It runs pretty great on my end.
1800p, dlss quality, everything on max except shadows on med and no blur or the other annoying settings, v-sync from nvidia panel, with these settings i have pretty stable 60 fps, although i only played for like 1 hour so i need to see if during combat the framerate goes down.
What number are you using for the dlss sharpness setting?!
P.s. using hdr break this game, if i turn on the thing on window the game show a black screen with only audio, tried 3 times already...
The game is already super colorfull and vivid even without it.
The writing is great, much better than the movies.
Yeah I had this issue too, but the first time and a time after that there was an image but it was all dark colours and fucked up shadows/gamma. It was definitely broken, I saw someone else say they had this issue and they had a 1080 ti and I have a 1080 so maybe an issue with 10-series cards.
I've seen no one with a 30-series complain about HDR problems, they all say it looks amazing, I think one person with a 2080, possibly ti, said "HDR looked wrong" but nothing conclusive that it was the same issue I had. Its like its outputting not-HDR (but not SDR either) but still telling the TV its HDR, its really weird. I tried forcing my TV into HDR10 and different colour spaces to see if "Auto" was malfunctioning but thats definitely not the case either.
I asked about it on the steam forums and the dev basically said: "You can use the calibration tool", which is definitely not my issue, its just generally fucked at any HDR slider settings and all other HDR media and games works fine for me on PC or console.
As you say SDR is amazing too so I can live without HDR but I'm also thinking constantly "holy fuck balls the colour/depth of the image looks amazing but imagine it with HDR..."
Also this is the first game I've not been able to hit 4K30 locked at (reasonable) max settings. I can do 4K30 90% scaling and its locked 98% of the time but some areas push it over the edge for more than a few seconds and you notice the stutter. If I do 85% then that fixes almost all drops but every 5% lost from native 4K is a crime against humanity because the game looks god-like at native 4K. Its their fucking eyes! They look so amazing.
I'm going to try with medium shadows (one article says its a crazy perf hit from medium to high, but a lot of shadowing is removed when you go down so I'm unsure if I want to do that) and no SSR (I think its used nicely but its also a kind of thing I dont miss if I never knew it was there) to see if that gets me locked at native 4K on the pink level (which I'm told is the most intensive, great for locking down the settings) but I have my doubts I can do it, its a super demanding game, but it also looks amazing so I think its justified.
PSA: Please anyone else who has HDR issues chime in and say which GPU you have and if you managed to fix it.
I'm trying my hardest not to go to performance mode. The game just looks so damn pretty on quality. I just don't know how long I can hold out on playing 30fps with this kind of game. It's kind a lot of action so far and the new consoles have spoiled me with getting most games at 60fps.
I’m in the same boat. Every now and then I switch but damn it

so good in quality mode.
Tell me about it, I know you are both on console but its the same on PC, on a GTX 1080/2070/3060 you basically need to go down to 1080p to get truly locked 60 and as you say its just so clean at 4K I can't do it.
It helps that the game is responsive as hell even at 30fps (compared to many recent titles I can think of) but it doesn't help that object-based motion blur has a really short shutter speed at 30fps so it can look quite stuttery even on my panel which makes 30fps look really great usually.