I wouldn't even call it "torture" though, that's just straight up unappealing lol.If it’s a capable team they could implement it.
i will try demon’s soul because it’s the only exclusive that interest me.
i am preparing myself to the torture it will be.
i am only interested by the universe , the atmosphere.
i would prefer an easy mode too.
not A walking simulator mode, just an easier mode.
The core appeal of these game is the challenge they present the player, and the sense of accomplishment from understanding and overcoming the challenges.
This is embedded in the enemy AI, the level design, and even extends to the character builds the player uses. FromSofware provides the player myriad of options in how to overcome those challenges.
Bluepoint could certainly slap on an easy mode and call it a day, but it would only cheapen and undermine that unique experience.
The nice atmosphere and lore is really just icing on the cake. Just look at all of Soulsborne imitators that've been created this past gen. They all copy the superficial elements of the Soulsborne games, but never really come close to capturing that same experience.
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