Atari Jaguar.
"System seller"
It doesn't get more ironic than that!
Do you suggest that other game sold better on Jag or the other one made customers but the system?
Atari Jaguar.
"System seller"
It doesn't get more ironic than that!
Atari Jaguar, AVP and system seller should never ever be mentioned within the same context ever.
Put it this way. Virtual Boy sold more.
A low frame rate looks like crap, moves like crap, and is so slow you cant even turn your camera fast to shoot an alien behind you.Why Tempest 2000 moves faster than Doom if we do not care about genres? How AvP's gameplay is impacted by frame rate negatively? Was the game designed for higher frame rate?
A low frame rate looks like crap, moves like crap, and is so slow you cant even turn your camera fast to shoot an alien behind you.
Doom is smoother. Even the Jaguar Doom edition moves pretty well for a console version.
Not to mention lower frame rates also add input lag, which makes the controls feel less responsive.A low frame rate looks like crap, moves like crap, and is so slow you cant even turn your camera fast to shoot an alien behind you.
Doom is smoother. Even the Jaguar Doom edition moves pretty well for a console version.
Why do you want to know? Are you going to sling personal attacks based on people's age?Remind me how old were you in 1994?
No doubt. Unless a game is turn based, any shooter like AVP moving at 15 fps is never good for responsive controls.Not to mention lower frame rates also add input lag, which makes the controls feel less responsive.
Not to mention lower frame rates also add input lag, which makes the controls feel less responsive.
Why do you want to know? Are you going to sling personal attacks based on people's age?
Who's trying?Nope. It is obvious that you did not experience the 90s. That is why you spread nonsense.
So try harder next time.
Who's trying?
I even said to you earlier if you want to convince yourself from 28 years ago that AVP on Atari Jaguar is better than Doom, nobody is stopping you from believing that.
According to wiki:
Atari Jaguar Sales: 250.000
Virtual Boy sales: 770.000 (140.000 in Japan). Which means 630.000 just in the west. Still more than twice Jaguar's sales.
That is ABYSMAL lol.
So much for AVP being a "system seller".
SoStreetsofBeige was right. Whch has nothing to do with how much experience he had in the 90's. Facts are just facts.
Do you understand the irony of giving a game the credit of the "system seller" as being a good thing, when we are talking about a console that was a complete failure sales wise?Do you understand what a term "system seller" means?
It means that a particular game makes people buying a system it runs on.
Lol. Rookies.
Considering how bad Jaguar sales were, it can be argued AVP killed the system. If AVP was promoted as the game to get for Jaguar and this is what happened to Jaguar, it shows nobody except for a maximum of 250,000 people agreed.According to wiki:
Atari Jaguar Sales: 250.000
Virtual Boy sales: 770.000 (140.000 in Japan). Which means 630.000 just in the west. Still more than twice Jaguar's sales.
That is ABYSMAL lol.
So much for AVP being a "system seller".
SoStreetsofBeige was right. Whch has nothing to do with how much experience he had in the 90's. Facts are just facts.
Maybe that's because..... dunno.... stay with me on this one.... listen... maybe.... just maybe.... the game was such a failure that no developer would like to make a similar one ever again?They never made new installments based on its core.
That's way too complex way of thinking for him to comprehend.Considering how bad Jaguar sales were, it can be argued AVP killed the system. If AVP was promoted as the game to get for Jaguar and this is what happened to Jaguar, it shows nobody except for 250,000 people agreed.
Do you understand the irony of giving a game the credit of the "system seller" as being a good thing, when we are talking about a console that was a complete failure sales wise?
Irony requires way too many brain cells to process.
Considering how bad Jaguar sales were, it can be argued AVP killed the system. If AVP was promoted as the game to get for Jaguar and this is what happened to Jaguar, it shows nobody except for 250,000 people agreed.
Maybe that's because..... dunno.... stay with me on this one.... listen... maybe.... just maybe.... the game was such a failure that no developer would like to make a similar one ever again?
Just a hunch.
That's way too complex way of thinking for him to comprehend.
So because we think Doom is better than AVP, you think we never gamed in the 90s.You and your friend here never experienced those times. You either were not even born or were too young to understand what is going on.
Lol. Kids these days. Brainwashed and indoctrinated by the system.
I just checked. I didn't know Wolfenstein came out for Jaguar too.I'm confident that if Atari chose to ignore AVP and pushed games like DOOM or Rayman as the system sellers, it would sell more. DOOM was a decent port for a "dream game" that only an expensive PC could run at the time and Rayman was a very nice looking, smooth 2D platform that beat every 16bit one visually, instead of being a straight port of a 16bit platformer. AVP was looking too janky and jerky even on ads. Jaguar would still be a failure ofc but not as an embarrassing one probably.
I was 12 years old when the Jaguar was released. So save your ad hominem attacks.
So because we think Doom is better than AVP, you think we never gamed in the 90s.
Thats a new one.
What if I changed my mind and said AVP is awesome? Am I now a 90s gamer?
Maybe you should get out of a bubble a bit more. Looking at your post history, it seems almost all of your posts are done in various Aliens or Predator threads.
There's more to gaming than Aliens and Predator franchises.
By the looks of it, you were one of the 250,000 people would bought a Jaguar. You can have it.Also do you want to check me what systems and games I had or had access to?
Yes. And Wolfenstein was even better graphically than the PC version, with some remade, high-res textures and sprites.I just checked. I didn't know Wolfenstein came out for Jaguar too.
What they should had done is promote Wolfenstein and Doom as killer console software, which at the time would probably be the best consoles.
Gamers would be familiar with the games, and not everyone played them unless they had good PC because playing them on weak PCs lead to lousy choppy experiences.
Jaguar port was the best looking. SNES had a shitty, censored one. DOOM on SNES came later and it's almost an unplayable port running on a tiny screen.Yeah Wolfenstein and Doom were on it but those games were on everything. You could play them on SNES. SNES didn't have this.
wasn't there a PS1 port?
I'm confident that if Atari chose to ignore AVP and pushed games like DOOM or Rayman as the system sellers, it would sell more. DOOM was a decent port for a "dream game" that only an expensive PC could run at the time and Rayman was a very nice looking, smooth 2D platform that beat every 16bit one visually, instead of being a straight port of a 16bit platformer. AVP was looking too janky and jerky even on ads. Jaguar would still be a failure ofc but not as an embarrassing one probably.
I was 12 years old when the Jaguar was released. So save your ad hominem attacks.
Not at all. I’m simply impressed, or maybe baffled, by your ability to deny any form of discussion so you can continue living in oddly-fascinating, somewhat-delusional bubble where alien/predator games are omitted from any form of criticism. It’s truly amazing. I’m glad that your opinions exists in this world, and I will continue to watch this thread with great interest.Do you suggest that I did not play it in '99 and its later Gold version?
Obviously you are much older. That would explain your posts looking like coming from someone who is 90 years old.Yes, 12 years old. Still dependent on parents.
Also resorts to personal insults.Not at all. I’m simply impressed, or maybe baffled, by your ability to deny any form of discussion so you can continue living in oddly-fascinating, somewhat-delusional bubble where alien/predator games are omitted from any form of criticism. It’s truly amazing. I’m glad that your opinions exists in this world, and I will continue to watch this thread with great interest.
Also, whether you’ve played these game or not has no consequence to me. How old you are, what games you’ve played, this information gives your opinions no more weight than anyone else. Boasting that information just makes you look like you’re trying to prove something, not that you know something.
I just checked. I didn't know Wolfenstein came out for Jaguar too.
What they should had done is promote Wolfenstein and Doom as killer console software, which at the time would probably be the best console editions. PS and Saturn werent out yet.
Gamers would be familiar with the games, and not everyone played them unless they had good PC because playing them on weak PCs lead to lousy choppy experiences. In the early 90s, not all families even had a PC and if they did not many had a 486/66 like we upgraded to.
wasn't there a PS1 port?
Not at all. I’m simply impressed, or maybe baffled, by your ability to deny any form of discussion so you can continue living in oddly-fascinating, somewhat-delusional bubble where alien/predator games are omitted from any form of criticism. It’s truly amazing. I’m glad that your opinions exists in this world, and I will continue to watch this thread with great interest.
Also, whether you’ve played these game or not has no consequence to me. How old you are, what games you’ve played, this information gives your opinions no more weight than anyone else. Boasting that information just makes you look like you’re trying to prove something, not that you know something.
Also resorts to personal insults.
I knew he would the second he asked people how old posters were in 1993. Saw it coming a mile away.
Here’s my criticism:Lol. I am still waiting for constructive criticism. So far I only hear nonsense that it is a bad FPS when it is not even an FPS. That it has low frame rate yet it was build with this in mind. That it does not have Doom's structure, yet it was not supposed to have it. That it is not an open world game, yet no one can prove it is not.
It has a huge consequence if you experience games when they were released. As a proof no game from 1994 can impress any gamer nowadays.
And age has impact too. If someone is a stupid kid (not ad hominem, just system makes them like this) then they do not understand context of games or are not even allowed to play them (if parents are responsible).
Yeah, I've never in my life heard anyone describe AvP on the Jaguar as open world. I always regarded it as a slower paced, licensed FPS that was essentially one of the very few reasons to even play a Jaguar, let alone be unfortunate to have spent money and have bought one.
So, I consider it a FPS.
Here’s my criticism:
It is an FPS. From what I can tell, your drive to prove that it’s not is based on your personal belief that just because it’s not a corridor shooter, it cannot be defined as an FPS. That’s a very narrow minded view, as the FPS genre is very broad and encompassing. By your logic, games such as Far Cry are not first person shooters. It’s laughable if you actually believe that.
(in the processes of editing because I accidentally hit post. Pls be patient with me)
UpdatedThis is no criticism at all so far. You have not addressed anything here.
You just stated that it is an FPS without explanation why. And your example is laughable because in my previous comments I explained that games are mixing genres and emphasis on some elements is stronger. So all it takes is to describe those elements and asses emphasis level.
(I will correct my comment based on your update.)
It’s not an open world game, not even slightly. Its open, sure, but by today’s standard of open world, it clearly doesn’t make the cut. It wasn’t marketed as open world either, which makes your statements and facts conflict each other. You boast about your age, and understanding the 90s, yet you define the game by terms that defined and expanded upon in the future of gaming.
And regarding your last paragraph, no. It’s no consequence to me. You literally cannot prove me otherwise because that’s how I feel about the matter. Your disrespectful attitude to other people’s opinions garners no respect for your own. You own... opinions.
False.It has a huge consequence if you experience games when they were released. As a proof no game from 1994 can impress any gamer nowadays.
This part is especially hilarious to me, as it appears that you can neither differentiate between facts and opinions, nor have a constructive discussion. I've gone through this entire thread and most of your arguments boil down to either saying "no, you're wrong," or "you have to provide proof, because I am already right without proof."Again opinions and facts are two different things. Those people are disrespecting me then I give them their own medicine. This is not my fault that no one has taught them how to have a constructive discussion.
Everything I said was a criticism. Not just of the game, but of your own, narcissistic attitude. But if you must know my reasoning, here it is: It's a first-person shooter because the view is in first person, and there's shooting. 2/3rds of the campaign has shooting. It's not a corridor shooter, it's rather open, but that doesn't change the fact that an overwhelming majority of the game is an FPS. Like I said, it appears that the only reason you don't believe it's an FPS, is because you believe an FPS can only be set within corridors.This is no criticism at all so far. You have not addressed anything here.
You just stated that it is an FPS without explanation why. And your example is laughable because in my previous comments I explained that games are mixing genres and emphasis on some elements is stronger. So all it takes is to describe those elements and asses emphasis level.
(I will correct my comment based on your update.)
i thought they were the same game all this timeNot to my knowledge but you might be thinking of Alien Trilogy, an early game for the PS1. And... Not actually horrible for the time.
Old games can still be enjoyable for newer players. Games like Super Metroid, DOOM1/2, classic 2D fighting games, classic arcades, old Mario platformers, etc are still getting re-releases today and people who play them for the first time enjoy them. The only requirement is for these games to be good. I was impressed by how many people just discovered DOOM 64 after it's recent re-release and more people appreciate it now than back in the day where it was almost forgotten behind Turok's and Goldeneye's hype. Personally, i loved playing through Duke Nukem 3D recently, since i never fully played it back in the day. And i still enjoyed it more than most modern FPS games.
Just because AVP aged like shit because it's a janky game that runs at 10 fps, doesn't mean newer players don't enjoy old games. They just don't enjoy AVP. Because it aged like shit.
The part of the manual that describes it as a simulator refers to the game's plot. That the characters are partaking on a simulation or something.Bonus: The manual lists it as an FPS. Yes, I know, the summary lists it as a simulator. Would you care to address why only one part is right, and the other isn't? The argument can easily be played the other way. How do you justify omitting that information to convince other users that your opinions are facts?
This part is especially hilarious to me, as it appears that you can neither differentiate between facts and opinions, nor have a constructive discussion. I've gone through this entire thread and most of your arguments boil down to either saying "no, you're wrong," or "you have to provide proof, because I am already right without proof."
Your second response does nothing, but confuse me. In your first paragraph, you claim that perception and definition are different. Then, you say name a game and let YOU decide what it will be appropriately categorized as. Who made you the sole authority on game genres? Can you not see how maybe your bias is dictating what you perceive as facts? I won't comment on your obscure reference to Killer Instinct Arcade. Ultimately you second response didn't address anything I said constructively. You're just manipulating the conversation in your favor.
Everything I said was a criticism. Not just of the game, but of your own, narcissistic attitude. But if you must know my reasoning, here it is: It's a first-person shooter because the view is in first person, and there's shooting. 2/3rds of the campaign has shooting. It's not a corridor shooter, it's rather open, but that doesn't change the fact that an overwhelming majority of the game is an FPS. Like I said, it appears that the only reason you don't believe it's an FPS, is because you believe an FPS can only be set within corridors.
Bonus: The manual lists it as an FPS. Yes, I know, the summary lists it as a simulator. Would you care to address why only one part is right, and the other isn't? The argument can easily be played the other way. How do you justify omitting that information to convince other users that your opinions are facts?
I would like to take this time to reiterate my initial post in this thread. No, I don't believe Jaguar's AVP is open world. That being said, I've seen several references to Prey 2017 being "open-world," so I don't know what to believe anymore.
The part of the manual that describes it as a simulator refers to the game's plot. That the characters are partaking on a simulation or something.
The game itself is described as an FPS.
molasar You were the one complaining that people aren't impressed by games released in 1994, which is false.
And Killer Instinct 2 Arcade is still impressive enough today since there aren't many more fighting games with similarly pre-rendered graphics at the same quality.