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Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross Open Up About the Biggest Twists of ‘The Last of Us Part II’ **SPOILERS**




So they did want you to feel empathy for Abby. I think thats where the story failed for me and a lot of people.

The reason she wanted revenge, was disproportionate to the act on how she achieved it, she was worse the joel, and a whole room standing round watching, yet we're meant to give a fuck about them as abbie after the fact?

I wish ND would just of made joel, had done something far worse, he had a past before ellie, they should of made him gone full ham, like he was a horrific person before ellie

That way, him saving eliie and changing would of been even more poignant, ellie was his redemption

Grossly unbalanced action/reaction

I honestly thought ellie and abbie would team up against the religious freaks, and that bird running them (that is completely forgotten about)

Also we go to another area, with a new "bad" faction, and just execute them all, no real back story, just they captured people to work the farm (nod to white slavery maybe?) And we just murder them all to get abbie........like ok.......I guess it's fine...

Also I'm an adult, I can read subtext, I dont need it spelt out to me that lev is trans/wants to be a boy, I dont require a speech, dont treat your audience as being stupid

And dont make me listen to 2 verses of singing ffs, at least of fine never gonna give you ul instead for the troll
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I’d appreciate the article more if the article and its questions weren’t staged as “So, TLOU2 is the most amazing story ever in gaming, your geniuses, how did you make it so amazing?”

Given the skewed response to the game, this feels like it was written in a vacuum months ago. it’s clear that the writers were not as successful this time around.

I’ll read it full later.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Jesus... I was hoping the leaks from a while back wouldn't have been entirely true. I'm glad I forgot to re-preorder after cancelling it initially have those leaks. I'm sure I'll pick the game up when it's down to $20 in a few months, and I may even regret not jumping in at launch, but the idea of playing at Abby in those circumstances just does not sound like something I want to do.
Some games you play and some games want to play you. If you want to call them genius or Hitchcock twisting expectations, that is high praise.

They must be loving this reaction, the reviews did not hurt. I am not sure if being a divisive story is worth it though. If half your fans are pissed at you for investing in your story not sure if it turns out well for your business in the future. Award winning and half the people feel stupid for counting on you. Ok.
There’s something interesting that happens when you’re not in alignment with the character and the game makes you do something that you don’t want to do — you wrestle with those decisions in a different way than you would be able to in a passive medium.
IMO this is the fundamental misconception these guys have about video games. Players just do what the game asks them to do, because it's a game. They need to do it to progress. Nobody wrestles with characters' decisions, because they're not their own. Even if TLoU2 had actual choices to make, most people would just make these decisions based on what they think those choices would mean for the outcome of the game. It's really hard to make people care about choices outside of the context of the game itself. Of course for the game we ended up getting, people have reacted to decisions characters make in the game, but that's because the writing is nonsensical and absolutely retarded.

Interesting article anyway. It gives us a view of what they wanted to convey with this game. I don't think they succeeded, most people seem pretty confused at the end. It also confirms (for me anyway) that they didn't even really want to do a part 2. Looks like Druckmann just wants to tell stand-alone stories that offer him a lot of freedom. I hope Sony gives him that freedom, because it doesn't seem he can handle restraints and limitations all that well.
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... Players just do what the game asks them to do, because it's a game. They need to do it to progress. Nobody wrestles with characters' decisions, because they're not their own...
Nicely put. The writers seem to be under the impression that controlling a character forces us to internalize their motivations and decisions as an inherent component of that control. "Playing as Abby forces you to wrestle with her choices because you're playing as her". Not only is this not true, but conflict prevents internalisation. It's the reason people often lack empathy for those they fundamentally disagree with - we cannot internalise something we simply cannot understand. It would seem they built the game on a flawed premise. Unless you can say to yourself "Abby was right in murdering that person", I would expect the game to completely fall apart?
Same thing happened with The Last Jedi. Unless you can say to yourself "Luke murdering a sleeping child for something that child hadn't done yet was justified", the central conflict of the film breaks down, and the entire movie with it.
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I am reading the bit and it is good. I was thinking that i would love to see a product in the same vein as The Document of MGS2, where you get to rotate the camera on the cutscenes and had lots of insight on the production of the game and how the game scenes where shot and what the writers and director intended to achieve. I would buy that in a second.


Neo Member
the writing is nonsensical and absolutely retarded.
To call the writing "nonsensical and absolutely retarded" is a bit far don't you think? I thought the story was actually rather good however I think this medium may not have been the place for it, I will admit. Videogames and "gamers" were never going to appreciate what they were trying to convey and what they wished to achieve. I also think the original game and the deep connection build with Joel has left a lot of people upset with the manner in which he was treated.
I feel with the tone they were trying to set it was necessary however.
I also found the Abby sections quite good as I did begin to sympathize with her, she was a solider who lost her home. Her "family" was murdered by Joel and her father's throat slashed. I actually felt bad for her when I saw who her father was and remembering that I (the player) was the one that killed him. I felt Abby's sections were great for how they showed your actions as Joel and Ellie giving them more impact seeing from the other side. Seeing that the people you kill are people not just faceless drones. The Asian girl with the psvita was a moment for me, I had a chuckle asking her about hotline Miami as Abby, think that I murder her later as Ellie.

The parallel story was a great device however I understand the upset also. I always thought about 'no country for old men' while I played and how the parallel for that worked. I felt it to be quite similar.


Kinda like what people had to do when Joel murder all those fireflies?
Kinda - except that TLOU spent the entire gaming working up until that moment to establish Joel's motivations. The entire point of the game was to understand Joel's action. My understanding of TLOU2, as I haven't played it, is that Abby's inciting act is carried out around 1/10th into the game. If you don't immediately understand her position, even if you don't agree with it, the following 9/10ths are likely going to run into some problems along the way. Judging from the feedback around the internet, they were not successful with this character, and I believe it's because they don't understand how people internalise characters they're forced to inhabit. Just because people are forced to inhabit Abby, doesn't mean they'll empathise.


Neo Member
Kinda - except that TLOU spent the entire gaming working up until that moment to establish Joel's motivations. The entire point of the game was to understand Joel's action. My understanding of TLOU2, as I haven't played it, is that Abby's inciting act is carried out around 1/10th into the game. If you don't immediately understand her position, even if you don't agree with it, the following 9/10ths are likely going to run into some problems along the way. Judging from the feedback around the internet, they were not successful with this character, and I believe it's because they don't understand how people internalise characters they're forced to inhabit. Just because people are forced to inhabit Abby, doesn't mean they'll empathise.
I can see where you're coming from and while playing the Ellie section and having no idea of the motives I just assumed Abby was some firefly grunt.
That first chapter of Abby's story hits though, it has impact. You realise that her motive is something you, having played Joel, had rationalised. You don't need to play an entire game to understand what she did it for, you already have. It's a great sequel because it reflects the actions of the original.
She did what she did because Joel in a way deserved it, this is something that even Joel understands, he surrenders to it. Actions have reactions. You as Ellie then go on to do the same, because violence cycles and continues. An eye for an eye until the world is blind.


I can see where you're coming from and while playing the Ellie section and having no idea of the motives I just assumed Abby was some firefly grunt.
That first chapter of Abby's story hits though, it has impact. You realise that her motive is something you, having played Joel, had rationalised. You don't need to play an entire game to understand what she did it for, you already have. It's a great sequel because it reflects the actions of the original.
She did what she did because Joel in a way deserved it, this is something that even Joel understands, he surrenders to it. Actions have reactions. You as Ellie then go on to do the same, because violence cycles and continues. An eye for an eye until the world is blind.
I kinda disagree though. Joel might have done bad stuffs and understood bad actions have bad reactions.
ND might have want us to sympathize with Abby, but it didn't work. Remember, ou played as Abby, Ellie doesn't get to play as Abby.

For Ellie, she only knows that her father figure has been killed in front of her eyes, even as she knew the reasoning behind Abby's motive, especially also when she knew all the crazy things WLF and Scars did.
And many time in the game she asked whether she is backing down from the revenge, she doesn't. Only until a certain part where they decided that helping Dina will require a compromise, give up the revenge and head back, then Abby comes back and kill Jesse in an instant (doesn't even hesitate like Ellie), and also wounds Tommy. At this point, no sane characters would make peace. You don't feel the impact of what ND wants you to feel because there is no agency of choice, you have to do exactly as the plot dictates.

Even if they did want to make peace, they wouldn't travel 99 miles, and just turn back when the destination is 1 metre in front of you, because you remembered your father, whom you understood that if it were him, he would never had stopped at all (as mentioned that he would be halfway across seatlle day 1). "An eye for an eye makes the world goes blind" doesn't make any sense here, she would have stopped much earlier, and certainly not because of a memory of Joel. It would have made more sense if she failed.

ND made a very big build up on the relationships of the characters, only to have it done the 1 thing they will never do in the situation. In the end there's no payoff, no meaning, just plain "what??!"


Same thing happened with The Last Jedi. Unless you can say to yourself "Luke murdering a sleeping child for something that child hadn't done yet was justified", the central conflict of the film breaks down, and the entire movie with it.

This completely. I didn't care for some of the decisions made in Force Awakens but when this scene with Luke and Kylo happened, I knew it wasn't OUR Luke and it yanked me out of the universe and completely lost me. Likewise, I hate playing the other side in games. I don't care about the other side and seeing it from their perspective rarely ever makes me agree with them. I have seen this in TV shows, movies and a few games. It doesn't work for me, as I am too invested. I am not going to carry on what either The Last Jedi or TLoU2 could have been because they made their story decisions and imo went too far which made me less of a fan of both Star Wars and Naughty Dog.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
That’s the easiest step and will eliminate at least 50% of the outrage, Abby is way too ugly.
I agree with you... until I finished the game and by that point, oddly enough, I started sympathizing and she became... well, not good looking but dare I say it, cute?
IMO this is the fundamental misconception these guys have about video games. Players just do what the game asks them to do, because it's a game. They need to do it to progress. Nobody wrestles with characters' decisions, because they're not their own. Even if TLoU2 had actual choices to make, most people would just make these decisions based on what they think those choices would mean for the outcome of the game. It's really hard to make people care about choices outside of the context of the game itself. Of course for the game we ended up getting, people have reacted to decisions characters make in the game, but that's because the writing is nonsensical and absolutely retarded.

Interesting article anyway. It gives us a view of what they wanted to convey with this game. I don't think they succeeded, most people seem pretty confused at the end. It also confirms (for me anyway) that they didn't even really want to do a part 2. Looks like Druckmann just wants to tell stand-alone stories that offer him a lot of freedom. I hope Sony gives him that freedom, because it doesn't seem he can handle restraints and limitations all that well.

If a game gives the player freedom to do what they want then my canon ending is Abby getting eaten by some failed QTE sequence. :)

Then Joel and Ellie continue to go on adventures when Ellie wants Joel to help her reach a Doctor that might have the answers that she wants. :)


I agree with you... until I finished the game and by that point, oddly enough, I started sympathizing and she became... well, not good looking but dare I say it, cute?

It’s too late by that point, the game is 20-30 hours long and that Joel moment happens so early on. Many are outraged at that point and only have little patience left to see if Dina And Ellie’s interactions can match Joel and Ellie in the first game. Sadly the story set Ellie on full retribution mode do not much they can do about her. Then it’s back to Abby where probably most players are so done at that point.


Nearly finished have to say I got very excited and happy when Abby sees all the people around her start getting F'd up with a capital 'F'!

I suppose I wouldn't have felt that way without the change in perspective.


Turning Abby into a shemale with gorilla torso certainly doesn’t help, at least make her look attractive and femine if they wanna make people fee empathy for her more.

So true. Putting the bad writing and poor/lack of characters development aside, the game would defend itself if it wasn't so out of touch with the reality, but it's hard to take the game seriously where everything is so grotesque, dare I say comical. The difference between TLoU1 and 2 is like James Bond vs Johnny English - both are technically about British secret agents, but the way it's being delivered is a night and day difference. If Abby and the rest were an ordinary teenagers/youngsters who fight for their place in brutal post-apocalyptic world like Ellie was in the 1st game, the reception could've been much different, better. And Druckmann's personal agenda isn't even at issue at all, the problem is he went full retard with it.


So true. Putting the bad writing and poor/lack of characters development aside, the game would defend itself if it wasn't so out of touch with the reality, but it's hard to take the game seriously where everything is so grotesque, dare I say comical. The difference between TLoU1 and 2 is like James Bond vs Johnny English - both are technically about British secret agents, but the way it's being delivered is a night and day difference. If Abby and the rest were an ordinary teenagers/youngsters who fight for their place in brutal post-apocalyptic world like Ellie was in the 1st game, the reception could've been much different, better. And Druckmann's personal agenda isn't even at issue at all, the problem is he went full retard with it.
The Abby that goes to the aquarium for the first time with Owen was how she should have looked, only a few years older. She looked right and grounded there. Later, she looks like some kinda ultimate warrior wrestling buddy.


I can see where you're coming from and while playing the Ellie section and having no idea of the motives I just assumed Abby was some firefly grunt.
That first chapter of Abby's story hits though, it has impact. You realise that her motive is something you, having played Joel, had rationalised. You don't need to play an entire game to understand what she did it for, you already have. It's a great sequel because it reflects the actions of the original.
She did what she did because Joel in a way deserved it, this is something that even Joel understands, he surrenders to it. Actions have reactions. You as Ellie then go on to do the same, because violence cycles and continues. An eye for an eye until the world is blind.
I guess the point I wanna make is: "it has impact"... for you. "Abby's story hits"... for you. That's the issue with this type of narrative structure: it works if you agree with the concept already, in which case you were always on board and the writers accomplished nothing meaningful because you were already seeing things from their perspective. They "had you at hello", so to speak. If you don't agree already, then the writers face an impossible uphill battle that ... virtually no one has ever won. Some writers can pull it off - but I'm struggling to think of more than one. George R. R. Martin has some pretty incredible character turn-arounds in his 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series as the most obvious examples - but better in the books, than the show. But it's rare for a reason: first impressions matter, and most writers lack the ability to make sympathetic villains, let alone villains that can become enjoyable protagonists the audience roots for.
The writers here seem to believe that making you play as "the villian" automatically means you'll have to internalise, thus rationalise, their world view. I believe it's a false notion, and the mixed response on the internet, I believe, validates that. Either you already agreed with Abby solely on the basis of Joel's actions from the first game, and you were in from the start, or you don't agree, in which case the game will utterly fail.

Turning Abby into a shemale with gorilla torso certainly doesn’t help, at least make her look attractive and femine if they wanna make people fee empathy for her more.
That's an old horror movie trope - make the female protagonist attractive so that the audience is more likely to feel for her. It's one of the reasons I adore 'Cabin in the Woods', as it uses these cliches in a very cool way. In a way, I applaud Naughty Dog not going the typical route with Abby.


The reason she wanted revenge, was disproportionate to the act on how she achieved it, she was worse the joel, and a whole room standing round watching, yet we're meant to give a fuck about them as abbie after the fact?

I wish ND just made joel done something far worse, he had a past before ellie, they should of made him gone full ham, like he was a horrific person before ellie

That way, him saving eliie and changing would of been even more poignant, ellie was his redemption

Grossly unbalanced action/reaction

I honestly thought ellie and abbie would team up against the religious freaks, and that bird running them (that is completely forgotten about)

Also we go to another area, with a new bad faction, and just execute them all, no real back story, just they captured people to work the farm (nod to white slavery maybe?) And we just murder them all to get abbie........like ok.......I guess it's fine...

Also I'm an adult, I can read subtext, I dont need it spelt out to me that lev is trans/wants to be a boy, I dont require a speech, dont treat your audience as being stupid

And dont make me listen to 2 verses of singing ffs, at least of fine never gonna give you ul instead for the troll
Damn if this ain't spot fucking on.


Can’t Git Gud
So they did want you to feel empathy for Abby. I think thats where the story failed for me and a lot of people.
It fails not only because she is an angry orangutan but mainly because the writing is so in your face.
Abby pets the dog, Ellie kills the dog and so on, so on. They do everything to show that hero is the real monster and Abby is the real hero. Like wtf and none of this works. She still comes off as unhinged sociopath... and ND lied about the game direction. The trailers made it seem like You play as Ellie and Joel, especially in on of the trailers saying "I would've not let You do this on your own kiddo" and in real game... it's not him.
She does not show any remorse even after she receives his help. We even get a flashback showing how she saves zebra and is a loving person lol. She should totally understand what Joel had to do... but she goes on torturing. not even ending it quick
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If a game gives the player freedom to do what they want then my canon ending is Abby getting eaten by some failed QTE sequence. :)

Then Joel and Ellie continue to go on adventures when Ellie wants Joel to help her reach a Doctor that might have the answers that she wants. :)
Dude. That would've been so much more satisfying, even if it was the same plot. Joel dies along the way but had to in order for Ellie to provide the cure... Dude! . But instead we got this "Omg we're so good at storytelling in games we need to go all out and be so groundbreaking and powerful and omg so much lgbtq representation omg so powerful so speshul so stunning so brave" and completely forget how to make a believable and coherent story with loveable characters.
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So they did want you to feel empathy for Abby. I think thats where the story failed for me and a lot of people.

Kinda surprised some people didn't empathise with her.

As soon as it was revealed that her father was the doctor that Joel killed, everything clicked into place for me.

Ellie is the hero of her story, Abby is the hero of her's.

Both of them are just angry, broken girls who are hell bent on trying to avenge their father by killing the murderer.


Oh man, when he says that under different circumstances they could be friends, it's exactly what I thought by middle of Abby's story. Nailed it.

Also the idea of finding challenging emotional core is what makes this writing so much better than most games out there. No it's not Schindler's List level of importance or quality (why are we comparing games to movies anyway), but it is an important story for videogame medium.


So they did want you to feel empathy for Abby. I think thats where the story failed for me and a lot of people.

I really hated controlling her at first but the more I played, the more I saw that was being took from her made me feel it in the end.

Joel killed Abby's Father.
Abby kills Joel.

Ellie and Tommy together end up killing LOADS of Abby's friends.

I personally liked seeing both sides of this story, Ellie's camp ended up taking so much more from Abby than Abby ever took from Ellie.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Yes, he was born as Lily.
I haven't play the game, have no intentions, because I've tried that with other games, just to become dissapointed and stuff like that....however.....how does that work in post-apocalyptic world?


I haven't play the game, have no intentions, because I've tried that with other games, just to become dissapointed and stuff like that....however.....how does that work in post-apocalyptic world?

What you mean?
Same as it would now, she identified as a boy, shaved head, boys clothes, boys name, acted like a boy.
Also changed so she couldnt be in an arranged marriage.

You dont need a sex change to be trans.......u do get that right?


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
What you mean?
Same as it would now, she identified as a boy, shaved head, boys clothes, boys name, acted like a boy.
Also changed so she couldnt be in an arranged marriage.

You dont need a sex change to be trans.......u do get that right?
Yes, I don't played the game, as I said, so I don't know how is it presented.


I really hated controlling her at first but the more I played, the more I saw that was being took from her made me feel it in the end.

Joel killed Abby's Father.
Abby kills Joel.

Ellie and Tommy together end up killing LOADS of Abby's friends.

I personally liked seeing both sides of this story, Ellie's camp ended up taking so much more from Abby than Abby ever took from Ellie.
Err... Joel killed her father to save his 'daughter'.... then Abby kills Joel for revenge in a total disrespectful manner. And she looks like an abomination. Because in a post-apocalyptic world, whey-protein dealers are a thing.
Even then, someone fucks with her. I mean... they didnt make it any easy for us to feel any sympathy for her...

What you mean?
Same as it would now, she identified as a boy, shaved head, boys clothes, boys name, acted like a boy.
Also changed so she couldnt be in an arranged marriage.

You dont need a sex change to be trans.......u do get that right?

Even then, how in the hell, in TLOU world and story setting, a tran character doesnt feel like it's only there to fill a quota? The game FAILS in that regard too.
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Yes, I don't played the game, as I said, so I don't know how is it presented.

Ah I see, basically she wanted to be a warrior like her sister, but because shes young, she was to be married off to one of the elders, so she shaved her head, and said no, this is a 'sin' to then.

They are the 2 from the original reveal trailer, the 2 asians, the sister gets arm smashed by a hammer, lev is her brother with the bow


Err... Joel killed her father to save his 'daughter'.... then Abby kills Joel for revenge in a total disrespectful manner. And she looks like an abomination. Because in a post-apocalyptic world, whey-protein dealers are a thing.
Even then, someone fucks with her. I mean... they didnt make it any easy for us to feel any sympathy for her...

Even then, how in the hell, in TLOU world and story setting, a tran character doesnt feel like it's only there to fill a quota? The game FAILS in that regard too.

Yes and no, use to seeing people live out their desires in post-apocalyptic worlds, on films like mad max, not a new concept

My big issue as I said before is the speech regarding it, they could of been more subtle, I can read between the lines, I dont need it spelt out to me, dont insult my intelligence.
So they did want you to feel empathy for Abby. I think thats where the story failed for me and a lot of people.

I didn't think I would either but after playing as her for a bit and seeing the flashbacks I do feel empathy for her and I'm actually enjoying playing as her and her storyline more than I did Ellie.


I haven't play the game, have no intentions, because I've tried that with other games, just to become dissapointed and stuff like that....however.....how does that work in post-apocalyptic world?
Personally I found it surprising how quickly Abby identified the gender of this character. For me it would be hard guess but if I had to without asking for the gender I'd say female despite the bald head. Also it's worth mentioning that this character didn't undergo any hormone therapy or whatever it's called, just shaved his (her) head and changed the gender identity.


Personally I found it surprising how quickly Abby identified the gender of this character. For me it would be hard guess but if I had to without asking for the gender I'd say female despite the bald head. Also it's worth mentioning that this character didn't undergo any hormone therapy or whatever it's called, just shaved his (her) head and changed the gender identity.

I mean they didnt really need to go there, lily could of been TLoU2 version of arya from GoT

But no they had to tack that on there, why I think people were a little pissed, the sub plot of not wanting to marry a elder, so shaved her would of been enough, didnt need to be about gender identity


Yes and no, use to seeing people live out their desires in post-apocalyptic worlds, on films like mad max, not a new concept
Yeah. I'm not saying that it cant happen. But seeing how it's presented in the game, and serving no purpose in the story, it screams 'hey we have a trans character, look at him' more than anything, at least IMHO.
My big issue as I said before is the speech regarding it, they could of been more subtle, I can read between the lines, I dont need it spelt out to me, dont insult my intelligence.

As legitimate as this is, I think the people like you never thinks that not everyone have the same skills to catch details on the fly.

Personally speaking, I struggle with it because I have a hard time focusing on whatever I'm doing and my thoughts are over the place.

I dont know how subtle or blatant is the speech you talk about, but I appreciate some subtle explanations.

Even that way, my brain likes to miss things xd
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