Do I detect a defender of the book faithful in our midst? What part of what I said doesn't have a ring of truth to it? Or are you merely upset with the cut of my jib?
Everyone in this thread is predictably screaming death and murder at the showrunners, whilst forgetting the fact that for the most part, the seasons were great because the show was an adaptation (Biggest show on Television a fantasy series, who would have predicted that?). When the showrunners ran out of books to adapt is when it hit choppy waters, and whose fault is that? Theirs? Again they could have undoubtedly done a better job even with the outline they had (season 7 & 8 felt rushed, no disagreement there), but the abject failure of GRRM to provide them with further books to draw from is a massive factor in all this that people conveniently forget before slamming down the hammer, and I just don't think they alone should cop all the blame. I think it's important to remind people that GRRM has a significant role in all of this.
Fanciful as the idea some people have that HBO should have shut down production and patiently awaited GRRM to deliver the holy texts, that's just not a realistic proposition when you're having to keep actors on contract and maintain sets and production studios (consider how long it took HBO to get the Deadwood actors all together for the concluding Film after that show ended prematurely). Martin worked on TV series he knew that the show had to proceed and he knew that it would help everyone involved best if they had the book material to work off of, yet instead, of using that as a motivator to do the work he whittled away his time doing anything but, whilst simultaneously playing the pity party when necessarily despite the fact that he knew the time scales involved.
I get it in some ways (I'm an Olympic class procrastinator) it's nice to put the hard work off and fuck about, but sometimes it's absolutely necessary to roll up your sleeves and do the fucking work, and set aside other things, especially when other people are relying on you.
As is I think GRRM fucked everyone, including himself. He fucked the showrunners, I think he probably fucked any further spin-offs because people are still sore after Season 8, and I think he fucked the book readers because he is probably never going to finish the books because he still rather do anything but try and write himself out of the convoluted mess that is AFFC/ADWD.
I mean jeez, even now read the wiki on the progress on TWoW: -
ADWD came out in 2011, 9 years ago, and yet apparently TWoW for GRRM is still not a priority versus other things. Certainly, no one's expecting the guy to chain himself to his desk, but maybe just maybe he might want to put a bit more priority on finishing what he started versus anything else?