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Holy fuck, I never knew Breath Of The Wild was going to be THIS good.


I first played it on the WiiU, thought it was great but felt very disapointed at the lack of plot structure, felt like they didn't do as much dungeons, felt like it missused the characters, had stupid bosses and so on. Was a 10 that slowly faded into a 9.

Then I got a Switch and got the game once again. Made a 3 hearts run and completed the DLC with that. Was a great great experience once again, felt like the divine beasts were actually good without the tons of expectations when playing the first time. I found things I hadn't seen before, tried different approaches to traveling instead of going mainly straight lines and sonon...

The final Boss of the DLC was the cherry on top, perfect (that boss should've been in the main game).

So from 9 it went back to 10 once again. Amazing game. The way you play it influences the experience, so if it gets stale, changing how you explore may be the trick that will make you fall in love again.
First time I played it I borrowed it, really wanna replay it and buy my own but it’s so expensive smh.
Used isn’t any cheaper either


I got to death mountain and never turned it back on. Just no longer care to finish it. Can't really explain why, either.

I look at the cartridge when I contemplate playing it again and I feel an overwhelming sense of dread and emptiness.


I got to death mountain and never turned it back on. Just no longer care to finish it. Can't really explain why, either.

I look at the cartridge when I contemplate playing it again and I feel an overwhelming sense of dread and emptiness.

sell it and buy hades, or mh:rise is really good...nintendo first party maintains value

make lemonade
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Yes other games have handled aspects of BOTW better with their games, but this is such a great amalgamation of all the big hitters in the Open World genre, a

This is key, BoTW isn't perfect but it does specific things right that made tons of people regard it as the best open world ever. I'm sure it does things wrong that others think makes it a terrible open world but what it does right I feel like it does better than anyone.

I think I can sum up with a few key points.

1. Great vertical mobility leading to far more interesting environmental design than many open worlds. Going from point A to B is usually far more interesting than other open worlds.
2. Being able to do at least minor interaction with everything around you and having a big toolset. All the game elements multiply together creating tons of little things you can try if you feel like it.
3. Spacing out the little objectives perfectly so that it feels like you are doing a combo of activities.
4. Always having something that looks worth investigating on screen (and not on your minimap). There is usually something you want to check out just a few feet away. Whether it's a slightly interesting rock formation with a puzzle, another enemy camp, or when all else fails there are the giant mountains, Haunted fortresses, and the roaming giant monsters far in the distance to give you something to aim for.

All these aspects bleed into each other to do a simple thing, make exploring fun.

I've always felt like these aspects were the key to a good open world and BoTW solidified that. Horizon happened to launch at the same time and it's a great game. But it felt like some kind of cosmic joke. Like it existed just to showcase how much the environment just felt like a pointless pretty backdrop compared to the world of BoTW.

These days most open-worlds despite being good just remind me how much better they could be if they took a note from the key areas that BoTW absolutely nailed. I could write an essay on things I want Nintendo to learn from and improve in the sequel. I can out-complain anyone who hates BoTW. But Zelda is just one franchise, I'd rather focus on the positives because right now the industry desperately needs to learn from this game's strengths.

There is only one real problem with this game

That we haven't gotten the sequel?
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Emulation, it‘s literally in the quote.
I know it's emulation. I was just asking for the 'where' to make sure I can get a trusted source for it with the understanding he may not be able to. I'd like to try it on the PC based on what I have seen of it. Regardless, I own a physical, digital and Wii U copy of the game lol.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Worst Zelda ever. Excluding Skyward Sword and The Philips CDI series.

Barely any dungeons, trash and annoying as fuck durability and weather system and none of the incredible Zelda music we all know and love from the classics.

What a let down.


I think its a ok game, but a shit Zelda game.

Worst puzzles, literally the puzzles are complete shit and feel like a NewGrounds game or some indie shit, NOTHING like the massive room puzzles in the past titles, it literally feels like some cheap copy and paste shit.

The puzzles in God Of War 2018 are light years better and gave me more of a Zelda vibe, then BoTW. Literally, God Of War 2018 is a better game in this area then Zelda now.

I have no plans to ever replay that title. It literally feels like a cheap Assassins Creed ripoff.

Give me back actual FUCKING DUNGEONS and unique puzzles that are not some copy and paste crap, actual puzzles unique to the location with weapons that interact with the puzzles, get rid of the durablity shit and I have no issue buying BoTW2.

If its just more of that same AC ripoff shit, I'm done with the series. Being cellshaded and having "Zelda" on the box doesn't make it so for me. If those features are not in it, its a no buy for me.
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Gold Member
I though it was ok, but nothing amazing and has major flaws. Was my first game for the Switch that I got early last year. After beating it I didn't play any more of it and haven't played it since.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
A perfect sequel would have the following

-No durability system
-No cooking
-A better navigation system. I was often frustarted because I know where I wanted to go on the map but the terrain would not allow it.


great game , with all its faults, and it has many.

one of these is NOT the durability system though, saying the game would be better without it is like saying that metal gear solid would be better with no stealth


So glad the OP gave the game a chance....and enjoyed it! Such a epic experience without equal. The game (like Minecraft) give the player a set of rules and then says "go out and have fun.... however YOU want"


The music here 🥲

Really gives off the vibe that Link took too long to return.

Certain aspects of the game touch your HEART when you realize a lot of themes in the game have to do with things the Zelda team/Nintendo were probably feeling with Zelda/Nintendo losing relevance, underperforming, failure, and redemption.

BOTW definitely incorporates that kind of stuff into the general feeling/story.

Failure and redemption are two major aspects to BOTW and it's beautiful.

The story itself is pretty depressing. Everyone failed. At the end of the Zelda timeline, Hyrule fell. Zelda, Link, the King, and the Champions all feel that failure.

I'm excited for the sequel but at the same time I'm a bit nervous.
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It's a game that takes a particularly simple rule set, and applies it to the entire world. Quite literally, the entire world. In doing so, nearly everything you feel should be possible, is possible. It also allows for things you would have never thought to be possible, but make perfect sense upon discovery.
Right on dude. Glad to hear you're getting some quality time with your new WiiU.

You made a wise choice my friend, hope you get hundreds, if not thousands, of hours enjoying BOTW and the WiiU. I'll be getting back to BOTW at some point, got like 15 or so shrines left and some large side quests to finish up. I'm determined to get Links green tunic and then storm Hyrule castle again. Storming Hyrule Castle when you're ready is one of the coolest gameplay experiences I've had. You just feel like such a badass after accomplishing so much.
arnold schwarzenegger predator GIF


Right on dude. Glad to hear you're getting some quality time with your new WiiU.

You made a wise choice my friend, hope you get hundreds, if not thousands, of hours enjoying BOTW and the WiiU. I'll be getting back to BOTW at some point, got like 15 or so shrines left and some large side quests to finish up. I'm determined to get Links green tunic and then storm Hyrule castle again. Storming Hyrule Castle when you're ready is one of the coolest gameplay experiences I've had. You just feel like such a badass after accomplishing so much.
arnold schwarzenegger predator GIF
The Wii U is excellent! Loading isn't anywhere near as slow as people made it out to be either, feels like a PS4 so isn't bad at all.

Gotta thank you again for being one of the driving forces behind me making the decision to pick one up, it compliments my PS5 beautifully and I am enjoying every second with the Wii U (I literally haven't used my PS5 aside from downloading Disco Elysium since the Wii U arrived!) It is such a great console and I can't wait to not only experience the rest of this game, but all the other gems the Wii U Library has to offer!

Kev Kev

My personal goat. It was like discovering video games as a kid all over again. The freedom, sense of adventure, experimenting new stuff with the games mechanics and have it actually work so often is immensely satisfying, and so much more. Totally blew my socks off and I have no idea how any game is going to top that experience.


I'm honestly glad you enjoyed it

But I hated it, a lot.

Everything "revolutionary" about it I just ... cant.

"You can go anywhere!". Oh wow, in an OPEN WORLD GAME?! And how is your exploration rewarded? Oh, korok seed or another shrine.

Cant find cooking food that much awesome. Or breakable weapons. Or boring dungeons. Or finding useless korok seeds.

And many, many other stuff that I cant comprehend how anyone can find those fun. And this is coming from a guy who loved Death Stranding.

MGS V was to me a much better example of a game giving you huge amounts of freedom using the open world genre as a template.
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I love systemic gameplay, Phantom Pain, PREY 2017, Half Life 2 come to mind.

Breath of the wild was a welcome return to The Legend of Zelda series roots, as well as a breath of fresh air on the open world RPG genre as a whole.

It's one of those games that whenever I return to it, I find myself enjoying it just messing around its gameplay systems; as the ones I mentioned above, that's when I know that a game its worthy enough, when both its gameplay and artistic design remain fresh and hold up the passage of time.

Glad that you're enjoying it, OP.


I freaking love this game.

Are you playing on Master Mode? I would almost suggest you turn that on as it really extends the life of the game for me. Made cooking and weapons more meaningful. It really made the beginning middle and end of the game different experiences through my 200 hours.


I loved it because it's the first Zelda game where you don't have to engage all the Zelda bullshit, at least not right away. I got to the village where the water elephant thing was and it tried to funnel me into a quest to go kill a Lionel in order to get some old man some bullshit so I could get a key etc etc etc. I was like "oh hell no" and spent 25 hours or so doing all the dungeons and getting the master sword and opening up the map. Then I went back and did all Zelda bullshit. It's the only Zelda game I've played that knows enough to get out of its own way and let you play with the systems.


I loved it because it's the first Zelda game where you don't have to engage all the Zelda bullshit, at least not right away. I got to the village where the water elephant thing was and it tried to funnel me into a quest to go kill a Lionel in order to get some old man some bullshit so I could get a key etc etc etc. I was like "oh hell no" and spent 25 hours or so doing all the dungeons and getting the master sword and opening up the map. Then I went back and did all Zelda bullshit. It's the only Zelda game I've played that knows enough to get out of its own way and let you play with the systems.
Yeah, we wouldn't want 'Zelda Bullshit' in a Zelda game. Breath of the Wild is the Zelda game for people who hate Zelda.


Yeah, nobody liked Zelda dungeons anyway.
I didn't think it was that big of a deal. They had to do a different game than "use this item in this one area and never again".

While that is good at some points it was getting old. BoTW just changes nearly everything and they made an awesome action adventure game.


"people asked me of my thoughts of the game and I used to lie and be like "oh yeah it's good" without even putting the cartridge into my Switch and giving it a go."

For shame.
All those amazing cutscenes from the greatest trailer I’ve ever seen for a video game? They were all just memories. That was my biggest letdown.
When I first played it and beat it I was disappointed. Dungeons? No. Bosses all looked the same. Music scaled back.. So sad. And I wanted to see Ganondorf again.
But when I replayed it I started taking my time, didn’t play it like a Zelda game, “journey not the destination” perspective, I had alot of fun.
Now if Breathe of the Wild 2 incorporates traditional Zelda elements like weapons, story, music, dungeons, amazing looking and varied boss battles with the open world of the first game, it will be the Game of All Time.


Yeah, we wouldn't want 'Zelda Bullshit' in a Zelda game. Breath of the Wild is the Zelda game for people who hate Zelda.
No no no, you got me wrong. It's there if you want it, and plenty of people do and that's fine. I'm just saying there's the freedom to do valuable things without satisfying a grumpy old man to give you a thing to get a thing to go to the place to do the thing you want. It's the best of both worlds, that's why it's brilliant.


It's hard for me to not think of Breath of the Wild as a great but overrated game. I mean only an idiot would call it bad, and it most certainly is a very well made and polished game. But the dungeons and boss fights (the bread and butter of the Zelda series) were small, samey, lacking, and overall a letdown.
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