It is fine if you can't be bothered to understand - which is surprising for someone that claims to have a stable 2.1GHz overclock on their unspecified RTX GPU, and supposedly provides better benchmark mark scores and frame-rates than say 1.8Ghz stable overclock. But FYI, your post won't age well when GDC talks in coming years explain how they've exploited the paradigm shift to extract more performance.
Well that's interesting, feel free to PM that list of parts you have on your table - and that is genuine, not sarcasm - as I need an upgrade, and would get a better read on the current market by knowing what a serious PC gamer thinks is required. Windows 11 looks like a repeat of Vista's strategy - having a key software feature (DirectStorage in this case) that for sales reasons gets tied to an OS hardware feature (specific type of SSD + DX12 GPU+TPM2.0), and real Windows 10 support looks dead in half the time being quoted (like it always is)- so incompatible hardware already looks numbered very soon AFAIK.
As Daniel said, there was a lack of (high-end) GI in the Land of Ancients scene because of the way their hierarchical lighting uses different techniques at different distances - of bounced light - from the near clip plane. Most people noticed that and wrongly assumed a downgrade.
I keep repeating this, but Land of the Ancient's was a showcase for NANITE

- with hardware RT. Lumen in the Land of Nanite was a showcase for both nanite and Lumen's sw RT, but a big showcase for Lumen's Mesh distance field GI, given that it was configured at 5 times the bounce distance - 1km in the PS5 demo, 200m in the EA preview that has no UI menu to alter it.
And lets not pretend that DF's Richard and Alex aren't the biggest warriors out there deriding consoles - by Sony - at every chance they get. Your MO feels similar to their anti-PlayStation MO. Are you part of DF, or know them ?