She's 10 out of the top 10. She probably shouldn't be in the top 50. Miss Universe contest is trash.Ok... So what does your gf look like?
She's 10 out of the top 10. She probably shouldn't be in the top 50. Miss Universe contest is trash.Ok... So what does your gf look like?
She's 10 out of the top 10. She probably shouldn't be in the top 50. Miss Universe contest is trash.
Now, before anyone says anything, let me say there are some gorgeous black women, like Halle Berry and Tyra Banks. Every race has beautiful people, but I think the judges of Miss Universe 2019 have cataracts, or are just plain blind. Honestly, what the fuck were they thinking? My god.
Just take a look at this woman, she looks like a fucking chicken wing with nipples.
These we the runner ups:
Praise the Fluffilwub!
And you didn't answer my question.
I know you have a problem with black people (per your own words) but your hyperbole is unwarranted.
So I'll just add more pics of her....
Eww. Why would you do that? Your question was silly, and irrelevant.
And you just proved a point I made on this board a while back.
AND you proved HER point. Not just you but many others who agreed with you.
And you didn't answer my question.![]()
I know you have a problem with black people (per your own words) but your hyperbole is unwarranted.
So I'll just add more pics of her....
Yeah, this is what i was saying earlier.
Fine when she doesn't smile and something covers that crappy hair cut up, but her teeth are too big for her head and she has some serious wrinkles when smiling that seem to age her about 10 years in an instant, plus her head looks too long and narrow, especially after she presumably decided putting effort into her hair was racist and just ran a clipper over it the night before.
In complete contradiction to what she's saying, she would look much hotter if she grew her hair out into a more natural afro style. That and practice smiling more naturally in a mirror, so as not to look overly exagerated and forced like it does currently, where you can see her gums and it crinkles up half her face. Then she wouldn't look like a weird skeleton monster wearing some womans ill fitting skin.
Also she'd look better if she ate properly. Unless she's going for the 'authentically African' old stereotypical famine victim look, she is very unpleasantly scrawny which only worsens the mistakes she's made with her hair and smiling.
You and Yosh are proving the point. Especially when it comes to you saying "if she grew her hair out, she'd be much hotter"
The standard of beauty in the Western world is white. White characteristics like hair and facial features. Not African. Yosh and others saying she's ugly. And someone said "there's prettier black women..." While naming a biracial woman (Halle Berry) and another somewhat light skinned black woman with Euro features.
Not EVERYONE else in the thread agrees with Yosh and you, but most did. Her point is that African features aren't seen as beautiful by the majority. And, like I said, y'all proved my and her points.
Now, before anyone says anything, let me say there are some gorgeous black women, like Halle Berry and Tyra Banks. Every race has beautiful people, but I think the judges of Miss Universe 2019 have cataracts, or are just plain blind. Honestly, what the fuck were they thinking? My god.
Just take a look at this woman, she looks like a fucking chicken wing with nipples.
These we the runner ups:
The Miss Universe judges need an eye test pronto.
And you didn't answer my question.
I know you have a problem with black people (per your own words) but your hyperbole is unwarranted.
So I'll just add more pics of her....
That's fucked up, lmfao!!
You know who is Hot right now?...
How is it that women like her just never become contestants? I'd rather bang a 50+ year old Christina Hendricks over who ever the hell these women are. Isn't that what this competition is about?Hottest woman alive is Ginger
Miss Universe joins Miss USA and Miss America for a girls' night
Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa, 26, was crowned Miss Universe 2019. She joined Miss America Nia Franklin and Miss USA Cheslie Kryst in New York City for a girls' night while on a press
It’s fucking 2019. Who’s telling them they can’t succeed in 2019? Normal society or activists with a chip on their shoulder like you?Someone once said that "a first black anything shouldn't matter and shouldn't be celebrated" ... But because these women did, especially a dark skinned black woman winning Miss Universe, will inspire other pageant going black girls to persevere in the face of people telling them that they can't succeed.
And yes, I know there were previous black American winners in the USA and America pageants, but it means a lot to beautiful dark skinned black girls out there to see someone that looks like them winning.
I had to google it and I don't speak French. If I'm right it's the middle one on the left. She's cute as hell. Atleast in that pic. I bet any pic.Guess who won Miss France yesterday?
Putting the group shot behind a spoiler for the prudes.
Answers on a postcard please.
Fluffilwub dropping the truth bombs!It’s fucking 2019. Who’s telling them they can’t succeed in 2019? Normal society or activists with a chip on their shoulder like you?
I swear, you live in a fucking bubble of your own making, mate. You never shut up.
Shit happened in the past. Truth. But going through life like everyone’s out to get you is a fool’s errand.
I come from a background that’s had it’s fair share of shit, but I don’t fucking “woe is me” about it 24/7.
Hard truth time: We are living in the most prosperous and free society that has ever existed right now. The bogeymen are in your head. Grow the fuck up and learn to take life as it comes. Like an adult. Not a short-arse with an inferiority complex.
Your shit’s getting real old. Truth.
Now, before anyone says anything, let me say there are some gorgeous black women, like Halle Berry and Tyra Banks. Every race has beautiful people, but I think the judges of Miss Universe 2019 have cataracts, or are just plain blind. Honestly, what the fuck were they thinking? My god.
Just take a look at this woman, she looks like a fucking chicken wing with nipples.
These we the runner ups:
The Miss Universe judges need an eye test pronto.
So are you saying you’re clinically blind?Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
OP you are making a fool of yourself.
So are you saying you’re clinically blind?
When was the last time a girl there had anything bigger than a C cup?Judges clearly are not boob people I see...
It’s fucking 2019. Who’s telling them they can’t succeed in 2019? Normal society or activists with a chip on their shoulder like you?
I swear, you live in a fucking bubble of your own making, mate. You never shut up.
Shit happened in the past. Truth. But going through life like everyone’s out to get you is a fool’s errand.
I come from a background that’s had it’s fair share of shit, but I don’t fucking “woe is me” about it 24/7.
Hard truth time: We are living in the most prosperous and free society that has ever existed right now. The bogeymen are in your head. Grow the fuck up and learn to take life as it comes. Like an adult. Not a short-arse with an inferiority complex.
Your shit’s getting real old. Truth.
I get that black women are not preferred on this board but this woman is nowhere near ugly or masculine looking.
And how would a hairstyle change make her look "better"? Serious question.
She looks good to me!
Firstly, congratulations to her.
Secondly, she’s 26 years old. So, according to her, during the mid to late nineties and 2000s black women weren’t considered beautiful.
What kind of rewriting of world history is this bullshit?
You and Yosh are proving the point. Especially when it comes to you saying "if she grew her hair out, she'd be much hotter"
The standard of beauty in the Western world is white. White characteristics like hair and facial features. Not African. Yosh and others saying she's ugly. And someone said "there's prettier black women..." While naming a biracial woman (Halle Berry) and another somewhat light skinned black woman with Euro features.
Not EVERYONE else in the thread agrees with Yosh and you, but most did. Her point is that African features aren't seen as beautiful by the majority. And, like I said, y'all proved my and her points.
What colour do you think I am?I'm sorry... But everything you just said is wrong. You call ME living in a bubble? You don't have to see images everywhere of people who don't look like you (obviously not exactly like you... But the same or very similar skin color) be held up as the standard of beauty. You forget, you're the majority. The most beautiful and attractive people in media, modeling, sports, etc are mostly seen as white. Sure, there's some like Halle Berry and Tyra Banks (like someone mentioned earlier as examples who are biracial and light skinned) ... Dark skinned women aren't held to the same beauty standards. In this thread, someone posted 3 other white women he thought were more beautiful and attractive than the winner of the pageant.
I don't do the colorism thing because those black women aforementioned, like the former Miss USA winner Vanessa Williams, are beautiful black women. But also light skinned.
My POINT, and it flew over your head, is that DARK skinned black women aren't celebrated in the mainstream... Even Viola Davis whom I think is gorgeous, isn't considered beautiful by most of the majority population... It's a problem in the black community too (colorism both ways but more towards dark skin)... But the fact you skipped over the part where I SPECIFICALLY said dark skinned and not black as a whole (which are two separate arguments) are not held up as beautiful by the mainstream is part of the problem I'm seeing here and in mainstream society.
Even in Puerto Rico where the Miss Universe runner up is "from", there were disparaging posts by their local government officials and local celebrities about the winner.
You say it's 2019 and nothing is holding her back... But attitudes like the majority in this thread who called her ugly, not pretty and the like are exactly what I'm talking about!
It's easy for you to say that but you're not a dark skinned black girl with people of all.colors telling you that you're not pretty or not good enough. How do I know this? Because I grew up around this stuff. So did many others. We saw and see first-hand how mean kids and adults can be to little dark skinned black girls while calling the lighter skinned ones pretty.
You don't talk from an point of experience. You talk from a point of ignorance. But if you aren't willing to see another point of view that experienced something that's alien to you, then I don't know what else to say. I've been respectful... I can't say the same for you.
What colour do you think I am?
You can bitch and moan all you want, but the fact is you are looking for oppression and seeing it everywhere you turn.
No one is denying that some racism exists. Of course it does and always will. That’s humans. But, you are up to your elbow in the arse of perpetual victimhood and away with the fairies. 95% of your posts are just angry in that way.
Like I said earlier, chip on your shoulder and small man syndrome. Bad combination. You feel you’ve got something to prove. You don’t. Live life. Be happy. Stop chasing the imaginary bogeymen and save your energy for when you meet a REAL racist. If you ever do.
Don’t try to take the high road. I called you out in another thread recently for belittling someone and “calling them names”.Like I said... My post went OVER your head!
Where am I angry? I'm trying to explain something to you... If you were black, you'd understand that I'm talking about colorism... And while colorism is derived from racism, I'm not talking about some white boogyman. I'm talking about the crap many dark skinned (<-- key word here) black women go through as little girls and as adults (in contrast to lighter skinned black girls, though they go through their own crap because of their skin tone in our and other communities).
The fact that you dismissed my POV as angry and small man/chip on shoulder shows you don't want to engage except to tell me that I'm wrong and you're right.
I'll say this... The world is HUGE and incredibly diverse in culture, history, religion, etc. Having said that, your dismissal out of hand of what I said is borderline elitist.
I never called you a name yet you resorted to that in your first response to me. So who's the angry one?
who is that? Looks cute..You know who is Hot right now?...
You know who is Hot right now?...
who is that? Looks cute..
Aubrey Plaza is NOT a porn star even though her nudies leaked.another porn star?
who is that? Looks cute..
another porn star?
Don’t try to take the high road. I called you out in another thread recently for belittling someone and “calling them names”.
Your posts are angry. The vast majority of them are lecturing the community here and just pure activism 2019 style. It’s old and boring. Your stance on everything is predictable. You are a one-note parrot.
“Racism against lighter skinned blacks is pretty rare now, but what about the darker skinned blacks?!”
It’ll be something else after that, too.
You are always going to find something to complain and be oppressed about because that’s your entire persona. Full-time angry, screeching victim.
You picked ’DeafTourette’ as your username for fucks sake! “Hey guys! Look at me! Victim! Victim over here! Hit like and subscribe.”
Have you considered that maybe African beauty standards aren’t the norm because Africans are 12% of the US population?
I think a better argument to make is they picked a female with a boys haircut in a contest decided primarily on a woman's beauty.
The woman is beautiful, but one can easily question why a woman with a pretty face, malnourished body, and A BOYS HAIRCUT beat out women with decidedly better bodies and hair.
She essentially won on the uniqueness of her dark black skin while lacking several of the main components that goes into virtually every other winning Miss Universes' profile.