I had the same experience. The weapon breaking system kept the game continually fresh until i beat it. If only the game was hard in late game.Big ups to the weapon system! I know everyone hates it but I love it. Whenever I play an ARPG I always find one weapon and use it over and over for the entire game. If it is a Souls style game, it is because I have grinded so much titanite, put it into this specific weapon, not to mention leveled up a specific stat point to use that weapon. So I tend to just stick to the one weapon. Which is fine. But it is for that reason that it feels so fresh in BOTW to be constantly handed new weapons, to have to find and use new gear.
Yeah if you've ever gotten to the point where you just have a bunch of staffs all almost broken, then you run totally out, it's a bummer. But then, you have to take out enemies another way, using all your various tools. Or you can sneak up to a camp of enemies and steal a weapon from them before they know what happened. Or you can high-tail it to Hyrule Castle, find the armory, and load up on end-game gear anytime you want to. You don't even have to use weapons, you can take out enemies with bombs and physics stuff. There are so many ways to play the game, the weapon degradation is a way for the game designers to say "Play with this toy!". It contributes to the overall flow of the combat and exploration. IMO a highly underrated mechanic.
Would love to hear about your experiences with this game man, feel free to DM me if you want! I found a few hearty meals by accident lmaoo, I don't think I have been to the coast yet and I did know about the roasting! How I cook when on an expedition.I just want to talk about fun stuff I liked about/in the game.
Have you discovered any "hearty" or "enduring" foods/animals yet? If not I can tell you where to find your firsts easily and you'll see how amazing they are + a hidden use for enduring stuff that can be useful for some side quests when you are early on in the game.
Have you been to the south-east coast? Let me know and I'll give you a cool tip.
Also I have a good secret thats never revealed in-game:
You know how you can roast things by throwing them freely onto a fire? Its how you get baked apples, for instance. Well try roasting some really hot ingredients on a fire, maybe you will get a unique effect...
To say BOTW was made first in 2D is a massive stretch. A 2D prototype map was made to test some of the game's systems, as in how basic world elements could interact, like cut tree get firewood, fire arrow burn the wood irrc, but it's not like Nintendo has anything close to a working 2D version of the whole game.You guys are talking in hyperboles. BotW was fist made in 2d and worked well so they made it in 3d. So there is the argument that great games can be made on any hardware. That said better graphics makes those games even better. The concept isnt that complicated.
I know a better method to force people to try different weapons, it's called making interesting weapons that people want to try.The weapon breaking was a turnoff at first but I eventually got used to it and while I didnt love it I was totally ok with it.
I would always try to use the "worst" weapon that was still acceptable in the given situation, so I could save my best weapons. By the end of the game I had tons of great weapons so I would use those more often. Getting the master sword helps too.
The positive part is that it forced you to try different weapons.
I know a better method to force people to try different weapons, it's called making interesting weapons that people want to try.
It works in a lot of games with good combat systems and actual interesting weapons thwt make you want to switch and try.
Sorry for the unvolountary snark but everytime i read that narrative i chuckle a little.
And those types of games are wrong too, i'm not saying that botw is the only one with lazy balancing.I get your point but there are plenty of games when you can grind for an ultimate type weapon early and then you never change. Either way the main point I think is that weapon breaking in this game was a bit annoying, but it wasnt some deal breaker for me at least.
To me, people complaining about breaking weapon is as asinine as if people complained about ammo in Doom. Breakable weapons are the same thing. Not to mention that real weapons used that intensely do really break, and likely pretty fast too.
Without breakable weapon you have no incentive to care about weapon variety. It would be way more boring.
wouldn't say weapon variety is such a huge factor.To me, people complaining about breaking weapon is as asinine as if people complained about ammo in Doom. Breakable weapons are the same thing. Not to mention that real weapons used that intensely do really break, and likely pretty fast too.
Without breakable weapon you have no incentive to care about weapon variety. It would be way more boring.
70 hours is the equivalent of 3 or 4 mainline zelda titlesFirst 20 hours : best game ever .
Next 20 hours : have some faults but still GOTY .
Next 30 hours : Tried but cant find any reason so keep playing .
What games, how much in them weapon exists and every one of them are interesting?I know a better method to force people to try different weapons, it's called making interesting weapons that people want to try.
It works in a lot of games with good combat systems and actual interesting weapons that make you want to switch and try.
Of course when you have uninteresting weapons with samey and limited movesets devs have to think about some lazy mechanic to force players to change weapons...
Sorry for the unvolountary snark but everytime i read that narrative i chuckle a little.
I can see why, it can be frustrating how quickly weapons break but I feel like you get weaponry and shields at such a steady pace that you never feel yourself missing the ones that broke before and it forces you to try things, unlike some games that allow you to get too comfortable with one proven way and cheesing your way to the end with it.
Maybe a slider to turn it off could have helped those like yourself who really hated it.
Oh so you wanna play this game uh?What games, how much in them weapon exists and every one of them are interesting?
Yeah I definitely chuckle.
But I don't find those weapons interesting, who are you talking to objectively? Even the game sucks ass just a typical ubisoft game launched at the worst time possible.Oh so you wanna play this game uh?
let's just pick a game that most botw lovers hate for some reasons, horizon zero dawn.
i use the normal bow for normal enemy or normal weak point (but if the enemy is slow, i can use the powered up version that take longer to shot but does more damage)
I use the tear blaster bow to scrap away armours and weapons against some enemies because i can use those weapons against them.
i use elementals bows for enemies with that type of weakness, ice make you do more damage, bolt stop enemies etc.
I use the corrupt bow to make some enemy fight between them while i fight another big enemy
i use the rope shooter for agile enemies or some flying enemies
I use the tripcaster when i have the stealth upper hand to fill the are with traps before the fight even begin
i use the explosive slingshot when enemies are close to each other or the proximity mines to set traps on the fly because the slingshot is faster than the tripcaster.
i use the tear shotgun to strip a lot of armour from close up enemies
i use the spear to ko small enemies or to do a finisher on grounded enemies
etc. etc., and you switch all the weapons all the time, at least on ultra hard where the combat really shine and the difference between creatures become really important if you wanna survive, of course on normal you can almost avoid all of that, but every modern game on normal is piss easy.
all these weapons are interesting because they have a precise role in my arsenal, they are not always the best choice against some enemies so you have to adapt and change on the fly because enemies are diversified and interesting to fight and there is not a clear better weapon to keep equipped all the time.
and this is an example over milions of games out there where sometimes is better change weapon for the most various reasons withut a fucking breakable system.
I can go all night with examples (but really not, i really want to play some outriders and i have the hunch that even this post is gonna be useless with a botw fanboy that see no flaws whatsoever) , and if we talk about non-open world games with multiple weapons the examples become literally infinite.
literally every fps or tps make you change weapons based on the occasion, almost every third person action game do the same, we really don't need a breakable system to change weapons in games.
But sure, take a chuckle mate, i'm laughing my ass off since my first post on the matter.
It works in a lot of games with good combat systems and actual interesting weapons that make you want to switch and try.
Are we talking about casuals? because you can read every discussion in every videogame forum in existence to see how people talk about the different weapons and tactics in games.In those games people still just stick to one weapon. They don't take the time to learn how interesting other weapons are and even if they do it's heavily skewed to them just going back to whatever they start with or only switch to do or fight a specific thing.
Forcing people to switch at times when they wouldn't normally is great.
Not saying that it's the only way to go about it or that Zelda couldn't make more unique weapons. But I do think it's a good thing for many.
It's called an example, maybe it's a difficult concept to understand, my bad.But I don't find those weapons interesting, who are you talking to objectively? Even the game sucks ass just a typical ubisoft game launched at the worst time possible.
Imagine hyping Horizon Zero Dawn lol. Keep up the good work though.
Make a bunch of interesting weapons then instead of forcing gamers to use a bunch of shitty weapons.In those games people still just stick to one weapon. They don't take the time to learn how interesting other weapons are and even if they do it's heavily skewed to them just going back to whatever they start with or only switch to do or fight a specific thing.
Forcing people to switch at times when they wouldn't normally is great.
Not saying that it's the only way to go about it or that Zelda couldn't make more unique weapons. But I do think it's a good thing for many.
How I feel about the Witcher 3. *shrug*yeah I don’t get the hate it gets. GOTG for me
Man people hate on breath of the wild? Confusing
To say BOTW was made first in 2D is a massive stretch. A 2D prototype map was made to test some of the game's systems, as in how basic world elements could interact, like cut tree get firewood, fire arrow burn the wood irrc, but it's not like Nintendo has anything close to a working 2D version of the whole game.
Reeeeeally need to ditch durability.My take on the durability system. I enjoyed the hell out of it as it forced me to learn how to use all the weapon types early on. Later in the game you come across easily accessible weapon caches that respawn after every blood moon, allowing you to harvest decent gear, eventually harvesting top tier items from hard combat trials and lynels. I never tried Master difficulty, but at no point have I ever flat run out of weapons.
I will say that a repair mechanic would be appreciated in the sequel.
The thing is, you just can't seem to comprehend that people could actually like the durability system for how much it was tied to the whole exploration. If you would only find shit weapon every time you go out, then would you even bother exploring or ambushing up camps?It's called an example, maybe it's a difficult concept to understand, my bad.
Other than that, predictable response, i don't know why i even engaged in this discussion with you, being crazy is repeating the same thing expecting different results, i guess i'm crazy.
Are we talking about casuals? because you can read every discussion in every videogame forum in existence to see how people talk about the different weapons and tactics in games.
Of course you can find a weapon that you like more but onestly at least in my case is the minority of times.
I can list the last 10 games i played and i probably switched weapons in almost all of them.
The fact is, having a favourite weapon that you use most of the times is not inherently a bad thing like some people think.
It's the devs work making all the weapons interesting and it's surely a better solution than breakable weapons.
It's called an example, maybe it's a difficult concept to understand, my bad.
Other than that, predictable response, i don't know why i even engaged in this discussion with you, being crazy is repeating the same thing expecting different results, i guess i'm crazy.
Don't be over-dramatic dude, nintendo can do the fuck they want with zelda for what i care after the first botw, we were just discussing a mechanic in a game, nobody in here has any power on what the devs are gonna do, nobody is destroying anything.Forcing switching of weapons creates variety of gameplay on a continual basis. Even when you switch weapons in other games, more often than not most people swap maybe once every 2 hours. Some games make you stick to specific types of weapons because of how you are specced in the game. Like Bethesda games tend to make you stick to one weapon or one type of weapon most of the time. I am playing fallout 76 and 99% of the time i am playing with my death claw because how I am specced forces me to unarmed weapons and my other weapons do jack all against bosses. Same with Skyrim.
Most games behave that way. There is always some "best weapon" in games. This is one game where weapons are like consumables and you get so many of them as you go through the game. A solution is to reduce inventory size and reduce weapon drop rates but that would make the game a little more boring. The weapon degrade system is the best thing about the game. Having to choose weapons on the fly is a blast and choosing a less valuable weapon against weak enemies is genuinely part of the strategy. If you are frustrated at losing your best weapon, the person with the issue is you and this is not your type of game.
You are trying to get devs to destroy something many people enjoy and i havent enjoyed a Zelda game since Zelda 2 like i did BotW despite it being too easy. Increasing the difficulty of the game late game would make this the perfect game for me. You have so many games that cater to you specifically if you like durable weapons. Why try and remove the one series that decided to have this mechanic in it just because you dont like the mechanic. Play something else. I dunno what else to tell you.
Dude it's called having different opinions, i know that some people like this system, it was never the point of discussion.The thing is, you just can't seem to comprehend that people could actually like the durability system for how much it was tied to the whole exploration. If you would only find shit weapon every time you go out, then would you even bother exploring or ambushing up camps?
Oh then you want to change everything?
Then freaking make and play your own game.
You're the one who failed to comprehend the game's concept and then proceed to be disappointed when you apparently give an extensive reply. It doesn't matter, when a gameplay loop is shit even a good weapon (seemingly not average) wouldn't force me to play a boring game.
Again what makes it that the system to become annoying? If anything, those who are bitching are either only played early on the game or just straight-up trash on playing it. Typical Mid/late encounters only consume 1-2 weapons max, only in rare cases where you need a gold Lynel would you need around 3. Then again, most problems can already be solved by spamming crit arrows so what's the problem?Dude it's called having different opinions, i know that some people like this system, it was never the point of discussion.
Also don't talk like i'm the one who doesn't understand a shitty mechanic, it's the single most vocalized flaws that people discuss in forums for that game, you think it is good, me and a shitload of other people think that is bullshit for a multitude of reasons, i don't give a damn of what you think is right or not.
You can literally read other people who think like me in this very fucking page, get the hell out with this "i have the truth and you don't know shit" attitude dude, you don't impress anyone in here![]()
people already explained what is annoying in that mechanic, here and in another 10 topics about zelda, you have your idea, we have ours, let's just agree to disagree.Again what makes it that the system to become annoying? If anything, those who are bitching are either only played early on the game or just straight-up trash on playing it. Typical Mid/late encounters only consume 1-2 weapons max, only in rare cases where you need a gold Lynel would you need around 3. Then again, most problems can already be solved by spamming crit arrows so what's the problem?
The game is too easy I don't understand what's the complaint unless you're playing on Master Mode.
Yeah, I'm reading what people had posted, it's just noobs talking shit half the time.
TBH I dont like the fact that I can use less weapons late game. I always end up with too many weapons late game where I am just throwing stuff away.Again what makes it that the system to become annoying? If anything, those who are bitching are either only played early on the game or just straight-up trash on playing it. Typical Mid/late encounters only consume 1-2 weapons max, only in rare cases where you need a gold Lynel would you need around 3. Then again, most problems can already be solved by spamming crit arrows so what's the problem?
The game is too easy I don't understand what's the complaint unless you're playing on Master Mode.
Yeah, I'm reading what people had posted, it's just noobs talking shit half the time.
Easily but you need to emulate the Wii U version though. You can get 4k 60 fps with some raytracing with that setup.Is it possible to emulate this at a consistent 1080p 60fps on a rtx 2060 and an I7 9700F?
Get outIs emulation for this game good? The last Zelda I played was Link to the Past (the snes one)