Md Ray
I'll show you if you can show me a single game that went from 25+ seconds to load on HDD to 1-2 seconds when switching to NVMe on PC. You haven't been able to do so.And I've asked you to show me one single game that can't run on PC, due to direct storage not being deployed yet. You haven't been able to do so.
You should take your own advice and start with the dev's quote first, nice and slow this time: Well, the key word there is beneficial and I think it will be very much so. Faster read access doesn't just allow for faster loading times, but also faster asset streaming. So that not only seems to promise more content in the environment but potentially more varied content as large assets such as high resolution textures and geometry are able to be paged in and out more rapidly.You should read a thing or two.
And this: DirectStorage is coming to PC | DirectX Developer Blog (
And watch this:
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging you were wrong and moving on.

Loading is the new SSD apparently. And that is the only thing that is important in games. Well there it is boys, let's pack it up.
In that dev blog post I linked above, the first thing or rather the first advantage Microsoft talks about that DS will bring to the table is the "vastly reduced load times".

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