeda went from my most anticipated game to I won’t even play it for free, so fast that my butt still sports the scorch marks.


The title says a new Mass Effect is in production? Did they actually say that? Having "idead" and "stories to tell" isn't the same as actually having something in production.


Fire Mac Walters, he's a talentless hack and is the main reason writing in every game post 1 was complete shit outside of isolated character narratives.

Oh wait, he's still the face of the series that's shit because of him, lol. As long as he's there, a new game will fucking suck, just on the writing front.

I'm not saying bringing back Drew Karpyshyn will make it good, I have no idea how much he deteriorated in the last 10 years, but Mac has to go for a new ME to even have a chance at being good and they need someone was like Drew back then at the helm, someone who can make a basic story that doesn't fall apart in retarded bullshit like a JJ Abrams movie. I don't care what the immediate scenario will be, it can be whatever, just don't be made in that hack writing bullshit style that was the last 3 games.

Gameplay wise? Andromeda but made like ME1 instead of DAI will suffice. I'm not asking for the impossible here.

Oh, and don't get bogged down in the Citadel/MEA "muh party with flanderised digibros"/"lolwacky Joss Whedon" autistic tumblrite bullshit. It's embarrassing and terrible.

^ this so much

*Mass Effect Original Plot Spoilers below*

From what I recall Karpyshyn basically mapped out an overall plot for the series in that The Mass Effect fields basically futz the universe up eventually like pollution and it was the Reapers Job to essentially reset everything every 60K (which they'd been doing for several iterations). It was an environmental idea, that kind of got eluded to in both 1 & 2 at times. Certainly, I wouldn't say it was the greatest plot, but at least had some purpose and drive to it. Of course instead of sticking to the plan Hudson and Walters just jettisoned it wholesale once Karpyshyn went off to work on Star Wars the Old Republic, and proceeded to shit the bed in the process, and shoot themselves in the foot in terms of future games with the infamous 3 endings all of them awful BS .

Honestly forget remasters. They need to get new writers in and reimagine the entire series wholesale with much more focus in telling a truly engaging story in a believable sci-fi universe, with much less on pandering and wokeness, in the absence of actual personalities. Far too much heart on their sleeve with many characters versus real dimension for the most part.
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I still love Mass Effect. I would love for the series to return to its former glory. I really would.

Sadly as long as EA is forcing the product to be a GaaS...I just don’t see that happening. Look at what’s being reported about Dragon Age.

I wish someone would buy BioWare or the IP’s at the very least to make another good ME game.

Truth be told, I didn’t have a bad experience playing Andromeda. It just didn’t feel like the ME series I played before it. Hell, you could’ve slapped the title Outer Worlds on it and it could’ve easily been recognized as a new franchise.

I would be ok with them doing a direct continuation of 3. Make it work somehow, I don’t really care. At this point, I feel the fandom won’t either as the ending left most indifferent.

Make Mass Effect great again.

Or release a awesome remastered trilogy with a new ending. That works too. :p


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
They should also bring back this legend. Bioware needs to score some new points with the twitter crowd.



There are no words for how much I loathe this racist pos. He blocked me right away when when myself and many others defended Andre Vu (a minority) of Deus Ex:MD from personal attacks by this hateful, SJW IdPol piece of garbage.

It does make me very happy that while Deus Ex: MD didn't sell or review spectacularly, it certainly did better and reviewed better than this clown's SJW opus.
At the core of why I loved the Mass Effect series ( NOT Andromeda ) was because it was dark, serious and sexy.

From the opening scene in Mass Effect 1 it established itself as a very dark and serious sci-fi story that wouldn't shy away from dealing with heavy subject matter. It also had no problem with being sexy. There were even some pretty funny moments in their from time to time, mostly due to Joker.

If you're feeling a bit foggy on Mass Effect just watch the first 10 minutes and you'll see what I'm talking about. It gets dark in a hurry.

And then there was Andromeda. Thematically it was literally the opposite of the original trilogy. It was lighthearted, goofy ( filled with cringe) and they went out of their way to make sure absolutely NOTHING was sexy at all.

Because it was a new gen and a better engine, Andromeda had better graphics and some of the hub worlds were well designed and the gunplay was solid enough. But everything else about it was worse.

In the original trilogy, after every mission, I couldn't wait to get back to the ship to see what my crew had to say. Most of the characters were interesting or compelling in some way. Not a single companion in Andromeda did I give a flying fuck about.

Garus, Tali-Zorah, Wrek, Mordin Solas, Miranda, Liara, Thane, EDI, Grunt, Ashley Williams, Jack and my personal favorite - LEGION. These were all amazing companions that I cared about or were interesting in some way. And there's more, those were jut off the top of my head. Can you even remember the NAME of one of the companions from Andromeda? Me neither.

The same can be said for the terrible companions in Outer Worlds, but that's a different story.
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