Well, opinions and shit, I'm going to respect and lament it. However, that Bayonetta take you offered makes me suspect you didn't play the game, at least not in the capacity you mentioned because no fucking way you can beat the hardest difficulty by spamming charge attack.
Played in all difficulty required to Platinum

So that includes all the challenges, time trials and super combos for all trophies.
I was very specific with Witch Time and Sword that only these that played the game can understand... I discovered how useful the hold triangle sword attack right after I got the first Sword in my first play though... Swords are very late in the game but in the next play thought you came with all weapons since beginning.
Combo to kill any enemy no matter how big in seconds: hold triangle, wait the enemy to enter the range of attack (the range is gigantic with some Swords like the Lightsaber), release triangle and hold again, in near 2 second release and hold it again... repeat until kill (the gold triangle attack with sword is strongest attack in the game and take so much health from enemies... so even the hardest ones can take at max 4-5 sequencial attacks in the hardest difficulty).
I beat the hardest difficulty doing that even on group enemies lol it is a 180 degree attack that hit everything in your front.
Ohhhh equip the Star War Sword (Lightsaber) for max damage but it works with even weaker Swords just needs more hits... the enemy can’t take action against you between the attacks because your Sword attack break defenses and make the enemy without movements enough for the next attack.
Train a bit to get the timing because if you hold triangle too much the enemy recover and hit back... you have 1.5 to 2s to hold and hit again that is time the enemy got stunned... if you don’t miss the timing no enemy in the game will survive more than some hits.
To be fair you don’t need to use it at all... it just make the gameplay easy and faster... with Witch Time you are invincible since beginning of the after all.