You’ll live.
Xbox Series eXtremeI don't get MS fixation with the letters X and S. They already have 2 consoles using those letters, why not pick 2 other letters for the new ones? 20+ options, plus combinations.
It won't matter to those then as they probably don't know the difference between 4k and 1080p . Bargain for them.I've seen loads of posts on social media where people think the series S is the X without a disc drive
Xbox going to be able to have their own parades if they keep it up.It’s funny how they can keep track of all these genders, but get confused over a couple letters.
Looks like it happened
Millions of phones with yz6, s7, s7bac, IPhone 8, 8plus , E.
But this is a problempeople are funny .
Looks like it happened
Iphone xWhy those names aren't confusing is right there in your own example.
There is a reason why phone makers use numbers to designate different generations.
A better example would be IPhone x, iPhone generation x, iPhone creation x, iPhone limitless x etc. But that doesn't exist. Guess why?
Oh geez. It says discontinued right there on the listing. Good thing MS stopped selling these a few months ago. Sucks for a few hundred kids though who's parents just helped an asshole clear some old inventory.
Iphone x
Iphone xs
Iphone xr
Iphone x max
Iphone xs max
They do exist.
I'll give you a hand moving those goalposts if you need. You said those names "do not exist" and your reason was basically it would be dumb. My post was in direct reference to that. I'm well aware of iphone 11.And yet when they moved to the next generation they called it........iPhone 11
I've said this for 6 months. It won't kill the Xbox Series generation, but it's a slight issue. You can't market having the strongest console ever AND have a 4TF next-gen console for sale at the same time.
People have had 3 years to get used to Microsoft’s naming scheme.
Series S and X are the same as One S and X. If you are too dumb to recognize that more expensive means better, then you prolly shouldn’t be buying tech on your own anyways.
But to me that’s a nothingburger. People will be able to tell them apart just as well as Switch and Switch Lite or PS4 and PS4 Pro.
I'll give you a hand moving those goalposts if you need. You said those names "do not exist" and your reason was basically it would be dumb. My post was in direct reference to that. I'm well aware of iphone 11.
Well your point would stand if my example was confined to a single generation, It is not. The x series released with the iPhone 8 gen and continued into the next year releases.I literally said (and bolded) different generations in the post you quoted.
Not my fault you cant or chose not to read. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The original Xbox One and the One X aren't in production anymore, most big retailers have taken the One X off the shelfs and the ones which are still selling get rid of the last stock. It won't be available for much longer. You only have a One S, Series S and Series X. One 100-200 bucks machine, one 300 and one 500.This may be a surprise, but majority of people are DUMB.
Believing in flat earth, vaccinations cause autism, mask dont work, corona is hoax, 5g spreads virus, all the bullshit and zero criticism to some random twitter posts or facebook posts while not believing scientific studies.
So you are plain wrong, stating that it is as easy as nintendo/playstation naming.
Problem isnt just s vs x, it is one vs one s vs one x vs series s vs series x = 100% chance that people mess these up, parents, grand parents and so on, they dont even have to be dumb to mix them
The cavemen you are talking about will also get confused by Playstation 4 Slim, Playstation 4 Pro, Playstation 5 and Playstation 5 Digital Edition. These Sony consoles will all be available in November.If you are too dumb to recognize that more expensive means better, then you prolly shouldn’t be buying tech on your own anyways.
The cavemen you are talking about will also get confused by Playstation 4 Slim, Playstation 4 Pro, Playstation 5 and Playstation 5 Digital Edition. These Sony consoles will all be available in November.
Well, the people he was talking about are super dumb and these super dumb people are standing in front of 4 different SKUs which are all still produced and available, all say Playstation. If Series S and Series X are confusing then 4 and 5 are also confusing. We are talking about people who can't count or don't know the alphabet, or are illiterate. I don't know, they hardly exist. I don't believe that anyone will get confused by the names, at least not as much as people ITT are saying.I can agree could be confusion with the standard PS5 and the digital version, but about PS4 and PS5? I mean, you can't compare with One and Series. There is no clue, if you don't know the product, to know which is the best or newer.
The Xbox One X is being discontinued, it doesn't really play a role anymore as most retailers don't even have it on the shelves or in stock. You will hardly find that one in 2-3 month and you'll only be able to get it used in 2021, what's being sold right now are the last consoles available.And about the more expensive is the best, then Xbox one X is newer and best than SERIES S?
That’s not the only confusion that’s been happening ....