Eerily quiet, and I'm getting juicy.
No. Nearly all the insiders last gen got it right. That's how we knew about used games and online check ins and kinect months in advance.
This gen insiders have already been right about the Xbox so far. We will see if they ere right about the ps5.
However, every gen there is influx of ms astroturfers. This website banned many after one of the mods was sent an email with a list of dozen or astroturfers.
PS4 was reveled in February.I remember Most people thought Xbox One was going to be more powerful than PS4 until they were revealed in May and June. PS4 was fully revealed in June, I believe.
There was a Eurogamer article AFAIK in January 2013 showed leaks that XBox Durango was 1.2 TF while the Playstation Orbis was listed as 1.8 TF. Going by that, we should have had PS5 specs by now. But the only thing we have is the GitHub leak, and that’s heavily debated.
Paid shills who big up companies online.What are you calling an "astroturfer?" I haven't heard that term in reference to video games before?
last gen specs were leaked after that dude hacked Sony and MS. He was caught by the FBI and sent to prison iirc.Yup.
Last gen was a weird one because specs seem to leak for both Xbox One and PS4, and it even included schematics. I remember seeing them where Xbox One would have specs showing 8gb DDR3 and 68 gb/s second and whatever. A gaffer had also re-posted an even earlier leak in 2012 where some insider leaked Xbox One and PS4 specs. The final specs for both systems were pretty close. And that was a good 1.5 years out.
Next-gen Xbox specs leak
Website vgleaks.com is claiming a world-wide exclusive by revealing the full spec for the upcoming next-generation Xbox…www.eurogamer.net
World Exclusive: Xbox One (Durango) unveiled
As we promised during the weekend in the next weeks we will unveil Xbox One (Durango) and Playstation 4 (Orbis). All the technical info you want to know about the next generation machines from Sony and Microsoft.vgleaks.com
I'm a third party small developer from EU,for the last 8 months i've been helping a well known company in a AAA game development that is set to release in 2020 as a lunch game for PS5.
Some infos that i'd like to share that are 99% correct(i say 99% because small incremental hardware change can occur till 2020,although specs are set in stone).
-PS5 official info from Sony somewhere around next E3(Sony will not be participating on E3),i'd say Q2 2019 small reveal
-PS5 release March 2020 or November 2020,not yet finalized
-backward compatible
-physical games & ps store
-ps plus & ps plus premium ( premium-beta early access,create private servers,
-specs CPU 7nm ryzen 8 core 16 threads,unknown speed
**GPU 7nm Navi arhitecture around 14TF,its gonna be powerful and power efficient,Sony working with Amd for Navi,some sort of Ray Tracing but will not focus on that,**more focus with VR and 4k,much better bandwith overall
24GB Gddr6 + 4gb ddr4 for os,we have 32 gb dev kits
-2tb hdd some sort of nand flash
-8k upscaling
-PSVR2 in 2020 also,reveal with ps5,big resolution boost probably 2560x1440,120hz,220 field of view,eye tracking,wireless,battery life 4-5 hours,headphones integrated,less motion sickenss,no breaker box,much less cable management,much more focus on VR for aaa games,price around 250$
-dualshock 5,some sort of camera inside for VR,more analog precision for fps games,something similiar to steam analog trackpad
-price 499$,100$ loss per console at a beginning
Ps4 exclusive launch games that i know of
Gran Turismo 7 (vr)
Pubg remaster 4k f2p with ps+ only on ps5
Last of us 2 remaster
Ghost of Tsushima remaster
2-3 aaa games more + psvr2 games
Non exclusive ps5 games 2020
Battlefield bad company 3
Harry potter
Gta 6 Holiday 2020 most probably,not hearing anything ps4 related (hearing that Sony is paying huge money to secure 1 month time exclusive for ps5). Been hearing rumors about Miami and New York,so 2 big cities,but im not sure if thats 100% true
Assassins creed
Horizon 2 so far in 2021
Sure man, you mean like when Microsoft had to boost the Xbox One specs in the last minute in 2013 to compete with Sony?
Microsoft Confirms Xbox One GPU Boost - IGN
Microsoft has confirmed that Xbox One’s clock speed has been increased, plus provided a few new updates.uk.ign.com
So RDX have been deleting tweets about PS5 being RDNA 1 or 1.5... Goooood times! Bunch of frauds like I always said. Dealer and his 'contacts' and 'insider' knowledge smh.
Phallic? Combined with haptic feedback this could open up the untapped porn market for PS. Sony was 3 steps ahead the whole time!I don't care about looks. it could be a ball, a pyramid, a phallic form factor. I will buy it anyway.![]()
just don't insert the consolePhallic? Combined with haptic feedback this could open up the untapped porn market for PS. Sony was 3 steps ahead the whole time!
Look man I paid good money for my Pervstation and I'll use it however I damn well please. And if anything happens to me or it I'm suing Sony for like a gazillion dollarsjust don't insert the console![]()
This week, Sony got rid of the last PS4 related info not known so far that could be holding them back, GoT's release date, and AMD released some technical data about PS5 Sony themselves never clarified before. It's definitely time for them to talk more about their next gen console.
Paid shills who big up companies online.
last gen specs were leaked after that dude hacked Sony and MS. He was caught by the FBI and sent to prison iirc.
I forget his name but you can Google it. Contrary to popular belief, Ubisoft devs didn't leak last gen specs.
He was the hero we needed but didn't deserve. He "died" for us. We need a new messiah. Rince and repeat every generationPaid shills who big up companies online.
last gen specs were leaked after that dude hacked Sony and MS. He was caught by the FBI and sent to prison iirc.
I forget his name but you can Google it. Contrary to popular belief, Ubisoft devs didn't leak last gen specs.
Death of GitHub? Do you know what Github even is and it's use in the industry? You realize that many Sony sponsored projects most likely use private repos in GitHub too? Not to mention probably a majority of the software industry etc...
That is not what he meant...Death of GitHub? Do you know what Github even is and it's use in the industry? You realize that many Sony sponsored projects most likely use private repos in GitHub too? Not to mention probably a majority of the software industry etc...
He should be more clear then and state it how he means it and what he means correctly, otherwise who knows for certain.That is not what he meant...
Inspired by the Iron Throne.
Wondering what github has to do with coal and steel?Death of GitHub? Do you know what Github even is and it's use in the industry?
He should be more clear then and state it how he means it and what he means correctly, otherwise who knows for certain.
He should be more clear then and state it how he means it and what he means correctly, otherwise who knows for certain.
just remember that when developers be makin dem bouncy bootys, they betta not be makin dem ashey assez, cause I mean as much as I like realism, I dont want dem that real if you know what im sayin' they betta be lookin like someone put cocoa butter and coconut oil with a shimmer glistening affect (will need 12 titi flops with raytracing for dat! I dunno about 9.2 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)
Ouuuu I luv me a Mami or nice chocolate thing coming outside all glistening with Shea butta all over dem on a hot summa day ray-tracing showing dat fat ass and fat punani
That's trash pick up day in my neighborhood. Can't wait.What’s happening on Tuesday?
Wondering what github has to do with coal and steel?
ohhh baby you got me all excited with that Puerto rican talk..mmmmhmmm
1. GDC has been postponed, I forgot to what month but I know it’s not happening this month. I may be wrong though, since they might be doing online presentations.
2. Don’t you think that Microsoft revealing Lockhart this month (IF IT HAPPENS) gives credence to the “$499 PS5” rumours? Cause otherwise, if PS5’s price was anywhere below that, Lockhart would’ve been scrapped at that point.
I've been following this guy for a while now, do you guys think he's reliable?
His source is Tidux, which says it all.
Are those GCN or RDNA centimetres???I also have a 23.368 cm penis, just FYI![]()
Don't forget the tight buttock clenching and sub surface ass scattering. I want to be able to cut cheese on them. Ray traced cheese.
Holy wall of text Batman!I know a lot of people are anxious about learning about the PS5, including myself. I think Sony may have intended to reveal some information about PS5, but I think the Corona virus probably did deterred it to some level. None the less if you are to go by timelines, Sony didn't truly unveal the PS4 until E3, we had a small event from Mark Cerny revealing the PS4, but the meat of the announcement came much later. Looking that as gauge, more than likely that's what will happen, while Sony isn't participating in E3, that doesn't stop them from having an invitation only event around the same time. In fact I predict that Sony's Full PS5 reveal will probably happen right after the E3, so as to make adjustment based on competition, such as series X price, etc. I think we will see some sort of state of play maybe showing the new controller and maybe some of the 3rd party games and exclusive games on the horizon in between. I think Microsoft early reveal was to put pressure to reveal Sony's hand, and while the media applauds MS reveals, it may also play into MS hands if Sony bites. Any big corporations should be wary of the competition, but shouldn't be bullied or force into revealing something prematurely, especially if it gives the competition time to make adjustments or build momentum. Right now I think Microsoft has great momentum and have some excellent titles on the horizon, but Sony no doubt will probably counter quite viciously and will try to steal that momentum. After finding out that PS5 is more or less RDNA 2, I've moved on from needing any spec reveals to be honest, I just want to see the games and what odd design they came up with for the PS5. Both system are going to pack a wallop and I could care less about the specs, because it most likely is similar. Its about the games now and it's quite exciting to be a gamer. I'm ready to preorder both system and since it's both backwards compatible, no need to keep the older systems, now bring on the games.
Ouuuu I luv me a Mami or nice chocolate thing coming outside all glistening, lip gloss poppin with Shea butta all over dem on a hot summa day ray-tracing showing dat fat ass and fat punani
probably to follow display specs which is tv, monitor standard?this may be an odd question, but is the Blu-ray association going to make 8k ultra Blu-ray disks with 8k diodes? I am thinking it will need to go more towards the ultraviolet spectrum, so in essence it wont be Blu-ray disks it will be purple-ray lol
and why 4k to 8k? Why not make games run at 5k, 5.5k, 6k, 6.5k, 7k, 7.5k ? HDMI 2.1 can go UP to 8k, its not limited to 2k, 4k, and 8k
Tidux lol. He's one of the worse insiders. Basically I trust as insiders osiris and those then like shinobi. Has tidux got anything right that wasn't easily asumable
Hahahahaha. No.SonGoku is extremely open minded, he would have never been as dismissive of the github leaks as others have been.
Go look at his posts, always intelligent and willing to consider even points that run contrary to his positions. His presence is greatly missed.
After AMD conference i was sure that PS5 would be 12TF the same as Xbox. But now no so sure.. after reading everything out there on the internet plus gaf and era.. seeing every videos on youtube plus Twitter ect. Im back in to thinking it’s either 9.2 or 10TF, why?
75% of does github leak were right about xbox. But they were wrong about RDNA2. Everybody was thinking it was rdna1 cause everyone assumed RDNA2 was 7nm+ but after AMD press conference they made clear it was 7nm same as RDNA1 just more watt efficiency and plus we dont know literally shit about PS5 and come on. They read those tweets they read those post and i do have a feeeling that Sony wouldn’t let MS flexing like that if they were more powerful. I mean come on!! Remember the sony from 2013? They clap back at every chance they got.. and now your telling me they are silent cause they’re not quite ready to revel info!! And how come MS are ready Before them when every thing we Heard at first was that MS was being schedule with next gen.. and now first to show the console first to show specs first to show confidence in their product... sssh something smell fishy.. and BTW i hope im wrong but i dout it
You think this gen xbox will be done for and that will be their last console ect?Sony from 2013 lost ground with ps3. Ps4 nearly finished Xbox. Xbox as a brand will be irrelevant when sony release the ps5 information. It will be the last console war imo and sony will only have nintendo to finish off at the end of the generation. Nintendo will then make games exclusively for ps6 and mobile.
You think this gen xbox will be done for and that will be their last console ect?![]()
And why is that?I hope so.