Sounds like a bit of an overreaction when we don't know what features are cut just yet. Are these OS features (quick resume) and QoL features like the robust streaming engine included with XSX or are these features related to the games themselves, only time will tell.
I hear you, and I don't want to fearmonger regarding Lockhart, but I'm just having trouble thinking it isn't redundant in the face of Xcloud support for smartphone devices. And cutting out OS features like Quick Resume won't necessarily bring down the BOM on a 4TF Lockhart intended for games to run locally on the system.
So maybe I can clarify: IF Lockhart is a streaming-focused device, it won't need 16 GB RAM, or even 8 GB. 4 GB would be plenty. And they probably wouldn't need an SSD (or just a really cheap and possibly slower one). At $199, I think THAT could work.
However, IF Lockhart is intended for running games locally, it's going to need the same internal SSD as XSX, it's probably going to need 12 GB of RAM (how do they even replicate the XSX's bus setup with 12 GB? Or do they go with a narrower bus?) , same CPU, most of the same OS features, and it'd probably be priced around at least $299 ($350 could be possible). But I don't see the BOM pricing near, say, $300 in that situation, it would still be something around $350 or so for the BOM so MS would be selling potentially two systems at a loss instead of just one?
Like you said, we'll be finding out soon but while I personally hope Lockhart's not a thing, if it
is, it'll be a streaming-only device that can hit a very low BOM and come in at $199. Otherwise, it's not gonna go over well.
Thank you! But, you are talking to audience which mostly comprises of people thinking GPU is just there to push resolution. I mean I've had debate with someone who thought Killzone SF could've 'easily' been a PS3 game, just reduce the 'fancy effects' and 'resolution'. Same with Infamous:SS.
I'm interested to know the full specs of the machine, if MS are aiming for a $249-299 price tag then they will eat hefty losses. Although, I suspect many folks would think a 4TF console is 1/3rd of power than Series X, hence price would be that much cheaper too lol.
That's crazy to think people even considered that

. Say what you want about ShadowFall as a FPS in terms of gameplay or whatever, but there were a lot of things going on there aside visuals that would've been impossible to do on PS3 without completely changing the gaming experience.
About specs, well if it's real they'll have no choice but to go into it at one of these two planned events (if the rumors are true about the events, and they seem strongly plausible to happen). Personally I want even *lower* specs because that would at least mean it's just for streaming purposes. Which, it's true Xcloud still has to be refined, and it'll never be perfect, but if people want to pay less for next-gen they have to accept certain compromises, just part of the game.