After so many attempts to like triple A games lately, it’s refreshing to actually enjoy one


Honestly it’s been such a long time for me. I don’t really vibe with Sony’s first party stuff to the point where I stopped trying to like them (didn’t play tlou 2 as I didn’t like tlou 1)

god of war felt like the same thing.

I do have a ps5 but haven’t played much as I’m waiting for gt7

death stranding I thought I would absolutely love as mgs5 was one of the best playing games I’ve ever tried but it was so absolutely boring to play

And then cyberpunk comes out and I wasn’t even hype for it like that. I liked Witcher 3 but not to the point where I couldn’t wait to see what was next from the studio but I find myself really hooked to this.

playing a stealth/katana build and really fun going into quests scoping areas messing with cameras finding alternate ways to clear the areas and admittedly save scumming for when I get caught :p

also really enjoying the story and the graphics on my Pc are absolutely incredible. I’ve seen how it is on consoles and I would personally only really bother with it on ps5/xsx or pc

But yeah most AAA these days I try for a few hours and after the pretty graphics wear out and the stories usually do very little for me personally I end up shelving the game. So it’s a nice change to actually be able to join into the exciting with others enjoying a big release :)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives


Gold Member
Good for you op.

Funny that you are loving a melee\stealth build, most probably the 2 weakest aspects of the gameplay in cyberpunk, the first one is just fucking terrible in every possible aspect, and the second one has stupid ass IA and make the game a joke in terms of challenge if you use magic\hacker things.
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I’m enjoying the game too but let’s be honest. It’s not even close to some of the games you mentioned above. Cyber punk feels more like a standard run of the mill PC game. If it wasn’t for the nice boobs and butts I would have dropped this one hour in. Controls and graphics are janky AF.
I'm not going to tell anyone having trouble with the game's current state, especially on PS4/XBO that they should enjoy it... but man there are legit 3 things that saved 2020 for me... stimulus, TENET and Cyberpunk 2077. I thought I was becoming disillusioned with gaming before I got this, holy shit did this make me feel like a gamer again, not getting enough sleep, not wanting to leave the house... DREAMING I'm in the game when I sleep. This game is fucking amazing.


I’m enjoying the game too but let’s be honest. It’s not even close to some of the games you mentioned above. Cyber punk feels more like a standard run of the mill PC game. If it wasn’t for the nice boobs and butts I would have dropped this one hour in. Controls and graphics are janky AF.

what can I say they just aren’t for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gold Member
I'm calling bullshit...

I can actually understand to a degree how someone with this on Xbox can enjoy there time with it.

However on PlayStation is simply crashes so frequently I have had to just put it down, the game is not unplayable but you cant sit down for a long session without getting wound up with all the reports you have to send to Sony.
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its almost like a forum isn’t one entity and made up of a lot of individuals!!!

move only had car floating bugs and people walking through me so far thankfully

Im not knockin you for it. You're having a great experience, more power to you.

Im just laughing at the state of the forum on the subject of this game. Most people crying foul or offended some are still enjoying it probably don't even have it.


Hey, I'm playing unraveled two right now and this is the most I enjoyed a game in a long time.

Not very hardcore of me.
Honestly these days these are the games I enjoy the most

many fav game this year was ori WOTW before I played cp

I tried to like hades too but couldn’t get into it
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I'm calling bullshit...

I can actually understand to a degree how someone with this on Xbox can enjoy there time with it.

However on PlayStation is simply crashes so frequently I have had to just put it down, the game is not unplayable but you cant sit down for a long session without getting wound up with all the reports you have to send to Sony.

He's an ascended one, he's not playing Cyberpunk on some peasant plastic. He's doing it right


I like Cyberpunk but let's not get carried away, God of War is still my favorite game in recent years. It does everything extremely well (story, characters, gameplay, graphics, sound... It has it all, an absolute masterpiece). Works flawlessly too.

Cyberpunk is more of a flawed gem, even without considering the bugs. Story, characters and some quests are great. The rest ranges from average (standard kill quests, basic or unusable shops, meh melee, lackluster combat ai, lack of balancing... ) to terrible (NPCs AI unable to drive around you or standing still and lack of dialogue, the police teleporting to you then unable to take their own car to chase you... ).
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I love the game so far as well. Playing on PC.

I don't know - I think it is legitimate to just be enamored with the world & vibe and forgiving any bugs or gameplay shortcomings as a result. Just like it is legitimate for someone to be enamored with gameplay in a stale or done to death environment.

I'm a huge Blade Runner fan , Deus Ex... and this game just feels like something I've always wanted to play. I recently used the Katana as well and had great fun with it.


I’m loving it.

CP2077 isn’t really a AAA game though.

It’s the *ultimate* Eurojank game. :)

I’m also probably one of the few people in the world who is *genuinely* thrilled to see Saburo Arasaka on screen.

Alt Cunningham. Rogue. Johnny Silverhand.

*Legends*. It’s *Awesome!* :)


you are not allowed to like this game here. sorry. in fact you are not allowed to like this game anywhere.

I like Cyberpunk but let's not get carried away, God of War is still my favorite game in recent years. It does everything extremely well (story, characters, gameplay, graphics, sound... It has it all, an absolute masterpiece). Works flawlessly too.

Cyberpunk is more of a flawed gem, even without considering the bugs. Story, characters and some quests are great. The rest ranges from average (standard kill quests, basic or unusable shops, meh melee, lackluster combat ai, lack of balancing... ) to terrible (NPCs AI unable to drive around you or standing still and lack of dialogue, the police teleporting to you then unable to take their own car to chase you... ).

god of war had terrible side quests and the combat ai wasn't exactly very bright. no driving. the same shop everywhere. no npcs ai so not work/life cycle and non existant dialogue since they don't exist, the world feels empty and dead. non existent police ai. no shooting at all and lack of balancing. 5/10
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I agree. Sony first party games are pretty but boring as hell. Good thread.
I'm sure the fact you’re a known hardcore Xbox fanboy has nothing to do with this opinion.

Only Sony first party i'd call boring is Uncharted 4.

Ratchet & Clank, Horizon, Infamous: Second Son, First Light, Spider-Man, God fo War, Gran Turismo, Killzone, Ghost of Tsushima Days Gone, Driveclub.. no matter the genre, no matter the developer, all Sony games are boring as hell.
Most enthralled I've been in a AAA game since RDR2. In fact I've said to people that this feels like a new Rockstar game that just casts a dark shadow on all other games in it's vicinity. Can't even play other AAA games right now.

When I burn out on Cyberpunk I do a little Dusk or Amid Evil. I dropped AC:V like a hot turd and won't look back until I can buy it for $20 (bought a month of Ubi+ when it came out, am not resubbing).


If it wasn’t for the nice boobs and butts I would have dropped this one hour in. Controls and graphics are janky AF.

This is it though. It’s not a corpo AAA mainstream experience with every sharp corner sanded down.

It’s raw. Its rough. It’s *massively* overinflated Eurojank. It’s Bus Simulator that got way out of hand. I love it.
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I'm sure the fact you’re a known hardcore Xbox fanboy has nothing to do with this opinion.

Only Sony first party i'd call boring is Uncharted 4.

Ratchet & Clank, Horizon, Infamous: Second Son, First Light, Spider-Man, God fo War, Gran Turismo, Killzone, Ghost of Tsushima Days Gone, Driveclub.. no matter the genre, no matter the developer, all Sony games are boring as hell.

i do really like ratchet and clank games and I had a great time with horizon

it’s the god of war tlou Spider-Man stuff that I get bored of pretty quickly don’t know why

huge gran Turismo fan too


you are not allowed to like this game here. sorry. in fact you are not allowed to like this game anywhere.

god of war had terrible side quests and the combat ai wasn't exactly very bright. no driving. the same shop everywhere. no npcs ai so not work/life cycle and non existant dialogue since they don't exist, the world feels empty and dead. non existent police ai. no shooting at all and lack of balancing. 5/10

You're allowed to have bad taste. God of War won multiple game of the year awards for a reason and so did games like the last of us 1 or 2. Reviewers rated them higher too, as they should.
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So many threads for this game. Also, it could be a stealth thread war, but I'm willing to give 'im the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone likes the same type of games, and for all the praise given to some titles its only fair that others will find them wanting in accordance with their own expectations.

As for Cyberpunk, like many I've been waiting patiently since its reveal. I obviously really love the cyberpunk setting so that may skew my opinion a fair bit. Some of my favorite games of all time are immersive sims and while CP may not hit those highs, it does its own thing on such a grand scale that I can't help but be impressed. I pity the fool who just rushes through the story without exploring or trying side missions. I've put in 14+hrs so far and I've barely scratched the main story. One of the few games I see myself replaying a few times. I appreciate the amount of art assets created for the game, it helps it feel more varied and alive, plus its of high quality and adult in nature.

The game doesn't pull its punches in its content and in this day and age when nearly everything aims for mass market appeal its an achievement to see something that let's its art be judged by the individual, not censored(yet) for a younger or easily offended demographic. I also really appreciate the character creation options. Just wish there was a way to visit a barber or something in our apartments. I really look forward to any future updates and expansions. There is a LOT they can do with this game.

So yes I love it so far. Its not my GotY, it has its bugs and has only crashed on me once. I'm playing on PS5 and its fine though I want the next-gen update. Oh yeah, also gets props for some synthwave and metal, I'm glad at least something that appeals to me musically made it in. I'm still not fond of the first-person view, it also makes it hard for my girl to watch, she vastly prefers third person like me.


it’s the god of war tlou Spider-Man stuff that I get bored of pretty quickly don’t know why
I have no idea, they're different games, in different genre and with different mechanics and traversal, with one being free roam.
I'd say you found GoW boring because you don't like mostly linear games but you do enjoy Ratchet so again, no idea as they're structured in the exact same.. if anything GoW is less linear with the focus on metroidvania style of exploration and the bigger focus on RPG elements and combat.

Good for you enjoying Cyberpunk, despite the backlash for the state in which the game launched CDPR are precious developers to me and i want them in this industry pushing limits of what can be shown in games. Haven't bought the game yet as my PC would not provide the immersive experience i'm looking for at the moment, but i hope by the time the Next-Gen patch launches the game will be mostly fixed.

Oh dear OP. If you refuse to worship at the church of Sony then I'm sure Gaf's indoctrination police will be knocking on your door imminently.

Why only mention Sony games, are they the only ones making AAA?
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You're allowed to have bad taste. God of War won multiple game of the year awards for a reason and so did games like the last of us 1 or 2. Reviewers rated them higher too, as they should.

they rated high cyberpunk too. the negatives are mostly bugs. last of us 1-2? no driving. you can't enter every house. no police ai. enemy ai is shit. no day and night cycle no random npcs to follow for hours. see how easy is to nitpick games like you do? i love all of those games btw.
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Honestly it’s been such a long time for me. I don’t really vibe with Sony’s first party stuff to the point where I stopped trying to like them (didn’t play tlou 2 as I didn’t like tlou 1)

god of war felt like the same thing.

I do have a ps5 but haven’t played much as I’m waiting for gt7

death stranding I thought I would absolutely love as mgs5 was one of the best playing games I’ve ever tried but it was so absolutely boring to play

And then cyberpunk comes out and I wasn’t even hype for it like that. I liked Witcher 3 but not to the point where I couldn’t wait to see what was next from the studio but I find myself really hooked to this.

playing a stealth/katana build and really fun going into quests scoping areas messing with cameras finding alternate ways to clear the areas and admittedly save scumming for when I get caught :p

also really enjoying the story and the graphics on my Pc are absolutely incredible. I’ve seen how it is on consoles and I would personally only really bother with it on ps5/xsx or pc

But yeah most AAA these days I try for a few hours and after the pretty graphics wear out and the stories usually do very little for me personally I end up shelving the game. So it’s a nice change to actually be able to join into the exciting with others enjoying a big release :)
What the fuck do you guys use this thread for btw?
Glad to hear that. I' on a similar boat myself. I normally play indie games and have gotten used to how efficiently and quickly they run (Little to no load times, No need to sign into anything, etc) that AAA games are just too slow and bloated to get going. I trudged on with Cyberpunk despite these issues and have found some enjoyment in it.
How is anyone enjoying stealth in this game. Level design is dogshit and enemies just see you through vehicles and walls anyway
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Kev Kev

I feel you OP.

I haven’t enjoyed new AAA games for years now. Maybe one or two have caught my attention, but for the most part hey just don’t do it for me anymore. Nice to hear I’m not alone on that.


last of us 1-2? enemy ai is shit.
Dude.. what the fuck.

I hate the game but TLoU2 on Survivor features the best AI i've ever played against.

I sort of agree with TLoU2, especially winning Best Narrative.. but how is God of War winning GOTY clown world?
Some of you guys really deserve the shit this industry keeps producing..
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So many threads for this game. Also, it could be a stealth thread war, but I'm willing to give 'im the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone likes the same type of games, and for all the praise given to some titles its only fair that others will find them wanting in accordance with their own expectations.

As for Cyberpunk, like many I've been waiting patiently since its reveal. I obviously really love the cyberpunk setting so that may skew my opinion a fair bit. Some of my favorite games of all time are immersive sims and while CP may not hit those highs, it does its own thing on such a grand scale that I can't help but be impressed. I pity the fool who just rushes through the story without exploring or trying side missions. I've put in 14+hrs so far and I've barely scratched the main story. One of the few games I see myself replaying a few times. I appreciate the amount of art assets created for the game, it helps it feel more varied and alive, plus its of high quality and adult in nature.

The game doesn't pull its punches in its content and in this day and age when nearly everything aims for mass market appeal its an achievement to see something that let's its art be judged by the individual, not censored(yet) for a younger or easily offended demographic. I also really appreciate the character creation options. Just wish there was a way to visit a barber or something in our apartments. I really look forward to any future updates and expansions. There is a LOT they can do with this game.

So yes I love it so far. Its not my GotY, it has its bugs and has only crashed on me once. I'm playing on PS5 and its fine though I want the next-gen update. Oh yeah, also gets props for some synthwave and metal, I'm glad at least something that appeals to me musically made it in. I'm still not fond of the first-person view, it also makes it hard for my girl to watch, she vastly prefers third person like me.

I love your ability to be a nice person and see the best in people. But the bolded seems more true to me. Your spider senses are leading you to this truth. There's no reason to equate AAA single player games to Sony\Playstation only.
I agree. Sony first party games are pretty but boring as hell. Good thread.

The vast majority of Sony first party is as good as games need to look for me but holy shit between Horizon, God of War, TLoU 2, and Ghost of Tsushima I never need to buy melatonin again.

Well produced, well made games that are just excruciating to play.


so dont enjoy well made triple AAA games (all of them from sony) but you enjoy a buggen riden shitfest like cyberbug? good for you,people have some strange tastes sometimes
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