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N7 Day: Bioware as a new Mass Effect in production, and want to hear what you like about the series (for real)


Gold Member
They sunk the ship with Andromeda. All their fans feel like they’ve lost the last 10 or so years. They should consider Andromeda a failure before they mark a brush, Code a line, or create something in 3D. No HD collection either. The Mass Effect I know and love ended with Mass Effect 3. I think that about sums up my thoughts.


Fire Mac Walters, he's a talentless hack and is the main reason writing in every game post 1 was complete shit outside of isolated character narratives.

Oh wait, he's still the face of the series that's shit because of him, lol. As long as he's there, a new game will fucking suck, just on the writing front.

I'm not saying bringing back Drew Karpyshyn will make it good, I have no idea how much he deteriorated in the last 10 years, but Mac has to go for a new ME to even have a chance at being good and they need someone was like Drew back then at the helm, someone who can make a basic story that doesn't fall apart in retarded bullshit like a JJ Abrams movie. I don't care what the immediate scenario will be, it can be whatever, just don't be made in that hack writing bullshit style that was the last 3 games.

Gameplay wise? Andromeda but made like ME1 instead of DAI will suffice. I'm not asking for the impossible here.

Oh, and don't get bogged down in the Citadel/MEA "muh party with flanderised digibros"/"lolwacky Joss Whedon" autistic tumblrite bullshit. It's embarrassing and terrible.
This whole post is cringy gamer shit/10

Mass Effect just needs writing that's relatively cliche and trend free and refined shooting and I'm sure people will dig it.
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Gold Member
How about, a new game starting with this: -


That and Locutus of Borg, the two best TV cliffhangers of all time
There are no words for how much I loathe this racist pos. He blocked me right away when when myself and many others defended Andre Vu (a minority) of Deus Ex:MD from personal attacks by this hateful, SJW IdPol piece of garbage.

It does make me very happy that while Deus Ex: MD didn't sell or review spectacularly, it certainly did better and reviewed better than this clown's SJW opus.
Why you hating on MD?


This whole post is cringy gamer shit/10

Mass Effect just needs writing that's relatively cliche and trend free and refined shooting and I'm sure people will dig it.
aw boohoo, nice argument bro, people 'dug' 3's writing sans ending despite most everything else being exactly as awful as said ending, only difference was the prior was thrown together in 2 years the later in 2 months, still one of the easiest softballs you can throw at someone to certify whether they're a dumbfuck that "likes good writing" or actually has a brain

guess who was the captain of the entire awful thing, that douchebag wearing the hat, and guess what he writes cliche, like you want, and it's garbage because he's a terrible, careless writer, and he's still there producing things like MEA, as one of the guys in charge

cringy gamer shit is getting butthurt over saying the guy sucking at sth shouldn't be doing it, wow how crazy is that
Fire Mac Walters, he's a talentless hack and is the main reason writing in every game post 1 was complete shit outside of isolated character narratives.

Oh wait, he's still the face of the series that's shit because of him, lol. As long as he's there, a new game will fucking suck, just on the writing front.

I'm not saying bringing back Drew Karpyshyn will make it good, I have no idea how much he deteriorated in the last 10 years, but Mac has to go for a new ME to even have a chance at being good and they need someone was like Drew back then at the helm, someone who can make a basic story that doesn't fall apart in retarded bullshit like a JJ Abrams movie. I don't care what the immediate scenario will be, it can be whatever, just don't be made in that hack writing bullshit style that was the last 3 games.

Gameplay wise? Andromeda but made like ME1 instead of DAI will suffice. I'm not asking for the impossible here.

Oh, and don't get bogged down in the Citadel/MEA "muh party with flanderised digibros"/"lolwacky Joss Whedon" autistic tumblrite bullshit. It's embarrassing and terrible.
Extremely on point. I agree with every word.
The opening to Mass effect was one of the best openings of an RPG I have ever played; To see the enemy 'ship' which turned out to be the bad guy, Saren, the council getting fucked over etc.

Who didn't go: "what the fuck" the first time you talked to the reapers?

Then being able to slog a journalist for being a dick

Good times.


Good Lord just stop EA. Stop giving hints to something happening with Mass Effect. You can't even handle Star Wars right, how the fuck do you expect me to believe you'll give a similar property the care and effort it deserves?

At this point I have no faith Bioware under Casey Hudson can make a game as good as Mass Effect 2 or even the first game after the Anthem fiasco. And I agree with Dada55000 Dada55000 on Mac Walters. After Drew Karpyshyn left the writing went down hard in quality even in 2 which I consider my favorite. And 3 was just embarrassing once you realize they basically retconned much of the lore to make it happen. I haven't played Andromeda yet (nor do I plan to), but given that game's reception I'd say that's the final nail to the series' coffin.

My only hope is that EA goes under (unlikely I know) and the series passes to a developer who doesn't insult our intelligence (maybe CD Projekt Red).
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Make the Asari feminine and sexy again. Bring back sexy EDI (or another robot that looks like her). Allow players to make attractive human female characters too.
Let us explore dark and seedy areas of the ME universe. ME2 was my favorite due largely to Omega, the scary Ardat Yakshi storyline and evil characters like Zaeed.
Dont bore us with phony Disney politics. I bought Andromeda for the multiplayer, but never played through the single player. This was because the ugly main female characters, the female Krogan squad mate and something I heard about a lecture from a trans character all made me believe the game offered nothing of interest. May as well read Reset for that.
When it comes to multiplayer, dont region lock the games. Im in Australia, but dont mind playing in laggy US lobbies for PvE. Its better than not playing at all, because no one in Australia is currently on.


I liked the Idea of Andromeda but i think the execution was very VERY poor (because of production problems).

-Milky Way (MW from now on) arcs travel to Andromeda scaping from the Reapers to begin a new life.
-Loads of planets to wander around searching for new "home planets" for the MW people all around the galaxy.
-Open World gameplay on each planet.
-A whole new diversity of species to discover, talk to, become friends or enemies based on player's choices.
-Good plot, some story arcs open for new games.
-PATHFINDING on a galaxy level
-Good and fun gameplay. Giving orders to party members.
-Interesting love stories
-Choices matter

What we got.
-MW arcs travel to Andromeda because "LOL WE WANT TO HAVE LONGLIFE VACATIONS!!!" (that's what you know if you don't do the Sidequest where you discover all was Cerberus plan).
-4 planets to wander around.
-Open world gameplay on each of the planets (except "final planet" for Story reasons).
-Only 1 fucking new specie to discover and talk and you can't even become enemies with them.
-Plot was almost interesting but we will never know about the important stuff because we will never have a secuel.
-We don't "pathfind" and all we explore is a little as fuck cluster. Ok i get it we don't have mass relays there but come on if we are going to explore a cluster at least give us lots of planets to wander around,
-Good and fun gameplay but didn't like the idea of being multi-class (fucks up with my "role playing" and I love being a Vanguard...BIOTIC CHARGE BITHES!!). You can't even give orders to your party and the IA is retarded half of the times).
-Normal male love stories limited to Lesbian-like blond woman and Lesbian-Species Asari. What the fuck.
-Even if people thinks they didn't...I totally felt that my choices mattered a lot of times (relationship with Krogan-Salarians changes COMPLETELY and on the final assault you get a lot of feedback resulting from your campaign choices).
-I missed the Quarian Arc (dlc that was cancelled). Also I hate unexplained "Space Magic" and dude this game was "SPACE MAGIC: THE GAME". of course they were leaving that for the secuel buuuuuuuuut we know we are not getting it.

Also, on my own note, I liked the MC. A lot of people didn't notice because of all the game memes and hate but Ryder begins as a very naive and unexperienced person and you can see him/her growing up with the story. I was playing my first game doing "what I would choose" and god I loved how I started being as naive as him (trying to avoid any confrontation with uknown aliens, having faith on other people) and I ended with a Ryder that kicked asses and didn't let anybody talk shit in front of him.

For me it was a good game, very fun to play, amazing graphics...but my expectations were too high for it. I still replay it some times.


Gold Member
I remember buying the first Mass Effect. Barely put in an hour or two. I wasn't in my element at that time for video games. School got in the way and sucked the life force outta me, but years later eventually I found my way back and I will purchase this Mass Effect once it is released and I shall conquer it.


This whole post is cringy gamer shit/10

Mass Effect just needs writing that's relatively cliche and trend free and refined shooting and I'm sure people will dig it.

Trend free I agree, however it shouldn't be cliche free (as long as its well executed). It's a space opera after all, not sci-fi.
It's what ME3 at times and especially Andromeda got completly wrong (imo). ME2 was a bit too much, ME1 got the balance mostly right.
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I like it when it's not been woke because as much as people think it does.. been woke does NOT sell, we could argue "Captain Marvel" yeah.. Marvel could release a movie that is nothing but credits and people would watch it if it has a teaser at the end.

I miss Shepard and the RPG side of it.


Neo Member
Release mass effect trilogy for my samsung smart fridge, then put all "bioware" crew in a shuttle and send it to andromeda.

Ban Puncher

Actually, could you credit me as Alan Smithee? I would be too embarrassed to have my real name associated with a game from BioWare.


Neo Member
I want to reply to it but I dont feel like wasting my time. Bioware is a shit company and beyond repair to be honest and if they went out of business I wouldn't care.
What about their best RPG to date?

Sonic the Hedgehog: Dark Brotherhood


"We’ve been thinking a lot about" is pretty thin.

BioWare might not even be around by the time a new Mass Effect could be begun and shipped.
I don't see any reason to expect another game from those tweets. Didn't read whole thread, but if those tweets are the only relevant ones, it just looks like a couple guys kicking the tires to see what people have to say.


Whatever they do, please make sure the choices matter. I’ll be surprised if BioWare can still survive that long though. Perhaps they should sell this IP to Microsoft around 3 billion dollars and let obsidian develop outer worlds 2 that include some mass effect lore.
No way is it in production, you are supposed to know what you want to make by the time you hit production unless....oh this is Bioware...


aw boohoo, nice argument bro, people 'dug' 3's writing sans ending despite most everything else being exactly as awful as said ending, only difference was the prior was thrown together in 2 years the later in 2 months, still one of the easiest softballs you can throw at someone to certify whether they're a dumbfuck that "likes good writing" or actually has a brain

guess who was the captain of the entire awful thing, that douchebag wearing the hat, and guess what he writes cliche, like you want, and it's garbage because he's a terrible, careless writer, and he's still there producing things like MEA, as one of the guys in charge

cringy gamer shit is getting butthurt over saying the guy sucking at sth shouldn't be doing it, wow how crazy is that
You type like you were held back 40 years in elementary school.


Andromeda definitely was rock bottom for the series...enemies re-spawning or being literally dropped into the world right in front of you...wtf? At one point in time in the early years it was like the Babylon 5 equivalent...but the latest entries was just plain bad!...
When a developer asks me what I like I just, eh, just can't help that feeling that its going to be bad.

I know, sounds bad, but I know what Ilike to play as a package, not bits and pieces of things.

Not feeling it with bioware anymore.
Nintendo asked fans what it wanted and they made BotW. Worked pretty well that time.


You type like you were held back 40 years in elementary school.
lol, you jab like old people fuck, that aint a good substitute for an actual response, it's double a whammy of self-embarrassment and admiting butthurt
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lol, you jab like old people fuck, that aint a good substitute for an actual response, it's double a whammy of self-embarrassment and admiting butthurt
You getting assblasted over video game writing isn't really worth engaging with on an honest level.

Mass Shift

Didn't we do this before with Andromeda? Hey Bioware, don't ask us what we want, you're supposed to be the fucking visionaries.

Well look at the history when they ask for fan input.

They did this after ME2 as well when many of us asked if they were going to put back the RPG elements that were removed. Fill their empty worlds with actual things to do, etc and so forth.

The developers came into the BSN forums and actually TROLLED us on those points of what an RPG is. They started arguments with the community, banned the more outspoken and threatened the rest of the community at large before the launch of ME3. They even shut down their forums shortly after Andromeda was announced. By that time and Anthem, it was clear they didn't want any input from Bioware fans.

But NOW they want to listen to us? Who really believes that?


For real liked:

Red Sand/Minagen level in ME2.
death spectacle from powers and guns .
Squad power control.
Exotic lifeforms and dancers
Hot edgy wet lesbian romance.
Gumshoe intrigue.
Species tensions.
Embrace eternity. Siari spirituality.
Killing mercs.
Galactic terror!
The battle along the outside of the Citadel tower towards Sovereign was the best.
Original motif for music. minimal ambient spooky techno space mystery music of the future. the origninal focus on location with archtypes and character/story flavour like in ME1 and somewhat like ME2.

This tune
hearing it makes me think of Dilinaga's writings, prothean data disks and those pyramids for some reason.

relaxing and evocative of carefully considered exploration.
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You getting assblasted over video game writing isn't really worth engaging with on an honest level.
now that's just being retarded, you're on a gaming forum and you're scoffing about discussing aspects of a video game while bragging about not engaging, which is engagement aka writing comments

that's the dumbest fucking argument anyone has ever made on this site, gg no re


now that's just being retarded, you're on a gaming forum and you're scoffing about discussing aspects of a video game while bragging about not engaging, which is engagement aka writing comments

that's the dumbest fucking argument anyone has ever made on this site, gg no re
Well, you left out the part where reading your posts is the literary equivalent of tonguing a hobo's asshole, but decent summary otherwise.
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Well, you left out the part where reading your posts is the literary equivalent of tonguing a hobo's asshole, but decent summary otherwise.
you just agreed that your post was retarded with a "u type bad" irrelevant shitpost addendum

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