You're comparing 6 weeks of AC(13.41 million copies sold-through) in JP/US/EU vs Spider-man over 1.5 years(13.2 million copies sold-through) worldwide
That 1.5 year is false if you are going to do a comparison atleast do it right.
13.2 million Figure is from last July 28,2019. That’s only 10 months SMH

The numbers for Spider-man could be closer than 20M. Gamstat shows 26M Players or users for it.
Although animal crossing might outsell Spider-man in the following months and that’s well deserved. Animal Crossing is a great game.
Tlou 2 is an m-rated game and a very violent game.
Also, AC:NH is also breaking records in Japan.
We know the numbers for Animal crossing and we know that it will win already. T
How about we do a more interesting comparison?
Ghost of Tsushima or paper mario? Both games will be releasing on the same month.