[VGC] Neil Druckmann says new Naughty Dog title could ‘redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming’

Yes I do. I turn the difficulty up to grounded and then I see how I can lure enemies into traps.
Doesn't really matter how much damage enemies can do when they are dumb enough to go whereever a player tosses some garbage, have no peripheral vision, and spaz out when a player gets close.


Doesn't really matter how much damage enemies can do when they are dumb enough to go whereever a player tosses some garbage, have no peripheral vision, and spaz out when a player gets close.
I played the PS4 version.
Confused Thinking GIF

Hard to ignore the discussion in front of.. whatever this is.
Something doesn't add up here. You should know Grounded has little to do with "damage" and all to do with flawless peripheral vision, reactive position holding taking current and future exposure into account, constant flanking, but just AI in general..

To even things like these:

Always a constant in discussions with Part II downplayers, the revealing head-scratching moment.

There are ways to exploit the AI at times if you know what to do in a few conditions/encounters, but vast majority of the time Grounded AI is impossibly ruthless to the point of frustration (Hillcrest, Hostile Territory as two examples of many).
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i remember in the Hillcrest section I planted some mines and tried to fire off a shot to get enemies to run up some stairs and blow themselves up and one of them shouted that I was just trying to bait them. Enemy AI is highly customizable.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
i remember in the Hillcrest section I planted some mines and tried to fire off a shot to get enemies to run up some stairs and blow themselves up and one of them shouted that I was just trying to bait them. Enemy AI is highly customizable.
Yup. Its little things like that that take the entire combat experience to a different level.

And the higher the difficulty you play on, the more random shit like that you see
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i remember in the Hillcrest section I planted some mines and tried to fire off a shot to get enemies to run up some stairs and blow themselves up and one of them shouted that I was just trying to bait them.
There's countless similar instances fooling you into believing you're dealing with real people, some new ones discovered after literal thousands of hours. Noticed this especially with No Return.

Enemy AI is highly customizable.
Yep, I don't think there's a single game in existence where you can customize the AI to such ridiculous extents. I surely never played one.
Confused Thinking GIF

Hard to ignore the discussion in front of.. whatever this is.
Something doesn't add up here. You should know Grounded has little to do with "damage" and all to do with flawless peripheral vision, reactive position holding taking current and future exposure into account, constant flanking, but just AI in general..

To even things like these:

Always a constant in discussions with Part II downplayers, the revealing head-scratching moment.

There are ways to exploit the AI at times if you know what to do in a few conditions/encounters, but vast majority of the time Grounded AI is impossibly ruthless to the point of frustration (Hillcrest).
They did not even know the direction of the noise. They were just in an alert state. 1990's Metal Gear 2 AI can do that too.


Confused Thinking GIF

Hard to ignore the discussion in front of.. whatever this is.
Something doesn't add up here. You should know Grounded has little to do with "damage" and all to do with flawless peripheral vision, reactive position holding taking current and future exposure into account, constant flanking, but just AI in general..

To even things like these:

Always a constant in discussions with Part II downplayers, the revealing head-scratching moment.

There are ways to exploit the AI at times if you know what to do in a few conditions/encounters, but vast majority of the time Grounded AI is impossibly ruthless to the point of frustration (Hillcrest, Hostile Territory as two examples of many).
Yeah honestly if someone thinks the AI in TLoU: Part II, especially on Grounded mode, is “dumb” then what would be considered the level of AI in most other games? Equivalent to a braindead vegetable? It’s not perfect by any means and any game can be exploited, but I generally found it to be of a higher level than the vast majority of games out there.

And enemies doing more damage have literally nothing to do with it.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
I played the PS4 version. It is not that good. When it comes out on PC I will not care. You can tout interactivity and graphical fidelity all you want but there is very limited fun to be had with its mechanics and AI.
Show me a game with better AI - Not a single game out there has more customizable and adaptable enemy AI than TLOU 2. Your posts honestly scream "I never played it" or at best "I didnt finish it"


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor come to mind.
Doesn't have much to do with AI, as I can't recall a single memorable instance in this regard, but that Nemesis system was God-tier and Warner patenting it is one of the biggest gaming travesties of all time. Actually the single biggest I can think of, imagine how many infinitely better games we would have had at this point.


ChatGPT 0.001
After last of us 2 remake a lot of people are second guessing naughty dog’s priorities, they put uncharted in the corner like a bad kid
Angry Dont Make Me GIF by Adult Swim


Doesn't have much to do with AI, as I can't recall a single memorable instance in this regard, but that Nemesis system was God-tier and Warner patenting it is one of the biggest gaming travesties of all time. Actually the single biggest I can think of, imagine how many infinitely better games we would have had at this point.
I doubt the reason we don't see it very often is WB's patent. You can still create your own version of the nemesis system and implement it in your game as long as you don't copy the tech behind it. Many games have systems with similar effects to it in fact, games like Dwarf Fortress or X4, or some RPGs where many characters "will remember this".

But truth is most AAA devs likely just think its too much work for little return, same reason we don't see imm-sim design being implemented left and right in every game.
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Simps for Amouranth
Did you seriously compare that guy with Cameron? A guy who so desperately wants to be an auteur he rips off every shot, every dramatic beat from others?
Trying reading what I wrote again, listen to your hate for a bloke who made a "videogame" that touched your fweelings in a bad way... M8, take a wee moment to reflect, it's just a game
That means their next game is going to be even less interactive and even more like a TV show than their last one.

It's all so tiresome.

Making this comment after it's come out that he in fact never even said that just shows what's wrong with the internet.....

Also their last game had quite literally brilliant gameplay


Trying reading what I wrote again, listen to your hate for a bloke who made a "videogame" that touched your fweelings in a bad way... M8, take a wee moment to reflect, it's just a game
Despite what you might think, I don't hate him (How could I - I don't even know the guy). I think the first TLOU is pretty good for the most part and his involvement in the wonderful Uncharted 2 is appreciated, but he is definitely not some untouchable videogame genius that some make him out to be. So, while I would never bet against Cameron, I'm not so sure about Druckmann. Still, wish him all the best of luck to redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming!
That means their next game is going to be even less interactive and even more like a TV show than their last one.

It's all so tiresome.
Idk about you, but last of us 2 IS the most interactable Naughty Dog game. They just keep reach new levels of gameplay that other devs simply can't.

TLOU2's story was meh, luckily the gameplay sections in-between the cutscene beats are long enough that you can almost forget about anything you weren't a fan of story wise and focus on the incredible gameplay.

The cutscenes also end in black screens so I prefer to manually play the game in chronological order which helps me enjoy it a but more. This way Joel dies around 10 hours into the game or so, rather than killing him off immediately within the first 2 hours.
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This guy is absolutely obsessed with normies who are barely into games. That’s who he’s going to make games for. A complete 180 from ND of yore. They were the gamer’s game. I hope he doesn’t steer the company too far astray because they’re holding some of the best technical talent in all of gaming. Be a shame to see it ruined by some self-important shit lib who just got the big office.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Not really, Intergalatic is retrofuturist. The music especially is completely different.
I actually dig the music until they ripped off GOTG which reminded of Concord and then the dots connected.
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